

中文摘要 復華夜市於88年10月正式營運,社區型夜市,於每週二、五晚間16:00~23:30營業,腹地廣大約1,000多坪,招募攤商主要以小吃為主,其中也分布些許生活用品、服飾及遊戲攤商。為其客源大多來自附近住戶,為維護夜市整體素質,夜市管理委員亦禁止博弈相關攤商進駐。 經審慎考量地區屬性、夜市人潮及推廣之可行性,復華夜市於107年10月3日取得臺南市市場處許可設置,有效期為三年,屬在地市集夜市,攤位數雖不多,但主委配合意願高,且有固定客源,在環保夜市初步推動成效較可期待。 「109年臺南市環保夜市試辦推行計畫」,計畫執行期程為109年10月6日至109年12月15日止,主要工作分為四大項,計畫工作內容執行摘要如下: (一) 環保夜市一次用產品減量 復華夜市多數內用攤商配合不使用免洗餐具,改用本計畫提供之PET餐具,參與率達94%;外帶攤商同意配合不提供塑膠免洗餐具之參與率達88%。 為消除攤商在使用環保餐具的疑慮,於109年10月30日、11月13日辦理2場次餐具清洗講習。 計畫執行期間,環保餐具組、環保袋租賃人次分別為488人次、516人次,共計1,004人次;袋袋相傳取用量為83個。而歸還率及歸還時間部分,民眾參與實際目的多為參與吃喝換好康集點活動,故近9成租賃民眾係當日歸還,其餘民眾亦會於租賃期限(7日)屆滿前歸還。 為增加環保夜市推行之吸引力,於109年10月14日提送吃喝換好康活動辦法,讓民眾響應環保的同時也能收獲好禮。計畫執行期間,完成集點活動並兌換宣導品之民眾共48人次。 依據「環保夜市-吃喝換好康活動」問卷調查結果,顯示有93%體驗民眾滿意本活動,且再次參與本活動意願高。而有95%體驗民眾於外出時會自備環保餐具/杯。 (二) 環保夜市資源回收 依照夜市場域分布,於3處主要出入口設置不銹鋼材質之資源回收分類設施,分類項目為一般垃圾、資源回收(包含塑膠類、金屬類、玻璃類、紙容器、乾電池等五類)及廚餘回收,並按月統計數據。 環保夜市試辦前(營業3日)資源回收率2.0%、廚餘回收率6.6%;平均每日垃圾量339.7公斤、平均每日資源回收量7.4公斤、平均每日廚餘回收量24.7公斤。 試辦後(營業17日)資源回收率增加至4.7%、廚餘回收率更提昇至12.1%;平均每日垃圾量下降至215.9公斤、平均每日資源回收量12.3公斤、平均每日廚餘回收量31.5公斤。推測原因可能為設置資源回收分類設施,使民眾有效執行回收分類,以及分發廚餘回收桶給攤商,使其能妥善分類所致。 (三) 環保夜市試辦宣導 提送環保夜市創意口號及設計夜市介紹之精美文宣,盼能藉由復華夜市進行環保夜市的改造,加強每一位市民對於復華環保夜市的認同及支持。並協助臺南市環保局核發環保攤商標章,另於計畫期間內撰寫新聞稿及臉書粉絲專頁訊息各3則,使環保夜市的理念蔓延更廣。 (四) 環保夜市試辦成果彙集 本計畫執行期間,於夜市熱點營業時段,檢視夜市營業現況;並隨機抽查攤商,檢核攤商有關「免洗餐具減量」、「資源回收」、「餐飲廢(污)水處理」、「環境清潔」等項目執行情況。計畫執行期間,業已執行12次檢核作業,共查核攤商24家次,均未見有違規情形。 彙整環保夜市「免洗餐具減量」、「資源回收」、「油煙排放控制」、「餐飲廢(污)水處理」、「環境清潔」等項目之改善成果,協助臺南市環保局提送環保夜市書面評鑑資料。 (五) 配合協助臺南市環境保護局交辦事項 臺南市環保局於109年11月17日,邀請臺南市市長黃偉哲及數名臺南市永康區議員及永康區復華里里長,至復華夜市共同召開環保夜市試辦推動啟動記者會,由本計畫協助辦理記者會前置作業。
中文關鍵字 環保夜市、一次用產品減量、資源回收


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-109-GW-30908 經費年度 109 計畫經費 1546.5 千元
專案開始日期 2020/10/06 專案結束日期 2020/12/15 專案主持人 連登榮
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 曾建方 執行單位 飛亞環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 01-109年臺南市環保夜市期末報告 定稿.pdf 8MB

The 2020 eco-friendly night market pilot program

英文摘要 Established in October, 1999, Fu-Hua Night Market serves as a local night market for the nearby community, opens on every Tuesday and Friday, from 4PM to 11:30 PM. It contains mostly food stalls and some retailers that sell daily necessities and clothing; also, it has some game stalls. Since most of its customers are nearby residents, so as to preserve the quality of the market, the Fu-Hua Night market committee prohibits any gambling activities among all stalls. Considering that Fu-Hua night market being a local market which have gained permission from Tainan City Market Administration Office in 2018 to run their business formally, the features that it has its own customer base and the chairman of the committee being willing to coordinate for the eco-friendly changes make it an ideal fit for the eco-friendly program. The 2020 eco-friendly night market pilot program had been implemented from October 6 to December 15. The summaries of the divided sections of the program are as follows: A. Reduce single-use product Nearly 94% of the dine-in stalls use PP tableware that provided by this program instead of disposable ones; 88% of the food-to-go stalls agree to provide no disposable plastic tableware. To dismiss the doubts vendors might have about the PP tableware, we’ve held 2 Tableware Cleaning Forums on October 30 and November 13. During the operation period, the tableware and re-use bag rental service had served 1,004 people, most are participants of the points collecting campaign which held for boosting customers’ will to go eco-friendly when visit a night market. By the end of this program, there were 48 people awarded in exchange for accomplish the points collecting. B. Resource recycling According to the site plan of Fu-Hua market, we’ve installed 3 sets of classification recycling bins at its main entrance/exit. Every set contains three bins that collect general waste, recycling resources and food waste. During the implementation of this program, the recycling rate had risen from 2.0% to 4.7%; food waste recycling had risen even higher, from 6.6% to12.1%. The daily amount of general waste decreased from339.7 to 215.9 kilos; and had recycled 12.3 kilos resources and 31.5 kilos food waste a day on average. C. Promotion and Dissemination To promote the eco-friendly night market program, we’ve created catchphrases, designed propaganda/ information flyers and composed news content to expose on press and social media, in order to disseminate the eco-friendly concepts, so as to encourage people going green while visiting night markets. D. Results and achievement During the implementation of the program, we’ve inspected the implementing status of reducing disposable tableware, resources recycling, sewage treatment, and environmental cleanups. 12 inspections/examinations had been operated during the program period, and a total 24 vendors had been examined, no violation of regulations had been seen. E. Assist in other assigned works from Tnepb On November 17, We’ve assisted in the preparation of the opening press conference which Tainan city mayor Huang Wei-che along with several city councilmen were attended.
英文關鍵字 eco-friendly night market, Reduce single-use product, Resource recycling