

中文摘要 (一)空氣品質現況 1.近年(103年~109年)之空氣品質指標(AQI>100)比例變化趨勢為由北往南遞增,指標污染物以細懸浮微粒及臭氧八小時為主,高雄市為六都中空品不良率最高,不良率次之為臺南市,此與南二都地理位置均位於台灣下風處,長期受到盛行風向所帶來之污染物及累積影響有關。110年4月空氣品質指標(AQI>100)比例由北到南依序為台北市1.9%、新北市1.9%、桃園市3.4%、台中市4.8%、台南市13.5%、高雄市14.7%,而六都指標污染物皆以細懸浮微粒為主,其次為臭氧8小時。109年臺南市AQI>100污染物為臭氧8小時不良率為10.1%、PM2.5為5.5%;110年統計至4月底止細懸浮微粒11.2%、臭氧8小時值2.3%。 2.臺南市107年~109年空氣品質指標(AQI>100)以107年之AQI>100不良站日數345站日(23.6%)最高,108年336站日(23.1%),109年229站日(15.6%)為近年最低。另統計歷年1至4月底同期AQI>100站日數,以110年197站日(13.5%)最高,其次為107年173站日(11.9%),108年154站日(10.6%),而109年122站日(8.4%)則為歷年同期最低。 3.環保署109年12月29日公告修正「直轄市、縣(市)各級空氣污染防制區」臺南市目前以PM10、PM2.5及O3八小時為三級防制區。PM10因空氣品質標準加嚴其日平均值標準為100 µg/m3、年平均值嚴為50 µg/m3,致仍為三級防制區;O3小時為二級防制區,另新增臭氧(O3)八小時防制區劃定結果為三級防制區。 4.各項空氣污染物濃度近十年大致呈現改善趨勢,其中PM10已連續二年(108~109年)符合新制空氣品質年平均值及日平均值標準(50µg/m3、100µg/m3)。109年PM10年平均值為37.8 µg/m3,日平均第八大值為57.5 µg/m3,近五年(105年~109年)改善率分別為25.4%及30.9%;109年PM2.5年平均值為18.4 µg/m3,24小時平均值為42.0 µg/m3,近五年(105年~109年)改善率分別為30.3%及38.7%;109年O3小時平均值為93.8 µg/m3,八小時平均值為74.9 µg/m3,近五年(105年~109年)改善率分別為13.7%及0.5%。 (二)空氣品質不良執行污染源應變減量作業 1.掌握「預防空氣品質惡化之空氣污染行為」本市管制對象名單掌握,包括瀝青混凝土之裝卸、輸送、拌合作業13家;港區水泥原料裝卸作業1處;鍋爐業104家;揮發性有機液體儲槽3家及本市大型公園共61處(吹葉機巡查)。 2.於計畫執行期間達預防空氣品質惡化之空氣污染行為條件共通報11天次,巡查瀝青混凝土業共36家次,其中27家次皆停止非密閉式進行瀝青混凝土之裝卸、輸送、拌合作業,9家次因涉及公共安全疑慮現場操作中。 3.建置轄內應列管名單應變通報機制,配合空品不良期間進行執行通報作業,於計畫執行期間空品不良達惡化預警二級等級以上共計128天次,並依據當日不良測站、指標污染物與即時風向指定巡查區域,本計畫共巡查319家公私場所,其中55家有缺失情況,查核結果以原料及污染防制設備紀錄表未確實記錄為主要缺失佔49.2%,其次為污染防制設備未依規定操作佔47.5%及未取得操作許可證情況下操作佔3.3%。臺南市此段期間共計減量TSP削減231.9公噸、PM10削減51.2公噸、PM2.5削減11.2公噸、SOx削減1.1公噸、NOx削減1.2公噸、VOCs削減1.7公噸。 4.於109年10月23日辦理1場次「空氣品質惡化事件應變演練」,模擬應變等級達一級預警,成立跨局處應變小組,及預防空氣品質惡化污染行為管制,透過實際演練使各局處瞭解分工職責及程序。 5.協助修訂臺南市空氣品質惡化防制措施計畫,主要新增「指定空氣品質惡化預警期間之空氣污染行為」相關因應作為及修訂相關應變作業及流程,並於109年12月15日完成公告。 6.配合參與雲嘉南相關會議及環保署空品不良季節空氣污染跨區合作預防應變小組相關會議,共計參與18次應變小組會議及配合完成6次聯合稽查作業。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染事件、緊急應變、預防管理


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-109-AN-30620 經費年度 109 計畫經費 7026 千元
專案開始日期 2020/07/28 專案結束日期 2021/05/13 專案主持人 呂鴻毅
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳欣妤 執行單位 立境環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年度臺南市空氣品質惡化應變管制計畫_公開版.pdf 0MB

Environmental Protection Burean of Tainan City Government Abstract od the Result of the Project

英文摘要 1. Air Quality Status and Analysis (1) In the recent years(2012~2020), the percentage of bad air quality (AQI>100) in Taiwan was increased from north to south, and the main pollutants were particulate matter and ozone. Kaohsiung and Tainan’s percentage of bad air quality were the top 1 and top 2 in six municipalities because of their geographically location in the downwind of Taiwan. The percentage of bad air quality (AQI>100) form north to south in April 2020 was 1.9% in Taipei City, 1.9% in New Taipei City, 3.4% in Taoyuan City, 4.8% in Taichung City, 13.5% in Tainan City and 14.7% in Kaohsiung City. In 2020, the percentage pollution of bad air quality was 10.1% of ozone and 5.5% of particulate matter. Statistics from January until April in 2021, the percentage of pollution was 11.2% of particulate matter and 2.3% of ozone in bad air quality days. (2) From 2018 to 2020, the percentage of bad air quality (AQI>100) in Tainan was the highest with 345 site days (23.6%) in 2018, the second highest with 336 site day(23.1%) in 2019 and the lowest with 229 site days in 2020 . Additional statistics from January to April in four years, there were highest 197 site days(13.5%) in 2021, 173 site days(11.9%) in 2018, 154 site days(10.6%) in 2019 and the lowest 122 site days(8.4%) in 2020. (3) Environmental Protection Administration had announced "Cities and Counties Air Pollution Control Zones" revised edition. Therefore, Tainan was classified in third-level control zone of PM10, PM2.5 and O3, 8h. Because of tighter air quality standards, daily and annual average standard of PM2.5 concentration are 100 µg/m3 and 50 µg/m3. Tainan was classified in secondary-level control zone of O3(ppm) and newly added in third-level control zone of O3, 8h. (4) In the recent ten years, the concentration of air pollution roughly showed the downward trend. Especially PM10 had already qualified for new standard, below annual average standard 50µg/m3 and daily average standard 100µg/m3 from 2019 to 2020. The annual average concentration of PM10 in 2020 was 37.8 µg/m3 and the improvement rate was 25.4% in the recent five years. The eighth largest value of daily average concentration of PM10 was 57.5 µg/m3 in 2020 and improvement rate was 30.9% in the recent five years. The annual average concentration of PM2.5 in 2020 was 18.4 µg/m3 and the improvement rate was 30.3% in the recent five years. The 24 hours average concentration of PM2.5 was 42 µg/m3 in 2020 and improvement rate was 38.7% in the recent five years. The hours average concentration of O3 in 2020 was 93.8 µg/m3 and the improvement rate was 13.7% in the recent five years. The average concentration of O3, 8h was 74.9 µg/m3 in 2020 and improvement rate was 0.5% in the recent five years. 2. Emergency Management of Bad Air Quality (1) This plan mastered the relevant list of “Deteriorating Air Quality Behavior”, which included 13 asphalt concrete industry, 1 cement raw material loading and unloading in port, 104 boiler industry, 3 volatile organic liquid storage tank and 61 large park(leaf blower inspection ). (2) During the execution of the plan, we announce relevant industry to stop “Deteriorating Air Quality Behavior” 11 times. In addition, we inspected 36 factories of asphalt concrete industry. Among them, 27 factories had stopped operation in accordance with the regulations, but there also 9 had not stopped because Security issues. (3) In order to reduce air pollution, we had established emergency management mechanism of bad air quality, including announcement and inspection relevant industry. During the execution of the plan, we executed emergency management for 128 days due to deterioration warning level two. According different condition which including wind direction, pollution and warning are, we had inspected 319 factories in total and find out 55 factories’ violations. The violations had 49.2% of data recording issue, 47.5% of control equipment had not operating as required and 3.3% of operating without obtaining an operating permit. According to statistics, the total reduction of TSP was reduced 231.9 metric tons, PM10 reduced 51.2 metric tons, PM2.5 reduced 11.2 metric tons, SOx reduced 1.1 metric tons, NOx reduced 1.2 metric tons and VOCs reduced 1.7 metric tons. (4) In October 23, 2020, we hold a meeting “Deteriorating Air Quality Event Rehearsal”. This meeting simulated the emergency management of the first-level early warning, establishing a cross-bureau emergency team, controlling air quality behavior. And through actual exercises, each bureau had understood the division of responsibilities and procedures. (5) Assisted in revising “Tainan City’s Air Quality Deterioration Prevention Measures Plan“, mainly adding “Air Pollution Behaviors During the Precautionary Period of Air Quality Deterioration” and revising related contingency operations and procedures, which were completed on December 15, 2020. (6) Cooperate in participating in Yunjianan related meetings and related meetings of the Environmental Protection Administration's cross-regional cooperation prevention team for air pollution in bad air quality seasons. We participated in 18 meetings and completed 6 joint inspections in total. 3. Pollution source tracking and detection (1) Executed UAV(unmanned aerial vehicle) missions 15 times, which including 8 times inspection for field burning and construction site, 7 times monitoring for industrial area. In monitoring missions, UAV, which carried air box, had detected relatively high value of PM2.5 and PM10 in Jiali Industrial Area at night. (2) Pollution discharge pipe detection for PSN concentration had been executed for 8 times. The results indicated 1 particulate matter exceeding emission standard in “Jiapin Ceramics Co., Ltd.”. (3) Volatile organic gas inspection and testing for equipment components had been executed for 8,000 points, which including 1,222 points(15.3%) for difficult detection and 13 difficult detection points exceeding emission standard in different 3 industry. The failure rate for normal and difficult points was 0.15% and 0.25%. In addition, infrared gas imaging camera detection had been executed for 16 days for cooperating with volatile organic gas inspection. (4) Executed infrared gas imaging camera detection 16 days for detecting high pollution emission potential factory leak. The result indicated that there had 3 sites leak of 17 industries factories. One of leak site had been reported according to law and other two had been improved in limit of time. (5) Analysis of flue discharge pipes in the iron and steel industry had been completed for 2 times, and test data had been submitted to the Environmental Protection Administration. (6) Odor inspection and testing operations had been executed for 7 pipes and 2 points boundaries, the result indicated that all of 7 pies and 2 boundaries was standards compliant. But the 2 sites were treated as the future potential pollution emission place because of their higher value. 4. Strengthen the advocacy work during the deterioration of air quality. (1) Executed Real-time monitoring of air quality monitoring data, and assisted to post news information and initiating response actions. A total of 8 environmental news have been published. (2)Assisted to publish air pollution control results, air quality science knowledge and air quality serious deterioration reminders on Facebook. A total of 38 air quality messages had been published on Facebook.
英文關鍵字 Air pollution accident, Emergency response, Prevention management