

中文摘要 一、中文計畫名稱:109年度臺東縣柴油車排煙檢測及油品檢測計畫 二、計畫編號:108400130691 三、執行單位:亞太環境科技股份有限公司 四、計畫主持人:馮啟智 五、執行開始時間:109年1月1日 六、執行結束時間:109年12月31日 七、報告完成時間:109年12月25日 八、報告總頁數:469頁 九、報告電子檔名稱108400130691 十、報告電子檔格式:PDF 十一、中文摘要關鍵詞:柴油車排煙檢測、油品檢測 十二、英文摘要關鍵詞:Diesel smoke inspection, inspection of oil 十三、中文摘要: 為解決移動污染源對環境造成的污染,稽查取締與宣導作業刻不容緩,今年度本縣環保局持續落實自主管理及空氣品質淨區(空維區)管制作業,藉以改善本縣空氣品質。本計畫各項管制工作相關成果摘要說明如下: 本年度『柴油車排煙檢測及油品檢測計畫』執行期程自109年1月1日至109年12月31日止。截至109年12月15日止,相關管制作業包含稽查檢測作業,實驗室品保品管作業,空品淨區管制作業,保檢合一推廣作業及宣導作業。本年度執行的重要事項及其成果說明如下: 一、實驗室品保品管作業 (一)3月12日完成TAF ISO-17025-2017新版認證。 (二)5月21及5月27日辦理2場內部稽核。 (三)6月18~19日辦理實驗室相關性比對。 (四)6月29日辦理動力計滾筒軸心校正。 (五)9月14日及9月21日辦理2場內部稽核。 (六)10月7日完成柴油車更新檢測軟體認證。 (七)10月12日完成實驗室機構負責人及實驗室名稱異動認證。 (八)11月26日完成實驗室管理審查會議。 二、動力計檢測作業 統計目前本計畫執行期間109年1月1日至109年12月15日止,經動力計檢測1,290輛次,其中完成檢測1,256輛次(合格1,222輛次、不合格數34輛次(不合格率2.7%)、馬力比不足退驗34輛次(退驗率為2.6%)。不合格改善31輛次、不合格改善率91.2%。 三、目測判煙作業 目測通知248件,目前改善223輛次,改善率為89.9%,尚有73件通知中;改善件數包含檢測合格203輛次;申請報廢、繳銷、停駛之車輛為20件。 四、路邊稽查作業 稽查819輛次,其中檢測車輛數共計607輛次,不合格車輛37輛次,不合格率為6.1%。不合格改善37輛次,改善率100%。 五、場站及離島檢測服務 檢測403輛次,其中離島檢測32輛,檢測結果皆合格。 六、不合格改善作業 統計起算自108年11月1日起109年10月31日共檢測不合格65輛次,改善完成數64輛次,整體不合格改善率98.5%。 七、柴油車納管情形 依環保署柴油車不定期檢驗資訊管理系統資料統計,目前提供109年1月~10月柴油車系統納管率為103.55%,全國排名第二。 八、油品送驗作業 採樣送驗30件油品,檢驗結果合格。 九、柴油車自主管理作業 自主管理家數計有600家,納管車輛數計有2,189輛,目前到檢車輛數達1,473輛,自主管理到檢率為67.3%;核發自主管理標章共1,470張(新購標章81張、優級標章1,199張、合格標章190張),核發率為67.2%,取得優級以上標章率87.1%。 十、保檢合一作業 (一)8月初評一家保養廠,未符合認證保養廠評鑑資格。 (二)6月及10月邀請專家委員辦理認證保養廠評鑑。 (三)截至12月底認證保養廠共檢修經認證保養廠保養後檢測車輛共361輛次(佔總檢測數1,209輛之27.9%),檢測合格率100%(污染改善削減量PM2.5約360*13,314*10-6=4.79公噸),退驗率0.28%,再被通知率0%。檢測平均馬力比自107年51.7%提升至109年55.4%、檢測煙度平均值也逐年降低自107年0.84m-1降至至109年0.64m-1。 十一、空品淨區管制作業 (一)查726輛次,目測稽查4輛次、路邊稽查343輛次(其中攔檢221輛次)、車辨通知379輛次。依期別分析為1~3期車有494輛次(佔比68.0%),4~5期車有232輛次(佔比32.0%);查符合標章數共224張,持有自主管理標章49張及核發空氣品質淨區標章175張。 (二)固定式車辨篩選老舊大型車寄發379輛通知到檢,目前已回檢143輛,回檢率37.7%,檢測結果皆合格。 (三)鹿野高台人員巡查45輛柴油大客車,4期以上車輛共44輛,4期以上比例97.8%,具自主管理標章30輛次,具標章比例66.7%。 (四)鹿野高台於熱氣國際熱氣球期間執行23天車辨作業,車辨數39,598輛次,並進行車流量、車種、期別等污染特性分析。推估平均每日車流量約為1,700輛以上;篩選為柴油車輛數1,776輛次,柴油車通行率4.6%;依車種比例分析,以小客車佔55.3%最多;依期別比例分析,以5期車佔76.9%最多;大貨車4期以上車輛僅佔33%,為未來加以管制之對象。 (五)東部海岸國家風景區年底前將完成小野柳、三仙台、八仙洞等三處劃設低污染運具專用停車格。 十二、南迴改增設車牌辨識系統 因應南迴改通車後增加柴油車輛數通行,於9月底完成架設雙鏡頭車固定式車牌辨識系統,以利掌握南迴入境本縣柴油車污染特性。依據車辨資料分析共辨識11,103輛次柴油車,車號唯一數7,755輛,資料分析顯示為境外車輛7,119輛(92%)較多,且以高雄市車輛1,561輛(21.9%)最多;車種則以大貨車1,814輛最多(23.4%);期別則以5期車4,473(57.7%)最多。另分析1-3期車2,063輛次佔總車輛數26.6%,其中以大、小貨車共1,876輛(90.9%)為主,做為本縣未來路邊聯合稽查及車辨篩選無檢驗紀錄車輛通知到檢對象,以杜絕境外高污染車輛入境。 十三、辦理一、二、三期大型柴油車汰舊換新及三期大型柴油車加裝濾煙器補助情形(執行期間109年1月~12月): (一)報廢車輛數92輛。 (二)申請純汰舊補助8輛 (三)申請汰舊換新補助36輛 (四)申請調修補助43輛。 (五)申請加裝空氣污染防制設備補助1輛。 十四、環保署考評 (一)共辦理汰舊換新補助案件數44件(純汰舊8件、汰舊換新36件);符合辦理目標天數之補助案件數44件,;達成率100%。 (二)共辦理污染改善補助案件數44件(申請調修補助案件數43件、加裝污染設備案件數1件);符合辦理目標天數之案件數0件;達成率0%。(尚未撥款) (三)本年度1~3期辦理汰換車輛數共92件(純汰舊56件、汰舊換新36件) ;達成率91.6%。 (四)本年度1~3期大型車經保養場調修改善車輛數151輛(經環保署認可調修廠改善47件、經其他一般保養調修亦達到污染改善102件),加裝空氣污染防制設備2件;達成率100%。 (五)推動輔導第25家車輛4期以上柴油車符合30%以上,達成率64.4%。 十五、計畫成效亮點﹕ (一)109年1月~10月柴油車系統納管率為103.55%,全國排名第二。 (二)本縣校區車輛到檢率提升: 108年到檢率50%, 109年截至10月到以全數到檢。 (三)推動環保車隊簽署提升使用低污染柴油車: 訪談本縣10輛以上大型車隊共有39家需列管,已列管並簽署環保車隊同意書共39家,其中已有8家已符合環保車隊條件(4家全數使用4期以上車輛、4家之老舊車輛全數到檢並取得優級標章),有25家符合4期以上車輛達30%以上。。 十六、創新作為 (一)東海岸風景區劃設低污染運具專用停車格 (二)增設南迴改車牌辨識系統 (三)縱谷池上秋收活動接駁車管制 本計畫執行至今,執行各項柴油車管制相關業務成果已完成100.0%,部分考評項目即將達標;另本團隊今年邀請多名專家委員協助業務指導,尤其在保養廠認證推動、管制作為及創新作為上。本團隊持續加強稽查管制與辦理宣導,提高本縣柴油車納管率,減少高污染車輛,藉以維護本縣空氣品質。
中文關鍵字 油車排煙檢測、油品檢測


專案計畫編號 108400130691 經費年度 109 計畫經費 8000 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/01 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 馮啟智
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 林威志 執行單位 亞太環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年臺東縣柴油車排煙檢測及油品檢測計畫_compressed.pdf 27MB 109年臺東縣柴油車排煙檢測及油品檢測計畫

109 Taitung County Diesel Vehicle Smoke Exhaust Inspection and Fuel Inspection Plan

英文摘要 1. Project name in Chinese: 109 Taitung County Diesel Vehicle Smoke Exhaust Testing and Oil Product Testing Project 2. Project number: 108400130691 3. Executive unit: Asia Pacific Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. 4. Project host: Feng Qizhi 5. Implementation start time: January 1, 109 6. Execution end time: December 31, 109 7. Time for completion of the report: December 25, 109 8. Total pages of the report: 469 pages 9. The name of the report electronic file 108400130691 10. The format of the report electronic file: PDF 11. Chinese abstract keywords: diesel vehicle smoke detection, oil product detection 12. English abstract keywords: Diesel smoke inspection, inspection of oil 13. Chinese Abstract: In order to solve the environmental pollution caused by mobile pollution sources, the inspection, banning and advocacy work is urgent. This year, the county environmental protection bureau continues to implement independent management and air quality clean area (air maintenance area) control operations to improve the county's air quality. The summary description of the related achievements of the various control work of this project is as follows: The implementation period of this year's "Diesel Vehicle Smoke Exhaust Testing and Oil Product Testing Program" is from January 1, 109 to December 31, 109. As of December 15, 109, relevant control operations include inspection and testing operations, laboratory quality assurance and quality control operations, empty product clean area control operations, integrated inspection and promotion operations, and publicity operations. The important matters implemented this year and their results are explained as follows: 1. Laboratory quality assurance and quality control operations (1) The new version of TAF ISO-17025-2017 certification was completed on March 12. (2) Two internal audits were conducted on May 21 and May 27. (3) Conduct laboratory correlation comparison on June 18-19. (4) On June 29, the dynamometer roller axis calibration was carried out. (5) Two internal audits were conducted on September 14 and September 21. (6) On October 7th, the certification of the updated testing software for diesel vehicles will be completed. (7) On October 12, the certification of the person in charge of the laboratory institution and the laboratory name change was completed. (8) The laboratory management review meeting was completed on November 26. 2. Power meter testing work According to statistics, during the execution of this plan from January 1, 109 to December 15, 109, 1,290 vehicles have been inspected by the power meter, of which 1,256 vehicles have been inspected (1,222 qualified vehicles, 34 unqualified vehicles (not qualified). The pass rate was 2.7%), and the horsepower ratio was insufficient. 34 vehicles were rejected for inspection (the rejection rate was 2.6%). The unqualified vehicles improved 31 times and the unqualified improvement rate was 91.2%. 3. Visual inspection of cigarettes There are 248 visual notices, and 223 vehicles have been improved, with an improvement rate of 89.9%. There are still 73 notices; the number of improvements includes 203 vehicles that have passed inspections; 20 vehicles have been scrapped, cancelled, or stopped. 4. Roadside inspection operations 819 vehicles were inspected, of which 607 vehicles were inspected and 37 unqualified vehicles were inspected. The unqualified rate was 6.1%. 37 unqualified vehicles were improved, and the improvement rate was 100%. 5. Inspection services for stations and outlying islands 403 vehicles were inspected, of which 32 vehicles were inspected on outlying islands. Six, unqualified improvement work According to statistics, from November 1, 108, on October 31, 109, a total of 65 unqualified vehicles were tested and 64 vehicles were improved. The overall unqualified improvement rate was 98.5%. 7. Diesel vehicle management situation According to the statistics of the information management system for irregular inspections of diesel vehicles by the Environmental Protection Agency, it is currently provided that the diesel vehicle system management rate from January to October 109 was 103.55%, ranking second in the country. 8. Oil product delivery for inspection 30 oil products were sampled and sent for inspection, and the inspection results were qualified. 9. Independent management of diesel vehicles There are 600 self-management companies and 2,189 vehicles under management. The current number of vehicles inspected reaches 1,473, and the self-management inspection rate is 67.3%; a total of 1,470 self-management labels have been issued (new purchase label 81 There are 1,199 high-class marks and 190 qualified marks), the issuance rate is 67.2%, and the rate of obtaining the high-class marks and above is 87.1%. X. Integrated inspection and inspection operations (1) A maintenance factory was evaluated in early August, but it did not meet the qualifications of the certification maintenance factory. (2) In June and October, the expert committee was invited to conduct the evaluation of the certification and maintenance factory. (3) As of the end of December, the certified maintenance plant has inspected and repaired a total of 361 vehicles after maintenance by the certified maintenance plant (accounting for 27.9% of the total number of inspections 1,209), and the inspection pass rate is 100% (pollution improvement reduction PM2.5 is about 360 *13,314*10-6=4.79 metric tons), the rejection rate is 0.28%, and the re-notification rate is 0%. The average detected horsepower ratio increased from 51.7% in 107 to 55.4% in 109, and the average detected smoke level also decreased year by year from 0.84m-1 in 107 to 0.64m-1 in 109. 11. Air cargo clearance area control operations (1) 726 vehicles were inspected, 4 vehicles were inspected by visual inspection, 343 vehicles were inspected by roadside (including 221 vehicles were stopped), and 379 vehicles were notified by vehicle identification. According to the analysis by period, there are 494 vehicles in Phases 1~3 (68.0%), and 232 vehicles in Phases 4 to 5 (32.0%); a total of 224 vehicles have been checked for compliance with the standard, with independent management 49 labels and 175 air quality clean zone labels were issued. (2) Stationary vehicle identification and screening. 379 old large vehicles were sent to notify the inspection. So far, 143 vehicles have been re-inspected, with a re-inspection rate of 37.7%, and the test results are all qualified. (3) Luye Gaotai personnel inspected 45 diesel coaches. There were 44 vehicles of Phase 4 or above, 97.8% of Phase 4 or above, 30 vehicles with self-management labels, and 66.7% of them. (4) Luye Gaotai performed 23 days of vehicle identification operations during the Hot Air International Hot Air Balloon, with 39,598 vehicle identifications, and analysis of pollution characteristics such as vehicle flow, vehicle type, and period. It is estimated that the average daily traffic flow is about 1,700 or more; the number of diesel vehicles is 1,776, and the diesel vehicle traffic rate is 4.6%; according to the analysis of the vehicle type, 55.3% of the small passenger cars account for the most; analysis according to the proportion of 5 76.9% of trucks accounted for the most; large trucks with stage 4 and above accounted for only 33%, which will be controlled in the future. (5) Before the end of the year, the Eastern Coast National Scenic Area will complete the establishment of special parking spaces for low-pollution vehicles at Xiaoyeliu, Sanxiantai and Baxiandong. 12. The South-back Reform and Addition of License Plate Recognition System In response to the increase in the number of diesel vehicles after the opening of the southbound route, a fixed dual-lens vehicle license plate recognition system was completed at the end of September to help grasp the pollution characteristics of diesel vehicles entering the county from the southbound route. According to the analysis of vehicle identification data, a total of 11,103 diesel vehicles were identified, and the unique number of vehicles was 7,755. Data analysis showed that there were 7,119 (92%) foreign vehicles, and 1,561 (21.9%) vehicles in Kaohsiung were the most; The largest number of large trucks was 1,814 (23.4%); the number of vehicles in Phase 5 was 4,473 (57.7%). In addition, we analyzed that 2,063 vehicles in Phases 1-3 accounted for 26.6% of the total number of vehicles, of which 1,876 (90.9%) of large and small trucks were mainly used as the county’s future roadside joint inspection and vehicle identification screening of vehicles without inspection records Inform the inspected objects to prevent the entry of highly polluting vehicles from abroad. 13. Handling of subsidies for phase I, II and III large-scale diesel vehicle replacement and installation of smoke filter for phase III large-scale diesel vehicles (Period from January to December 109): (1) 92 scrapped vehicles. (2) Apply for a subsidy for the elimination of 8 vehicles (3) Apply for subsidies for the replacement of 36 vehicles (4) Application for adjustment and repair of 43 vehicles. (5) Apply for a subsidy for the installation of air pollution control equipment. 14. Evaluation by the Environmental Protection Agency (1) A total of 44 subsidy cases were handled (8 for pure obsolescence and 36 for obsolescence); 44 subsidy cases met the target number of processing days, and the achievement rate was 100%. (2) A total of 44 pollution improvement subsidy cases were handled (43 cases of application for adjustment and repair assistance, 1 case of installation of pollution equipment); 0 cases that met the target number of days for handling; the achievement rate was 0%. (Not yet allocated) (3) A total of 92 vehicles were replaced and replaced in the first to third phases of this year (56 for pure replacement and 36 for replacement); the achievement rate was 91.6%. (4) The number of large vehicles in the first to third phases of the year has been repaired and improved by the maintenance yard. The number of vehicles is 151 (47 repairs approved by the Environmental Protection Agency, and 102 pollution improved through other general maintenance repairs), and air pollution is added 2 pieces of control equipment; 100% achievement rate. (5) Promote and coach the 25th vehicle for diesel vehicles above Phase 4 to meet 30% or more, with an achievement rate of 64.4%. 15. Highlights of project effectiveness: (1) From January to October 109, the diesel vehicle system management rate was 103.55%, ranking second in the country. (2) Increased vehicle inspection rate in campuses of this county: In 108 years, the inspection rate was 50%. In 109, all inspections were received as of October. (3) Promote environmental protection fleets to sign and promote the use of low-pollution diesel vehicles: Interviewed 39 large-scale fleets of more than 10 vehicles in the county need to be under management, 39 of them have been listed and signed the environmental protection fleet agreement, 8 of which have already met the conditions of environmental protection fleet (4 all use vehicles of more than 4 phases, 4 All of the old vehicles have been inspected and obtained the premium mark), and there are 25 vehicles that meet the 4th phase or more, reaching more than 30%. . 16. Innovation (1) The East Coast Scenic Area has designated parking spaces for low-pollution vehicles (2) Adding the license plate recognition system for the South-back Reform (3) Control of shuttle buses for autumn harvest activities in the Rift Valley Chishang Since the implementation of this plan, 100.0% of the business results related to the implementation of diesel vehicle control have been completed, and some assessment items are about to reach the standard; in addition, this year the team invited a number of expert committees to assist in business guidance, especially in the promotion of maintenance plant certification, control actions and innovation As above. The team continued to strengthen inspections, control and publicity, increase the county's diesel vehicle acceptance rate, and reduce highly polluting vehicles to maintain the county's air quality.
英文關鍵字 Diesel smoke inspection, inspection of oil