

中文摘要 本計畫定期提供空氣品質統計週報及月報,追蹤各空品區及縣市空氣品質,每月蒐集彙整鄰近東亞、南亞地區國家城市的空氣品質資料,包括中國大陸、韓國、日本、香港等地,並蒐集COVID-19疫情對臺灣及亞洲國家空氣品質影響之相關資料。 計畫亦協助主管機關進行各項特定空品案例分析,包括分析不同天氣型態對空氣品質的影響、PM2.5及臭氧高值事件空品解析、國民旅遊對空氣品質之影響。與空氣品質解析相關之工作及研究方案亦同步進行,提供各縣市空氣品質防制區等級更新、檢討台灣地區空品區劃分、建立即時空氣品質惡化成因分析標準化作業程序、研擬空氣品質標準執行檢討作業規範及特殊事件不予採計於空品標準計算之判定程序、PM2.5手動採樣頻率變更評估、恆春PM2.5手動測站排除之影響評估、PM2.5監測數據由手動改為自動之可行性評估、即時AQI計算方案調整評估等等。 此外,計畫中完成彙整近年各地方政府執行空氣品質分析結果、分析了主要空污管制策略之成效,包括空污費徵收、高屏總量管制、電力業污染改善、油品硫含量管制、大型柴油車及二行程機車汰舊,並編製完成108年度空氣污染防制總檢討年報。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質、空品區、空品特殊事件除外規則


專案計畫編號 EPA-109-A096 經費年度 109 計畫經費 4450 千元
專案開始日期 2020/06/23 專案結束日期 2021/06/22 專案主持人 呂鴻毅
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 梁喬凱 執行單位 立境環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA109A096空氣品質成因分析及污染減量推動.pdf 21MB 期末報告

Air quality cause analysis and pollutant reduction promoting

英文摘要 This project offered air quality statistic report weekly and monthly, followed up the air quality of all air basins, cities and counties. The air quality statistic data of cities/countries nearby in the East Asia area, including mainland China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, etc. are collected and organized monthly. The research of the air quality influenced by the COVID-19 around Taiwan and Asia area are also collected. The specific air quality case studies were progressed in this project, including the influence of weather style to the air quality, analysis of high pollutant events of PM2.5 and O3, the relationship between domestic tourism and air quality. In the meantime, some assessments and studies about analysis of air quality were proceeded, which are: renew of the attainment area classification, review of air basins division in Taiwan, the standard process to analysis the cause of air quality deteriorating instantly, the methods to evaluate exceptional events rule, the feasibility of the FRM(federal reference method) sampling frequency adjustment of PM2.5, the impact to exclude the data of FRM station Hengchun, the feasibility of replacing the FRM data by FEM(federal equivalent method), and the method to estimate the AQI in real time. Otherwise, this project collected the air quality analysis reports of the local governments, analyzed the benefits of main air pollution reduction strategies, which including the air pollution fee, total emission control plan of Kaohsiung and Pingtung Air Basin, sulfur content control of fuel, replacement of diesel heavy-duty vehicles and 2-stroke scooters. The editing task of “The Annual Report of Air Pollution Control in Taiwan(R.O.C.)in 2020” was also accomplished by this project.
英文關鍵字 Air quality, Air basin, Exceptional Events Rule