

中文摘要 本計畫主要針對臺灣南部地區(嘉義以南、臺東及澎湖)包括朴子、嘉義、新營、臺南、前金、美濃、屏東、恆春、臺東、馬公等10個監測站PM2.5質量濃度手動監測,提供資料可用,各站每年預計之檢測次數為121次。   本計畫監測工作係使用環保署提供之採樣器(BGI PQ200),並依環保署公告之方法(NIEA A205.11C)為之,自109年11月1日開始全國同步每3日1次的監測作業,截至111年10月31日每站應執行243次監測,因本年度計畫開始施行若遇到採樣儀器無法立即修復之情形,可以使用替代儀器進行採樣,故各測站實際執行監測數皆為243次。   由監測結果來看,扣除因採樣時間不足、環境溫度與濾紙溫度差超過5℃且連續30分鐘、內外部測漏及單點流率查核未通過等採樣失敗原因之次數外,各測站資料可用率介於95.1%~98.4%,其中以臺南以及美濃站樣品有效率為最高。大多數空品站PM2.5濃度以冬季最高夏季最低。
中文關鍵字 細懸浮微粒監測,手動採樣法,空氣品質標準


專案計畫編號 EPA074111012 經費年度 109 計畫經費 38890.49 千元
專案開始日期 2020/11/01 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 蔡智淵
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 陳香宇 執行單位 中環科技事業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109-111南區年報(定稿本).pdf 6MB 109-111南區年報(定稿本)

Sampling/Monitoring Program for(FRM) PM2.5 in Southern Taiwan

英文摘要 The purpose of this project was to monitor the mass concentration of fine suspended particle (PM2.5) by manual collection in southern area of Taiwan. 10 monitoring stations of this project were included Putz, Chiayi, Sinying, Tainan, Cianjin, Meinong, Pingtung, Hengchun, Taitung and Magong. Each station estimates every year of the monitoring number was 121 times.   This project monitoring system was using a sampler of EPA provides (BGI PQ200), and to whom the method according to NIEA A205.11C. Since November 1, 2020 began monitoring operations every three days one time, up to October 31, 2022 for each station should monitor 243 times.   By the monitoring results, net of lack of time failure, the efficiency of each station samples ranged from 95.1%~98.4%, which Tainan and Meinong Station sample rate was the highest. For most monitoring stations, seasonal variations were obvious, PM2.5 concentration was highest in winter and lowest in summer.
英文關鍵字 Fine Particulate Monitoring, Manual Sampling Method, Air Quality Standards