

中文摘要 本計畫執行109年度新竹市空氣品質綜合管理計畫相關工作項目與交辦業務,目前統計至109年12月15日止,總進度符合計畫目標達到100.0%,各工項執行進度如表1所示。相關重要執行成果如下說明: 一、分析本市空氣品質改善執行成效 本年度依計畫內容須定期彙整本市空氣品質改善執行成效,統計至11月底,本市之AQI值為54,AQI<50(良好)共計有200站日數(59.6%),以6月份100%比例為最高;以AQI>100(不良)共計有19站日數(5.7%),以4月份20.0%比例為最高;另於7月份有1站日數(3.2%)為AQI指標>200,為近年來第一次達非常不健康之等級。 本市空氣污染物濃度,統計至11月底,PM10平均濃度為26.59μg/m3;PM2.5(手動)平均濃度為13.77μg/m3(統計至11月11日);O3平均濃度為32.56ppb;SO2平均濃度為2.11ppb;NO2平均濃度為10.87ppb;CO平均濃度為0.32ppm;NMHC平均濃度為0.10ppm。 二、依據中央政策整合本市空氣污染防制成果 本計畫為有效掌握各計畫之執行成效,故每月進行文書查核作業,依據各計畫每月所提交之工作進度表用以確認執行狀況,本年度統計至11月底,已進行11次文書查核作業,各計畫整體表現為A~B級。 三、污染管制對策研擬 本年度依據轄內列管之固定污染源、營建工地及陳情案件進行污染源排放地圖建置,由相關資料統計發現,主要污染源位於科學園區、北區或東區。 本年度配合環保署空氣污染防制方案依據本市之環境污染現況,進行「109~112年空氣污染防制計畫書」編撰作業,並依據環保署提出之撰寫指引進行滾動式修正其污染排放量,及削減量計算。同時,本市也提出8項污染源管制策略,以及5項引領創新作為,以利本市之空氣品質維護計畫執行。 本年度於3月30日、6月12日及12月4日參與3次竹竹苗空品區空氣品質改善維護會議討論,並於9月18日由本市主辦第3次竹竹苗空品區空氣品質改善維護會議。針對空氣品質不良及嚴重惡化部分,本年度進行相關局處之聯絡人更新,並於空品不良時以LINE群組及E-mail進行市府單位、公私場所及空噪科相關計畫發布相關資訊,並彙整回報之資料上傳至環保署空品不良應變系統。 四、辦理環境污染防制基金委辦計畫工作及工作檢討會 本年度依據計畫內容須協助環保局辦理環污基金委辦計畫工作及每月協助辦理工作檢討會,統計至12月15日,已協助辦理11次空氣污染防制計畫工作檢討會議及1場次之成效檢討會議。截至11月底,本計畫於每月8日前及1、4、7以及10月份上傳環保署考核月、季報至環保署考評系統備查。本年度於分別於2月19日、5月21日以及10月27日召開環境污染防制基金委員會第一次臨時會、第1次環境污染防制基金委員會以及第2次環境污染防制基金委員會。於5月6日及9月22日會同固定計畫及柴油車計畫辦理2場次之專家/學者現勘作業,邀請專家學者針對勘查對象提出改善建議。 五、推動本市空氣品質淨化區認養及宣導 本年度依據計畫內容須進行至少2次空品淨化區現場勘查作業,以及千甲空品淨化區枯萎苗木領苗、補植相關事宜。本年度已於3月30日及9月2日進行2次空品淨化區現場查核作業。第一次現場勘查時發現漁港環保公園堆肥箱蓋板掉落,已進行修繕作業;千甲空品淨化區則有35株植栽枯萎,已於7月17日由世界先進積體電路股份有限公司員工以及千甲里里長帶領之里民與固禾農業科技有限公司進行補植作業。 本年度依據計畫內容須執行1處以上之本市空品淨化區碳匯更新調查工作,針對樹種及株樹進行調查、定位、編號及記錄,以計算喬木全株含碳量及全年碳成長量,並上傳至環保署系統。本計畫已於上半年度完成濱海自行車道調查500株樹木之碳匯量調查,以木麻黃為最多,共計有135珠,其次為欖仁(113珠),第三為茄苳(79珠),精公式計算,本次碳匯量調查結果,二氧化碳吸存量為327.56公噸,整體含碳量約為89.3公噸。 本年度依據計畫內容須辦理空氣品質管制或空氣品質淨化區相關宣導活動至少6場次,其中應包含1場次結合社區、企業認養單位或學校學生辦理空品淨化區清掃活動或辦理空氣品質改善相關成果發表記者會。統計至12月底,本年度共計辦理5場次宣導活動,並主辦1場次之空品淨化區清掃作業,主要邀請空品淨化區之認養單位之員工參與本次活動。 本年度依據計畫內容須辦理空氣品質淨化區寫生比賽或其他有助於推廣之競賽活動1場次,於10月17日辦理空品淨化區健走活動-新竹清新空氣樂活行,邀請轄內民眾以及認養單位共襄盛舉。 本年度依據計畫內容須協助環保局辦理空品淨化區推廣作業,以及於轄內單位提交清淨空氣綠牆之設置申請書。109年度已於上半年度協助推廣轄內6處空品淨化區皆由園區內以及轄內企業認養完成,並於每季皆派員進行空品淨化區清掃活動。同時也協助轄內三所學校提送清淨空氣綠牆之申請書至環保署,皆已全數通過,目前南華國中、香山高中及三民國中皆已完成設置作業。 六、協助環保局執行空氣品質監測與改善維護相關業務 本年度依據計畫內容每月需協助環保局辦理轄內3處人工測站收放樣作業及站內監測器材之單點校正、每季多點校正以及送校、維護等相關作業,並於第1、2季於東門國小各辦理一次環境大氣有害污染物監(檢)測作業,以及每月辦理本市道路髒污程度普查。截至12月15日,本計畫共計執行12次收放樣作業、12次單點校正以及4次多點校正,並於2月20日送校。另於2月4~7日及5月4~7日分別進行本年度第1、2季環境大氣有害物質空氣污染物監(檢)測作業。 截至12月15日,本計畫進行12次本市道路髒污程度普查作業,針對道路環境進行檢視,普查結果發現本市大多為B級道路,車流量調查係為瞭解本市重點道路車輛使用情況,已知中正路之車流量為最多,各路段均以小客車及機車為主。 七、其他空氣品質管理相關事項 本年度依據計畫內容須製作空品旗(關東旗及三角旗)共計65組,以及辦理3場次空污健康講座,每場人數至少120人,以及購置宣導品、進行計畫網頁更新以及提送相關新聞議題。 統計至12月15日,本年度已於3月24日製作完學校空品旗並驗收完成。7月29日、7月30日以及8月3日分別於康樂里、香山里以及武功里辦理3場次之空污健康講座,本年度邀請新竹市醫生工會之醫生擔任講師,三場次共計有440位里民熱情參與本次活動。同時已配合局方購置宣導品,以及配合製作空品淨化區健走活動之毛巾。截至12月15日,本計畫已更新網頁資訊12次,並分別於4月13日、6月18日以及10月7日發布三篇新聞稿,同時也協助各子計畫逐月更新網頁資訊及新聞議題。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 4485 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/01 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 曾維忞
主辦單位 新竹市環境保護局 承辦人 吳金蓉 執行單位 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年新竹市SIP計畫期末報告(定稿)1100223.pdf 18MB 期末報告

Air Quality Comprehensive Management Plan of Hsinchu City in 109

英文摘要 This plan implements 109 Hsinchu City Air Quality Integrated Management Plan related work items and assigned business. According to statistics, as of December 15, 109, the total progress meets the plan goal and reaches 100.0%. It shows the implementation progress of each work item in Table 1. Shown. The relevant important implementation results are: 1. Analyze the implementation effect of air quality improvement in this city This year, according to the plan, it is necessary to summarize the implementation results of air quality improvement in the city. As of the end of November, the city’s AQI value is 54. AQI<50 (good) has 200 station days (59.6%), and it is 100 in June. % Is the highest; AQI>100 (bad) has 19 station days (5.7%), with 20.0% in April as the highest ratio; another in July has 1 station days (3.2%) as AQI index>200 , For the first time in recent years to reach a very unhealthy level. The air pollutant concentration in this city, as of the end of November, the average concentration of PM10 was 26.59μg/m3; the average concentration of PM2.5 (manual) was 13.77μg/m3 (statistics as of November 11); the average concentration of O3 was 32.56ppb; The average concentration of SO2 is 2.11ppb; the average concentration of NO2 is 10.87ppb; the average concentration of CO is 0.32ppm; the average concentration of NMHC is 0.10ppm. 2. Integrate the city’s air pollution prevention and control achievements under the central policy This plan is to grasp the implementation effect of each plan, so monthly document checking is carried out, and the work schedule submitted by each plan every month is used to confirm the implementation status. Statistics this year until the end of November, it carries 11 documents out The overall performance of each project is grade A~B. 3. Pollution control countermeasures research and development This year, it constructed the pollution source emission map based on the fixed pollution sources, construction sites, and petitions listed in the jurisdiction. According to relevant statistics, it was found that the major pollution sources were located in the Science Park, the North District or the East District. This year, in cooperation with the Environmental Protection Agency’s Air Pollution Prevention and Control Plan, the “109~112 Air Pollution Prevention and Control Plan” was compiled based on the city’s current state of environmental pollution, and its pollution emissions were revised on a rolling basis under the drafting guidelines proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency. , And calculation of reduction. The city has also proposed 8 pollution source control strategies and 5 leading innovations to facilitate the implementation of the city’s air quality maintenance plan. Taken part in 3 discussions on air quality improvement and maintenance meetings in the bamboo and bamboo seedling empty area on March 30, June 12 and December 4 this year, and the city hosted the 3rd bamboo and bamboo seedling empty area on September 18 Air quality improvement maintenance meeting. In response to poor air quality and serious deterioration, the contact person of the relevant bureau will be updated this year, and when the air quality is bad, the LINE group and E-mail will be used for municipal units, public and private places, and air noise department related plans to release relevant information. , And upload the reported data to the EPD’s empty product failure response system. 4. Handle the planning work and work review meeting of the Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control Fund Committee This year, according to the content of the plan, the Environmental Protection Bureau shall assist the Environmental Pollution Fund to handle the planning work and the monthly work review meeting. As of December 15, it has assisted in 11 air pollution control plan review meetings and 1 review meeting. The effectiveness review meeting of the session. As of the end of November, this plan will upload monthly and quarterly reports of the EPA’s assessment to the EPA’s assessment system for reference before the 8th and January, April, July and October of each month. This year, the first interim meeting of the Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control Fund Committee, the 1st Environmental Pollution Prevention Fund Committee and the 2nd Environmental Pollution Prevention Fund Committee were held on February 19, May 21, and October 27, respectively. . On May 6 and September 22, two expert/scholar surveys will be conducted in conjunction with the fixed plan and the diesel vehicle plan, and experts and scholars will be invited to make suggestions for improvement. 5. Promote the adoption and promotion of the city’s air quality purification zone This year, according to the content of the plan, at least two on-site surveys of the air purification area must be carried out, as well as matters related to the picking and replanting of withered seedlings in the Qianjia air purification area. This year, two on-site inspections of the empty product purification zone were carried out on March 30 and September 2. During the first site survey, it was found that the cover of the compost bin in the Yugang Environmental Protection Park had fallen, and repairs have been carried out; 35 plants withered in the Qianjia Empty Purification Zone, which were sold by World Advanced Integrated Circuits Co., Ltd. on July 17 The staff of the company and the director of Qianjiali led Zhilimin and Guhe Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. to replant. This year, according to the content of the plan, more than one carbon sink update survey in the city’s air purification zone must be carried out, and the tree species and trees must be investigated, located, numbered and recorded to calculate the carbon content of the entire tree and the annual carbon growth And upload it to the EPA system. In the first half of the year, the project has completed the carbon sequestration survey of 500 trees in the coastal bike lane survey. Casuarina is the largest one with a total of 135 beads, followed by mangosteen (113 beads), and the third is the eggplant (79 beads). ), calculated by a precise formula, the results of this carbon sink survey show that the carbon dioxide sequestration is 327.56 metric tons, and the overall carbon content is about 89.3 metric tons. This year, according to the content of the plan, at least 6 publicity activities related to air quality control or air quality purification areas must be handled, which should include 1 meeting with the community, enterprise adoption unit or school students to clean up the air purification area or handle air quality improvement related activities Press conference for results announcement. According to statistics, as of the end of December, a total of 5 publicity activities were conducted this year, and 1 cleanup operation of the empty purification area was organized. The employees of the adopting units in the empty purification area were mainly invited to participate in this activity. This year, according to the content of the plan, an air quality purification zone sketching competition or other contests that are helpful for promotion must be held. On October 17th, the air purification zone walk activity-Hsinchu Clean Air and Lohas Tour will be organized, and people in the jurisdiction will be invited And the adoption unit participated in the grand event. This year, according to the content of the plan, it is necessary to assist the Environmental Protection Agency to handle the promotion of the air purification zone, and to submit an application for the establishment of a clean air green wall in the unit under its jurisdiction. In the first half of fiscal year 109, we assisted in the promotion of the six air purification zones in the jurisdiction, which were all adopted by the parks and enterprises within the jurisdiction, and dispatched staff to clean up the air purification zones every quarter. At the same time, it also assisted the three schools in the jurisdiction to submit applications for clean air green walls to the Environmental Protection Agency, all of which have been approved. Currently, Nanhua Junior High, Xiangshan Senior High and Sanmin Junior High have completed the installation work. 6. Assist the Environmental Protection Agency to perform air quality monitoring and improvement and maintenance related businesses In this year, according to the content of the plan, it is necessary to assist the Environmental Protection Agency to handle the collection and lofting operations of 3 manual measurement stations within its jurisdiction and the single-point calibration of the monitoring equipment in the station, the quarterly multi-point calibration, and the school delivery, maintenance and other related operations. In the second quarter, the Dongmen Elementary School will conduct a monitoring (inspection) of hazardous pollutants in the environment, and conduct a monthly survey of the degree of pollution on the city’s roads. As of December 15th, this project has executed 12 times of retracting and stakeout operations, 12 times of single-point calibration and 4 times of multi-point calibration, and will be sent to school on February 20th. In addition, on February 4-7 and May 4-7, the monitoring (inspection) of environmental air pollutants and air pollutants in the first and second quarters of this year will be carried out respectively. As of December 15th, this plan has carried out 12 general surveys of the degree of pollution on the city’s roads to inspect the road environment. The results of the general survey found that most of the city’s roads are Class B roads, and the traffic flow survey is to understand the use of vehicles on the city’s key roads. According to the situation, it is known that Zhongzheng Road has the largest traffic volume, and all road sections are dominated by passenger cars and locomotives. 7. Other matters related to air quality management This year, based on the content of the plan, a total of 65 sets of empty flags (Kandong flags and pennants) must be produced, and 3 air pollution health lectures with at least 120 people in each session, as well as the purchase of promotional materials, the update of the plan’s webpage, and the provision of Send relevant news topics. According to statistics, as of December 15, this year, the school empty flag was produced and the acceptance was completed on March 24. On July 29th, July 30th and August 3rd, 3 air pollution health seminars were held in Kangleli, Xiangshanli and Wugongli respectively. This year, doctors from the Hsinchu City Doctors Union were invited to serve as lecturers. There were a total of 440 participants in the three sessions. Limin enthusiastically participated in this event. At the same time, it has cooperated with the bureau to purchase promotional products and cooperate with the production of towels for walking activities in the empty purification zone. As of December 15th, this project has updated the web page information 12 times, and issued three press releases on April 13, June 18, and October 7 respectively. At the same time, it also assisted the sub-projects to update their web pages on a monthly basis. Information and news issues.
英文關鍵字 air quality