

中文摘要 本計畫期程為109年1月1日至109年12月31日,主要工作內容為綜合管理、監督及管考空氣污染防制基金編列計畫之執行品質,達成各項管制工作目標,並整合具體成效及特色成果。除確保桃園市空氣品質符合國家標準外,進而達成環保署考評良好績效,目前已連續11年獲得環保署考評特優之肯定。另一重點為更新桃園市環境負荷及污染排放資料,分析境內空氣品質監測數據及探討空氣品質不良事件日污染成因,並將結果呈報環保局。 分析本市空氣品質,109年本市空氣品質良好日數比例為64.3%,相較104年37.8%上升26.5%;109年AQI>100比例為5.4%,造成空品不良主要指標污染物為PM2.5及O3,其比例分別為1.5%和3.9%,相較104年13.8%下降8.4%。各項污染物指標目標值除O3八小時平均值外,其餘污染物濃度均符合國家空氣品質標準;其中PM2.5年平均值(自動測值)為13.7μg/m3,相較於104年20.9下降幅度達34.4%,109年首次低於國家空氣品質標準15 μg/m3。 依據環保署109年6月1日頒布「109-112年空氣污染防制方案」之核定內容,並因應排放量更新為TEDS 10.1版本,109年度分別修訂管制策略及減量目標,完成本市新版空氣污染防制計畫(109-112年版)。空氣污染防制計畫共制定40項防制措施,包含污染防制9項、稽查管制17項、源頭減量12項以及民眾有感2項。後續本計畫協助環保局推動各項防制措施落實執行。 在空品不良應變方面,109年空氣品質不良(AQI>100)日數為38天。計畫期間,執行空氣品質不良通報及因應措施共35次,主要針對當AQI>100及AQI>150時,落實通報廠家進行自主減量及稽巡查作業;因應AQI>400納入災害防救法,109年度辦理AQI>400兵棋推演,確認本市空品惡化防制措施可行性及適用性,評估指揮系統的完整性與通報的有效性,模擬嚴重惡化時,主管機關與相關單位處置判斷與應變能力,以提升空氣品質惡化期間應變成效。在空氣品質改善執行成效及策略研擬工作方面,每月針對環保署自動測站及桃園市環保局所設置空氣品質測站,收集各項數據進行分析,於每季提出空品分析專題報告,深入探討本市區域污染問題。 在空氣污染監測評估及研究調查作業上,為驗證各減量策略之有效性,故針對特定污染源排放減量,進行不同污染排放情境模式模擬,模擬結果為對於PM2.5改善各測站平均減量為1.74 μg/m3,其中觀音站減量最多,達2.06 μg/m3,針對O3改善上,各項策略上均不顯著,NOx減量較多時,O3的增量也變多,後續因注意VOCs及NOx減量比例分配。在而在桃園市暨北部空品區臭氧均值劣化成因調查分析作業上,為有效控管臭氧並進一步分析臭氧生成原因與長期變化趨勢,彙整國內外臭氧管制經驗,了解污染成因進而掌握臭氧均質劣化問題,以利研擬減量方案。至於桃園機場周圍空氣污染與桃園酸雨相關性探討研究調查,由於近年桃園機場使用頻率與航空器排放量大增,加上航空城的開發計畫,機場鄰近區域亦規劃物流專區,其所排放之污染對於環境之衝擊實有需要進行進一步的調查與分析,才能成為將來設立管制標準與方法之依據。 在監督及管理各項空污防制計畫方面,本計畫每月針對各項考評指標,進行各空氣污染防制計畫執行進度及品質查核,彙整查核結果後呈報環保局並提出建議改善方案。並為確立計畫整體管制方向,於計畫期間內辦理空污防制相關會議6場次、工作檢討會5場次、空污基金管理會2場次、北部空品會1場次、實地督導稽核6場次,藉以提升各計畫工作績效及執行品質。另外本計畫於109年1月3日辦理空氣品質改善策略研商會,希藉由專家針對各項工作進度及成果,提供意見與建議,達到相關業務執行共識,共同為改善整體空氣品質盡一份心力。 在空污防制研討活動及業務推廣方面,藉由媒體宣導力量,使民眾瞭解環保局為打造潔淨、健康、舒適之環境之努力,計畫期間總計平面媒體主動報導為21版次。未來將持續辦理空污防制業務推廣作業,展示空污防制相關成效,以達到全民共同投入環保工作之目的。。值得一提的是,本計畫於109年9月29日辦理空氣污染防制績優廠商頒獎典禮,藉由公開表揚方式,激勵空氣污染防制相關廠商與單位之榮譽心,更可提升未來空氣污染防制績效及成果展現,勉勵企業繼續響應環保精神。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質,污染負荷,空氣污染防制


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 11230 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/01 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 陳意淳
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳韋如 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年桃園市空氣品質綜合管理計畫期末報告定稿.pdf 21MB

The Integrated Management Plan of Air Quality

英文摘要 This project was carried out from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. The primary objects were to supervise and evaluate the execution qualities of the plans supported by comprehensive management of various air pollution prevention fund, so as to achieve the expected goal of various control jobs and integrate the specific effectiveness and characteristic results. It ensured the air quality in Taoyuan City to meet the standards to further gain the excellent performances assessment given by Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). Another focus was to keep track of the environmental loading and pollution emission data of Taoyuan City, analyzed the air quality monitoring results and discussed the cause of the pollution on the event day of poor air quality. The findings could serve as reference for EPA to revise the air pollution control strategy. On the other hand, this project also assist in compiling and implementing the air pollution prevention plan of Taoyuan City in accordance with the EPA policy. Analysis the data of general monitoring stations of EPA in Taoyuan City, the proportion of good air quality (AQI≦50) is 64.3% which higher 7.9% than 2017. The air quality has improved significantly. In addition to reaching the eight-hour average of O3, the target value comply with a standard of each pollutant indicator. It shows that promotion of various control policies is reasonable in Taoyuan City. Therefore, we will continue to follow the previous version of the pollution prevention and control plan to implement various air pollution prevention and control tasks to achieve the vision of maintaining good air quality in Taoyuan City. In addition, according to the contents of the briefing of the air pollution control plan conducted by the EPA on June 1, 2020 and the reference standards for TEDS 10.1, the project completed and submitted the first draft of the new version of the air quality control plan. As for the emergency measures for poor air quality, there were both 38 days for the poor air quality (AQI>100) in Taoyuan City in 2020.The main pollutants of poor air quality are PM2.5 and O3. However PM2.5 is gradually being replaced by O3, become the main indicator pollutant. The notices for poor air quality in Taoyuan City and the response measures have been implemented for 35 times; in case of AQI>100 and AQI>150, the EPA informed the manufacturers to reduce the emission amount and carry out the inspection work independently. In regard to the execution effectiveness and strategy making related to air quality improvement, the data was collected monthly from automatic monitoring stations of EPA and air quality monitoring stations set by Taoyuan City on its own to conduct the analysis and the special report about the air quality analysis was proposed each quarter to deeply discuss the regional pollution problems in this city. In the air pollution monitoring, evaluation, research and investigation operations. First, the effectiveness of each reduction strategy for different pollution source reduction, contain (weather conditions, overseas emissions, biological source emissions and initial boundary conditions). Model simulation for different pollution emission scenarios. The result is average reduction of each station for PM2.5 improvement is 1.74 μg/m3. Among reduced the most is Guanyin Station (2.06 μg/m3). All strategies are not significant for O3. When NOx decreases increase, the increase of O3 also increases. Then we attention reduction ratio with VOCs and NOx. The second part is the investigation and analysis of the average wavelength of ozone in Taoyuan City and the northern area. The analysis results show that although the high and low concentrations of ozone decrease, the intermediate concentration increases year by year, resulting in the eight-hour value of O3 continuous high. The properties of the photochemical Pingzhen station and Wanhua station are similar. The third part is a study on the correlation between air pollution and acid rain around the Taoyuan Airport. The results show that the Luzhu and Dayuan areas are subject to airport aircraft emissions, adjacent to industrial areas and the high flow of logistics transportation, leading to acidification of rainwater. In addition, the concentration of NO3- and nss-SO42- are affected by the northeast wind, which causes the concentration of each station to be different. In terms of the works of monitoring and managing the air pollution prevention and control plan, this project checked the execution progress and quality of the air pollution prevention and control plans monthly, according to various assessment indicators. The checking results of all plans were also summarized and presented to EPA to put forward the improvement programs. In order to establish the project’s overall control directions, the following activities would be additionally conducted during the period of the project to enhance the working performances and execution qualities of every project: six times air pollution control meetings, five internal work review meetings, two air pollution fund committee meeting, one seminar of air quality district in the north, six times of field work supervision and checking. In terms of media advocacy, the mass media was used for advocacy to make the public timely master and understand that EPA devotes to various kinds of prevention and control works to create a clean and comfortable environment. At the same time, the integration of media’s active report results with a total of 21 editions. The advocacy work will be continuously executed in the future to publicize the air pollution prevention and control effectiveness in Taoyuan City by means of newspapers and broadcast to make the public know clearly about the air pollution prevention and control works of the EPA and build the public consensus, so that all the people could engage in the works of environmental protection. Besides, the project was to conduct an air quality improvement strategy seminar on January 3, 2020. It was hoped that experts will provide opinions and suggestions on various work progress and results to reach a consensus on the implementation of related business, and work together to improve the overall air quality. It is worth mentioning that the award ceremony for outstanding manufacturers of air pollution prevention and control has be held on September 29, 2020. Through public praise, it will encourage the honor of air pollution prevention and control related manufacturers and units, and can also improve the future air pollution prevention performance and results demonstrate and encourage companies to continue to respond to the spirit of environmental protection.
英文關鍵字 Air quality, pollution loading, air pollution control