

中文摘要 臺中市政府環境保護局為打造臺中成為低碳永續家園,近年來推動許多相關計畫與措施,使臺中邁向令人嚮往的幸福城市,逐步打造具節能低碳概念與具有氣候韌性之城市為發展願景。低碳永續家園運作及成效管考計畫主要為配合行政院環境保護署推行低碳永續家園認證與評等制度,將低碳永續家園透過由下至上之推行方式,推廣至各社區、里、區、臺中市與中部生活圈。 今年度計畫現階段已完成以下成果:1.輔導31處里層級完成報名,取得10處里層級銅級資格、2處里層級銀級資格、1處區層級銀級資格及1處市層級銀級資格。2.協助107年度9處受補助社區之成果維護管理。3.完成12處里銅級展延作業。4.辦理3處銅級認證之行政區與里現地查核作業 。5.辦理2場次的建築節能改善及能源教育推廣工作坊。6.辦理1場次溫室氣體減量資訊揭露平台說明會並輔導10處單位刊登溫室氣體減量資訊揭露平台。7.辦理2場中部低碳永續生活圈技術諮詢與評等審查小組會議。8.輔導8處獲評等等級之里(社區)精進低碳永續行動項目9. 輔導本市10處推動建築物綠化降溫工作。10.辦理1場以社區為本提升氣候變遷調適能力培力工作坊、3場現勘作業及1場提案工作坊。11.辦理1場因應氣候變遷建構低碳韌性環境教育培訓與1場因應氣候變遷減緩與調適或能源轉型教育培訓。12.製作相關宣導品。13.協助各項管考及行政作業。 後續將持續推動本項計畫各項工作,以達成本計畫預期目標,並協助台中市達成低碳永續發展的願景。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園、評等認證推動、社區輔導、氣候變遷調適


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 5800 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/30 專案結束日期 2020/11/30 專案主持人 潘秉宗
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳譽升 執行單位 長慧環境科技公司


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期末報告 109年度臺中市低碳永續家園建構推動計畫(期末定稿本).pdf 70MB 109年度臺中市低碳永續家園建構推動計畫(期末定稿本)

Taichung city 2020 project on promote construction of low carbon and sustainable homeland operation system

英文摘要 To make Taichung Low-carbon sustainable homeland and a resilient city that people yearned for, Taichung City Government implemented many relevant low carbon project and action hoping to match the development vision of low-carbon life city. Low Carbon Sustainable Homeland Operation and Performance Assessment Program are to fit the policy that Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan promoted. The aim of project is hoping to promote the ECO concept from the bottom to the top: from community, village, district, to Taichung city and central living circle of Taiwan. Several achievements have been completed at this stage of the program this year. 1. Counseled 32 villages to complete Nomination certification, 10 villages to achieve Bronze certification, 2 villages to achieve Silver certification, 1 district to achiever Silver certification, 1 city government to achieve Silver certification. 2. Track and check 9 certified financial subsided villages in 2018. 3. Completed 12 Bronze certification extensions. 4. Verify 3 Districts and Villages with Bronze certification 5. Host 2 Workshops about building energy-saving building and energy education 6. Host 1 orientation about carbon trading platform and counseled 10 units to post carbon emissions information in carbon-trade platform. 7. Host 2 meeting about Low-carbon sustainable homeland 8. Counseled 8 Village registration application of the establishment of low-carbon subsidies 9. Counseled 10 units application of the establishment of green-building subsidies 10. Host 1 Workshop, 3 field investigation, 1 proposal workshop about Community-Base Adaptation. 11. Conducted 2 kind of education and training activities about building resilience and climate change. 12. Offered Low-Carbon homeland related promotion goods 13. Assist in various examinations and administrative tasks We will continue to promote the work of this project. To achieve the expected goals of the project and assisting Taichung City in achieving the vision of sustainable low carbon development.
英文關鍵字 Low-carbon sustainable homeland, Rating certification, Community counseling, Adaptation to Climate Change