

中文摘要 本計畫兩年(109年至110年)工作進度截至110年12月底已完成100 %,包含建置完成中區環境事故專業技術小組臺中隊、雲林隊及麥寮隊三隊,計畫編制48人。平時工作已完成臨場輔導259場次;無預警測試139場次;輔導地方環保機關辦理演習整訓30場次;搭配全動、反恐與環境災害相關演習或兵推73場次;協助地方環保機關輔導檢視或現場訪視毒化物危害預防及應變計畫374件次;辦理毒化物業者之毒災防救法規宣導及說明會26場次;辦理鄉鎮市區疏散避難宣導會3場次;辦理地方消防單位駐地交流會議3場次;辦理全國分區動員研討會2場次及聯防組織訓練研討會2場次;辦理專家及機關案例檢討交流會議2場次;完成202廠家廠內毒化物及公共危險品危害分析;技術小組人員配合參加環保署化學局舉辦之相關整訓課程,新進人員已於4個月內完成應變人員基礎及操作課程訓練;協助環保署化學局於內政部消防署訓練中心持續建置毒化災專業訓練設施及資材調度中心;變時工作包括出勤趕赴現場協助事故應變32場次(臺中隊12場次、雲林隊11場次及麥寮隊9場次),及辦理緊急出勤測試66場次(臺中隊22場次、雲林隊22場次及麥寮隊22場次),共計98場次;完成更新109年及110年轄區毒性及關注化學物質災害應變整備核心基本資料及研擬應變作業手冊。
中文關鍵字 毒化物、環境事故專業技術小組、臺灣中區


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 120184.275 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/01 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 洪肇嘉教授
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 蔡洧清 執行單位 國立雲林科技大學


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期末報告 5) 109-110年中區技術小組期末工作報告公開版.pdf 0MB 5) 109-110年中區技術小組期末工作報告公開版

2020-2021 Project of Constructing a Safe Chemial Environment:Environmental Incidents Specialist Team in Central Taiwan

英文摘要 This project has completed 100% at the end of December, 2021, including the maintainence of three Environmental Incidents Specialist Teams (EISTs), Taichung, Yunlin, and Mailiao with 48 personnel. As to the preparation/mitigation works, we had completed 259 on-site counseling and 139 unwarned tests; 30 exercises/drills with local environmental protection agencies and 73 drills/table-top exercises related to national defense, counter-terrorism and environmental disasters; 374 site visits with local environmental protection agencies to inspect site prevention and response plans;26 meetings of laws and regulations explnantion; 3 promotion meetings of evacuation.shelter-in-place drills; 3 meetings of experience sharing with local fire protection units; 2 regional government mobilization seminars and 2 multual-aid organization training seminars; 2 case-study/review meetings with experts and governmentagencies; and 202 hazard analysis of toxic chemical and hazardous material operators. Our members of EISTs all attended the training hosted by TCSB with new members comleting basic and operational training classes in 4 months after their initiation of response duty. This project also completed the tasks of setting up the training facity and dispatch center for toxic chemical response in the National Fire Agency Training Center (NFATC) of the Ministry of the Interior. For the emergency response, the three teams dispated to the scene to assist incident responses in 32 events (12 for the Taichung team, 11 for the Yunlin team, and 9 for the Mailiao team) as well as the preparation of 66 emergency response tests (22 for the Taichung team, 22 for the Yunlin team, and 22 for the Mailiao team). All the core information and the response manuals for responding to toxic chemical incidents were updated in 2020 and 2021 accordingly.
英文關鍵字 Toxic Chemicals, Environmental Incidents Specialist Team, Central Region of Taiwan