

中文摘要 行政院環境保護署於89年公布施行「土壤及地下水污染整治法」(以下簡稱土污法),確立國內土壤及地下水污染整治工作之法令依據,於99年通過土污法修正案,依健康風險評析結果,將底泥納入管制;工作重點由污染查證,逐漸轉成污染影響評估,與污染控制與整治。 土污法立法已邁入20週年,為完整呈現土污法立法20年來的歷程與轉變,形塑土壤保護及地下水污染防制的觀念,加強教育推廣及宣導工作,環保署委託則越廣告承辦「109年度土壤及地下水污染預防宣導推動計畫」,並規劃與執行相關工作,以強化「土壤與地下水保護」議題宣導,並落實環境教育之任務。 本計畫今年度規劃一系列符合行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱:環保署)需求效益之工作項目,截至期末報告日前,於「辦理土污法20週年特展」工作項目中,已完成執行土壤及下水污染整治法20週年特展,展覽從10月21日(三)開始至10月26日(一)止,為期6天,透過紙本與線上實名制統計,觀展人次為5,855人,期間安排18項共25場舞台亮點活動,總參與人數為623人;於特展規劃及布置設計方面依照規劃完成「土水報導」主視覺設計、提供十大主題展區的大圖設計以及必要的展架搭建、燈具及電力,並規劃U字型的觀展動線;展場提供監視攝影機保護展品,並同時為貴重展品保險;開展前共召開3次展前說明會,邀請22縣市環保局參展,確認其規劃與需求,協助一同完成特展;於特展前兩星期完成90秒及30秒宣傳影片各一支,放置於YouTube及Facebook等社群影音平台;建置官方活動網站,提供亮點活動與導覽活動線上報名,特展結束後轉為成果網站,提升民眾的瀏覽量;共完成3份文宣品已及7種宣導品的採購與製作;於10月21日上午10時舉行特展開幕記者會,以土水沙漏作為開幕儀式,並安排現場演唱紀實影片主題曲「我的故鄉」及「土水綠意」沙畫表演等兩場表演活動,。 於「多元媒體宣傳」工作項目中,戶外媒體廣宣設計路燈旗圖樣並於忠孝東路與光復南路上設置;設計公車車體廣告圖樣並於212、278、600、承德幹線、605等5路公車路線上刊;設計燈箱廣告圖樣並上刊於捷運板南線臺北車站候車月台燈箱以及臺北轉運站購票大廳之動態燈箱;設計火車車廂廣告圖樣上刊於臺北至臺中區間車車廂內廣告;輸出主視覺海報張貼於松山文創園區附近50處店家;上刊於時報週刊、蘋果日報等平面媒體,整體戶外媒體廣宣;於網路數位廣告設計並投放至Yahoo原生廣告、Google聯播網、行動裝置常用LINE、Facebook社群廣告、ÝouTube影音廣告與活動通等網路及社群媒體廣告宣傳,共創造至少2,529,203曝光觸及人次,12,663廣告點擊次數,49,012影音廣告觀看人次;截至11月10日,於時報週刊網站上刊六篇篇網路專題文章,達10萬瀏覽量;「土淨水清系列活動」粉絲專頁排程與上傳共40篇貼文,完成1次行銷推廣活動,增加530位粉絲,累計18,533個讚,貼文總共達成292,888觸及人數,邀請10位口碑素人轉貼分享特展訊息,綜合以上執行項目,本年度之宣傳議題已達成預期效益與目標。
中文關鍵字 土地品質、土壤、地下水、污染、宣導


專案計畫編號 109A170 經費年度 109 計畫經費 7290 千元
專案開始日期 2020/05/20 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 卓仁凱
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 張若儀;劉美玲 執行單位 則越廣告行銷有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年度土壤及地下水污染整治網業務宣導計畫_成果報告.pdf 28MB 109年度土壤及地下水污染整治網業務宣導計畫_成果報告

Project of Publicizing Soil and Groundwater Pollution Prevention

英文摘要 The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, promulgated the "Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act" (hereinafter referred to as the Soil Pollution Act) in 2000 to establish a legal basis for the remediation of soil and groundwater pollution in Taiwan, and passed an amendment to the Soil Pollution Act in 2010 to include the control of bottom sediment based on health risk assessment results. Their work focus has gradually shifted from pollution verification to pollution impact assessment, and pollution control and remediation. The legislation of the Soil Pollution Act has entered its 20th anniversary. To present the complete history and changes in the past 20 years, and shape the concept of soil protection and groundwater pollution prevention, and strengthen the educational promotion and propaganda work, the Environmental Protection Administration commissioned Tse Yueh Advertising to undertake the "2020 Soil and Groundwater Pollution Prevention and Propaganda Project" and plan and execute the related work to strengthen the propaganda of "soil and groundwater protection" issue and implement the environmental education task. The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (hereinafter referred to as the EPA) has planned a series of work items satisfied the demands and benefits for the project this year. As of the deadline of the final report, EPA has completed implementing the "20th Anniversary Exhibition of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act" as part of the work item, "Special Exhibition for the 20th Anniversary of the Soil Pollution Act", which was held from October 21 (Wed.) to October 26 (Mon.) for six days. From paper and online real-name statistics, the exhibition attracted 5,855 visitors; and 18 events with 25 stage highlight activities are arranged during this period with a total of 623 people attending. In terms of special exhibition planning and layout design, we completed the main visual design of the "Soil and Water Report" according to the plan, provided the large-scale design of the ten themed exhibition areas, as well as the necessary establishment of exhibition stands, lighting and electricity, and planned the U-shaped exhibition viewing route. The exhibits were protected with surveillance cameras and valuable exhibits were insured. Three pre-exhibition briefings were held by inviting 22 County/City Environmental Protection Bureaus to participate in the exhibition, confirm their plans and needs and assist in the completion of the special exhibition. Two weeks before the exhibition, we completed a 90-second and a 30-second promotional video to be posted on YouTube, Facebook and other social media platforms. Moreover, we built an official event website to provide online registration for highlight events and guided tours, which will transform into a performance website after the exhibition to increase public view. In total, we completed the procurement and production of 3 printed literatures and 7 informational materials. Furthermore, a press conference was held at 10:00 a.m. on October 21 to mark the opening of the exhibition. In opening ceremony, a soil and water hourglass was displayed and two performance events were arranged, a live performance of the theme song of the documentary film "My Hometown" and a sand painting performance of "Soil, Water and Greenery". In terms of the work item of "Multi-Media Publicity", outdoor media advertising is designed with streetlight flag patterns and installed on Zhongxiao East Road and Guangfu South Road. The bus body graphics were designed and published on five bus routes: 212, 278, 600, Chengde line, 605, etc.; the light box graphics were designed and published on the light box at the waiting platform of Taipei Main Station in the Bannan Line and the dynamic light box in the ticketing hall of the Taipei Bus Station; the train compartment graphics were designed and published on advertisement in the train compartment for trains between Taipei and Taichung; the main visual posters were printed and posted in 50 stores near the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park. This event has been published in print media such as China Times Weekly and Apple Daily, as well as outdoor media. Its network digital advertising design was placed on Yahoo native advertising, Google broadcast netowrk, LINE and Facebook social media ads for mobile devices, ÝouTube video ads, and event Link, generating at least 2,529,203 impressions, 12,663 ad clicks, and 49,012 viewers for video ads. Up to November 10, six online feature articles have been published on the China Times Weekly website, reaching 100,000 views. A total of 40 posts were scheduled and uploaded on the "Clean Soil and Water Series Events" Fans Page; one marketing campaign was completed with 530 more fans, 18,533 likes, and 292,888 people reached by the posts; 10 word-of-mouth celebrities were invited to share information about the special exhibition. As a result of the above-mentioned work items, we have achieved the expected benefits and objectives of this year's project promotion.
英文關鍵字 Land quality, soil, groundwater, pollution, promotion