
109年度 嘉義縣固定污染源空氣污染物連續自動監測系統(CEMS)功能查核及稽查管制暨中洋防護網管理計畫

中文摘要 本計畫於109年1月9日開始執行,工作內容包含RATA稽查檢測及監督檢測、OP查核及監督查核、CGA、Zero/Span、NO2/NO轉化器效率查核、CEMS法規符合度查核、CEMS原始訊號查核比對、辦理CEMS法規說明會及CEMS評鑑作業;異味污染物(周界或管道)、排放管道中粒狀污染物、硫氧化物、氮氧化物、重金屬、戴奧辛及液體燃料油與生煤含硫份稽查檢測;辦理室內空氣品質訪查巡檢作業、法規說明會、公私場所室內空氣品質稽查檢測及室內空氣品質連續監測作業;本縣人工監測站採樣分析、操作維護及校正作業;維護中洋工業區污染防護網之監測/檢測設施;維護污染源指紋資料庫及應變查詢系統;中洋工業區監測車空氣品質監測作業及VOCS鋼瓶採樣工作;環境音量監測及陳情案件處理,期末報告統計期間為109年1月9日至109年12月31日止,各項工作執行進度如表1所示,成果說明,主要如下: (一)連續監測設施(CEMS)法規符合度及功能查核 在RATA稽查檢測及監督查核作業,於109年5月4日嘉惠電力(股)公司排放管道P002測試項目:排放流率,其檢測結果不符合相對準確度測試性能規格標準,其餘各場所檢測結果均符合RATA性能規格測試規範。 不透光率查核及監督查核作業,不透光率之偏移測試及衰光器校正查核部分,均符合偏移誤差±2 %及校正誤差±3%以內規定。 標準氣體、二氧化氮/一氧化氮轉換器效率及零點/全幅測試查核,各排放管道查核結果皆符合管理辦法中標準氣體查核值與儀器讀值差異百分比小於±15 %之規定;零點/全幅偏移測試結果,均符合性能規格標準;二氧化氮/一氧化氮轉換器效率查核結果均≧90%之規定。 法規符合度查核部分,查核意見均提請廠方進行改善,另外針對各廠挑選1根次排放管道進行原始訊號查核比對作業,其比對趨勢顯示各監測項目監測數據與環保局接收數據大抵一致。 (二)連續監測設施(CEMS)連線資料查核 經檢視嘉義縣鹿草垃圾焚化廠所傳輸之2月份監測記錄檔案,其內容所載為108年2月份資料,故系統內查無109年2月份資料,該廠未依規定於次月15日前將檔案傳輸至系統,依法進行裁處,另在日報傳輸方面,嘉義縣鹿草垃圾焚化廠因網路數據機故障,導致2月23日之日報資料未能於次日(2月24日)上午11時(於109年4月8日管理辦法修正公告後,改為下午1時)傳輸至本局,依規定一年內累計達二十次以上將予以處分,目前鹿草垃圾焚化廠累計1次,其餘各廠各月份之日/月報傳輸情形皆符合管理辦法規範,日報資料於隔日下午1時前傳輸至環保局,每月監測報表則於次月十五日前須上傳完畢。 (三)固定污染源稽查檢測作業 針對異味污染物、排放管道(P.S.N)、重金屬、戴奧辛及含硫份辦理稽查檢測作業,在異味污染物周界檢測方面,於109年7月23日進行陳柏翰畜牧場稽查檢測,檢測結果75及109年8月6日於陳金生畜牧場進行稽查檢測,檢測結果74,兩處場所檢測結果均未符合排放標準(50),另外在管道方面於109年12月9日進行宏銘油脂(股)公司稽查檢測,檢測結果9,770,未符合排放標準(1,000);在排放管道(P.S.N)檢測,於109年7月13日進行三朋行(股)公司民雄一廠稽查檢測,其粒狀污染物檢測結果為69mg/Nm3,超出法規標準(30 mg/Nm3),於109年10月29日進行科定企業股份有限公司嘉義二期廠檢測,其粒狀污染物檢測結果為77mg/Nm3,超出排放標準(50 mg/Nm3),氮氧化物檢測結果為301ppm,超出排放標準(100ppm);另外在液體燃料油含硫份,於109年5月13日進行和睦農場稽查檢測,檢測結果為0.6Wt%,未符合法規標準(0.5Wt%),後經業者提出訴願,經環保署訴委會於109年12月31日判決,爰將原處分撤銷,其餘未符合排放標準之場所均依法進行裁處作業並橫向通報「固定空氣污染源許可暨揮發性有機物稽查管制計畫」辦理後續追蹤輔導改善。 (四)室內空氣品質管理工作 室內空氣品質CO2巡檢作業,除民雄鄉立民雄幼兒園、私立耶米文理技藝短期補習班、私立志光法商短期補習班、私立志光法商短期補習班太保分班及私立水上社區式長期照顧服務機構,共5處場所二氧化碳即時濃度值大於1,000 ppm之外,其餘各場所室內空氣品質狀況良好,針對檢測不良之場所現場給予初步簡易改善建議,如教室對角處窗戶開一小縫或加裝抽風扇增加空氣對流,使室內外空氣進行流通降低CO2濃度。 進行5處場所公告方法真菌檢測、1處列管及1處非列管公告場所室內空氣品質連續監測作業,結果均符合室內空氣品質標準,在連續監測方面其場所室內空氣品質狀況尚屬良好,惟二氧化碳(CO2)於特定時段有稍高之情形發生,可經由一些簡易作為進而改善,其它測項(PM10、PM2.5)並無空氣污染之疑慮並提供。 為有效宣導並推廣注重室內空氣品質,辦理2場次室內空氣品質法規說明會,邀請轄內公私場所,針對法規內容及室內空氣品質不良改善方法等相關議題進行宣導,希冀藉由說明會提升公私場所對室內空氣品質管理專業知識,以達宣導成效。 另外針對嘉義縣列管場所之事業目的主管機關應盡職責與義務,辦理1場次跨局處協調分工會議,以協助環保局推動相關宣導業務,並依不同行業別所需注意之不同事項進行解說,利於執行轄下單位輔導、監督之權責,讓各與會主管機關瞭解其所屬單位法定規範工作事項說明。 (五)人工測站操作採樣及維護校正作業 針對轄內7座空氣品質人工監測站,每月執行TSP及落塵採樣與維護校正工作,其所使用之校正設備已完成追溯一級流量校正,每季及採樣前、後均需進行校正作業,校正結果均符合方法規範,另行政院環境保護署已於109 年 09 月 18 日修正公告空氣品質標準,已將總懸浮微粒(TSP)項目刪除。 (六)中洋工業區監測/檢測工作 每月定期執行中洋工業區監控系統鋼瓶更換、清洗及監看即時監控系統,並於春夏季(5月~8月)及秋冬季(9月~12月)於中洋工業區上、下風處進行移動式監測車空氣品質監測,於10月16-17日麻寮里活動中心、三間村活動中心臭氧最大八小時平均值(72、79 ppb)有超出空氣品質標準外,同時段環保署新港測站臭氧最大八小時平均值監測結果為69 ppb,整體趨勢大抵一致,故研判屬整體空品變化趨勢,非局部性影響,其餘測項均符合空氣品質標準,另外針對上、下半年度於中洋工業區內5家工廠執行VOCS不鏽鋼桶採樣作業,目前已完成採樣及分析工作,其監測結果均符合固定污染源空氣污染物周界排放標準。 (七)噪音監測相關作業 每季執行一般地區環境音量及道路交通噪音音量監測工作,監測結果均符合管制標準,並將監測結果上傳環保署噪音管制資訊網;而從監測結果顯示,一般地區環境音量監測時較易有高值產生,道路交通音量監測因較少外在因素干擾,測值離散程度明顯較為集中。 在噪音陳情案件監測作業,完成辦理2件陳情航空噪音、1件航空噪音測站比對及1件陳情陸上運輸系統噪音,其量測結果均符合航空噪音環境音量標準及高速公路噪音管制標準。 機動車輛噪音檢測作業,辦理環、警、監聯合稽查及科技執法作業共38場次,攔查數量總計373輛次,針對有噪音之虞之車輛進行檢測165輛次,其中檢測合格115輛次、不合格50輛次,不合格率為44 %,不合格車輛平均超出管制值約5.3分貝。
中文關鍵字 連續自動監測系統


專案計畫編號 109CY17 經費年度 109 計畫經費 13000 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/09 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 陳俊能
主辦單位 嘉義縣環境保護局 承辦人 粘淑勤 執行單位 捷思環能股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年度嘉義縣固定污染源空氣污染物連續自動監測系統(CEMS)功能查核及稽查管制暨中洋防護網管理計畫_期末定稿.pdf 25MB

2020 Stationary Source Air Pollutant Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) Performance Audit and Zhongyang Protection Network Management Project in Chiayi County

英文摘要 The project started on 9th January, 2020, and the main works included RATA and supervision audit, OP and supervision audit, CGA, Zero/Span, the efficiency inspections on NO2/NO transformer, regulatory compliance audit, original signal check and comparison of CEMS, explanation session for online and regulations, CEMS evaluation; The test on odor pollutant, particulate matters in discharge pipes, SOx, NOx, heavy metals, Dioxin, liquid fuel and sulfur content of bituminous coal; Inspection for indoor air quality, regulation explanation session, public and private indoor air quality audit and testing; Maintaining the manual monitoring station’s operating and correcting functions; Maintaining detecting and testing facilities in the Zhongyang Protection Network; Maintaining the pollutant source fingerprint database and contingency inquiry system; Air quality detecting in the Zhongyang industrial area by vehicles and VOCs sampling by steel cylinders; Environmental volume detecting and petitionary cases management. The period of data statistic had been started from 9th January, 2020 to 31th December, 2020, and the contents are summarized as follows: (1)Continuous monitoring facility (CEMS) regulatory compliance and functional review In the RATA inspection, inspection and supervision work, on 4th May, 2020, Chiahui Power Corporation. emission pipeline P002 test item: flow, the test result did not meet the relative accuracy test performance specification standard, and other locations were tested The results are in compliance with the RATA performance specification test specifications. The opacity check and supervisory check operations, the opacity offset test and the fader calibration check part all meet the requirements of offset error of ±2% and calibration error of ±3%. CGA, Zero/Span, the efficiency inspections on NO2/NO transformer. The check results of each discharge pipeline comply with the regulations of the management method that the difference between the standard CGA check value and the instrument reading is less than ±15%; zero/Span The offset test results all meet the performance specification standards; the efficiency check results of the nitrogen NO2/NO transformer converter are all ≧90%. In the part of checking compliance with laws and regulations, the inspection opinions are all submitted to the factory for improvement. In addition, each factory selects one secondary discharge pipeline for the original signal inspection and comparison operation. The comparison trend shows that the monitoring data of each monitoring project is almost the same as the data received by the Environmental Protection Agency. (2)Continuous monitoring facility (CEMS) connection data check After reviewing the February monitoring record file transmitted by the Chiayi County Lucao Waste Incineration Plant, the content contains the data of February of 2019, so there is no data of February of 2020 in the system. The plant did not comply with the regulations before the 15th of the following month. The files were transferred to the system and arbitrated in accordance with the law. In terms of daily newspaper transmission, the Chiayi County Lucao Waste Incineration Plant failed due to a network modem failure, causing the daily report data on 23th February to fail in the morning of the next day (24th February).11 o'clock (after the announcement of the amendment of the management measures on 8th April, 2020, it was changed to 1 o'clock in the afternoon). It will be sent to this bureau. According to the regulations, it will be punished if it accumulates more than 20 times in one year. The transmission of daily/monthly reports of each month of the remaining factories is in compliance with the management regulations. The daily report data is transmitted to the Environmental Protection Bureau before 1 pm the next day, and the monthly monitoring report must be uploaded before the 15th of the following month. (3)Fixed pollution source inspection and testing operations For odor pollutants, discharge pipelines (PSN), heavy metals, dioxin, and sulfur content of bituminous coal, the inspection and testing of the Chen Bohan Livestock Farm was conducted on 23th July,2020. The test result was 75 and On 6th, August 2020, the inspection was conducted at Chenjinsheng Livestock Farm. The test result was 74. The test results of the two sites did not meet the emission standards (50)。 In addition, the pipeline inspection and inspection by Hung Ming Oil Corporation. were carried out on 9th December, 2020. The inspection result was 9,770, which did not meet the emission standard (1,000); the emission pipeline (PSN) inspection was carried out on 13th July, 2020 sunbon.ham Corporation its granular pollutant test result was 69mg/Nm3, which exceeded the legal standard (30 mg/Nm3). It was conducted on 29th October, 2020. Keding Corporation.The inspection result of the period plant showed that the particulate pollutant test result was 77mg/Nm3, which exceeded the emission standard (50 mg/Nm3), and the NOX test result was 301ppm, which exceeded the emission standard (100ppm). In addition, the liquid fuel oil contains sulfur. On 13th May, 2020, the harmonyfarm inspection was conducted. The test result was 0.6Wt%, which did not meet the regulatory standards (0.5Wt%). The meeting will be judged on 31th December, 2020, that the original sanction will be revoked, and the rest of the places that do not meet the emission standards will be arbitrated according to law and notified horizontally of the "Fixed Air Pollution Source Permit and Volatile Organic Compounds Audit Control Plan" for follow-up guidance and improvement (4)Indoor air quality management Indoor air quality CO2 inspection operations, except for Minxiong Township Minxiong Kindergarten, private Yami short-term cram school for arts and sciences, private Zhiguang short-term legal and business cram school, private Zhiguang short-term legal and business cram school, Taibao sub-classes, and private water community-style long-term Care service agencies, a total of 5 places where the carbon dioxide concentration value is greater than 1,000 ppm, and the indoor air quality of the other places is in good condition, and preliminary simple improvement suggestions are given on-site for poorly-detected places, such as opening a small slit in the diagonal window of the classroom or The installation of an exhaust fan increases air convection and allows indoor and outdoor air to circulate to reduce CO2 concentration. Carried out 5 announcement method fungus detection, 1 tube and 1 non-tube announcement site continuous monitoring of indoor air quality, and the results all met the indoor air quality standards. In terms of continuous monitoring, the indoor air quality of the sites is still good. However, carbon dioxide (CO2) is slightly higher in a certain period of time, which can be improved by some simple actions. Other measurement items (PM10, PM2.5) are provided without air pollution concerns. (5)Manual monitoring station’s operating and correcting functions For the 7 manual air quality monitoring stations in the jurisdiction, monthly TSP and dust fall sampling and maintenance calibration work are performed. The calibration equipment used has completed the retrospective first-level flow calibration. Calibration operations are required every season and before and after sampling. The results are in compliance with the method specifications. In addition, the Environmental Protection Department of the Executive Yuan revised and announced air quality standards on 18th September, 2020, and deleted the total suspended particulates (TSP) item. (6)Maintaining detecting and testing facilities in the Zhongyang Protection Network The monitoring system of the Zhongyang Industrial Zone is regularly implemented every month, and the real-time monitoring system for cylinder replacement, cleaning and monitoring is carried out, and in the spring and summer (May to August) and autumn and winter (September to December) in the Zhongyang Industrial Zone. The air quality monitoring carried out by the mobile monitoring vehicle at the wind area, the maximum eight-hour average ozone (72, 79 ppb) of the Mariaoli Activity Center and the Sanjian Village Activity Center on 16-17th October exceeded the air quality standard, and at the same time was environmentally friendly. The maximum eight-hour average monitoring result of ozone at the Xingang station was 69 ppb, and the overall trend was almost the same. Therefore, the study judged that it was an overall empty product change trend and had a non-local impact. The remaining measurement items were in line with air quality standards. In addition, the upper and lower half were targeted. The annual sampling operation of VOCS stainless steel barrels was carried out in 5 factories in Zhongyang Industrial Zone. The sampling and analysis work has been completed, and the monitoring results are in line with the perimeter emission standards of air pollutants from fixed sources. (7)Noise monitoring related operations Perform quarterly monitoring of general regional environmental volume and road traffic noise volume, and the monitoring results meet the control standards, and the monitoring results are uploaded to the Environmental Protection Agency Noise Control Information Network; the monitoring results show that the environmental volume monitoring in general areas is more likely to be high. Due to less interference of external factors in road traffic volume monitoring, the degree of dispersion of measured values is obviously more concentrated. In the monitoring of noise complaints cases, two pieces of complaints aviation noise, one piece of aviation noise measurement station comparison, and one piece of complaint land transportation system noise were completed. The measurement results are in compliance with the aviation noise environmental volume standard and highway noise control standards. Motor vehicle noise detection operations, a total of 38 joint inspections of environmental protection, police, and supervision, as well as scientific and technological law enforcement operations, were intercepted for a total of 373 vehicles, and 165 vehicles were tested for noise-prone vehicles, of which 115 vehicles were qualified.There were 50 unqualified vehicles, and the unqualified rate was 44%. On average, unqualified vehicles exceeded the control value by about 5.3 decibels.
英文關鍵字 CEMS