

中文摘要 為延續過去兩岸辦理相關交流活動之成效,並研討後續兩岸交流計畫與落實方案,本計畫藉由執行以下重點工作:(1)解析嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)(以下簡稱新冠肺炎)疫情對兩岸空氣品質(含PM2.5及O3)之影響以及掌握兩岸空氣品質變化趨勢;(2)運用大氣擴散模擬工具及新版排放清冊推估中國大陸不同地區對我國PM2.5濃度及組成之影響;(3)蒐集、彙整中國大陸3個地級以上城市依據「大氣污染防制行動計畫」、「國民經濟和社會發展第十三個五年規劃」、「打贏藍天保衛戰三年行動計畫」所制定大氣環境保護相關措施及其執行成效;(4)蒐集、解析中國大陸至少3個地級以上城市之O3污染成因與管制措施之研訂機制與措施內容;(5)蒐集、解析中國大陸進行空氣品質預報之程序、使用模式類型及其基本原理,針對重污染天氣所實施預警制度及應變措施之研訂機制、措施內容與其成效,以及空氣污染防制技術發展情形;(6)藉由研擬推動兩岸學術交流與合作之執行作法、協助規劃及籌備辦理「兩岸大氣保護學術研討會」相關工作以及赴中國大陸參加「海峽兩岸空氣品質管理交流研討會」,規劃及推動兩岸空氣污染防制之交流與合作平臺;(7)辦理本計畫執行之經濟效益分析;以掌握中國大陸現階段空氣污染問題之關注焦點與管制方向,並建立兩岸交流平臺,提供兩岸相關專家學者相互觀摩學習及意見交流,分享彼此經驗,以解決兩岸目前共同面臨之空氣污染問題,提升兩岸空氣品質。 本計畫執行期間,已完成2015年至2020年中國大陸及其六大地區各類空氣污染物濃度變化之蒐集、解析,以及新冠肺炎疫情對兩岸空氣品質(PM2.5、O3、NO2及SO2)影響之解析,並彙整近年中國大陸春節假期及十一長假期間空氣品質變化趨勢,與同年度其他時期空氣品質進行比較、分析;同時已完成中國大陸不同地區排放空氣污染物對我國空氣品質影響之模擬解析,包含原生性PM2.5、衍生性PM2.5及PM2.5組成;針對中國大陸空氣污染防制相關政策措施與防制技術資訊,則已蒐集、分析中國大陸及對我國空氣污染貢獻影響最鉅地區(華東地區)之經濟發展趨勢,以及解析北京市、上海市、安徽省合肥市及江蘇省南京市之政策措施執行成果與空氣品質改善情形,並彙整兩岸近年O3濃度變化趨勢與主要污染來源,以及解析安徽省合肥市、天津市、山西省太原市與上海市O3污染成因與研訂之管制措施,同時完成兩岸空氣品質預報程序、針對重污染天氣預警分級及所實施應變制度與措施之蒐集、彙整,以及中國大陸空氣污染防制可行技術篩選機制與污染防制技術指南撰寫重點之彙整、各類污染源最佳可行技術指南制訂情形與重點內容之解析;針對兩岸空氣污染防制交流與合作平臺之規劃及推動,已彙整國際合作計畫所建置空氣品質數據交換及數據品質保證/品質管制機制,並提出推動兩岸學術交流與合作之執行作法建議,原規劃辦理之「兩岸大氣保護學術研討會」與「海峽兩岸空氣品質管理交流研討會」,則因應新冠肺炎疫情之影響,提出契約變更需求並獲環保署同意刪除辦理2場次交流研討會之相關工作;本計畫亦藉由蒐集中國大陸實施「大氣污染防制行動計畫」(以下簡稱「行動計畫」)所得經濟效益進行評估分析之相關文獻,解析其不同地區實施「行動計畫」投入費用與獲得效益。
中文關鍵字 嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎疫情、空氣品質模擬、國民經濟和社會發展第十三個五年規劃、打贏藍天保衛戰三年行動計畫


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 3854.843 千元
專案開始日期 2020/09/24 專案結束日期 2021/09/23 專案主持人 陳依琪
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 張育瑋 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-109-FA18-03-A276(公開版)(書籤).pdf 23MB EPA-109-FA18-03-A276(公開版)(書籤)

Promoting the Cross-Strait Cooperation of Air Quality Monitoring, Modeling and Management

英文摘要 In order to promote the cross-Straits communication and cooperation continuously, the major tasks of this project include (1) analyzing the effect of 2019 Novel Coronavirus pneumonia on the air quality in China and Taiwan, and the yearly changes in the air quality in China and Taiwan; (2) analyzing the effect of air pollutant emissions in different areas of China on the air quality in Taiwan by means of CMAQ model; (3) collecting the strategies conducted in China to control air pollution and their conducting results, such as the 13th Five-Year Plan and Three-year Action Plan for Winning the Battle for a Blue Sky; (4) analyzing the formation mechanism of ozone and collecting the control strategies conducted in at least three cities at prefecture level or above; (5) collecting the types of air quality models and their principles, the early warning mechanism of heavy air pollution events, and the developments on air pollution control technologies; (6) planning the approach to promote the cross-Straits communication and cooperation and holding two conferences in the field of air quality improvement; and (7) conducting economic benefit analysis of this project. At the moment of finishing this final report, the changing trends of air quality in Taiwan and China during 2015 to 2020 and the effect of 2019 Novel Coronavirus pneumonia on the air quality in Taiwan and China have been analyzed. In addition, the changes in ambient concentrations of air pollutants during public holidays and non-holidays have been analyzed and compared. In order to evaluate the effect of transboundary Air Pollution on the air quality in Taiwan, CMAQ model was applied to analyze the effect of air pollutant emissions from different regions of China on the air quality in Taiwan. Moreover, the air pollution control strategies including the 13th Five-Year Plan and Three-year Action Plan for Winning the Battle for a Blue Sky conducted in Beijing City, Shanghai City, Heifei City and Nanjing City and the conducting results have been analyzed. The formation mechanism of ozone and the control strategies conducted in Hefei City, Tianjin City, Taiyuan City and Shanghai City have been analyzed as well. The air quality prediction process and the emergency prevention measures for heavy air pollution conducted in Taiwan and China, and the available technologies of pollution prevention and control for major sources have also been reviewed and compared. In order to promote the cross-Straits communication and cooperation, the data exchange and QA/QC systems of some international cooperation projects have been collected and some suggestions have been offered. Nevertheless, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the relevant works of two conferences have been deleted with approval of EPA. In order to understand the benefits of implementing China’s Action Plan for Air Pollution Prevention and Control, literature relevant to the costs and benefits analysis of the implementation of the action plan have been reviewed and analyzed.
英文關鍵字 2019 Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia, Air Quality Modelling, 13th Five Year Plan, Three year Action Plan for Winning the Battle for a Blue Sky