

中文摘要 能見度與空氣品質有關,但卻不等同於空氣品質。大氣能見度可藉由客觀量測大氣消光係數而進行分析,其主要受空氣中懸浮微粒的化學成分及粒徑大小不同而影響,需藉由長時間、高解析度之監測探討及解析能見度變化之原因。本計畫進行了東海及忠明兩測站共六季之微粒即時監測數據蒐集和手動濾紙採樣分析,完成各季節之數據分析,並就能見度影響因子、污染源貢獻、事件日成因,和改善策略等面向進行探討。結果顯示台中地區能見度的變化受氣膠微粒質量濃度、粒徑變化和化學組成影響顯著,且與各季節污染程度有關,冬季污染情形最為嚴重,觀察到最高的微粒平均消光係數和事件發生頻率。分析乾淨與事件期微粒特性變化結果發現,各季節污染事件發生時微粒硝酸鹽(NO3-)的消光貢獻比例皆明顯增加(~10%),透過事件日的分析亦可發現大氣通風係數(風速與邊界層高度乘積)的明顯下降為觸發能見度劣化之重要因素,能見度劣化過程中,夜晚普遍具較高溫濕度且呈低風速狀態,如此環境條件是導致硝酸鹽前驅物濃度(NOx)和氮轉化率(NOR)的顯著上升的主要原因,未來可望以上述環境特徵作為預警能見度事件之指標。本計畫亦透過PMF模式將微粒化學成分與粒徑分布分別解析出其對應的污染來源,並評估不同來源減量可獲得的改善效益,可供未來擬定管制策略時作為參考依據。本報告亦包含執行本計畫之經濟效益分析。
中文關鍵字 大氣能見度、氣膠、PM2.5、PM1.0


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 18837.681 千元
專案開始日期 2020/06/17 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 蕭大智
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 柏雪翠 執行單位 國立臺灣大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 「能見度與細懸浮微粒物理、化學特性及時空間研析」專案成果報告(定稿版).pdf 28MB

Temporal and Spatial Variation of Physical and Chemical Properties in PM2.5 and PM1.0 and their Influence on Atmospheric Visibility

英文摘要 Visibility is related to air quality, but it is not equivalent to air quality. Atmospheric visibility can be analyzed by objectively measuring the atmospheric extinction coefficient. The atmospheric visibility is related to absorbing and scattering light by aerosol particles, which depends on PM’s physical and chemical properties and vary significantly in space and time. It is mainly affected by the chemical composition and particle size of suspended particles in the air, and it is important to explore the relationship between these physicochemical parameters and their influences on light extinction. Therefore, it requires long-term, high-resolution monitoring and analysis and analysis of visibility changes. All the above would enable us to understand aerosol’s impact on atmospheric visibility and mitigate the impairment. The project aims to explore the factors governing atmospheric visibility, investigate the major pollution sources of degrading visibility, study the causes of the development of events, and formulate mitigation strategies. Both manual filter sampling and real-time monitoring were conducted at Tunghai and Zhongming stations for six seasons. The results showed that visibility in the Taichung area was largely affected by PM mass concentration, aerosol chemical composition, and particle size distributions. Winter was found to be the season with the highest average value of particle extinction coefficient and frequently having low-visibility days. By comparing clean and episode days, it is found that the contribution of NO3- in aerosol particles increased significantly during the episodes, which might be associated with high precursor levels as well as a high atmospheric oxidation capacity. In addition, the low ventilation coefficient (the product of wind speed and boundary layer height) is the key parameter for activating the visibility impairment. Lastly, we have successfully applied the positive matrix factorization (PMF) on particle chemical composition and particle number size distribution to reveal the potential pollution sources. The results were used to evaluate and formulate mitigation strategies. This report also includes the economic benefit analysis for conducting this whole project.
英文關鍵字 atmospheric visibility, aerosol, PM2.5, PM1.0