

中文摘要 本計畫目標為推動地方政府空氣污染管制工作、辦理地方政府空氣品質維護或改善工作績效展現作業、空氣污染防制基金補助作業、行銷空氣品質維護或改善成果或作為、更新及擴充SIP績效展現系統。 彙整99~109年空污基金,比較十年平均及三年平均,由於107年7月起開徵固定源粒狀物空污費,河川砂石開採為主的地方政府三年平均收入較十年平均值明顯增高;部分縣市近三年營建活動增加空污費收入較十年平均值高。因應空氣污染防制法修訂,自108年起移撥20%移動污染源空污費,109年度大部分縣市移動污染源空污費收入均增加,增加比例約為10-15%。 依據108-109年已完成簽約之各類計畫,計畫經理年資部分,公私場所相關計畫總平均為13年;移動源相關計畫總平均為11年;營建洗掃相關計畫總平均為10年;逸散民生相關計畫總平均為8年;SIP相關計畫總平均為10年。 固定源、機車、營建工程等計畫,三年平均行政單位成本分別為12,638元/家、37.9元/輛、3.53千元/處,固定源計畫每年發包數量介於1~10個不等因而墊高單位成本,各縣市機車及營建工程計畫相對單純,單位成本較低。 彙整109年各地方政府管制策略,環保署「空氣污染防制行動方案」十項管制策略中,鼓勵大型柴油車污染改善目標達成率最低,其次為河川揚塵施作率;其餘策略達成率均可達80%以上。 綜整「空氣污染防制行動方案」五大空品區106~108年實質減量成果,並納入中央統籌推動之國營事業及港區運輸減量,各污染物減量可達分配量之55%~85%。 綜整各縣(市)提出之創新作為及地方污染特性,越多地方政府藉由科學工具執法,提昇污染源稽查效率,於常態性工作增加巧思,以減少民眾陳情提高民眾滿意度。 已完成10場次地方政府執行空氣品質維護及改善工作會議與座談、1場次績優機關表揚頒獎典禮、6場次專家委員諮詢會議。 108年度環保署補助地方政府計畫除河川揚塵外皆已完成驗收作業;109年度環保署補助地方政府計畫皆已陸續辦理期末報告審查作業;110年度環保署補助地方政府「空氣品質維護改善計畫」及「柴油車污染管制及動力計維運相關計畫」,核定20個縣(市)環保局共計83項計畫,補助總經費約4.3億餘元。 行銷環保署空氣品質維護或改善成果提出38張圖卡、3篇新聞稿件、完成1支影片拍攝與2支影片腳本,及1則期刊美編排版。 「SIP績效展現系統」除每月定期維護外,協助修改系統中月(季)報表格式,監資處弱點掃描修補改善,行動裝置響應式設計(RWD)自動調整版面配置,更新報表查詢及整合產出功能並修改人員管理頁面,已配合績效展現需求更新及擴充系統功能。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染防制費、管制策略、績效考評


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 9150 千元
專案開始日期 2020/02/18 專案結束日期 2021/01/31 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 李怡芬 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告定稿(結案).pdf 13MB

Integrate and Evaluation for local government air pollution control Against Strategies

英文摘要 The goal of this plan is to promote local government air pollution control work, handle local government air quality maintenance or improvement work performance display operations, air pollution prevention fund subsidy operations, marketing air quality maintenance or improvement results or actions, update and expand SIP performance displays system. Consolidate the air pollution fund data from 2010 to 2019 and compare the 10-year average and the three-year average. The three-year average income of the local government that focuses on river sand and gravel mining has increased significantly than ten-year average value since the fixed-source particulate air pollution fee was levied from July 2018. Some counties and cities have seen a high growth in construction activities in the past three years, as a consequence, the air pollution fee income is higher than the 10 year average. According to the various projects that have been signed in 2019, the total average of the project manager’s seniority is 13 years; the total average of mobile source-related projects is 11 years; the total average of construction cleaning-related projects is 10 years; the total average of the projects related to people’s livelihood is 8 years; the total average of SIP-related projects is 10 years. For fixed-source, locomotive, and construction projects, the three-year average administrative unit cost is number of NT$12,638, number of NT$37.9, and number of NT$3.53 Thousand, respectively. The fixed-source plan’s annual number of contracts varies from 1 to 10. To increase the unit cost, the locomotive and construction projects of the counties and cities are relatively simple, and the unit cost is lower. Collecting the control strategies of various local governments in 2020, among the ten control strategies of the Environmental Protection Agency's "Air Pollution Prevention Action Plan", the achievement rate of encouraging large diesel vehicles to improve pollution is the lowest, followed by the river dust implementation rate; the other strategies have an acceptable rate up to 80%. Comprehensively integrate the actual reduction results of five major air product areas of "Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan" from 2017 to 2018, and include the central government's overall promotion of state-owned enterprises and port transportation reduction, each pollutant reduction can reach 55% to 85% of the allocated amount . Comprehensively integrating the innovative actions and local pollution characteristics proposed by counties (cities), the more they tend to use scientific tools to enforce the law, improve the efficiency of pollution source inspection, and increase ingenuity in normal work to reduce public complaints and increase public satisfaction. It has completed 10 local governments' implementation of air quality maintenance and improvement work meetings and seminars, 1 high-performance organization commendation ceremony, and 6 expert committee consultation meetings. In 2019, the EPA subsidy program has completed the inspection and acceptance work except for the dust in the river; the 2020 EPA subsidy program has successively processed the final report review work; the EPA subsidized the "air quality maintenance and improvement plan" and the "diesel vehicle "Pollution control and power plan maintenance related plans", approved a total of 83 projects by 20 county (city) environmental protection bureaus, with a total subsidy of about 430 million yuan. In marketing the air quality maintenance or improvement results of the Environmental Protection Agency, 38 graphic cards, 3 news drafts, 3 film scripts and 1 journal art edition have been put forward. Regarding the "SIP Performance Display System", in addition to regular monthly maintenance, it has assisted in modifying the system's monthly (quarterly) report format, scanning and repairing weaknesses in the Supervision Department, and automatically adjusting and updating the layout of mobile device responsive design (RWD) Report query and integration of output functions and revision of personnel management pages, and will continue to update and expand system functions in accordance with performance requirements.
英文關鍵字 Air Pollution Control Fee、Control Strategies、Evaluations and Performance Assessments