

中文摘要 (一)露天燃燒空氣污染管制 1.執行禁止露天燃燒之巡查 (1)完成訂定巡查標準作業程序(SOP),並配合一、二期稻作禁止露天燃燒稻草之宣導及巡查工作,規劃調整巡查時間,且訂定稻作收割時期巡查企劃書提報備查。 (2)禁止露天燃燒巡查件數至少1,000件以上,共完成露天燃燒巡查1,064件次(歷年露燃點複查234件)、查獲露天燃燒830件(稻草179件),其中已燃盡692件(稻草141件)、燃燒中138件(稻草38件)。總巡查面積達428.08公頃,燃燒面積達52.79公頃,控制減燒面積達18.53公頃,PM10削減量達2.20公噸,PM2.5削減量達2.02公噸。 (3)於一、二期稻作收割稻草露天燃燒好發時期,成立臨時巡查小組,合計完成98,352筆土地調查(22,769公頃),其中旱田部分有42,552筆(10,486公頃),水田部分計55,800筆(12,283公頃),約佔本縣第兩期稻作種植面積27.6%。 (4)篩選歷年重複露天燃燒地點進行專案巡查,專案巡查地點至少10處以上(總巡查次數至少120處次以上),共執行重複稻草露天燃燒地點專案120處次,累積達成率為100%,發現露天燃燒有5件次,再燃率為4.2%。。 (5)配合露天燃燒巡查插立警示,完成告示旗幟製作500支。每月15日前彙整上個月巡查資料提送發文告知使用人或土地所有人到案說明,執行期間共查獲830件露天燃燒,全數發文告知地主妥善管理,並針對22件屢發案件辦理到案說明。 2.辦理禁止露天燃燒宣導活動 (1)完成辦理禁止露天燃燒宣導說明會2場次,並配合進行相關媒體宣傳,累計參與人數達152人。 (2)因應空品不良應變機制,辦理2場次村里長協商會議,邀請縣內村里長加入應變群組,共52位村里長加入LINE通報群組,年度接獲通報露天燃燒案件共8件次。 (3)電子看板刊登宣導標語,每期稻作收割期至少播放30天,完成第一期稻作期間累計宣導627處天(19處,自109年6月21日起至7月23日止),第二期稻作期間累計宣傳累積570處天(19處,自109年11月02日起至12月01日止),達成率為100%。 3.利用空拍、監控攝影等相關電子蒐證技術。 (1)配合空品不良通報,累計執行32場露天燃燒熱區空拍查核,查獲露天燃燒案件共24次,累積達成率為100%。 (2)分析本縣高露天燃燒區塊,分別於的千巧谷牛樂園牧場、東勢監理站分站、三好酒店和莿桐鄉農會稻米產業館上方,共完成建置4處制高點攝影,辦理遠端影像監控作業35天共計140天次,透過監視錄影畫面共查獲12件露天燃燒案件。 (3)稻作收割時期,於高速公路(國道1號及國道3號)附近,大埤鄉三結村、大埤鄉豐田村、西螺鎮萬善寺、合眾紙業股份有限公司,架設移動式攝影機4處,一、二期稻作期間主動查獲露天燃燒4件。 (4)配合查詢環保署「起火點資訊平台」通報之最新火點資訊,期間完成通報之火點資訊130筆,共稽查130件,查獲露燃44件,查獲率為34%。 (5)媒合培植本縣2處社區成立稻草蓆編織場,分別於二崙鄉大義村及土庫鎮崙內里各設置1部稻草蓆編織機,並協助斗南市小東市地重劃工程裸露地舖設稻草蓆5公頃。 (二)餐飲業清查管制暨輔導作業 1.針對本縣餐飲業有污染之虞者辦理加強空氣污染防制設備現場清查及油煙防制宣導,共完成355家餐飲業現場清查工作,累積達成率為100%。 2.辦理2場餐飲業空氣污染防制宣導講習會,合計出席業者計63家,累積達成率為100%。 3.推動1處商圈或夜市裝設油煙防制設備,完成崙背夜市攤商油煙排放改善23家,裝設油煙防制設備比例76%;另於雲林溪美食餐飲攤商油煙排放改善17家,裝設油煙防制設備比例68%。 4.辦理餐飲業者污染減量輔導改善共完成10場次,經追蹤全數完成改善,改善率為100%。 5.推估餐飲業油煙污染排放量,共完成355家次之餐飲業資料庫,PM10削減排放量2.56公噸,PM2.5削減排放量1.76公噸。 (三)環保祭祀宣導與調查 1.為提高本縣紙錢集中燃燒與其他祭祀污染減量,應進行寺廟現場訪查作業,共執行雲林縣寺廟現場訪查作業272家次,累積達成率為100%。 2.持續推廣網路祭祀平台(http://worship.ylepb.gov.tw/)之參拜人次(每月提送推廣成果資料),宣導民眾線上參拜,以減少環境之污染,參拜人數至少達500人次,祭祀總人數672人次,累積達成率為100 %。 3.辦理環保祭祀宣導說明會2場次,出席之廟宇計115家,參與人員218人,累積達成率為100 %。 4.辦理民眾低碳祭祀宣導活動1場次,宣導一爐一香、紙錢集中燒、線上祭祀、環保金爐、電子禮炮及以功代金等參與人數184人,累積達成率為100 %。 5.統計至12月31日止,本計畫已協助執行紙錢集中燃燒累達計133公噸。
中文關鍵字 露天燃燒、燃燒稻草、燃燒、餐飲業、油煙防制設備、商圈、夜市裝設、環保祭祀、網路祭祀、紙錢集中、以功代金


專案計畫編號 109-014 經費年度 109 計畫經費 10700 千元
專案開始日期 2020/02/21 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 林宏斌
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 徐育資 執行單位 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年度露天燃燒及餐飲業管制暨環保祭祀宣導計畫-期末定稿本.pdf 41MB 109年度露天燃燒及餐飲業管制暨環保祭祀宣導計畫-定稿本

109 Annual Open Burning and Catering Industry Control and Environmental Protection Propaganda Plan

英文摘要 A total of 1,064 open-air burning inspections were completed (234 re-inspections of exposure points over the years), 830 open-air burning (179 straws) were seized, of which 69 2 were burned out (141 straws), and 138 were burning (38 straws) . The total inspection area reached 428.08 hectares, the burned area reached 52.79 hectares, the reduced burn area reached 18.53 hectares, the reduction of PM10 reached 2.20 metric tons, and the reduction of PM2.5 reached 2.02 metric tons.. A total of 120 times of repeated open-air burning of straw projects were carried out, and 5 cases of open-air burning were found, with a reburning rate of 4.2%; four commanding heights were photographed, and remote image monitoring operations were carried out for a total of 140 days in 35 days. 12 cases of open burning were found; aerial inspections of open burning hot areas were carried out, with a total of 32 attendances and 24 open burning cases were seized. Send a letter to inform the user or landowner to explain to the case, and report it in accordance with the law if verified. A document was issued to inform the landlord to properly manage the number of 830 cases, and the number of instructions for handling the case was 22. Handle 2 sessions of propaganda on the prohibition of open-air burning, and cooperate with relevant media publicity. The total number of participants reached 152. In addition, 2 village leaders’ consultation meetings were held, and village leaders in the county were invited to join the response group. A total of 52 village leaders joined. The LINE notification group received 8 notifications of open burning cases. Completed on-site inspections of 355 catering industries, estimated the emissions of cooking fume pollution, reduced PM10 emissions by 2.56 metric tons, PM2.5 emissions reduced by 1.76 metric tons, and promoted the installation of oil fume prevention equipment in a commercial district or night market. The oil fume emission of the night market stalls improved by 23, and the proportion of oil fume prevention equipment installed was 76%; and the oil fume emission of the food and catering stalls in Yunlinxi improved 17, and the proportion of oil fume prevention equipment was 68%. Performed 280 site visits to temples in Yunlin County; completed the installation of 2 sets of environmentally friendly gold furnaces; maintenance of the "Online Sacrifice Platform of the Yunlin Environmental Protection Bureau", providing online worship services for the public, with a total of 642 worshippers; handling 2 environmental protection sessions Temple propaganda briefings, 115 temples attended, 218 participants; 1 public low-carbon sacrificial propaganda activity, with 184 participants. This year, assisted in the centralized burning of 133 metric tons of paper money
英文關鍵字 Open burning, combustion, Catering, Oil fume control, equipment, night market, Environmental Sacrifice, Internet Sacrifice, Paper money concentration, Substitute money with merit