

中文摘要 臺中市(以下簡稱本市)為改善轄內河川流域水體品質,同時展現河川污染整治成效,環保局於本(109)年度特擬訂推動「109年臺中市水污染防治綜合管理計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),期望藉由本計畫盤點轄內各類污染源基線資料,以作為相關污染整治策略研擬依據,並針對本市三大流域研擬水質改善整治策略,藉由跨局處協調滾動檢討及修正,逐步改善流域水體水質,同時透過綜合管理相關水污染管制計畫,以達到水污染防治評核年度評核目標。 本計畫之執行期間自109年2月7日(決標日)起至109年12月31日止。執行至109年12月30日止,本計畫工作執行率達100%,各工作項目均如期完成。茲將期末報告成果摘要如后。 一、盤點本市轄內各類污染源之基線資料 運用水污染源管制資料管理系統篩選本市水污染源列管事業,本市列管事業共計4,086家,前5大行業分別為營建工地、社區下水道其流量小於250立方公尺/日、金屬表面處理業、畜牧業(一)適用非草食性動物及電鍍業;另列管事業前5大行政區分別為西屯區、太平區、北屯區、南屯區及大里區。本市有台中工業區、台中市精密機械科技創新園區、中部科學園區管理局-七星園區、臺中加工出口區、霧峰工業區、大里工業區、大里仁化工業區、大甲幼獅工業區、中港加工出口區、中部科學園區管理局-后里園區、神岡豐洲科技工業園區及中部科學園區管理局-台中園區共12處工業區專用污水下水道系統,納管事業共計401家。本計畫已建立污染排放量清單,並繪製流域污染分布圖,作為環保局追蹤查核污染源之參考。 此外,針對各列管事業之許可核准資料與108年定檢申報資料進行分析,依定檢申報判斷廢水處理設施操作狀況、加藥情形、操作參數是否合理,及透過EEMS系統查詢是否違反放流水標準,將列管事業分為三種等級,並定期滾動篩選出三大流域之分級稽查名單,其中第一級屬可疑對象共有28家,建議採深度、專案、總量管制稽查方式,第二級屬功能不穩定對象共有61家,建議採功能評鑑方式,第三級屬持續追蹤對象共有1,036家,建議採一般性稽查方式。 二、本市三大流域之水質改善整治目標及策略 轄內主要流域為大安溪、大甲溪及烏溪,本計畫分析各流域之歷年水質及污染成因,全面性評估污染整治優先排序、關鍵測站及指標污染物,針對污染源研擬改善策略及建議,並蒐集彙整本各局處水污染防治相關推動成果,整合為本市水污染綜合管理策略。 大安溪優先整治河段為白布帆大橋至卓蘭大橋,關鍵測站為卓蘭大橋,指標污染物為BOD及SS,污染來源主要為生活污水,事業廢水次之。訂定水質改善短程(110~111年)目標為全流域年平均RPI值達2以下,維持未(稍)受污染程度,四項水質達成率達62%以上,建議關鍵策略包含露營場地廢(污)水妥善處理、土石場及遊樂園事業加強稽查管理等。 大甲溪優先整治河段為后豐大橋至大甲溪橋,關鍵測站為大甲溪橋,指標污染物為BOD及SS,污染來源主要為生活污水,畜牧廢水及事業廢水次之。訂定水質改善短程(110~111年)目標為全流域年平均RPI值達2以下,維持未(稍)受污染程度,四項水質達成率達78%以上。建議關鍵策略包含持續推動公共污水下水道系統用戶接管工程及設置截流站、市場及未達列管規模餐廳推廣設置油脂截留器、提升工業區聯合污水處理廠氨氮處理效能、畜牧糞尿資源化利用等。 烏溪污染熱區為烏溪橋至大度橋,關鍵測站為大度橋及溪南橋,污染來源多以生活污水為主,其次為事業廢水及部分區域之畜牧廢水。訂定水質改善短程(110~111年)目標為大度橋RPI值小於3.5、溪南橋RPI值小於4.0;長程(118年後)目標均為達到輕度污染程度。建議關鍵策略生活污水部分包含持續推動公共污水下水道興設、增建與操作截流站系統、重點河段設置水質淨化設施、水資中心再生水利用;事業管制包含針對大里溪推動重金屬污染潛勢區域調查、擴大加嚴特定區域重金屬放流水標準、六價鉻專案稽查、大突寮圳取水口上游高污染潛勢圳路調查作業,以減少重金屬污染問題,另推動放流水氨氮普查、氨氮削減管制措施,降低大里溪氨氮濃度,搭配設置移動式水質感測器、土石場加強稽查、事業分級稽查與未列管事業清查輔導,改善事業污染負荷。 三、辦理水污染防治評核計畫及評核作業 協助環保局辦理水污染防治評核計畫工作,包含每月協助試算109年評核成績得分情形與每季彙整關鍵測站污染削減執行績效,針對分數落後或未達目標之項目進行原因分析及提出改善建議方案,亦協助撰寫年度河川污染整治成果考核報告、簡報。 本市評核計畫書面成績試算分數為78.02分,其中(一)關鍵測站水質改善成效配分為40分,得分為29.92分;(二)推動畜牧糞尿資源化配分為12分,得分為10.76分;(三)水污染防治經費執行配分為10分,得分為9.62分;(四)水污染防治費徵收與執行配分為6分,得分為6分;(五)法規落實度及水系統資料品質提升配分為11分,得分為10.72分;(六)其他行政配合事項配分為9分,得分為9分;(七)法規宣導創新及有效性配分為2分,得分為2分。另完成109年水污染防治評核計畫成果報告與簡報,成果報告已於11月5日提送予環保署。 四、水污染各項計畫執行進度檢討與管控 本計畫協助掌握委辦計畫執行進度,已辦理11場次進度檢討會(109年2月至109年12月),每月針對各委辦計畫提交之簡報資料進行檢視,針對未達預訂目標或資料不完整項目提出改善建議。截至11月,5件委辦計畫執行進度符合期初規劃目標數。 另已參考本年度各項水污染防治工作之執行情形及環保署水污染防治補助計畫,完成研擬110年水污染防治計畫工作重點,包含水污染防治綜合管理面向、水污染源稽查與水污費徵收查核面向、廢水排放總量削減與預防管制面向及畜牧廢水氨氮回收推動面向,以利持續推動水污染防治工作改善本市河川流域水質。   五、歷年水污染事件分析結果 本計畫彙整分析102年至108年水污染事件通報紀錄、河川水質異常通報及後續處理平台之通報事件資料共514筆資料,其主要發生行政區位於烏日區、大雅區及潭子區,多集中於烏溪支流,主要河段包含柳川排水、二重溪、頭汴坑溪等,另近出海口之溫寮溪、清水大排及梧棲大排亦為經常發生污染事件之地點,而發生原因多為水位過低、斷水、溶氧低、溫度異常造成之死魚事件。 此外,針對死魚事件分析易發生缺氧事件之河段,集中於旱溪(二重溪)、五張犁分線、筏子溪上游(東大溪)、中興大排及梧棲大排等河段。另發生頻率於104、105及107年均以12月為死魚事件發生最大量之月份,其中107年11月至108年2月,4個月中為歷年來發生最頻繁之時期,根據氣象資料顯示107年冬季溫度皆高於氣候平均值,且降雨量普遍偏低,由此推測當枯水期遇氣溫高之條件,則易發生死魚事件。此外,為降低死魚陳情事件之發生,本計畫辦理2場次專家學者訪談(分別為黃大駿教授及劉奇璋助理教授)及3場次跨單位訪談(分別為第三河川局、農田水利署臺中管理處及本市水利局),且於11月18日辦理死魚事件跨單位意見交流會,針對死魚問題解決方案、聯合預警系統AI應用、跨單位合作方式等進行討論。另針對死魚缺氧好發河段篩選11處建議點位,提供水質感測器試驗應用計畫之水質感測器布設參考。
中文關鍵字 河川污染整治、整治成效檢討、污染削減策略


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 3700 千元
專案開始日期 2020/02/07 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 陳佳欣
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林師檀 執行單位 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年臺中市水污染防治綜合管理計畫.pdf 37MB

Comprehensive Management Plan for Water Pollution Prevention and Control in Taichung City in 2020

英文摘要 Environmental Protection Bureau specially made and pushed forward the “ Comprehensive Management Plan for Water Pollution Prevention and Control in Taichung City in 2020” (hereinafter referred to as “this Plan”) for Taichung City (hereinafter referred to as “the City”) to improve the quality of water bodies in the river basin under its jurisdiction and show the effectiveness of river pollution remediation, hoping to check the baseline data of various pollution sources under the jurisdiction to be a basis for the development of relevant pollution remediation strategies through this Plan, and to gradually improve the quality of water bodies in the river basin through cross-departmental coordination rolling self-criticism and amendments for the City’s three major river basins, as well as achieving the annual evaluation standard of water pollution control evaluation by comprehensively managing relevant water pollution control plans. The implementation period of this Plan is from February 7, 2020 (bid opening date) to December 31, 2020. The implementation rate of this Plan reached 100% as of December 30, 2020, and all work items were completed on schedule. The results of the final report are summarized as follows: 1. Check of Baseline Data of Pollution Sources Under the Jurisdiction of the City For the use of the water pollution source control data management system to screen out the City's water pollution source controlled business, of which the number is 4,086 in the City. The top 5 industries are construction site, community sewer with a flow rate of less than 250 CBM / day, metal surface treatment industry, animal husbandry (1) applicable to non-herbivores and electroplating industry; the top five administrative districts for the business under surveillance and control are Xitun District, Taiping District, Beitun District, Nantun District and Dali District. We have Taichung Industrial Zone, Taichung City Precision Machinery Innovation Technology Park, Central Taiwan Science Park, Ministry of Science and Technology - Qixing Industrial Park Area, Taichung Export Processing Zone, Wufeng Industrial Zone, Dali Industrial Zone, Dali Renhua Industrial Park, and Dajia Youshi Industrial Zone , Taichung Port Export Processing Zone, Central Taiwan Science Park, Ministry of Science and Technology - Houli Industrial Park Area, Shengang Fengzhou Technology Park and Central Taiwan Science Park, Ministry of Science and Technology - Taichung Industrial Park Area, a total of 12 industrial zones’ dedicated sewage systems, totaled to 401 businesses put under surveillance and control. This plan has set up a pollutant discharge load inventory and drawn a distribution map of pollution in the river basin as a reference available for the Environmental Protection Bureau to track and verify pollution sources. Moreover, an analysis on approval data of each business under surveillance and the regular inspection report data of 2019 was performed to judge whether the operating status of the wastewater treatment facilities, dosing situation, operating parameters according to the regular inspection report are reasonable, and whether the inquiry through the EEMS system violates effluent standard, dividing the businesses under surveillance into three levels, regularly screening out the list of classified examination for the three major river basins with rolling method, wherein a total of 28 suspicious objects were at the first level. Inspection methods of in-depth, project, and total quantity control are advised. The second level classified as the functionally unstable objects reached up to 61, and a functional evaluation method is advised. The third level were continuous tracking objects totaling 1,036, and it is recommended to use general inspection methods. 2. Water Quality Improvement and Remediation Goals & Strategies for the Three Major River Basins in the City The major river basins under the jurisdiction are Da’an River, Dajia River and Wu River. This Plan analyzes the water quality and pollution causes of each river basin over the years, comprehensively evaluates pollution remediation priorities, key monitoring stations and representative pollutants, and prepares improvement strategies and suggestions for pollution sources, as well as collecting and integrating the relevant promotion results of the bureaus’ water pollution control, integrating them into the City's overall management strategy in water pollution control and management. Da’an River’s priority remediation section is between Baibufan Bridge and Zhuolan Bridge. The key monitoring station is Zhuolan Bridge. The representative pollutants are BOD and SS. The major pollution source is domestic sewage, followed by business wastewater. The short-term (2011-2012) goals are quality improvement set to achieve an annual average RPI value of less than 2 in the entire basin, maintenance of level of no (light) pollution, achieving a rate of more than 62% in the four items of water quality. The crucial strategies including wastewater and sewage being properly treated at the camping field, and inspection management being strengthened for earth-rock fields and amusement parks are advised Dajia River’s priority remediation section is between Houfeng Bridge and Dajia River Bridge. The crucial key monitoring station is Dajia River Bridge, and the representative pollutants are BOD and SS. The major pollution source is domestic sewage, followed by livestock wastewater and business wastewater. The short-term (2011-2012) goals are quality improvement set to achieve an annual average RPI value of less than 2 in the entire basin, maintenance of level of no (light) pollution, achieving a rate of more than 78% in the four items of water quality. The key strategies including continuing to promote the public sewage system household connection-pipes engineering and the establishment of interception stations, promotion of oil trap installation in the market and restaurants being not subject to surveillance and control, improvement of ammonia nitrogen wastewater treatment efficiency of the combined sewage treatment plant in the industrial zone, and the resource utilization of livestock manure are advised. The Wu River pollution hot spot is between Wu River Bridge and Dadu Bridge. The key monitoring stations are Dadu Bridge and Xi-nan Bridge. The major pollution source is domestic sewage, followed by business wastewater and livestock wastewater in some areas. The short-term (2011-2012) goals are quality improvement set to achieve an annual average RPI value of less than 3.5 in Dadu Bridge and less than 4.0 in Xi-nan Bridge; while the long-term (after 2029) goals are all to reach light pollution level. The recommended crucial strategies for domestic sewage include the continuous promotion of the construction of public sewers, addition and operation of interceptor station systems, construction of water purification facilities in key river sections, and the use of regenerated water in water resources centers; business control includes the promotion of investigations into heavy metal pollution potential area aiming at Dali River, expanding and tightening of specific areas’ effluent standard for heavy metal, hexavalent chromium project inspection, and investigation of high pollution potential canal channel in the upstream of Datuliao Canal Intake to mitigate heavy metal pollution problems, additional promoting general investigation of ammonia nitrogen in effluent and ammonia nitrogen reduction control measures, mitigating the concentration of ammonia nitrogen in Dali River, with the installation of mobile water quality sensors, strengthening inspections of earth-rock fields, business classification inspections and guidance on check-over of businesses being not subject to surveillance and control to reduce business pollution. 3. Transaction of Water Pollution Control Evaluation Plans and Evaluation Operations Assisting the Environmental Protection Bureau in transacting water pollution control evaluation plans, including monthly assistance in computing the results of the 2020 evaluation and quarterly collecting along with organizing the performance of pollution reduction at key monitoring stations on an aggregate basis, and analyzing the reasons for the projects that have fallen behind or failed to achieve the goals and putting forward suggestions for improvement, as well as assisting in writing annual evaluation reports and briefings on the results of river pollution remediation. The City’s written results for the evaluation plan were 78.02 points, of which (1) the allotment of water quality improvement effect of key monitoring stations was 40 points, in which 29.92 points were awarded; (2) the allotment of promotion of animal husbandry manure recycling was 12 points, in with 10.76 points were awarded; (3) the allotment of implementation of water pollution control expenditure was 10 points, in with 9.62 points were awarded; (4) the allotment of collection and implementation of water pollution control fee was 6 points, in which 6 points were awarded; (5) the allotment of law enforcement degree and water system data quality improvement was 11 points, in which 10.72 points were awarded; (6) the allotment of other administrative coordination matters was 9 points, in which 9 points were awarded; (7) the allotment of regulations propaganda, innovation and effectiveness was 2 points, in which 2 points were awarded. In addition, the 2020 water pollution control evaluation plan results report and briefing were completed, and the results report was submitted to the Environmental Protection Administration on November 5. 4. Review and Control of Implementation Progress of Water Pollution Plans This Plan assists in grasping the implementation progress of the commissioned Plan. 11 progress review meetings (February 2020 through December 2020) have been transacted, wherein the briefing data submitted regarding each commissioned plan are reviewed every month, and the improvement suggestions for projects failing to achieve the goals set beforehand or the projects with incomplete data. As of November, the implementation progress of the five commissioned plans was in accord with the targeted number planned at the beginning thereof. In addition, referring to the implementation of all water pollution control works this year and the water pollution control subsidy program of the Environmental Protection Administration, the key points of the 2020 water pollution control plan have been prepared, including the comprehensive management level of water pollution control, water pollution source inspection and water pollution control fee collection aspect, reduction of the total quantity of wastewater discharge and the prevention and control aspect as well as the promotion aspect of recycling of livestock wastewater and ammonia nitrogen in order to continuously promote water pollution control and improve the water quality of the City’s river basins. 5. Analysis of Water Pollution Incidents over the Years This Plan organizes and analyzes, on an aggregate basis, a total of 514 data about water pollution incident notification records, river water quality abnormality notification and subsequent event data being notified thereof through processing platform between 2013 and 2019. The major administrative districts are located in Wuri District, Daya District and Tanzi District, centering on the tributaries of Wu River. The main river sections include Liuchuan Drainage Ditch, Erchong Floodway, Tou-Bian-Keng River, etc. In addition, Wenliao River, Qingshui Drain and Wuqi Drain near the sea gate are also the places where pollution incidents frequently occur. Most of the causes are dead fish incidents arising from low water level, water cut-off, low dissolved oxygen, and temperature abnormalities. Besides, the river sections which are prone to hypoxia targeting the dead fish incidents center on Han River (Erchong Floodway), Wuzhangli Branching, upstream of Fazi River (Dongda River), Zhongxing Drain and Wuqi Drain. In addition, the months of the most frequent occurrence of dead fish incidents were Decembers in 2015, 2016 and 2018. Among them, November 2018 through February 2019, the 4 months were the most frequent period in the past. The weather data showed that the winter temperature in 2018 was higher than the average value, and the rainfall was generally low. It is speculated that when the temperature is high during the dry season, fish deaths are easy to occur. Moreover, in order to mitigate the complaints about occurrence of dead fish, this Plan organized 2 expert and scholar interviews (Professor Huang Ta-Chun and Assistant Professor Liu Chi-Chang) and 3 cross-departmen interviews (respectively are the Third River Bureau, Taichung Management Office of Irrigation Agency and the City’s Water Resources Bureau), and held a cross-departmental opinion exchange meeting on the dead fish incident on November 18, discussing solutions on the dead fish problem, AI applications to joint early warning and response system, and cross-departmental cooperation methods. In addition, to river sectors where dead fish incidents due to hypoxia are of high occurrence, 11 recommended locations are screened out, and a water quality sensor layout of the water quality sensor test application plan is provided for reference.
英文關鍵字 river restoration, restoration performance assessment, pollution reduce strategy