

中文摘要 本計畫配合政府推動新南向政策,為國內環境檢測產業開拓新的市場商機,推動環境檢測技術之海外輸出,成立環境檢測技術海外推廣發展小組,延續環境檢測技術海外推廣業務。 本計畫調查環境檢驗測定機構對環境檢測業務海外推廣之意向及需求,採網路問卷的方式分別針對我國110家環境檢測機構實施問卷調查,並完成 問卷成果統計分析。針對新南向10國家之環境檢驗國際認證制度、投資法令等相關制度完成資料蒐集彙整,採用SWOT工具研析環保檢測技術輸出海外市場遭遇之可能問題,並運用PESTEL及3大類12項評估指標進行新南向10個目標國之篩選評估,研析結果建議以越南及泰國2個國家作為優先協助 國內環境檢測產業拓展之目標。 原擬赴2個目標國之參訪活動,因COVID-19疫情而取消項目,仍廣邀目標國臺商視訊參與交流。本計畫進一步針對越南及泰國提出環境檢測投資規劃建議書,彙整該國環境潛在商機、切入點和策略聯盟等資訊,協助我國環境檢測業者瞭解其投資環境。本計畫協助我國環境檢測業者瞭解新南向環境檢測市場,以臺商合作之角度建立夥伴關係,以期促成我國環境檢測業立足新南向市場。
中文關鍵字 環境檢測業、新南向政策、海外推廣


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 1818.110 千元
專案開始日期 2020/03/27 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 洪肇嘉
主辦單位 環檢所 承辦人 游廷華 執行單位 國立雲林科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年環境檢測技術海外推廣發展計畫 期末報告 定稿本.pdf 14MB 109年環境檢測技術海外推廣發展計畫期末報告(定稿本)

The Project on Overseas Export and Environmental Analysis Technology

英文摘要 In line with the government’s New Southbound Policy, The Environmental Protection Administration sets up the Overseas Promotion and Development Group to explore new market and to find opportunities to export environmental analysis technology for the domestic environmental analysis industry. To understand the intention and the demand of environmental analysis companies for overseas promotion we used online questionnaires to survey 110 environmental analysis companies, completing the statistical analysis of the questionnaire results. In order to collect the information on the overseas of environmental analysis technology and the information of international certification system, we have collected 10 new southbound countries, including Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippine, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, India, New Zealand as well as Australia’s data on the international certification system for environment analysis, environmental protection and environmental analysis technology related regulations, related information, investment laws, and taxation. In addition, the SWOT analysis is also used to analyze the possible problems and bottlenecks while exporting the environmental analysis technology. Furthermore, the collected and compiled information on “international certification of environmental inspection and environmental analysis of 10 new southbound countries”, we have used PESTEL analysis and 12 assessment indicators in 3 categories to analyzed it. It suggested that Vietnam and Thailand should be the priority countries to assist and develop domestic environmental analysis industry in 2020. The planned visits to 2 target countries were cancelled because of the COVID-19 outbreak. Because of this pandemic, the Overseas Promotion and Development Group have a further proposal of environmental analysis investment plans for Vietnam as well as Thailand. This investing proposal provides Vietnam and Thailand’s information on potential business opportunities, entry points, strategic alliance to help Taiwanese environmental analysis companies to have a further understanding of its investment environment and to serve as a reference for promoting the overseas export of the environmental analysis industry.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Analysis Industry, New Southbound Policy, Overseas Promotion