中文摘要 | 為使管理端及檢測機構能更有效利用「環境檢測機構管理資訊系統」(以下簡稱環檢系統,PSN)進行管理及申報相關功能,本年度工作重點除延續並維護環檢系統各項功能外,並依據管理端需求及其他使用者建議,新增與優化管理端和業者端之系統相關功能,主要工作成果如下: (一) 強化系統申報及管理功能 新增或優化系統業者端(檢測機構)及管理端(環檢所)功能,於業者端功能調整採樣行程統計總表、優化採樣行程管理之excel下載功能及新增系統操作手冊專區等,提升檢測機構對環檢系統申報操作之效率及熟悉度;於管理端功能,新增對檢測機構故障之採樣儀器設備進行管理及記錄相關資訊功能、調整審核案件頁面、新增代理案件審核連結功能與加強營運業績可依季別與年度排序功能,提升管理端對檢測機構管理之效率與掌握度。 (二) 彙整與分析「固定污染源事業單位」與「檢測機構」申報內容 將「固定污染源系統與檢測機構申報資訊應用管理系統」之功能調整並整合至環檢系統中,包含「固定污染源管理資訊系統」(以下簡稱固污系統,APMIS)及環檢系統申報次數比對功能、固污系統檢測數據原始資料查詢功能、公私場所歷史檢測資料趨勢分析功能、持續介接固污系統相關資料功能及異常申報之特殊情況通知、比對兩系統申報之污染物名稱供未來資料整合使用,並探討「[AA]空氣檢測類(排放管道)」之檢測類別操作時間申報方式與後續資料分析規劃。 (三) 開發評鑑意見線上回覆、審核及通知等線上化功能 配合環檢所評鑑檢測機構行政作業流程,建置檢測機構許可申請案件之評鑑意見回覆相關作業線上化功能,提供檢測機構利用系統回覆評鑑意見及上傳相關佐證資料,管理端亦可利用系統直接進行回覆審核,除可協助保存評鑑回覆資料外,更可提升整體作業效率。 (四) 例行性配合及其他工作內容 持續與環保署其他單位系統,如土基會底泥申報管理系統、土壤污染評估調查人員與管理系統、SGM系統、農地土壤調查系統、地下儲槽系統等進行資料介接;提供使用者客服諮詢服務並定期配合資訊安全檢測及功能維護與臨時需求調整。 綜合以上所述,本年度工作項目為新增與優化環檢所管理與檢測機構申報之功能,以利使用者更有效率使用環檢系統達成業務需求。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 環檢系統、檢測機構、固污系統、空氣檢測、申報比對、評鑑意見 |
專案計畫編號 | 經費年度 | 109 | 計畫經費 | 3800 千元 | |
專案開始日期 | 2020/02/12 | 專案結束日期 | 2020/12/31 | 專案主持人 | 陳禹潔 |
主辦單位 | 環檢所 | 承辦人 | 任怡芃 | 執行單位 | 環資國際有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 109年固定污染源系統與環境檢測機構管理資訊系統數據品質提升計畫.pdf | 18MB |
2020 APMIS and PSN system data quality improvement project
英文摘要 | To improve the management and reporting functions of the Pre-Sampling Notification (PSN) system for administrators and inspection agencies, in addition to maintaining the PSN system, this project added related functions and optimized the system based on management requirements and suggestions from users. The primary outcomes of this project were: (1) Enhance reporting and management functions Several improvements were made to enhance the system efficiency and user-friendliness for the users. This project optimized and added new functions for users (inspection agency) and administrator (Environmental Analysis Laboratory, EAL), adjusted sampling schedule statistics on the user-end, optimized the excel file downloading of their sampling schedule, and added a new section demonstrating system operation manual. For the administrator end, this project added several functions such as managing and keeping records for the malfunctioned sampling equipment of inspection agencies, adjusting the interface of evaluation cases, adding a link to agent case evaluation, and improving the annual and seasonal ranking function for demonstrating operating outcome. These improvements enhanced the management efficiency and understanding of the inspection agencies. (2) Integrate and analyze the reporting from stationary-pollution-source business entities and inspection agencies The functions of the Application and Management System of Combing Air Pollute and Pre-Sampling Notification (AMSCAP) were adjusted and integrated into the PSN system. Several functions were integrated including the Air Pollute Management Information System (APMIS), verification of PSN reporting numbers, APMIS raw data inquiry, historical data analysis for data from public and private venues, data introduction to APMIS, and notification on anomalous reporting. This project also checked the reported pollution information from the two systems for future data integration. This project also explored the reporting methods and data analysis planning for the inspection category of AA air monitoring (stack emissions). (3) Develop online reply, review, and notification functions for evaluation comments In line with the administrative workflow of the EAL in evaluating inspection agencies, an online function is established for inspection agencies to reply to the evaluation comments and upload supporting information. The administrator could also directly reply to comments through the system. In addition to preserving the reply to evaluation comments, this design enhanced the overall system efficiency. (4) Routine and other work content This project continued to introduce data from other EPA systems such as the Sediment Reporting and Management (Soil and Groundwater Remediation Fund Management Board), Soil Contamination Inspector and Management System, SGM System, Agricultural Land Survey System, and Underground Storage Tank System. This project provided customer service and regular support for information security testing, function maintenance, and temporary requirement adjustment. This year, the work plan of this project was to optimize and add new functions for EAL management and inspection agency reporting to improve the efficiency of the PSN system and to meet project requirements. | ||
英文關鍵字 | PSN, inspection agency, APMIS, air quality inspection, report check, evaluation comments |