

中文摘要 本計畫於109年1月1日開始執行,工作項目包括維持並強化低碳永續家園運作體系、持續協助認養與維運北部生活圈低碳永續家園運作機能、推動參與低碳永續家園評等與分級認證、協助縣內銅、銀級現勘查核與評等等級維護作業、執行排放源操作與排放相關設施及有關資料之檢查、結合企業及績優村里企劃低碳宣導活動、維運氣候變遷調適教育宣導工作及配合其他交辦事項。計畫執行成果摘要如下: 一、維持並強化低碳永續家園運作體系 本年度持續推動本縣低碳永續家園推動平台,由縣長擔任召集人、副縣長及秘書長兼任副召集人、執行秘書由環保局及行政處擔任,並邀請產、官、學界代表擔任諮詢委員會團隊,提供相關技術諮詢,另包括本縣民政處、財政處、產業發展處等共14 局處為本推動平台之組織架構。本年度已召開2場次溫室氣體管制跨局處小組籌備會及1場次低碳永續家園暨溫室氣體管制推動平台會議,由各相關之局處室針對107年度至109年5月底實際執行成果進行彙報,再透過與會諮詢委員提供107~108年成果提出檢討建議及109年執行方式提出精進作法。 新竹縣溫室氣體管制執行方案進度掌控方面,目前共計53項策略均按照原預定執行內容達成階段目標,預估於109年底前本縣第一期各執行方案推動策略應可如期完成達成目標。 二、低碳永續家園評等與分級認證推動 本計畫自2 月起進行村里/社區現場訪談調查作業,已完成關西鎮2處里、橫山鄉3處村、新豐鄉3處村、寶山鄉1處村、竹東鎮3處、湖口鄉1處村、新埔鎮1處里、竹北市2處里,目前共完成20處村里/社區及鄉鎮市現場訪談調查作業,其中關西鎮新富里、新豐鄉瑞興村、湖口鄉波羅村及新豐鄉福興村等4處村里為具有優先升 等銅級評等認證潛力之單位,另關西鎮東光里具升等銀級評等認證之潛力。 完成擬定「109 年度新竹縣低碳永續家園行動項目執行要點」及「109 年度新竹縣推廣建築綠化節能改造執行要點」,透過村里訪談、建築綠化降溫暨低碳行動項目改造說明會,環保局官方網站、臉書公告要點訊息,提高申請改造案件量。截至10 月底前「低碳永續家園行動項目執行要點」共20 處村里/社區提出申請計畫,經委員現勘後,環保局已完成核定共14 處,已完工驗收共12 處,執行低碳改造,節電量32,099.6 度/年、節水量162 公噸/年、綠化面積達250.74平方公尺,減廢量508 公斤/年,總減碳量16,768.76 公斤CO2e/年。「推廣建築綠化節能改造執行要點」共12 處申請單位提出申請計畫,經委員現勘後,環保局已完成核定共10 處,已完工驗收共9 處,本年度建築綠化改造施作面積達957 平方公尺,總固碳量約287.1 公斤CO2e/年。 另已完成辦理1 場次建築綠化降溫暨低碳行動項目改造說明會,會議規劃除針對環保署低碳永續家園評等與分級認證作業內容及相關執行要點規定做說明外,另邀請文化大學森林暨自然保育學系林敏宜副教授分享低碳建築綠化設計與維護,及湖口鄉信勢村介紹低碳社區之經營歷程、綠籬廊道設置經驗分享,另針對108 年低碳改造成效良好之竹東鎮員山里伯公寮建置,以及竹東鎮頭重里燈具汰換等進行經驗分享成果展示。 評等認證制度方面,本年度全縣共97 處單位參與評等認證,其中獲銀級評等共11 處單位、銅級評等共39 處單位、報名成功者共47 處單位。今年新增參與評等認證共3 處包括橫山鄉福興村、內灣村及力行村;獲得銅級認證之關西鎮新富里及橫山鄉沙坑村;銀級認證之關西鎮東光里。 已完成辦理2 場次跨縣市低碳社區觀摩活動,參訪社區為桃園市龜山區大湖里及平鎮區鎮興里、臺北市萬華區騰雲里及桃園新屋農博環境教育園區,透過觀摩其他縣市低碳社區的經營維護及建置經驗,協助本縣村里藉由模仿、在地化等多元化途徑激發更多創新作為。 本年度已完成11 處村里評等等級展延作業,其中包括鄉鎮市銅級1處、村里層級銅級6處、銀級4處,且等級均展延成功。另現地查核作業完成1處鄉鎮市及2 村里,經現地查核各處均維護良好,一致通過維持等級評等。 三、辦理因應氣候變遷教育培訓及宣導工作 於5 月22 日已辦理完成1 場次社區為本提升氣候變遷調適能力說明會,邀請之授課講師為明新科技大學-彭博彥講師及台中文山社區大學-蔡志忠講師,讓民眾對社區為本提升氣候變遷調適能力有初步概念,進而報名參與後續願景工作坊培訓課程。 本年度已完成竹東鎮員山社區及橫山鄉大肚村,社區為本氣候變遷願景工作坊培訓共4 場次,並培訓約50 名種子教師,了解CBA相關觀念,並正確判斷社區需要哪些社區因應氣候變遷之改造對策。 於5月4日、5月7日、7月18日及10月13日共辦理完成4場次再生能源培力教育宣導推廣,參與民眾達218 人。參加學員95%對於課程安排之再生能源面相是否具多元化、實用性,均表示非常滿意,且期待未來能有更多相關培訓課程,可提供學員學習與參與。另外,授課講師回饋,本縣參與學員上課時均非常認真,且所提問 之問題具有高度水準,對於建置再生能源意願剖高,期望透過宣導推廣可增加本縣再生能源設置容量。 四、執行排放源操作與排放相關設施及有關資料之檢查 配合法規規定8 月底前申報對象完成申報後,本計畫於8月28日起至10月16日開始進行本縣「應申報溫室氣體排放量之固定污染源」108 年度盤查申報資訊之現場查核。 本年度查核發現不符合情形包括:排放量計算公式撰寫不完整、活動數據或排放量總量計算錯誤及小數位數填寫不符規範等,經現場查核當面告知進行修正後,本計畫工作團隊於國家溫室氣體登錄平台上要求廠商須進行補件,補件完成後須由廠商及其第三方查驗機構確認,本計畫審查人員再行審查作業,目前尚有6家數據仍在確認及修正中。 五、縣層級溫室氣體盤查 依環保署縣市層級溫室氣體盤查計算指引,完成本縣107 年溫室氣體盤查推估作業,本縣107 年溫室氣體排放總量為8,374,639.034公噸CO2 當量,人均排放量15.03 公噸CO2e/人,工業、住商及運輸能源使用為本縣溫室氣體排放量分布主要類別。 整體而言,針對本縣後續溫室氣體排放量之控制與管理,需持續透過能源之管理與推動(節能、綠能)、企業低碳永續作為之輔導推廣及加強推廣民眾採行低碳作為,由生活中配合源頭減少用電、用水及油料之使用,進而達到抑制本縣因人口增加或產業家數增加所造成之溫室氣體排放增量。
中文關鍵字 溫室氣體、低碳社區、低碳永續家園、評等認證、區域降溫、建築綠化、節能減碳、氣候變遷、減緩與調適


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 7300 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/01 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 李中和
主辦單位 新竹縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 邱俊嘉 執行單位 新系環境技術有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年度新竹縣低碳永續家園建構推動計畫-期末報告(定稿本).pdf 83MB

109 Hsinchu County Low-Carbon Sustainable Home Construction Promotion Plan

英文摘要 The plan was implemented on January 1, 109. The work items include maintaining and strengthening the low-carbon sustainable homes operation system, continuing to assist in the adoption and maintenance of the operating functions of the low-carbon sustainable homes in the northern living circle, and promoting participation in low-carbon sustainability. Homeland rating and grading certification, assisting in the maintenance of copper and silver in-country surveys and rating grades, performing emission source operations and inspections of emission-related facilities and related data, planning low-carbon publicity activities in conjunction with enterprises and high-performance villages, Maintenance and operation climate change adjustment education propaganda work and other tasks assigned. The summary of the project implementation results is as follows: 1. Maintain and strengthen the low-carbon sustainable home operation system This year, continue to promote the county's low-carbon sustainable home promotion platform. The county mayor will serve as the convener, the deputy county mayor and the secretary-general will also serve as the deputy convener, and the executive secretary will be the environmental protection bureau and the administrative office. Representatives from industry, government, and academia will be invited to serve The advisory committee team provides relevant technical advice, and 14 bureaus and offices, including the county's civil affairs department, finance department, and industrial development department, promote the organizational structure of the platform. This year, two preparatory meetings of the inter-bureau and divisional group for greenhouse gas control and one low-carbon sustainable homes and greenhouse gas control promotion platform meeting have been held. The relevant bureaus and offices will report on the actual implementation results from 107 to the end of May 109. , And then through the participating advisory members to provide 107~108 years of results, put forward review recommendations and 109 years of implementation methods to propose refined practices. In terms of progress control of Hsinchu County's Greenhouse Gas Control Implementation Plan, a total of 53 strategies are currently in accordance with the original scheduled implementation content to achieve stage goals. It is estimated that by the end of 109, the county's first phase of implementation plan promotion strategies should be completed on schedule. 2. Promotion of low-carbon sustainable homes rating and grading certification This project has carried out village/community field interviews and investigations since February, and has completed 2 villages in Guanxi Town, 3 villages in Hengshan Township, 3 villages in Xinfeng Township, 1 village in Baoshan Township, and 3 villages in Zhudong Township. One village in Hukou Township, one village in Xinpu Township, and two villages in Zhubei City. A total of 20 villages/communities and towns and cities have been interviewed and investigated. Among them, Xinfuli in Guanxi Town, Ruixing Village in Xinfeng Township, and Hu Four villages including Boluo Village in Kou Township and Fuxing Village in Xinfeng Township have priority for upgrading A unit with the potential for Bronze rating and certification has the potential to be upgraded to Silver Level certification in Dongguangli, Guanxi Town. Completed the drafting of "109 Hsinchu County Low-Carbon Sustainable Homes Action Project Implementation Points" and "109 Hsinchu County Promotional Building Greening and Energy-saving Renovation Implementation Points", through village interviews, building greening and cooling and low-carbon action project renovation briefings, the Environmental Protection Bureau The official website and Facebook announce key messages to increase the number of applications for renovation. As of the end of October, a total of 20 villages/communities have submitted application plans for the implementation of the "Low-Carbon Sustainable Homes Action Project." Carbon transformation saves 32,099.6 kWh/year of electricity, 162 metric tons/year of water, 250.74 square meters of green area, 508 kg/year of waste reduction, and total carbon reduction of 16,768.76 kg CO2e/year. A total of 12 applicants submitted application plans for "Promoting Greening and Energy-saving Renovation of Buildings". After the committee's current survey, the Environmental Protection Bureau has completed the approval of a total of 10, and a total of 9 have been completed and accepted. This year, the construction area of ​​greening of buildings reached 957. Square meters, the total carbon sequestration is about 287.1 kg CO2e/year. In addition, one briefing session on building greening and cooling and low-carbon action project transformation has been completed. The meeting plan will not only explain the content of the environmental protection agency’s low-carbon sustainable home evaluation and grading certification work content and related implementation key regulations, but also invite Wenhua University Forestry Associate Professor Lin Minyi from the Department of Nature Conservation shared the design and maintenance of low-carbon building greening, and Xinshi Village in Hukou Township introduced the operation history of low-carbon communities and shared experience in setting up hedge corridors, and also focused on the 108 years of low-carbon renovation in Zhudong with good results Experience sharing and results display were carried out on the construction of Libogongliao in Yuanshan Township and the replacement of lamps and lanterns in Touchongli, Zhudong Town. In terms of the rating and certification system, a total of 97 units in the county participated in the rating and certification this year, of which 11 units were awarded silver ratings, 39 units were rated bronze, and 47 units were successfully registered. A total of 3 new sites have participated in the evaluation and certification this year, including Fuxing Village, Neiwan Village and Lixing Village in Hengshan Township; Xinfuli in Guanxi Town and Shakeng Village in Hengshan Township, which have obtained bronze certification; and Dongguangli, Guanxi Town, which has obtained silver certification. . Two low-carbon community observation activities across counties and cities have been completed. The visiting communities are Dahuli and Pingzhen District, Taoyuan City, Taoyuan City, Tengyunli, Wanhua District, Taipei City, and Taoyuan Xinwu Agricultural Expo Environmental Education Park. Observe the operation, maintenance and construction experience of low-carbon communities in other counties and cities, and assist villages in this county to stimulate more innovation through diversified approaches such as imitation and localization. This year, 11 villages have been graded and graded extension operations, including 1 copper grade in the township and city, 6 copper grades in the village, and 4 silver grades, all of which have been successfully extended. In addition, the on-site inspection has been completed in 1 township and city and 2 villages. After on-site inspection, all areas are well maintained and unanimously passed the maintenance rating. 3. Handle the education, training and advocacy work in response to climate change On May 22, a community-based seminar on improving climate change adaptation capabilities was completed. The invited lecturers were Mingxin University of Science and Technology-Lecturer Peng Boyan and Taizhongshan Community University-Lecturer Cai Zhizhong, so that people can be community-based and improve climate The ability to adapt to changes has a preliminary concept, and then sign up to participate in the follow-up vision workshop training course. This year, Yuanshan Community of Zhudong Town and Dadu Village of Hengshan Township have been completed. A total of 4 community-based climate change vision workshop training sessions have been completed, and about 50 seed teachers have been trained to understand CBA-related concepts and correctly judge which communities are needed in the community Transformation countermeasures in response to climate change. On May 4, May 7, July 18, and October 13, a total of 4 sessions of renewable energy training education promotion were completed, and 218 people participated. 95% of the participants are very satisfied with the diversification and practicality of the renewable energy in the course arrangements, and look forward to more relevant training courses in the future, which can provide students with learning and participation. In addition, the lecturer gave feedback that the participating students in the county were very serious in class and asked questions The problem is of a high standard. There is a high level of willingness to build renewable energy, and it is hoped that through promotion and promotion, the county's renewable energy installation capacity can be increased. 4. Carry out the inspection of emission source operation and emission related facilities and related data In accordance with the regulations and requirements, after the applicants have completed their declarations by the end of August, this plan will start the on-site inspection of the county’s 108-year “Static Pollution Sources of Reportable Greenhouse Gas Emissions” from August 28 to October 16. The non-conformities found in this year’s inspection include: incomplete emission calculation formulas, incorrect calculations of activity data or total emissions, and non-compliance with the decimal places. After on-site inspections and corrections, the project team is in the country. The greenhouse gas login platform requires manufacturers to make supplements. After the supplements are completed, they must be confirmed by the manufacturers and their third-party inspection agencies. The reviewers of this plan will review again. At present, there are still 6 data still being confirmed and revised. 5. County-level greenhouse gas inventory In accordance with the EPA’s county- and city-level greenhouse gas inventory calculation guidelines, the county’s 107 greenhouse gas inventory and estimation operations were completed. The county’s total greenhouse gas emissions in 107 were 8,374,639.034 metric tons of CO2 equivalent, and the per capita emissions were 15.03 metric tons of CO2e per person. Sumitomo and transportation energy use is the main category of the county's greenhouse gas emission distribution. On the whole, for the subsequent control and management of greenhouse gas emissions in the county, it is necessary to continue to use energy management and promotion (energy saving, green energy), guidance and promotion of corporate low-carbon sustainable practices, and strengthen the promotion of low-carbon practices by the people , Cooperate with the source to reduce the use of electricity, water and oil in daily life, so as to suppress the increase in greenhouse gas emissions caused by the increase in the county's population or the increase in the number of industrial enterprises.
英文關鍵字 Low Carbon Community, Low Carbon Sustainable Homelands, Climate Change Adaptation