

中文摘要   完成109年度契約各工作項目,成果摘要如下,各項工作完成率如表1,總完成率係以經費統計,因緊急應變措施執行經費仍有結餘,故總完成率為96.3%。 1.土壤污染調查工作完成太平洋養雞場及仁愛村零星食用作物區域定期監測;以及高污染潛勢調查1處軍方廢棄油庫及10處南、北竿汽機車修配廠,其中5處TPH超過土壤污染管制標準。 2.上、下半年個別完成11口次監測井巡查,並辦理2口次井況評估後,各完成1口次異物排除及再次完井,以及完成監測井外觀維護1口次。 3.地下水監測工作於上、下半年分別完成9口次及4口次監測,其中2口水質超過地下水監測標準。 4.年度完成3次地下儲槽網路申報及資料審查及12站次地下儲槽系統之現況稽查。 5.北竿鄉午沙廢棄加油站,為控制計畫執行階段,業已針對場址完成11次;另莒光鄉田沃西營區,亦已完成各11次之巡查。 6.加油站測漏管功能測試及油氣檢測已完成東引鄉雙柱加油站檢測,結果均低於警戒值,應無污染之虞。 7.年度完成公告事業提報土壤污染評估調查及檢測資料第一次審查7件,已進入第一次補正階段。 8.完成1場次地下儲槽法規宣導說明會、2場次土地善良管理人宣導說明會及參展1場次業務成果暨地方特色展示(環境展)。 9.年度完成緊急應變措施1件次,其中1點次超過食用作物農地監測標準。
中文關鍵字 連江縣、地下水、土壤


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 3620 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/01 專案結束日期 2020/12/20 專案主持人 劉曜文
主辦單位 連江縣政府環境保護局(停用) 承辦人 張偉晨 執行單位 上準環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 組合21.pdf 19MB

The Survey of Soil and Groundwater Contamination in Lienchiang County in 2020

英文摘要   For the environmental sustainability, the program has been advanced, which involves: 1) To investigate soil of farmland, military stronghold and high pollution potential martial sites. 2) Groundwater monitoring wells maintenance and groundwater investigation in both dry and wet season. 3) To assist and supervise declaration and facilities improvement of gas stations. 4) To supervise control sites. 5) The advertisement and education of good administrator obligation 6) The advertisement and education of gas station regulations. 7) Display of business results and local characteristics 8) Dealing with emergency cases, and administrative assistances.   The plan has been executed from January 1th 2020 to December 20th 2020, and the results of implementation are summarized as follows.   The soil investigations of farmland beside taipingyang Chicken Farm, the results were below the monitoring standards. The soil investigations in the Crop Area of Ren-ai Village, the results showed that the Cu concentration exceeding the control standards. The soil investigations of nine high pollution potential martial site, as a result, five of them TPH concentration exceeded the control standards the results were below the control standards.   The task of groundwater monitoring wells inspection was implemented twice this year averagely and there were totally 22 maintenance works finished. The one groundwater monitoring well screens also were completed, and two purges of monitoring well were implemented according to the screen results. In addition, the surveys of 9 monitoring wells were completed in the dry season and 4 monitoring wells were completed in the wet season. The results showed that the contents of ammonia nitrogen and Pb in the groundwater of each monitoring well exceeded the monitoring standard.   With respect to the mission of to assist and supervise declaration and facilities improvement of gas stations, the three times of declaration checks, gas stations assistance were completed.   In terms of laws enforcements and education, the meetings about gas stations management and good administrator obligation were completed. And completed a demonstration of business results and local characteristics   Lastly, With emergency cases implemented completed one piece, the result and one point of the lead concentration exceeded the monitoring standards
英文關鍵字 Lienchiang, Soil, Groundwater