

中文摘要 空氣污染防制是環境保護工作中重要的一環,其防制的方法及工作是要多方齊頭並進的,因此,行政院環境保護署將其部分之空氣污染防制費用於推動設置以植物淨化空氣的空氣品質淨化區,來改善全國之空氣品質。自推動以來,經環保署核定之空氣品質淨化區共計 944 處,綠化面積共計約 1,774.86 公頃、另有有樹蔭之自行車道長度約 293 公里。 本計畫內容屬持續性之工作,主要是協助環境保護署對新設置及已完成之空氣品質淨化區進行現勘、調查、維護管理追蹤及認養甄選作業之工作,此外,並辦理縣市主要道路分隔島、人行道樹穴土壤流失及裸露地改善之查核。另完成於臺灣北中南各 1 處公立長照機構設置垂直綠化示範樣區,以改善並提升當地的空氣品質,進而優化生活的環境品質。 本計畫已完成針對環境綠化育苗計畫相關辦法之擬定(包含育苗執行單位遴選辦法),進行育苗苗圃單位各項調查現勘、協助追蹤育苗苗圃單位執行計畫進度、提撥數量、種植地點等資料,並將現況登錄於機關網路平台。 於雲林大有國小教室設置不同設施條件比較室內之空氣品質、溫度與用電量,結果一樓設置養成式綠牆教室內之懸浮微粒、二氧化碳及甲醛濃度平均值皆低於同層樓無設施教室與加裝空氣清淨機之教室,溫度較低且用電量最少;二樓有設置格柵遮陽之教室,用電量遠低於二樓無設施之教室。於不同季節比較不同方位綠牆處之 PM2.5 濃度,結果位於背風牆面之綠牆測值最高、同牆面以 SEM 檢測葉面之 PM 滯塵量亦最高;隨季節風向轉換,環境 PM2.5 濃度及葉面 PM 量最高之牆面亦改變且趨勢相同。以 SEM檢測十種植物葉面,PM2.5 滯塵能力排序為冷水花、小天使蔓綠絨、鵝掌藤、心葉蔓綠絨、斑葉絡石、波士頓腎蕨、嬰兒眼淚、越橘葉蔓榕、毛蝦蟆草和垂葉武竹,滯塵能力與植物種類葉表溝槽比例及臘質層之化學組成與物理性結構相關。持續維護雲林兩處國小之養成式綠牆,測量室內空氣品質及溫溼度,於大有國小全年測值平均可降低 PM2.5 濃度 0.72 μg•m-3、PM10濃度1.48 μg•m-3、二氧化碳濃度126.4 ppm、甲醛濃度0.008 ppm 和溫度2.2℃,相對濕度上升 6.4%。於10 月份空氣品質較差之一日分析雲林兩處國小養成式綠牆之淨化效果,有綠牆教室之 PM2.5 濃度和 PM10濃度皆低於無綠牆教室。持續維護高雄市楠梓國小懸垂式綠牆,測量室內空氣品質及溫溼度,結果平均可降低 PM2.5 濃度 3.1 μg•m-3、PM10 濃度 2.8 μg•m-3、甲醛濃度 0.05 ppm 和溫度 0.2℃,相對濕度上升 15.9%。 已協助環保署完成空氣品質淨化區宣傳影片 2 支及宣導品之製作,並辦理認養頒獎暨業務檢討說明會 1 場、相關綠化宣傳活動 10 場、「種子教師」研習會 10 場及提供其他行政協助。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質淨化區、調查評估、維護追蹤考核、空氣牆


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 16550 千元
專案開始日期 2020/04/14 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 曹正
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 隋婉君 執行單位 中華民國永續發展學會


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期末報告 期末報告.pdf 92MB

Inventory, management and evaluation of air quality purification area, and demonstration of green wall project.

英文摘要 Air pollution control is an important part of environmental quality protection for all mankind, the control methods require multiple fronts, therefore, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has used a portion of air pollution control fund to establish the air quality purification area(hereinafter called the Aquapu Area)for tree planting, as the result, to improve the air quality of Taiwan. Since then, EPA has approved a total of 944 Aquapu areas covering an area of about 1,774.86 hectares and the shaded bike trail length of about 293 kilometers. The content of this project is a continuous work to provide the inventory, assessment and monitoring related works of the existing and newly built Aquapu Area. Besides,we will also to aseist EPA to inspect the central inbands dividing main roads and sidewalk green pelt divisional island in counties and cities about their soil loss and to improve or cover the base land. Thirdly, we will build up a vertical greening wall demonstration project in a public long-term care institution in Taipei, Taichung and Tainan cities. To exhibit their ability to improve the quality of our living environment. This project has also completed (1) Drafting a proposed guidelines to be used as the bases for nursery sites selection and management,(2) Carrying out various surveys of nursery management, tracking the progress of each nursery site’s implementation of the plan, the number of plants distributed, and planting locations recording, etc., and logging all these status on the agency network platform. Different environmental conditions were set up in Da-Yo elementary school located in Yunlin to compare indoor air quality, temperature and the amount of electricity used. Preliminary results indicate the classroom with green wall not only has lower average concentration of particulate matter (PM), carbon dioxide (CO2) and formaldehyde than the classroom with nothing installed and the classroom with air purifier installed, it also has lower temperature and less electricity usage. The classroom on the second floor with window grill installed has significantly lower electricity usage when compared to the classroom without. By comparing the ambient concentration of PM2.5 around green walls facing different directions during different seasons, the green wall on the leeward side had the highest ambient PM2.5 concentration and highest PM2.5 retention rate on its leaves. The wind directions differ between seasons, and therefore the green wall with the highest ambient PM2.5 concentration and retention rate changes accordingly. SEM imaging was conducted on the leaf surface of 10 different types of plants, the plants’ PM2.5 retention rate is ranked from highest to lowest as follow, Pilea cadierei, Philodendron selloum, Schefflera arboricola, Philodendron scandensoxycardium, Trachelospermum jasminoides ‘Variegatum’, Nephrolepis exaltata, Pilea depressa, Ficus vaccinioides Hemsl. ex King, Pilea nemmulariifolia, Asparagus densiflorus ‘Sprengeri’. The factors affecting PM retention rate are the percentage of surface ridges, chemical structure and composition of the wax layer and the surface structure of leaves. The green walls in two elementary schools in Yunlin is maintained constantly, with readings of indoor air quality, relative humidity and temperature readings taken periodically. Da-Yo elementary school’s annual readings showed a average reduction of 0.72 μg·m-3 in PM2.5, 1.48 μg·m-3 PM10, 126.4 ppm decrease in CO2, 0.008 ppm in formaldehyde, and 2.2oC in temperature respectively. Average annual readings for relative humidity saw an increase of 6.4%. The green walls’ performance during a day in October with low air quality was analyzed, and the results indicate that the classroom with green wall had a lower concentration of ambient PM2.5 and PM10 when compared to the classroom without green wall. The green wall in Kaohsiung Municipal Nanzih Primary School is also maintained constantly, with readings of indoor air quality, relative humidity and temperature readings taken periodically. The results indicate an average reduction of 3.1 μg·m-3 in PM2.5, 2.8 μg·m-3 in PM10, 0.05 ppm in formaldehyde and 0.2oC in temperature. The relative humidity showed an increase of 15.9%. We have also assisted the EPA in completion of following work:(1) creating publicity products and campaign film to promote the development of Aquapu areas. (2) One Aquapu Area maintenance assessment forum and awards ceremony for recognizing excellence in Aquapu site adoption. (3) 10 greenery promotional activities. (4) 10 “Seeding teacher” training sessions. (5) Various assistance in administrative related duties.
英文關鍵字 Air quality purification area, Inventory & management, aintenance, Monitoring and evaluation, Green wall