

中文摘要 各國標章計畫均依據各自國情與市場狀態發展出適當的收費標準與機制。經分析各國計畫收取費用方式,考量我國國情,在年費收取上可能採取定額收取方式為最佳解,然目前標章運營穩定且全球正受疫情影響,多數廠商被迫於在新的生活型態中尋求企業轉型或變更營運方向,年費之收取勢必造成標章取得成本增加,故應可暫時保持計畫現況或直至未來有環保標章民營化之需求再行討論年費收取方式。 經研析綠色印刷教科書成功推動之案例有二,一為教育主管機關針對教科書擬訂規格,並於規格中納入綠色考量;二為教育主管機關對公立學校選用教科書種類進行要求。第一種以法令推動,較強硬但推廣快速且全面;第二種方式為各公立學校可藉由各自的教科書選用評選表,優先選擇具有環保理念的綠色教科書,較為符合環保標章作為鼓勵非強制型標章之精神。 在MIT微笑標章共通合作事項方面,已完成署內執行方向討論並提交環保標章制度資格審核資料,通過經濟部工業局認證審議會審查後,未來申請申請環保標章之廠商如有意願標示MIT微笑標章,可同步填具申請表提出申請,同時取得環保標章與MIT微笑標章雙證書。 關於研(修)訂環保標章產品規格標準,檢討修正部分完成數位複印機油墨廢止作業,生物可分解塑膠、除濕機、使用農業資源之產品、電動機車、機車等6項產品標準,印刷品規格因廠商與主管機關暫未見明確需求,為避免造成廠商負擔,影響標章推廣作業,經研析後暫不修訂。 實驗室檢測項目認可已完成2案認可作業。另依照規格標準研訂與修訂進度完成提供10項標準英文翻譯。於環境效益統計部分,完成統計政府、民間之綠色採購及環保標章用量資料量化與分析,並配合署內政策推動提供環境效益計算說明、綠色採購環境效益,其中包含節電、省水、節省原生紙漿...等等面向效益計算。 於抽樣檢驗部分,完成抽樣檢驗規劃書,全年度完成276件之產品抽樣測試,針對本年度抽測結果進行歸納研析,並將歸納後之產品納入明年度優先再抽樣清單中。在販售場所部分已完成共515件產品查核,未發現不符合或冒用之產品,並配合其他單位回饋資訊,完成5家次4件產品民眾檢舉標章冒用與標示不符之案件。 在參與環保標章國際活動方面,因應疫情原因調整為參與3場次網路研討會,並於GEN年會上發表「清潔產品、辦公室設備之效益評估」報告,同時通過GENICES同行評鑑,維持正式會員資格,且再次取得二年任期董事。 在未來推動民間綠色消費方面,應參考國外成功經驗並透過形象獎勵或實質經濟誘因,創造回饋以維持業者合作意願。並持續進行現有標準修訂,廣納意見開發新標準,以避免舊式標準不符合市場實際需求。對於推廣申請標章產品方面,可配合各縣市環保局輔導政策邀請各環保局及其輔導單位參加輔導業者申請說明會,使其了解如何輔導業者進行申請,和申請時會遇到的問題和相關的操作內容,由中央透過專業輔導機制向地方往外推展標章申請注意事項與孰悉整體申請流程,用以鼓勵地方環保局間接輔導當地業者申請環保標章。 整體計畫依照收集國外資訊、參與國際活動、研修相關標準、獲證產品管理、說明推廣活動等面向維持環保標章之公正性與符合性,以持續增加機關與民眾對環保標章之信賴感。
中文關鍵字 環保標章、規格標準、追蹤查核


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 10380.457 千元
專案開始日期 2020/03/26 專案結束日期 2021/04/30 專案主持人 林建宏
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 陳建中;江家慧 執行單位 財團法人環境與發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年-環保標章-期末報告(定稿)-N.pdf 12MB 109年-環保標章-期末報告(定稿)-N

Green Mark Program Management and Product Tracking Project

英文摘要 Every country's ecolabelling program has developed its own unique and suitable fee-charging criteria and mechanism based on its respective national circumstances and market conditions. After analyzing the fee-charging and collection schemes adopted by ecolabelling programs of various countries, and taking into consideration Taiwan’s unique domestic circumstances, it is decided that a fixed annual fee system may be the best approach for the future annual fee collection scheme. However, at present, the Green Mark Program is operating at a steady state, and that most Green Mark license users are forced to consider potential transformation of business models or changes in operating directions due to the shifts in consumer lifestyles during this pandemic period. If the additional annual fee is imposed on the Green Mark users now, it will only increase the costs for obtaining the Green Mark ecolabel. It is therefore recommended that the current Green Mark fee scheme be maintained until the pandemic is over, or the issue of annual fee collection be discussed and considered when there is a need for privatization of the Green Mark Program in the future. After detailed study and analysis, it is observed that there are two cases that promotion of green textbooks may be successful. The first case is that government agency in charge of academic/educational affairs may promulgate specifications for appropriate textbooks which contain the requirements for green or environmental-friendly considerations of textbooks; while the second case is that government agency in charge of academic affairs may stipulate the types of textbooks that public schools may adopt. The first case may be implemented through the use of mandatory regulations or directives, which can have comprehensive coverage and be quickly implemented. For the second case, public schools will be able to develop their own textbook selection criteria which contain green considerations and preferentially select textbooks which are environmentally friendly. Since the second case can be implemented in a voluntarily manner, it is more in line with the spirit of the Green Mark ecolabel. Regarding the cooperation and joint implementation with the MIT Smile Label Program, the internal discussion of this subject within the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has been complemented, and documentation of Green Mark Program implementation has also been submitted to the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA). If the submitted documentation is approved by the certification review committee of the Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) of MOEA, future Green Mark applicants can submit applications for both Green Mark and MIT Smile Label at the same time, and be able to obtain user certificates for both labels after their applications are approved. For the new development and revisions of Green Mark product criteria, the following 6 criteria have been revised (or abolished): inks for digital duplicators (abolished), biodegradable plastics, dehumidifiers, products made from agricultural resources, motorcycles and electric motorcycles. For the revision of product criteria for the inks category, as there is no immediate needs for the EPA and license users, the revision project for this category has been temporary suspended, so as not to create extra burdens for license users and hinder the implementation of the Program. For other work items this project, two laboratory test items have been reviewed and approved; and 10 English translations for revised product criteria have been provided in line with the progress of criteria revisions. On the inventory of environmental benefits for Green Mark implementation, the statistical data for green purchasing by government agencies and private organizations, as well as the usage data of Green Mark ecolabel have been quantified and analyzed. The gathered data were then used to calculate the environmental benefits associated with the implementation of EPA’s green purchasing policy and initiatives. The calculated benefits include the quantities related to the savings of electricity, water and virgin pulps, etc. For the sampling and inspection part of this project, following the completion of the sampling and inspection plan, 276 product sampling and tests have been conducted over the year. The results of these tests were summarized and analyzed, and multiple products were placed in the prioritized list for sampling and testing next year. In addition, a total of 515 product inspections have been completed in the retail venues over the past year, and no non-conforming or fraudulent products were found during these inspections. However, using information provided by individual consumers and consumer protection organizations, 5 cases (involving 4 products) of fraudulent or non-conforming usages of Green Mark ecolabel were uncovered and processed. Regarding participation in international ecolabelling activities, the traditional attendances of overseas conferences of the past years have been transformed during the pandemic into participations in three online virtual meetings this year. Moreover, a report on the environmental benefits associated with the implementation of Green Mark’s product categories on cleaning products and office equipment was presented during the virtual annual general meeting (AGM) of GEN. During this year’s GEN AGM, EDF also successfully completed the peer review process of GENICES and maintained its certification status among fellow GEN members. On behalf of EDF, Mr. Chin-Yuan Chen was also reelected during the AGM to serve as the director of the GEN Board for another 2 years. For the future promotion of private sector’s green consumption, it is recommended that successful implementation experiences in other countries be considered, including through creation of environmental friendly corporate image or provision of tangible economic incentives, as well as maintaining private sector’s cooperation through information feedbacks. In addition, the Green Mark Program should continue with the existing product criteria revision efforts and consider inputs from all interested parties during new criteria development process, in order to reduce outdated product criteria not meeting the needs of changing market conditions. On the promotion of existing product criteria, representatives from local environmental protection bureaus and relevant consultancies should be invited to the information sessions held for the consultancies, so that these officials and consultants will know the common issues and process associated with Green Mark applications, and be able to better advise the applicants on resolving these issues when submitting applications. Through the central advisory and consultation mechanism established by the EPA to inform local environmental agencies and consultancies of Green Mark application process and common issues during application, the local government officials and associated consultants will be better informed and more proficient in advising Green Mark applicants to resolve these issues. Overall, in order to maintain and continually increase institutions and consumers’ trust for the Green Mark Program, the program implantation organization should continue to conduct existing activities, including collecting useful information on implementation of foreign ecolabeling programs, participating in international ecolabeling activities, developing and revising product criteria, certifying new products and conducting follow-up surveillance activities on certified Green Mark products, and conducting promotion activities for Green Mark products. Throughout these activities, great efforts should be made to maintain the integrity of the Green Mark ecolabel and comply with all relevant requirements.
英文關鍵字 Green Mark, Criteria, Tracking and Audit