

中文摘要 為強化環境治理及智慧稽查技術,環保署推動「環境監測影像結合人工智慧執法應用」的智慧化概念,以全方位發展環境監測及人工智能影像判釋應用,目標讓人工智慧監測預警能成為智慧城市治理重要一部分,並強化環境變遷之時空監測,由衛星遙測進行全國高精度(空間)及全時段(時間)之環境影像監控,輔助並強化環保署現行民眾通報環境事件及主動稽查機制。 本案購置臺灣96鄉鎮區域(108年/109年)衛星影像,透過ArcGIS影像處理軟體,將各期各區影像匯入鑲嵌資料集中,進行正射糾正處理、影像接邊色差處理、影像顏色處理等步驟,並將影像拼接成單一影像,並發佈圖資服務儲存於環保署影像資料庫中,提供業務單位相關稽查行動參考依據,提升稽查成效,增進環保署及地方治理業務效能,提升環境治理及公眾服務品質。
中文關鍵字 衛星影像處理、正射糾正、影像鑲嵌


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 870 千元
專案開始日期 2020/12/04 專案結束日期 2020/12/18 專案主持人 常健行
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 郭偉齡 執行單位 互動國際數位股份有限公司內湖分公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 高解析度衛星影像後製處理-結案報告.pdf 4MB 高解析度衛星影像後製處理-成果報告書

Orthorectification and Mosaicking for Multispectral Satellite Images

英文摘要 Image change detection is an image processing method used in remote sensing to analyze environment change in different periods. With the advancement of remote sensing, the image resolution is getting higher and higher. These images are also an important source for the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) to find the location of environmental change or illegal waste disposal. The importance of image management in environmental control is increasing. Remote sensing is anticipated to be useful in ameliorating this problem, especially in the monitoring of waste disposal sites. This project has got 96 different towns of Taiwan images in the 2019 year and 2020 year, then use ArcGIS orthomosaic tools to make 96 to 1 image. Orthorectification is a process that corrects for many artifacts related to remotely sensed imagery to produce a map-accurate orthoimage. Orthoimages can then be edgematched and color balanced to produce a seamless orthomosaic. This orthomosaic is accurate to a specified map scale accuracy and can be used to make measurements as well as generate and update GIS feature class layers.
英文關鍵字 orthomosaics、 color balance、satellite image