

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程自109年1月1日起至109年12月31日止,各項工作成果摘要說明如下: 一、街道揚塵洗掃管制 計畫期間統計截至12月31日止,洗街作業共執行6,809.79公里次,總取用水量為7,112公噸;掃街作業共執行6,508.32公里次,總集塵量為34,250公斤;合計洗掃街累計執行13,318.11公里次,依據環保署減量公式(削減量=洗掃街長度×減量係數)推估,TSP削減183,790公斤、PM10削減34,627公斤、PM2.5削減8,084公斤。 二、教育訓練與內部工作檢討會 109年1月20日(履約後1個月內)於新紀公司嘉義辦公室4樓辦理1場次計畫人員教育訓練,訓練科目包含洗掃街車輛操作技巧及保養說明、作業安全衛生管理、交通安全講習、車禍事故及保險理賠等。 109年2月20日、4月23日、6月18日、8月20日、10月15日及12月10日完成辦理6場次內部工作檢討會,會議主要內容以年度工作重點說明及業務執行要點與注意事項、累計執行工作成效及應改善事項辦理情形、下兩個月預定工作目標及重點說明、臨時動議及綜合討論等主要議程。 三、道路巡(普)查成果及現場作業查核 為加強掌握及提升嘉義縣道路髒污等級,並作為定期規劃洗掃街路線之參考依據,本計畫每月對本縣洗掃街道路進行全面性道路巡查工作。統計截至12月31日止,計畫期間共查核245路段次,巡查總公里數達2,282.8公里次,巡查結果A級道路佔84.08%、B級道路佔15.92%;依據計畫合約規範現場查核洗掃路段每月至少10次,統計截至12月31日止,共執行現場查核洗街作業23次與掃街作業100次(含公所查核76次),累計查核長度達79.7公里次。 四、權責分工協商會 為整合本縣洗掃街能量,計畫期間分別於4月16日及9月17日完成辦理2場次道路洗掃權責分工協商會,會議主要邀集公路總局(水上工務段)、縣府建設處(養護科、工程科)、環保局(空噪科、廢管科)及大林、民雄、新港、朴子等4個鄉(鎮、市)公所共同協調並確認道路權責分工範圍及強化道路突發事件橫向通報機制,以提升本縣整體道路環境。 五、道路髒污橫向通報 藉由道路權責分工協商會已建立本縣「嘉義縣道路突發事件緊急應變小組」橫向通報機制,統計截至12月31日止,計畫期間已完成通報權責單位前往處理油漬污染4件、路樹倒塌4件、分隔道路緣石破損3件、泥土污染4件、竹子傾倒1件、指示牌倒塌1件、路面坑洞與破損2件、種籽堆積1件、路面濕滑1件、道路施工1件、水泥印染2件、落葉堆積2件、草渣堆積1件、車禍事故1件及油漆污染1件,合計29件次,計畫車輛配合執行髒污道路自主改善25件次,總計54件次橫向通報案件。 六、推動辦理企業道路認養 為提升本縣洗掃街能量,統計截至12月31日止,計畫期間持續推動辦理企業道路認養12家次,洗街執行長度為1,205.96公里次、掃街執行長度為1,180.13公里次,合計洗掃街作業總長度2,386.09公里次,依據環保署減量公式(削減量=洗掃街長度×減量係數)推估,TSP削減32,928公斤、PM10削減6,204公斤、PM2.5削減1,448公斤。 七、街塵負荷檢測 統計截至12月31日止,計畫期間共執行4季32點次街塵負荷檢測作業,檢測路段為台1線(大林段、民雄段及水上段)、縣159、縣162、縣168及文明路,檢測結果顯示各路段經掃街作業後,依然維持於A級道路。 八、宣導及行政配合作業 統計截至12月31日止,本計畫於每月5日前維護及更新嘉義縣民有民營街道揚塵洗掃計畫網頁,且配合行政作業提報前一月份加水紀錄、用水紀錄(量)、現地洗掃巡查與查核資料、實際工作進度及下月預定工作進度之比較表、並於每月10日前提報前一月份廢棄物清理資料統計數量,以及每月25日前提報下月預定洗掃作業行程與當月異動行程等相關資料提送環保局備查,計畫執行期間已提報12次洗掃街相關資料。
中文關鍵字 街道揚塵洗掃管制


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 6050 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/01 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 何宗安
主辦單位 嘉義縣環境保護局 承辦人 張瓊敏 執行單位 新紀工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年嘉義縣民有民營街道揚塵洗掃計畫期末報告本文.pdf 80MB

The 2020 Chiayi County Privately-operated Road Cleaning Project

英文摘要 The implementation of the project commenced on January 1, 2020 and terminated on December 31, 2020. The outcomes of each work item are summarized as follows: I. Road Cleaning for Dust Control As of December 31st, a total of 6,809.79 kilometers of roads were washed, with a total of 7,112 tons of water used. A total of 6,508.32 kilometers of roads were swept, with a total of 34,250 kilograms of dust collected. The total length of roads cleaned was 13,318.11 kilometers. Based on the calculation of EPA (amount of reduction = length of roads cleaned x reduction coefficient), it was estimated that the road cleaning operations reduced 183,790 kilograms of TSP, 34,627 kilograms of PM10, and 8,084 kilograms of PM2.5. II. Education & Training and Internal Performance Review Meetings On January 20, 2020 (one month into the implementation of the project), one education and training session was organized for project members on the fourth floor of the Chiayi Office of Century Engineering Consultant Co., Ltd. The content of the session included the operation and maintenance of road sweepers and washers, the management of operational safety and health, road safety, and traffic accidents and insurance claims. Six internal performance review meetings were held on February 20th, April 23rd, June 18th, August 20th, October 15th, and December 10, 2020, respectively. The meetings focused on key points and critical matters of annual work, accumulated work performance and the progress of work to be improved, objectives and key points of the works scheduled for the next two months, extempore motions, and comprehensive discussions. III. Comprehensive Road Inspections and On-site Work Inspections To better understand and improve the ratings of roads in Chiayi County, and to serve as a reference for the planning of regular road cleaning routes, this project carried out a comprehensive inspection of cleaned roads in the county on a monthly basis. As of December 31st, a total of 245 cleaned road sections measuring a total length of 2,282.8 kilometers were inspected. The results included 84.08% of Level A roads and 15.92% of Level B roads. According to the specification of the contract, at least ten on-site work inspections were conducted on cleaned roads every month. As of December 31st, 23 inspections and 100 inspections were conducted for road washing and road sweeping, respectively (including 76 inspections by district offices). The total length of inspected road sections reached 79.7 kilometers. IV. Coordination Meetings for the Division of Authority and Responsibility To integrate the road cleaning capacity of the county, two coordination meetings were held on April 16th and September 17th, respectively, to clarify the authority and responsibility of related works. Representatives from the Shuei Shang Branch of the Directorate General of Highways, Maintenance Section and Engineering Section of the Department of Construction of Chiayi County Government, Air Quality and Noise Control Section and Waste Management Section of the Environmental Protection Bureau, and district offices of the four townships of Dalin, Minsyong, Singang, and Pozih were invited to the meetings to coordinate and determine the division of road authority and responsibility, as well as strengthen the horizontal reporting mechanism for road emergencies, so as to improve the overall road environment in the county. V. Horizontal Reporting of Dirty Roads The horizontal reporting mechanism of Chiayi County Road Emergency Response Team was established through the coordination meetings. As of December 31st, four cases of oil pollution, four cases of fallen road trees, three cases of damaged curbstones, four cases of soil pollution, one case of fallen bamboos, one case of fallen signs, two cases of potholes and damaged roads, one case of accumulated seeds, one case of slippery roads, one case of road works, two cases of cement pollution, two cases of accumulated fallen leaves, one case of accumulated grass residuals, one case of car accident, and one case of paint pollution (a total of 29 cases) were reported to the competent authorities for handling. Vehicles of the project participated in the improvement of dirty roads 25 times. The total number of horizontal reporting was 54 cases. VI. Promote Road Adoption to Enterprises To improve the road cleaning capacity of the county, as of December 31st, the project invited twelve enterprises to adopt roads for washing and sweeping. The length of road washed was 1,205.96 kilometers, and the length of road swept was 1,180.13 kilometers. The total length of road cleaned was 2,386.09 kilometers. Based on the calculation of EPA (amount of reduction = length of roads cleaned x reduction coefficient), it was estimated that the road cleaning operations carried out by enterprises reduced 32,928 kilograms of TSP, 6,204 kilograms of PM10, and 1,448 kilograms of PM2.5. VII. Road Dust Load Inspection As of December 31st, 32 road dust load inspections were carried out in four quarters of the year. The inspections took place at the Dalin section, Minsyong section, and Shuei Shang section along National Highway No.1; County Highway 159; County Highway 162; County Highway 168; and Wenming Road. The results showed that after cleaning, all these sections remained Level A roads. VIII. Advocacy and Administrative Compliance As of December 31st, the project maintained and updated the webpage of Chiayi County Privately-operated Road Cleaning Project by the 5th of each month. In compliance with administrative works, it submitted the water refilling records, water usage records, and on-site work inspection information of the previous month, and actual work progress of the current month and scheduled work process of the next month. It also submitted the statistics on the amount of disposed wastes of the previous month by the 10th of each month, as well as changes in the cleaning schedule of the current month and the cleaning schedule of the next month by the 25th of each month to the EPA for future reference. During its implementation, the project submitted road cleaning information 12 times.
英文關鍵字 Road Cleaning for Dust Control