

中文摘要 聯合國氣候變化綱要公約在1992年通過,是全球因應氣候變遷的重要合作平台。綜觀國際推動溫室氣體排放減量的經驗,許多成功的行動架構皆設有財務機制,在巴黎協定正式實施的今(2020)年,第26屆UNFCCC締約方會議(COP 26)以「金融」為主題,顯見財務機制的重要性。全球氣候行動的推升將對產業布局與生活方式造成衝擊,若未能妥善因應,則容易造成社會輿論之反彈。因此,如何在綠色轉型的過程中達到轉型正義,是相當重要的課題。此外,氣候行動將在法律、制度、政策及生活等各個層面推動之改變,更需要利害關係人與民眾的溝通,更高程度的公眾參與有利於凝聚各界共識,許多國家已施行氣候政策的公眾參與,其辦理方式與成效可為我國借鏡。 我國在2015年通過「溫室氣體減量及管理法」,設立溫室氣體管理基金、碳交易及其他溫室氣體收費作為財務機制。藉由蒐研國際氣候資金最新發展動態,規劃溫室氣體收費制度之收入用途與配套措施,整合國內相關基金的執行成效,以精進溫管基金的經濟誘因與執行效益。目前我國正在推動訂定第二期溫室氣體階段管制目標的部門排放管制目標及其行動方案,依法辦理公眾參與程序。未來針對國內民眾關切的氣候政策相關議題,亦可導入公眾參與機制,以加強溝通、凝聚共識及與社會各界建立長期夥伴關係,協力檢討減碳路徑與擬訂氣候行動,朝低碳永續社會的目標邁進。
中文關鍵字 氣候金融、溫室氣體管理基金、公眾參與


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 8777.493 千元
專案開始日期 2020/06/29 專案結束日期 2021/06/28 專案主持人 蘇漢邦
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 張文菖 執行單位 財團法人台灣綜合研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 「因應氣候變遷財務機制分析與政策公眾參與機制規劃」期末報告(定稿本).pdf 11MB 期末報告

Financial mechanism analysation and public engagement planning in response to climate change

英文摘要 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was established in 1992 to provide a platform for cooperation on climate change. According to the previous experience in the international greenhouse gas emissions reductions, countries and institutions that were successful, contain financial mechanism in their policy structure. Therefore, in the year 2020 that the Paris Agreement is implemented, the 26th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties selected "finance" as the topic, emphasised the importance of climate finance. Global Climate action could bring significant impact on industries and lifestyle if it fails to success the social might rebound. Hence, to achieve transitional justice in the process of social transformation is also a crucial issue. In addition, climate action includes promotion on regulation, system, policy, etc., which requires a high level of public communication. Recently, various countries have carried out public engagement in climate policy that allowed us to learn from their lessons. Taiwan has passed the "Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Law (hereinafter referred to as "the law")". Under this regulation, the greenhouse gas fund (hereinafter referred to as" the fund"), carbon trade etc. as the financial mechanism. This report will collect the latest international climate funds information includes income, usage and supporting measures to improve the economic incentive and implementation benefit of the fund. Furthermore, recently Taiwan is promoting Phase II Goals for Greenhouse Gas Emission Control and executing public participation following the law. In the future, related climate policy issues that people concern could be conducted into public participation to strengthen communication, consensus and partnership between public and government. This could allow the entire society to review the pathway of the carbon reduction and move towards a low-carbon sustainable society.
英文關鍵字 Climate finance, Greenhouse gas management fund, Public Engagement