中文摘要 | 本計畫為整合環保署各局處補助地方環保執行機關之行政資源,並協助推動地方針對清潔隊部內環保設施進行整體改善工作,相關執行成果說明如下: 為協助地方執行機關了解建構清潔隊隊部內環保設施改善工作整體執行方向,故本計畫依據相關法令規範研擬環保設施設置規範,內容包括營運管理、作業安全、環境維護及作業安全等內容,並設計相關設施配置圖說,藉以作為未來清潔隊部環保設施作業環境改善或新設規劃參考之依據。 本計畫為使地方執行機關瞭解環保設施優異作業環境及標準,特辦理2場次觀摩活動,藉由實務現況的參訪,瞭解運作方式,同時作為中央與地方意見溝通交流的管道,希冀推廣更多的地方執行機關配合整體規劃改善現有環保設施的作業環境,讓清潔隊員的工作環境可以更加安全有保障。 此外,本計畫依規定協助環保署針對欲申請整合計畫補助之地方清潔隊部進行現勘作業,並於現勘後協助彙整相關委員之意見,且為滾動式檢討整合改善計畫執行效益,本計畫運用委員所提出之改善意見進行分析,以作為未來輔導地方執行機關申請整合改善計畫的參考依據,藉以有效提出申請計畫縮短後續審核時間。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 清潔隊部,整合,環境改善 |
專案計畫編號 | 經費年度 | 109 | 計畫經費 | 468.4 千元 | |
專案開始日期 | 2019/12/31 | 專案結束日期 | 2020/12/15 | 專案主持人 | 蔡寶鋐 |
主辦單位 | 環境督察總隊 | 承辦人 | 楊皓雯 | 執行單位 | 京丞資源國際有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 108-109年度清潔隊部環保設施改善整合推動委辦計畫期末報告(定稿本).pdf | 8MB | 108-109年度清潔隊部環保設施改善整合推動委辦計畫期末報告(定稿本) |
108-109 Cleaning team site environmental protection facilities improvement integration promotion program
英文摘要 | The plan aims to integrate the administrative resources of the EPA bureaus to subsidize local environmental enforcement agencies and to assist in promoting overall improvement of local environmental protection facilities in clean team site, the results of which are described below: In order to assist the local executive organs to understand the overall implementation direction of the improvement of environmental protection facilities in the construction team site, the plan is based on the relevant laws and regulations to develop environmental protection facilities set-up norms, including operational management, job safety, environmental maintenance and operation safety, and design the relevant facilities configuration map, as the future cleaning team site environmental protection facilities operating environment improvement or new planning reference basis. In order to enable local executive agencies to understand the excellent operating environment and standards of environmental protection facilities, this plan has specially organized two observation activities. Through actual visits to understand the operation mode, it also serves as a channel for the exchange of opinions between the central and local governments. Many local executive agencies cooperate with the overall plan to improve the working environment of existing environmental protection facilities, so that the working environment of the cleaning team can be safer and more secure. Through the implementation of the project to assist the EPA to apply for integration scheme subsidy of the local cleaning team site to carry out the current survey operation, and after the current survey to assist in the integration of the views of the relevant members, to provide the applicant's revised application, and for the application for project improvement advice analysis and integration, as a reference for future guidance to local executive authorities to apply for the integration of the improvement plan, so as to effectively apply for the scheme to shorten. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Cleaning team site, Integration, Environmental improvement |