

中文摘要   本計畫辦理「109年環保戲劇競賽」,藉由戲劇競賽的方式將環境關懷的種子播種在每個人的心中,今年以「循環經濟」「清淨空氣」「無塑海洋」及「關懷大地」等4大主軸融入表演中,加強國人環境保護觀念,以維護一個藍天綠地、青山淨水、健康永續的生活環境。   本活動分南、北2區進行決賽暨頒獎典禮,由各縣市初賽中脫穎而出的22支隊伍,爭取最後的區冠軍殊榮,透過藝術表演,詮釋環保即是生活的概念、傳遞對美好環境的堅持。決賽經專業評審團評選後分別選出南區冠軍「嘉義市樂齡歌劇隊」與北區冠軍「新竹市新竹國小」,劇本結合時事與重大環境議題,使觀眾產生共鳴,清楚傳遞出關心生態、重視環保與實踐的理念,達到寓教於樂的目的。   另外,今年首次與教育部合作辦理「109年環境地圖創作徵選活動」,係鼓勵師生、同學、親子一同外出,透過觀察、挖掘、記錄,描繪出屬於自己獨一無二的環境地圖;並藉由實作過程,引領孩子向環境發出關懷、與人群建立互動,反思現狀且實踐改變,展開一場珍貴的環境教育體驗。   本年度環境地圖創作徵選活動獲學校熱烈迴響,兩組別共計徵得243件作品,經業評審團隊進行評選,中年級組擇優選出前3名、佳作5名、入選獎17名;高年級組擇優選出前3名、佳作5名、入選獎31名,共計64個獎項。從孩子的繪畫視角,再次認識我們身處的環境,希冀未來能有更多孩童一起走入真實的環境中,勾勒出一幅屬於自己的環境地圖,啟發孩子重新發現臺灣土地豐富的生命力。
中文關鍵字 環保戲劇、環境地圖、環境教育


專案計畫編號 109A071 經費年度 109 計畫經費 8963 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/20 專案結束日期 2020/11/30 專案主持人 周靖芳
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 郭怡欣 執行單位 新視紀整合行銷傳播股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109A071-結案報告OK.pdf 19MB 結案報告

The 2020 Environmental Protection Drama Contest and Environmental Map Promotion Project

英文摘要 The project’s “2020 Environmental Protection Drama Contest” seeks to raise awareness about environmental protection. This year, the performances are presented under four main themes, namely Circular Economy, Clean Air, Plastic-Free Ocean, and Caring for the Land, so as to promote the idea of environmental protection to the general public. Eventually, we will be able to have an environment where people can all lead a healthy and sustainable lifestyle to enjoy the abundance of nature.   Having went through preliminaries in their respective counties or cities, the 22 teams competed one another in the northern/southern finals for the ultimate championships. The competition aimed at showing that sustainability lies within our daily lives and our firm belief in changing the environment for the better. A panel of experts have decided to give the first prizes to the Le Ling Opera from Chiayi City representing southern Taiwan and Hsin-Chu Primary School from Hsinchu City representing northern Taiwan. Combined with trending topics, the scripts by the two winning teams created a resonance for the audience and clearly conveyed the ideas of caring for the environment and the importance of environmental awareness and practices. In conclusion, the drama contest is both educational and entertaining.   Moreover, it is the very first time that the EPA joined hands with the Ministry of Education to carry out the “2020 Environmental Map Contest”. The contest hope to encourage teachers, parents, and children to go out to observe, explore, and record what they’ve seen down in their maps. The process of creating an original map is a precious environmental education experience. With this unique experience, children are able to care more about the land, interact with others, reflect on current events, and finally make a change in the world.   The 2020 Environmental Map Contest had a great many participants and received 243 works across two grade groups (grade 3-4 and grade 5-6). The panel announced a total of 65 awards to the participants, including 3 winners and 5 honorable mentions in both grade groups and the Judges’ Awards are given to 17 groups in grade 3-4 and 31 groups in grade 5-6. We, as grown-ups, get know the environment we’re living in through children’s eyes and their paintings. In the future, we hope more children can step out into the world to paint their own environmental map, and to unveil the thriving energy of Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 environment drama, environmental map, environment education