

中文摘要 嘉義市政府環境保護局(以下簡稱嘉義市環保局)依據「土壤及地下水污染整治法」 (以下簡稱土污法)針對轄區內土壤或地下水進行定期之監測工作,此外,亦針對地下儲槽系統管理、公告事業查證及清查、土水保育宣(傳)導工作,藉以掌控轄區內土壤及地下水品質,以及推廣資源保育之理念。 為使土壤及地下水保護工作持續推動,嘉義市環保局執行109年度「土壤及地下水污染調查及查證計畫—嘉義市」(以下簡稱本計畫),以利嘉義市推動土壤及地下水污染管制及維護環境品質,進而保障民眾健康及環境。本年度工作內容所執行之成果如下: 一、枯、豐水期地下水質監測(5口) (一)背景與指標水質項目(部份項目)、一般項目及8項重金屬:華碁廢棄物處理場-N(MW-4N)之監測項目濃度皆低於地下水污染監測標準,水質無異常,後湖工業區3(MW-3)豐水期之氨氮濃度超過地下水污染監測標準,而嘉義市魚市場(MW-5)於枯、豐水期氨氮皆超過地下水污染監測標準,其餘項目無異常情形。 (二)揮發性有機化合物(VOCs)及總石油碳氫化合物(TPH)及甲基第三丁基醚(MTBE):建國路加油站(MW-9)、信義路加油站(I00005)監測井之檢測結果皆低於地下水污染監測標準,其中信義路加油站(I00005)於枯水期有檢測出氯仿(0.0685mg/L)及二氯甲烷,但豐水期僅檢測出氯仿有微量濃度(0.00185mg/L),已低於查證基準之建議值,但仍需注意水質狀況,持續監測。 二、監測井外觀巡查維護暨設施修復 完成上、下半年度轄區內各監測井外觀巡查及維護作業。其轄內監測井外觀皆無重大損壞,僅1口華碁廢棄物處理場-N(MW-4N)因經濟部水利署第五河川局辦理河堤防災興建工程,井體外觀有受損。已於興建工程完工後,完成井體設施修復作業。 三、監測井井體內部維護 完成4口地下水監測井之井況評估及再次完井作業;此外,另完成5口地下水監測井異物排除作業,已恢復原監測井之深度。 四、地下儲槽系統業者管理工作 (一)網路申報資料審查:完成3次網路申報資料審查(108年第3次、109年第1次及第2次),除109年第1次有1站逾期申報外,其餘36站業者皆於申報期限內完成申報。審查結果主要以總量進出平衡管制表有異常,後續已與站方聯繫並要求確認後重新申報並審查通過。 (二)地下儲槽系統業者現場查核作業:5站查核結果,其書面資料核對無缺失;現場設備皆符合法令規定;其土壤氣體監測井(測漏管)功能性檢測皆正常及油氣檢測皆低於警戒值。 五、協助嘉義市環保局審查土污法8、9條土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料: 截至期末報告(109年11月6日)提交前,計2件送審,申請原由為辦理事業設立許可。 六、公告事業用地查證工作之轉作 因本年度審查之土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料未發現異常,故將該項經費轉作新明利五金加工廠土壤及地下水污染控制場址區內及區外2口地下水監測井水質調查分析作業,其調查結果顯示區內(I00048)監測井:總硬度、總溶解固體物、氯鹽、氨氮、重金屬鋅超過地下水污染監測標準;另重金屬鎳超過地下水污染管制標準。區外井(MW-14)僅有氨氮超過地下水污染監測標準。 七、緊急應變事件:1件 進行新明利五金加工廠(土壤及地下水污染控制場址)地下水污染範圍調查作業,於廠區外設置1口地下水標準監測井,設置作業於109年5月31日完成;地下水採樣作業於109年6月29日執行,水質檢測結果暫無發現異常情形。 八、辦理1場次法規說明會 於109年8月13日辦理完成,參與人員共計52名,符合契約規範人數(40人),會議主題為「土污法第8、9條相關法令規定說明」及「地下儲槽業者網路申報常見缺失」。 九、辦理5場次學校說故事 主要以環保署製作之故事繪本進行故事講說,此外,並播放宣導短片「腳下的黃金」分別於進行宣導,總計參與人數達440人。 十、辦理1場次臉書宣傳活動 於109年5月完成本次宣導活動,以嘉義市環保局臉書進行宣導,將土壤及地下水基本知識及資源保育之概念推廣於一般民眾,並邀請民眾於活動期間分享訊息於臉書、各社團或Line群組,以一傳十、十傳百的速度擴大宣導之層面。 十一、辦理1場種子講師培訓 於109年5月6日完成活動,參與人員共17名,藉由培訓人員自身專業(教師、環保志工),將授課方式以多元化互動之方式進行,引領學生及民眾,並將其體現於實際行動,一起保護這美麗的環境。 十二、土基會20週年特展 於109年10月19日至松山文創園區3號倉庫進行嘉義市展區現場之佈展工作,於109年10月21日開展當天,藉由展出樂高模型,其模型之多變性與趣味性,吸引了許多前來觀賞的民眾,期間由現場人員生動地講述樂高模型與展區整體佈置之關聯性外,亦透過繪本拚圖或臉書打卡、按讚活動與前來參展民眾互動,為本次展覽增添不少可看性。 十三、計畫執行期間每月至少執行1次轄內公告場址巡查作業 本年度(109)截至12月底前,轄內計有1處整治場址及1處控制場址,1處控制場址公告解除管制。各場址現行狀況說明如下: (一)遠東機械工業股份有限公司新厝廠(土壤污染整治場址):開始執行污染整治作業,目前符合污染整治計畫書執行進度;於定期巡查時多能符合整治計畫書之要求。 (二)建國路加油站有限公司興達加油站(土壤污染控制場址,現已公告解除管制):已於109年8月14日解除公告。 (三)新明利五金加工廠(土壤及地下水污染控制場址):該廠已提出污染控制計畫書(修正二版)之修正稿,經委員審查通過,已提送定稿本,環保局已核定通過。 本計畫各工作項目皆已完成,來年嘉義市環保局仍持續推動土壤及地下水之污染調查與查證工作,並善盡土水業務職責,藉以維護本市土壤與地下水資源及市民健康。
中文關鍵字 土壤及地下水


專案計畫編號 1081164 經費年度 109 計畫經費 5000 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/01 專案結束日期 2020/12/20 專案主持人 鄭逸群
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳信逸 執行單位 恆逸工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109土水計畫嘉義市期末報告(定稿).pdf 86MB 109土水計畫嘉義市期末報告(定稿)

109 soil and groundwater pollution investigation and audit project

英文摘要 According to Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act (SGPRA), Environmental Protection Bureau, Chiayi City (EPBCC) has conducted testing methods for groundwater and soil periodically to ensure the quality. It also includes management of underground storage tanks (USTs), audits, examinations, and educational series of the environment. In order to maintain the performance of soil and groundwater protection, EPBCC has implemented “Soil and Groundwater Monitoring and Inspection Plan-- Chiayi” (the Plan) in 2020. Through this program, the Chiayi City is able to control the soil and groundwater pollution and promote a friendly environment efficiently. The annual report is outlined below: 1.Groundwater Quality Inspection during the dry and rainy seasons (5 monitoring wells): (1) The tested concentrations at MW-3 and MW-4N were lower than the groundwater monitoring standards; water quality is normal. However, the concentration of NH4+ at MW-3 and MW-5 surpassed the groundwater monitoring standards. (2) VOCs, TPH, and MTBE: the results from the monitoring wells at the MW-9 and the I00005 were lower than the groundwater monitoring standards. Among them, the I00005 detected chloroform (0.0685mg/L) and dichloromethane during the dry season, but only a trace of chloroform (0.00185mg/L) was detected during the rainy season, which was lower than the Verification Standard Recommendation Value. Further examination should be implemented to monitor the water quality. 2.Maintenance of the Monitoring Wells (exterior) Checking the exterior of 20 monitoring wells were completed, including the maintenance of 19 of them. Only a well at the MW-4N had some surface damage due to construction of the 5th River Management, WRA, MOEA. The well was repaired and returned to function normally after the construction. 3.Maintenance of the Monitoring Wells (interior) Four monitoring wells were assessed and redeveloped. Moreover, matter was removed from five monitoring wells to maintain their original depth. 4.Management of Underground Storage Tanks System (1) Evaluation of the online data: the initial values were entered during the third quarter of 2019; two sites had abnormal values. After contacting the owners and reevaluation, the follow-up examination was passed during the first quarter of 2020. (2) Five onsite inspection: all the sites have passed the examination. The functionality of the soil vapor monitoring wells was normal, and the results of leak detection evaluation passed the criteria. 5.Assist EPBCC to review Article 8 and 9 from the SGPR and the related data By the final report (2020/11/06), one case was sent under review; the reason for this application for the permission of new company setup. 6. Because the reports for soil contamination were normal, the fund was reallocated to monitor the groundwater quality of the Xin Ming Li Hardware Machine Factory. The data showed abnormal values for total hardness, total dissolved solids, concentrations of chorine salts, ammonia, nickel, and zinc which did not pass groundwater monitoring standards. For groundwater controlling standards, the concentration of nickel was higher than the standards. 7.Emergency Response: one incidence A monitoring well was installed outside of the Xin Ming Li Hardware Machine Factory (soil and groundwater control site) factory on May 31, 2020 to conduct examinations. The inspection of its groundwater quality was completed on June 29, 2020; the tested results have passed the standards 8.Regulation explaining session The session has helped the participants understand more about the “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Laws of 8th and 9th” and was held at CPC Chiayi branch on August 13, 2020. 9.Educational series Through interactive storytelling and videos, the community could learn about the importance of preserving soil and groundwater resources. About 440 people participated in these events. 10.Posting Environmental knowledge on Facebook Using the EPBCC’s Facebook page, knowledge about soil and groundwater and environmental preservation/ conservation were shared to the general public. Likewise, they were encouraged to share what they have learned to others utilizing social media. The event was completed in May 2020. 11.Training for seeded lecturer On May 6, 2020, led by certified teachers and volunteers, 17 participants learned about the actions one could take to preserve the environment from the interactive lectures. 12. 20th Anniversary Exhibition of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Laws Presenting the Chiayi City in Lego form had attracted many viewers because of its liveliness and creativeness. Moreover, the picture books, puzzles, and interactive series had encouraged those viewers to learn more about groundwater and soil. 13.During project execution period, patrolling the controlled sites is implemented at least once a month: currently, there are one remediation site and two control sites. The progress for each site is listed respectively: (1) Far Eastern Mechanical Co. Ltd. (soil remediation site): the remediation process has started; the current progress has been up to date. (2) Gas Station of Jianguo Rd. Co. (Soil control site, the control has been lifted): the soil quality has been verified on June 30, 2020. The site has been announced deregulation on August 14, 2020. (3) Xin Ming Li Hardware machining Factory (soil and groundwater control site): the pollution control plan has been sent in for review by the EPBCC on May 29th, 2020. The goals of the plan have been achieved in 2020. The EPB, CYC will continue to focus on monitoring the quality of groundwater and soil.
英文關鍵字 soil and groundwater pollution investigation and audit project