

中文摘要 臺東縣共16個鄉鎮市包含2個離島(綠島及蘭嶼),主要人口聚集於臺東市占總人口49%,其次為卑南鄉7.9%及成功鎮6.3%,多數民生議題如空氣污染(餐飲油煙、露天燃燒)、廢棄物與環境衛生(易遭棄置廢棄物地點)公害現象,大多發生於臺東市。 一、執行環境污染管制作業部分 (1) 協助陳情案件報案中心進行陳情案件查處工作,本環境稽查管制計畫(以下簡稱本計畫)人力配合陳情案件加強主動稽查及支援性稽查,諸如執行本計畫的工項外,並自四月起配合環保署政策協助口罩巡查;配合空氣噪音防制科(以下簡稱空噪科)農廢露天燃燒好發時期(6~7月)巡查。 (2) 建立露天燃燒案件及雜草叢生陳情案件地主資料庫,已完成本縣資料庫共享。 (3) 協助陳情案件餐飲油煙之輔導工作,優先依中央政策指定輔導對象或針對本縣連鎖早餐業者執行規卻改善輔導,如需裝設防制設備再轉由相關單位依權責辦理,本計畫結合空噪科進行聯合輔導,協同輔導2件早餐店改善案件。 (4) 易遭棄置廢棄物地點進行巡查工作,完成275處次髒亂點巡查作業,搭配執行104處次架式縮時攝影機作業,採取軟體自動判讀方式,彙整民眾違法證據提供局方作為裁處依據。 (5) 針對生禽畜糞使用進行巡查工作,完成畜牧場生禽畜糞使用巡查作業462處次,彙整執行成果進行統計分析,畜糞流向中自用占37%,送農友占45%。在養家數依飼養雞、豬分別為92家、39家,畜牧場家數以卑南鄉、池上鄉、關山鎮、臺東市為最多,養雞場飼養密度以臺東市居冠。 二、執行環境污染案件宣導及檢測作業部分 (1) 提升專責人員對於環保領域、法規運用及稽查技巧之認知,完成1場次期初內部人員訓練及3場次專責人員教育訓練。 (2) 異味官能測定主要是針對臺東縣內畜牧業,於公害陳情系統篩選出屢遭陳情異味案件,完成3場次異味檢測。 (3) 辦理「農業廢棄物請勿露天燃燒宣導會」,於109年9月及10月各辦理1場次,共完成2場次。 (4) 完成陳情人滿意度意見調查,包括電話訪談及現場訪談每月各執行4件次。 (5) 完成環保專業證照訓練由局內承辦人員考取。 (6) 完成人員健康檢查。 (7) 完成異味及露天燃燒管制考評分數統計。
中文關鍵字 環境稽查管制、臺東縣、畜牧場、易遭棄置廢棄物地點


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 3900 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/01 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 宋宛倫 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年臺東縣環境稽查管制計畫(期末定稿)(公開).pdf 24MB 刪除個資隱私相關內容

environmental audit and control project in Taitung

英文摘要 Taitung County consists of 16 townships and cities, including 2 outlying islands (Green Island and Lanyu). The main population densly inhabits in Taitung City accounted for 49% of the total population, following by 7.9% of Beinan town and 6.3% of Chenggong town. Most of the livelihood issues such as air pollution (oil fumes from catering, outdoor burning), waste and environmental pollution (probable dumping waste sites), mostly occurred in Taitung City. 1. Environmental pollution control (1) Support plead report center to execute the investigation and prosecution of the plead. This environmental audit and control project (hereinafter referred to as this project) increases the frequency of the investigation and improve the support of the plead. For instances, besides the exectution of the contract contents of this project, it follows the policy to investigate the case of mask littering from April, and Air Quality Protection and Noise Control Section(AQPNCS) to investigate outdoor burning of agriculture waste in June and July. (2) Establish the database of outdoor burning and overgrown with weeds plead. The shared database of Taitung county has been completed. (3) Provide the guidance for pollution reduction of oil fume from catering, which comes from the disiganated restaurants according to central government policy or the breakfast chain shops in Taitung. Pollution prevention facility can be applied from relative section if needed. This project cooperates with AQPNCS and has already guided and improved two breakfast shops. (4) This project has patrolled 275 probable dumping waste sites, and set up 104 times of time-lapse cameras. The videos can be interpreted automatically by the software, and collect the evidence of illegal. (5) This project has patrolled 462 times of the farms to investigate the usage of livestock manure. According to the analysis, self-use and given to others account for 37% and 45% of the usage respectively. There are 92 chicken farms and 39 pig farms. Beinan Township, Chishang Township, Guanshan Town and Taitung City have the most number of farms, and Taitung City has the highest density. 2. Environmental pollution preventation advocacy and odor inspection (1) To enhance the knowledge of environmental protection, regulations and inspection skill, this project provides 1 employee training and 3 exclusive personnel training. (2) Odor functional group analysis is examined in animal husbandry in the Taitung county. 3 odor inspections have been conducted in three farms, which are selected by public nuisance plead system. (3) Examine 2 advocacies of “do not burn agricultural waste outdoor” in September and October respectively. (4) 4 Satisfaction Opinion Survey have been conducted, including telephone interviews and face-to-face interviews 4 times a month respectively. (5) Conduct the training of environmental protection professional license by the bureau's contractors. (6) Complete the Personnel Health Check. (7) Compute the assessment score of the plead of odor and outdoor burning control.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Audit and Control Project, livestock manure, probable dumping waste sites