

中文摘要 依據行政院環保署於108年度針對政府機關綠色採購推動成果統計資料顯示,自102年度起政府機關綠色採購達成率每年都有95%以上;以108年度為例,政府機關綠色採購的達成率已達97.9 %。但,對照行政院公共工程委員會之資料,108年度政府機關的總採購金額(含工程、財物及勞務)共計約18,716億元,其中政府機關綠色採購金額卻僅為99.75億元,占政府總採購金額的0.53%。由此可知,政府機關綠色採購金額仍有極大成長空間。然以現有制度,政府綠色採購近三年幾乎連年都有將近百分之百的達成率,預期未來成長幅度極為有限。有鑒於此,計畫執行團隊認為可從擴大認定可採購的綠色產品類別、發展新種類別的配套認定方式,以及提供更多綠色產品採購驅動力量等方式著手,讓綠色採購的總金額在未來數年有明顯的成長。 本專案工作計畫主要為以下五大重點:(1)制定綠色採購綠色產品宣告指引;(2)試行兩項產品之綠色產品宣告;(3)評估擴大綠色採購綠色產品之定量門檻,並發展定量工具;(4)制定綠色採購綠色產品認定之審查作業;及(5)研析民間團體及企業綠色採購推動策略及精進作為等五大工作項目之展開。依據上述工作重點可知,本專案工作計畫之目的係以生命週期評估的量化技術劃分綠色門檻,透過量化產品或服務在其生命週期各階段環境衝擊資訊,判斷是否其符合低污染或省能源之綠色效益,一方面除期望在現有的環保標章及節能省水等標章外,能再另闢一個新的綠色產品量化的認定路徑以廣納更多具有潛力之採購項目,提升機關及民間企業與團體之綠色採購成效外,另一方面也期望透過此一機制將原先僅針對企業採購端的綠色採購要求,往上衍生至對其供應商之約束,讓產品從原料取得與製造過程就讓供應鏈一同進行綠色生產與減碳,進而造成雪球效應達到整體環境效益的質變。
中文關鍵字 綠色採購、綠色產品認定方法、生命週期評估、綠色評比


專案計畫編號 EPA-064-109-001 經費年度 109 計畫經費 4430 千元
專案開始日期 2020/03/04 專案結束日期 2020/11/16 專案主持人 盧怡靜
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 陳惠琦 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告全(本文+附件)(定稿).pdf 20MB

The Project of drafting the evaluation criteria of green product for Green public Procurement

英文摘要 According to the data related to the promoting of the green public procurement from Taiwan EPA in 2019, the achievement rate has been over 95% every year since 2013. Take the data in 2019 for example, the achievement rate of green public procurement topped out at 97.9%; however, compared to the data from Public Construction, the amount of the public procurement in 2019 cost a total of NT$1.8716 trillion (e.g. construction, product, and service, etc.), which the public green procurement only cost a total of NT$9.975 billion. It accounts for 0.53% in the public procurement, so it’s easy to learn that there’s still room for improvement; on the other hand, the expected growth rate of the green public procurement may be limited because it has almost topped out at 100% for 3 years. Therefore, we regard that it can start with increasing the green product category, developing the new sort of evaluation criteria, and providing more incentives to the green product procurement. Hope that there will be obvious growth rate of the total amount of the green procurement in the future. The following have listed 5 key points of the project work: (1) Regulate Green procurement product- Declaration Guideline; (2) Pilot 2 Green procurement product-Declaration Guideline which are regulated in 2019; (3) Regulate the benchmark of green products and develop the calculation tools; (4) Regulate the critical review process for verifying green procurement product; and (5) Study and develop the green procurement promotion strategies of private sectors. Through this project, we hope to increase the green product category for green procurement and the green procurement amount of public and private sectors by using LCA as the tools of environmental claim. Furthermore, we also expect the requirement of green procurement can be extend into supply chain and hope the transmutation can achieve the target of SDGs and promote the green production and carbon reduction effectively.
英文關鍵字 Green Public Procurement, The evaluation criteria of green product, Life cycle assessment, Life cycle assessment, Green performance evaluation