

中文摘要 (一) 室內空氣品質作業 本計劃本年度室內空氣品質巡檢30家列管場所(第一、二批),包含場所管理人員之訓練,以攜帶型直讀式儀器二氧化碳每季進行1次現場巡檢。其巡檢濃度屬醫院類型場所較高,其他場所濃度範圍在450~750ppm之間。非列管場所學校教室濃度都在800~950ppm跳動。同時於30家列管場所中選5家場所於9月15日進行專家學者輔導作業,提供場所改善建議。另計劃針對本縣非列管場所進行巡檢作業及現場查核作業,包含公立中學及小學教室、公立幼兒園、親子館、公辦民營托嬰中心、健身房、地下停車場、觀光工廠等。在列管場所網路申報部分,各場所皆依期限內完成申報及定期檢測作業。 (二) 空氣品質監測站操作維護 維持本縣轄內空氣品質人工測站(3處)及自動測站(2處)正常運轉,以完成人工測站三站每月各二次TSP、PM10、PM2.5、落塵的收放樣與維護工作;自動測站部分也完成2站每月各二次的定期維護,資料可用率達96%以上。 1、 人工測站操作維護作業及監測結果 三座人工測站中TSP、PM10、PM2.5採樣器在正常操作及進行定期維護作業的情形下,截至109年12月底止共進行24次定期維護工作,並未發生臨時故障而需額外檢修之情形並按季執行多點校正及維護。109年人工測站TSP 1-12月平均測值為29μg/m3,較前三年同期平均值下降3%。PM101-12月平均測值為22μg/m3,與前三年同期平均值相同。PM2.51-12月平均測值為10μg/m3,較前三年同期平均值下降9%。109年落塵量與108年無太大差異。109年落塵量1-12月平均值為3.5(公噸/平方公里/月)符合法規標準。 2、 自動測站操作維護作業及監測結果 本年度計畫要求每月進行二次定期維護。截至109年12月底止,本團隊針對鳳林測站之監測設備共進行24次定期維護工作,按季執行自動測站年度維護及校正。本計畫執行期間,鳳林測站1~12月的資料可用率平均達85%以上,自動測站每月採樣資料皆如期完成資料提送。109年1-12月鳳林測站SO2、NO2、CO、O3等監測項目由圖顯示與往年比較無太大差異性,另外在鳳林測站PM10 109年1-12月平均測值為29μg/m3(1月因儀器故障,故無數據),較前三年平均值下降9%。 另鳳林自動測站站房已老舊多處漏水,導致站房內多處積水影響監測儀器穩定度,109年9月已購置冷氣及施作站房補強工程來維持鳳林測站正常運作。 3、 地方特色管制成效與成果PM10及PM2.5相關管制或研究工作 2020年1至10月指定測站於不區分氣流來源影響下所測得PM10、PM2.5及PM2.5-10的平均質量濃度分別為19.4、8.0及11.4μg/m3;東北季風影響下分別為20.5、8.5及12.0μg/m3;高壓迴流影響下分別為21.3、9.4及11.9 μg/m3;太平洋高壓影響下分別為16.6、6.2及10.4 μg/m3;西南氣流影響下分別為18.0、7.1及10.9μg/m3;源自中國大陸影響下分別為25.6、11.7及13.9 μg/m3,氣流源自中國大陸影響下所採集PM10、PM2.5與PM2.5-10微粒質量濃度高於其他氣流來源,但其PM2.5質量濃度僅11.7μg/m3,低於空氣品質年平均標準15μg/m3(僅達年平均標準的78%),顯示2020年1至10月花蓮空氣品質受境外移入空氣污染物的影響並不顯著。 (三) 綠美化、空氣品質淨化區 為使污染淨化工作得以延續,本計畫今年度協助花蓮縣環保局持續推動之空氣品質淨化區巡視與輔導等工作,發現缺失督促管理單位改善,並辦理空品淨化區申影說明會協助更多鄉鎮市申請設置空品淨化區,以維護本縣良好空氣品質為目標。完成本縣空品淨化區共144處巡查作業、4次空品淨化區現場考評、完成24處基地認養、完成10處碳匯調查共162.087 (T)等作業。連續4年榮獲佳績,認養單位共榮獲獎4座及機關推動獎1座,分別由吉安守望相助隊認養的公二公園(特殊貢獻獎)、花蓮市民生社區發展協會認養的憲兵公園(特殊貢獻獎)、中華紙漿認養的台九線稻香段(佳作)及亞洲水泥認養的陶樸閣衛生掩埋場(特優)等獎項。環保局並榮獲推動認養執行機關績優獎。 (四) 電動車相關業務 本計畫依據契約規範內容,已完成第1~12月之充電站巡查,維護保養及用電度數查抄作業,經計畫巡視結果及民眾需求,將使用率較低之充電站遷移來提高充電站使用率,其餘各站皆正常運作。統計53站減碳量,109年第1~12月共計減少了7742 kgCO2。 另經計畫巡視本縣電動車充電站,麥當勞中正店站、花蓮市公所站、民生里將軍府站及花蓮高中停車棚站等4站,因施工整建後另有規劃不再提供設站,故已於109年11月發文廢除,扣掉廢除4站,計劃管理之充電站共53站。 (五) 煙道連續監測系統CEMS 計畫依據合約規範進行本縣五大廠(台泥和平廠、亞洲水泥花蓮廠、和平電廠、中華紙漿廠)CGA、RATA、OP、電位及訊號比對、現場查核等查核作業,結果均符合法規限值。 109年1-12月計畫完成10根次CGA標準氣體查核作業(含華紙);32根次RATA監督查核作業;52根次監督定期檢測OP作業;32根次電位及訊號輸入比對作業(使用108年創新作法儀器進行比對);有效監測時數百分率為97%,符合法規標準85%以上。 (六) 宣導說明會及會議 1、 空品淨化區經營管理暨室內植物宣導說明會 本次會議邀請縣府內各局、處及各鄉鎮市公所辦理設置相關人員與現有空品區養護單位承辦人員,於109年3月5日辦理一場次,約90人出席,藉由說明會希望能鼓勵及督促鄉鎮市公所負責提出空品淨化區設置計畫書及督促進行既有空氣品質淨化區維護管理,也藉由說明會可提升對於公眾環境中有哪些適合的室內植物可改變空氣品質的觀念,以及說明環保署補助綠牆計畫內容。 2、 CEMS連線說明會 促使縣轄區內連線工廠(業)者瞭解環保機關對於連續自動監測重視及促使業者作好環境保護工作,並提供連線工廠管制最新資料及確實掌握連線工廠排放情況,以建立花蓮縣轄區內煙道連續監測連線系統功能正常及確保廠端CEMS資料之正確性。 (七) 創新作為 綜合整理創新作為「大口呼吸、乾淨洄瀾區」結果,東大門夜市商圈PM2.5微粒異常偏高值,發現在第二季在污染濃度較高的東大門夜市商圈內即時性PM2.5監測儀質量濃度平均值介於9 ~82.7 μg/m3,高濃度平均值為17.5 μg/m3;鄰近周遭一帶黃金商圈即時性PM2.5監測儀質量濃度平均值介於7.2 ~19.2 μg/m3,低濃度平均值為9.0 μg/m3。而在東大門夜市商圈中又以原住民一條街入口測得濃度為82.7μg/m3與花蓮空品站質量濃度相差71.7μg/m3(7.5倍)。在第三季污染濃度較高的東大門夜市商圈內即時性PM2.5監測儀質量濃度平均值介於5.4 ~135.4 μg/m3,高濃度平均值為22.1 μg/m3;鄰近周遭一帶黃金商圈即時性PM2.5監測儀質量濃度平均值介於5.7 ~6.9 μg/m3,低濃度平均值為6.4 μg/m3。而在東大門夜市商圈中又以原住民一條街入口測得濃度為135.4μg/m3與花蓮空品站質量濃度相差130.4μg/m3(27.08倍)。在第四季污染濃度較高的東大門夜市商圈內即時性PM2.5監測儀質量濃度平均值介於10.3 ~67.1 μg/m3,高濃度平均值為17.5 μg/m3;鄰近周遭一帶黃金商圈即時性PM2.5監測儀質量濃度平均值介於8.2 ~11.8 μg/m3,低濃度平均值為9.8 μg/m3。而在東大門夜市商圈中又以原住民一條街入口測得濃度67.1μg/m3與花蓮空品站質量濃度相差57.1μg/m3(6.71倍),推測主要原因為受到能產生大量微粒(如炭烤、燒烤、烤玉米等)店家有關,說明在夜市商圈的微粒控管還有近一步努力的空間。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質監測站/ 室內空氣品質/ 綠美化、空氣品質淨化區/ 低污染車輛/ 煙道連續監測系統CEMS/ 創新作為「大口呼吸」


專案計畫編號 109-2-10 經費年度 109 計畫經費 10750 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/01 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 孫偉碩
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 許佳如 執行單位 祥威環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 109年度空品計畫-期末成果報告.pdf 22MB 109年期末定稿

109 Hualien County Air Quality Purification Zone, Air Quality Monitoring, CEMS Supervision, Inspection, Maintenance and Management Plan

英文摘要 (1) Indoor air quality operations In this plan, 30 indoor air quality inspection sites (the first and second batches) will be inspected this year, including the training of site management personnel, and on-site inspections will be conducted on a quarterly basis with a portable direct-reading instrument of carbon dioxide. The patrol inspection concentration is higher in hospital-type places, and the concentration range in other places is between 450 and 750 ppm. The concentration in school classrooms of non-pipelined places fluctuates between 800 and 950 ppm. At the same time, 5 of the 30 listed sites will be selected to conduct expert and scholar guidance on September 15 and provide site improvement suggestions. It is also planned to conduct inspections and on-site inspections for non-listed places in the county, including public middle school and elementary school classrooms, public kindergartens, parent-child pavilions, public private childcare centers, gymnasiums, underground parking lots, tourist factories, etc. In the online declaration part of listed sites, each site completes the declaration and regular inspections within the time limit. (2) Operation and maintenance of air quality monitoring stations Maintain the normal operation of manual air quality measurement stations (3 locations) and automatic measurement stations (2 locations) within the jurisdiction of the county to complete the collection and setting out of TSP, PM10, PM2.5, and falling dust twice a month for each of the three manual measurement stations. Maintenance work: The automatic measurement station part also completes the regular maintenance of 2 stations each twice a month, and the data availability rate is over 96%. 1. Manual station operation and maintenance operations and monitoring results TSP, PM10, PM2.5 samplers in the three manual measuring stations are under normal operation and regular maintenance operations. As of the end of December 109, a total of 24 regular maintenance tasks have been carried out, and no temporary failures have occurred and additional maintenance is required. Under the circumstances, multi-point calibration and maintenance are performed on a quarterly basis. In 109, the average measured value of TSP from January to December was 29μg/m3 at manual stations, a decrease of 3% from the average of the same period in the previous three years. The average measured value of PM101 from December to December is 22μg/m3, which is the same as the average for the same period in the previous three years. The average measured value of PM2.5 from January to December is 10μg/m3, which is 9% lower than the average of the same period in the previous three years. The amount of dust falling in 109 was not much different from that in 108 years. The average amount of dust from January to December in 109 was 3.5 (metric tons/square kilometer/month) in compliance with regulatory standards. 2. Operation and maintenance of automatic measuring station and monitoring results The plan for this year requires regular maintenance twice a month. As of the end of December 109, the team has carried out 24 regular maintenance work on the monitoring equipment of the Fenglin station, and carried out annual maintenance and calibration of the automatic station on a quarterly basis. During the execution of this plan, the data availability rate of Fenglin Station from January to December reached an average of over 85%, and the monthly sampling data of the automatic station was submitted as scheduled. From January to December of 109, the monitoring items of SO2, NO2, CO, O3 at Fenglin station are not much different from previous years. In addition, the average measured value of PM10 at Fenglin station from January to December 109 is 29μg. /m3 (No data in January due to instrument failure), a decrease of 9% from the average of the previous three years. In addition, the Fenglin automatic station building is old and leaking in many places, which has caused many water accumulations in the station building to affect the stability of the monitoring instrument. In September 109, air-conditioning was purchased and the station building reinforcement project was implemented to maintain the normal operation of the Fenglin station. . 3. Local characteristic control effectiveness and results PM10 and PM2.5 related control or research work The average mass concentrations of PM10, PM2.5 and PM2.5-10 measured at designated stations from January to October 2020 without distinguishing the influence of airflow sources are 19.4, 8.0 and 11.4μg/m3; respectively; under the influence of the northeast monsoon 20.5, 8.5, and 12.0 μg/m3; 21.3, 9.4, and 11.9 μg/m3 under the influence of high pressure reflux; 16.6, 6.2, and 10.4 μg/m3 under the influence of Pacific high pressure; and 18.0, 7.1, and 18.0 μg/m3 under the influence of southwest airflow 10.9μg/m3; 25.6, 11.7, and 13.9 μg/m3 under the influence of mainland China. The airflow originates from the influence of mainland China. The mass concentration of PM10, PM2.5 and PM2.5-10 particles collected under the influence of mainland China is higher than other airflow sources , But its PM2.5 mass concentration is only 11.7μg/m3, which is lower than the annual average air quality standard of 15μg/m3 (only 78% of the annual average standard), indicating that the air quality in Hualien from January to October 2020 was polluted by air imported from abroad The impact of objects is not significant. (3) Green beautification and air quality purification area In order to continue the pollution purification work, this plan will assist the Hualien County Environmental Protection Bureau to continue to promote the inspection and counseling of the air quality purification area this year. It is found that the defects are supervised and the management unit is improved. Duoxiang towns and cities have applied for the establishment of air purification zones, with the goal of maintaining good air quality in the county. Completed a total of 144 inspections in the county's air purification zone, 4 on-site assessments of the air purification zone, completed 24 base adoptions, and completed 10 carbon sink surveys totaling 162.087 (T). Won good performances for 4 consecutive years. Adopted units won 4 awards and 1 agency promotion award. Gong Er Park (Special Contribution Award) adopted by the Ji'an Watch Help Team, and Gendarmerie Park (Special Contribution Award) adopted by the Hualien Citizens’ Livelihood Community Development Association. ), the Taijiu Line Daoxiang Section (excellent work) adopted by China Pulp and Taopuge Sanitary Landfill (extra excellent) adopted by Asia Cement. The Environmental Protection Agency also won the Outstanding Performance Award for the Adoption Executive Agency. (4) Electric vehicle related business In accordance with the contract specifications, this plan has completed the charging station inspections, maintenance and power consumption checking operations for the first to 12 months. Based on the planned inspection results and the needs of the people, the charging stations with lower usage rates will be moved to improve charging. Station utilization rate, other stations are operating normally. According to statistics of 53 stations' carbon reduction, a total of 7742 kg of CO2 was reduced from the first to December of 109. In addition, it is planned to visit 4 stations for electric vehicle charging stations in the county, including McDonald’s Zhongzheng Store Station, Hualien City Office Station, Minshengli General Mansion Station, and Hualien High School Parking Shed Station. Stations will not be provided due to other plans after the construction , So it was abolished in November 109. 4 stations were deducted and abolished. A total of 53 charging stations are planned to be managed. (5) Continuous flue monitoring system CEMS The plan is to conduct CGA, RATA, OP, potential and signal comparison, on-site inspection and other verification operations in the county’s five major plants (Taiwan Heping Plant, Asia Cement Hualien Plant, Heping Power Plant, and Zhonghua Pulp Plant) in accordance with the contract specifications, and the results are all in compliance with the regulations Limit. From January to December of 109, it is planned to complete 10 inspections of CGA standard gas (including Chinese paper); 32 inspections of RATA; 52 inspections of regular OP inspections; 32 inspections of sub-potential and signal input comparisons (Comparison with 108 years of innovative practice instruments); The percentage rate of effective monitoring is 97%, which meets more than 85% of legal standards. (6) Publicity briefings and meetings 1. The operation and management of the empty product purification zone and the promotion of indoor plants This meeting invited all bureaus, divisions, and township and city offices in the county government to handle the establishment of relevant personnel and the existing air product area maintenance unit contractors. The meeting was conducted on March 5, 109. About 90 people attended. Hope through the briefing. Encourage and urge township and municipal offices to be responsible for proposing plans for the establishment of air purification areas and supervising the maintenance and management of existing air quality purification areas, as well as the promotion of suitable indoor plants in the public environment that can change air quality through briefing sessions. The concept of EPA, and explain the content of the EPA’s subsidy green wall project. 2. CEMS connection briefing Encourage the connected factories (industry) within the county jurisdiction to understand that environmental protection agencies attach importance to continuous automatic monitoring and encourage the industry to do environmental protection work, and provide the latest information on the control of the connected factories and accurately grasp the emissions of the connected factories, so as to establish the Hualien County jurisdiction The internal flue continuously monitors the normal function of the connection system and ensures the correctness of the factory CEMS data. (7) Innovation As a result of the “Breathe Breath, Clean the Lanlan District”, PM2.5 particles in the Dongdaemun Night Market business district were abnormally high. It was found that in the second quarter, real-time PM2.5 monitoring was carried out in the Dongdamen Night Market business district with higher pollution levels. The average mass concentration of the instrument is between 9 ~ 82.7 μg/m3, and the average high concentration is 17.5 μg/m3; the average mass concentration of the immediate PM2.5 monitor in the nearby golden business district is between 7.2 ~ 19.2 μg/m3, The average low concentration is 9.0 μg/m3. In the Dongdaemun Night Market business district, the concentration measured at the entrance of the aboriginal street was 82.7μg/m3, which was 71.7μg/m3 (7.5 times) different from that of the Hualien empty station. In the third quarter, the average mass concentration of real-time PM2.5 monitors in the Dongdaemun Night Market business district with high pollution concentrations ranged from 5.4 to 135.4 μg/m3, and the average high concentration was 22.1 μg/m3; nearby golden business districts The average mass concentration of real-time PM2.5 monitors is between 5.7 ~ 6.9 μg/m3, and the average low concentration is 6.4 μg/m3. In the Dongdaemun Night Market business district, the concentration measured at the entrance of the aboriginal street was 135.4μg/m3, which is 130.4μg/m3 (27.08 times) different from the mass concentration of the Hualien empty station. The average mass concentration of real-time PM2.5 monitors in the Dongdamen Night Market business district with high pollution concentrations in the fourth quarter ranged from 10.3 to 67.1 μg/m3, and the average high concentration was 17.5 μg/m3; nearby golden business districts The average mass concentration of the instant PM2.5 monitor is between 8.2 ~ 11.8 μg/m3, and the average low concentration is 9.8 μg/m3. In the Dongdaemun Night Market business district, the concentration of 67.1μg/m3 measured at the entrance of the aboriginal street is 57.1μg/m3 (6.71 times) different from the mass concentration of the Hualien empty station. It is presumed that the main reason is that it can produce a large amount of particles (such as carbon). Grilled, barbecued, grilled corn, etc.) related to the store, indicating that there is still room for further efforts in particle control in the night market business district.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality Monitoring Station / Indoor Air Quality / Greening and Air Quality Purification Zone / Low-Pollution Vehicles / Continuous Flue Monitoring System CEMS / Innovation as "Breathe Breath"