

中文摘要 依據合約規範工作項目及內容,配合貴局之要求,於109年度內完成規定之工作項目並提出工作成果報告,每月初提送上月執行成果報表,而各項作業109年營建工地完成簽立工地自主管理同意書共計34處(年度新增16處),在道路認養方面,目前累計34處(年度新增16處)洗掃長度達28,308公里,營建工程稽巡查及稽查共完成2,446處次,空污費徵收及稽催(徵收/稽催件數)共徵收2,533件,稽催件數達129,其餘各項工作執行成果依序說明如下: (一)巡查管制作業 109年度工地污染管制巡查共完成2,446次,其中0缺失共計2,123次佔87%,10點以下缺失共計197次佔8%,10點以上嚴重缺失126次佔5%,其中工區內土方未覆蓋防塵網布扣10點缺失最多佔29%,其次為主體建築未完整覆蓋防塵網布扣4點佔21%,第三是工程圍籬未涵蓋全工區佔15%,109年共告發12件罰鍰金額共計80萬元整,其中11件已經改善完成,另外未完成改善的1件工程因為尚在告發改善期限內未進行複查,後續會持續追蹤改善情形。在86處工地嚴重缺失中有69處工地已完成改善,剩餘17處尚未完成改善的案件後續會持續輔導追蹤。各月份巡查處次與本計畫執行初期所定之巡查目標相較,累計達成率已達100%。其中各鄉鎮市巡查件數以污染負荷最大地區花蓮市744件及吉安鄉414件最多,其次依序為新城鄉(240件)及壽豐鄉(198件)。以工程類別來看,則以其他工程1,372件與建築(RC)工程363件,為主要巡查重點。 就稽查件數統計,目前共稽查327處次,以其他類工程125處次最多,其次為建築類(RC)工程94處次。就各鄉鎮之稽查件數統計,以花蓮市及吉安鄉為主要稽查重點區。 為執行營建工地噪音管制,109建築工程進行108次營建工地噪音主動稽查量測,依據現場主要施工機具進行噪音量測,分別有怪手、吊車、破碎機、預拌車等易發生噪音源之機具,依據法規量測Leq與Lmax,執行迄今共查獲6處工地於施工期間有音量超標情形,其噪音來源為佈樁作業及結構體灌漿時所產生,經與業者溝通改善並於改善期限內再次複查,已無超標情形。統計該99處營建工地噪音量測結果,Leq量測範圍在51.4~82.2dB(A)之間,Lmax量測範圍在57.3~92.1dB(A)之間。Lmax值較高之工程大多集中在開挖及佈樁作業。 (二)一、二級工程法規符合度 自109年1月1日至11月30日之工地共計列管4,083處,在4,083處列管第一至三級營建工程中屬於一級工程有1,056處佔總工地數之26%;二級工程1,877處佔總工地數之46%;三級工程有1,150處,佔總數之28%。在法規符合度,一級法規符合度由109年1月81%提升至12月91%共提升10%,二級法規符合度由109年1月91%至12月92%提升1%,後續仍將持續加強管制相關工作。 (三)營建工程空氣污染防制費徵收業務 109年本縣營建工程空氣污染防制費徵收件數為2,533件,共計徵收6,620萬2,056元,其中以道路工程徵收2,649萬5,557元最多,佔總徵收金額40%,次之「其它工程」營建工程共計徵收1,652萬2,110元,佔總金額24%。108年營建工程空氣污染防制費共徵收5,639萬6,716元,109年徵收金額較去年同期增加980萬5,340元。 統計105年至109年間以營建工程徵收類別分析。105年度空污費徵收以道路工程為主,而106年度新增疏濬工程11件,總計徵收金額為新台幣為2,021萬5,066元,107年度以其他營建工程及疏濬工程為主要徵收對象,共徵收2,890萬8,961元,108年以空污費徵收以「疏濬工程」類別徵收2,047萬5,405元為最多。109年營建空污費徵收件數以「其它營建工程」1,709件為最大宗,徵收金額則以道路工程徵收2,649萬5,557元最多。綜合以上,本縣營建工程空污費徵收工程類別以「道路工程」及「其它工程」為主要徵收對象。由營建工程徵收鄉鎮別分布來看,花蓮縣主要營建工程分布於花蓮市,其它鄉鎮則分布於吉安鄉、壽豐鄉及新城鄉。 109年花蓮縣境內因合約經費減少異動申請退費的件數最多,合計共有293件,共退費89萬9,729元;其次為因工期縮短申請退費共有181件,共退費99萬6,764元。109年營建空污費因合約經費減少異動申請退費的件數仍屬多數,以「工期縮短」等若干因素致營建空污費退費之件數,顯示逐年下降。 (四)營建工程空污費稽催作業 109年由營建工程資料庫系統統計營建空污費申報未依期限繳納者共計有102處工地,分別為其他類工程65件、空污費繳費金額為新台幣59萬6,947元;道路工程12件、空污費繳費金額為新台幣6萬9,651元;建築工程(SRC)8件、空污費繳費金額為新台幣13萬7,338元;管線工程8件,空污費繳費金額為新台幣7萬395元;建築工程(RC)7件、空污費繳費金額為新台幣1萬6,138元;建築(房屋)工程(拆除)2件、空污費繳費金額為新台幣4,465元,逾期繳納空污費金額總計為新台幣89萬4,934元。平均各月份營建空污費主動到繳率及次月進行催繳作業之達成率則為100%。 (五)營建工程施工車輛及機具油品抽測 109年度共完成抽測樣本數20點次(油品含硫量檢測10點次、芳香烴10點次),檢測結果有一處港區常態式疏浚及養灘工程(2016~2021年度) 之挖土機油品含硫檢測值為20ppmw,超過法規限值,已函請營建業主提送陳述意見。 (六)機動車輛噪音管制暨非游離輻射源調查 計畫期間已執行57場次之機動車輛攔檢、巡(查)作業,由警方依據車輛噪音感受程度予以攔查檢測,共計攔檢、巡(查)488輛次,檢測作業相關記錄皆彙整後提送至環保局執行後續程序,統一將不合格車輛列為通知到檢對象。 除依工作項目執行攔檢(查)作業外,並定期依據噪音車檢舉網站及警方寧靜專案資料進行彙整,篩選經陳情之可疑噪音車,協助辦理通知到檢之行政程序及現場檢測作業,計畫期間已執行通知到檢作業共計108輛汽機車,其中34輛為路邊攔查檢及專案稽巡查部分,噪音車陳情網站部分為50輛,科技執法設備抓拍取締部分16輛,外縣市移入則有8輛。 本年度(109年)應執行本縣非游離輻射量測作業達50點次以上,計畫期間迄今已完成50點次。 (七)事業廢棄物流向管制 統計109年針對縣轄內營建廢棄物清除及處理機構共查核227件次皆符合規定,109年3月4日辦理第一季處理機構深度查核、109年6月18日辦理第二季深度查核、109年9月7日辦理第三季深度查核,本縣轄內GPS列管車輛稽(巡)查每季30車次,第一季查核36車次、第二季查核38車次、第三季查核41車次、第四季查核37車次,共計查核152車次皆符合操作規定,行政院環境保護署事業廢棄物清運機具即時監控系統勾稽每週一次,109年共勾稽53次431筆皆符合規定。廢棄物列管工廠(場)事業及營建工地共查核712件。廢棄物清理計畫書營建工程部分請空污費櫃檯每週提送當週新申報營建工地名單,共提送53次3595件,新增列管127件,廢棄物清理計畫書審查情形(已核備122件、審查中2件、退件2件),解列部分已提送解列判定表81件(已核備78件、審查中3件)。 (八)創新作法-噪音車內視鏡儀器稽查 計畫於109年2月27日同意核備通過創新做法後,3月為系統購置階段,目前用於噪音車稽查作業中輔助檢視排氣管內消音塞,共執行8場次路邊攔查檢作業,共攔查檢203輛次汽機車,其中14輛機車經內視鏡檢查發現無消音塞,發文通知車輛所有人於次月進行回檢,並協助警方告發不當改裝車12輛次。 (九)其他 人力及物力支援:皆依局內指示協助辦理。 臨時交辦事項:皆依局內指示協助辦理。 九、計畫本期完成比率:100%,進度管控率:100%。
中文關鍵字 營建工程、空氣污染、污染防制、噪音管制、非游離輻射、營建廢棄物流向管制


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 13900 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/01 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 趙嘉雍
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 曾文婷 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年花蓮營建期末定稿.pdf 81MB

109 Hualien County Construction Project and Noise Audit Control Plan

英文摘要 According to the contract specification work items and content, in accordance with the requirements of your bureau, complete the required work items and submit work results reports within 109 years, and submit the last month's execution results reports at the beginning of each month, and the construction sites of 109 years have completed the execution of each operation A total of 34 consents for the independent management of construction sites (16 newly added in the year). In terms of road maintenance, the total length of cleaning and sweeping of 34 (16 newly added in the year) is 28,308 kilometers, and 2,446 inspections and inspections of construction projects have been completed. , Air pollution fee collection and audit (collection/collection number of audits) totaled 2,533, and the number of audits reached 129. The results of the remaining tasks are explained in order as follows: (1) Inspection and control operations A total of 2,446 site pollution control inspections were completed in 109, of which a total of 2,123 times of 0 missing points accounted for 87%, a total of 197 times of missing points below 10 points accounted for 8%, and 126 times of serious missing points above 10 points accounted for 5%, of which the earthwork in the work area was not covered 10 points of the dust-proof mesh cloth button accounted for 29% at most, followed by the main building not fully covered dust-proof mesh cloth button 4 points accounted for 21%, and the third is that the engineering fence did not cover the whole work area accounted for 15%. A total of 12 cases were reported in 109. The total fines amounted to 800,000 yuan, 11 of which have been improved, and 1 project that has not been improved has not been reviewed within the reporting period. The improvement will be tracked in the follow-up. Of the 86 serious defects in construction sites, 69 construction sites have been improved, and the remaining 17 cases that have not yet been improved will continue to be tracked. Comparing the number of inspections in each month with the inspection targets set at the initial stage of this plan, the cumulative achievement rate has reached 100%. Among them, the number of inspections by towns and cities is Hualien City with the highest pollution load, 744 and Ji'an Township with the largest number of inspections, followed by Xincheng Township (240) and Shoufeng Township (198). In terms of project categories, 1,372 other projects and 363 construction (RC) projects were the main inspection focus. In terms of statistics on the number of audits, there are currently 327 audits, with 125 other projects the most, followed by construction (RC) projects with 94. According to the statistics of the number of audits in each township, Hualien City and Ji'an Township are the main audit focus areas. In order to implement noise control on construction sites, 109 Construction Project carried out 108 active construction site noise inspections and measurements, and conducted noise measurements based on the main construction equipment on the site. There were noise sources such as strange hands, cranes, crushers, and ready-mix trucks. Machine tools, measured Leq and Lmax according to regulations, and found 6 construction sites with excessive sound volume during the construction period. The noise source was caused by pile placement and structural grouting. It was improved by communicating with the industry and within the improvement period. Re-examined again, and there is no over-standard situation. Statistics of the 99 construction site noise measurement results show that the Leq measurement range is between 51.4 and 82.2dB(A), and the Lmax measurement range is between 57.3 and 92.1dB(A). Most of the projects with higher Lmax values ​​focus on excavation and piling operations. (2) Compliance with the first and second level engineering regulations From January 1 to November 30, 109, a total of 4,083 sites were managed. Among the 4,083 sites that were managed by the first to third level construction projects, 1,056 were first-level projects, accounting for 26% of the total number of sites; second-level projects 1,877 sites accounted for 46% of the total construction sites; 1,150 third-level projects accounted for 28% of the total. In terms of regulatory compliance, the first-level regulatory compliance increased from 81% in January 109 to 91% in December, a total increase of 10%, and the second-tier regulatory compliance increased from 91% in January 109 to 92% in December 109 by 1%. Will continue to strengthen control related work. (3) Collection of air pollution prevention and control fees for construction projects In 109, the number of air pollution prevention and control fees collected for construction projects in this county was 2,533, totaling 66,202,056 yuan, of which 26,495,557 yuan was collected for road construction, accounting for 40% of the total collection amount, followed by "other projects" construction The project levied a total of 16,522,110 yuan, accounting for 24% of the total amount. A total of 56.396,716 yuan was collected for air pollution prevention and control fees for construction projects in 108, and the amount collected in 109 increased by 9.8 million and 5,340 yuan over the same period last year. Statistics from 105 to 109 years by category analysis of construction project expropriation. In 2015, the air pollution fee was mainly collected on road projects, while 11 new dredging projects were added in 2016, with a total levy of NT$20,15,066. In 107, other construction projects and dredging projects were the main levy objects. 28,898,961 yuan. In 108, the air pollution fee was levied at a maximum of 20,475,405 yuan in the category of "dredging projects." In 109, the number of construction air pollution fees collected was 1,709 for "other construction projects", which was the largest, and the amount collected was 26,495,557 yuan for road projects. In summary, the main collection objects of the air pollution fee for construction projects in this county are "road projects" and "other projects". From the perspective of the distribution of construction projects expropriated by township, Hualien County’s main construction projects are located in Hualien City, while other townships are located in Ji’an Township, Shoufeng Township and Xincheng Township. In 109, Hualien County had the largest number of applications for refunds due to changes in contract funding, a total of 293 cases, with a total refund of 899,729 yuan; followed by a total of 181 applications for refunds due to shortened construction period, with a total refund of 996,764 yuan . In 109, the number of applications for refunds of construction air pollution fees due to contract expenditure reductions is still the majority. The number of construction air pollution fees refunds due to several factors such as "shortened construction period" has shown a decrease year by year. (4) Air pollution fee auditing for construction projects In 109, the construction project database system calculated that there were 102 construction sites that failed to pay the construction air pollution fee within the deadline. There were 65 other types of projects, the air pollution fee payment amount was NT$596,947, and 12 road projects. , The air pollution fee payment amount is NT$69,651; 8 construction projects (SRC), the air pollution fee payment amount is NT$137,338; 8 pipeline projects, the air pollution fee payment amount is NT$70,000 395 yuan; 7 construction projects (RC), air pollution fee payment amount is NT$16,138; 2 construction (house) projects (demolition), air pollution fee payment amount is NT$4,465, overdue payment of air pollution The total fee amount is NT$894,934. The average monthly construction air pollution fee active payment rate and the completion rate of the call for payment in the following month are 100%. (5) Sampling test of oil products for construction vehicles and machinery A total of 20 sampling tests were completed in 109 years (10 points for oil sulphur content testing and 10 points for aromatic hydrocarbons), and the test result was a normal dredging and beach cultivating project in the port area (2016~2021). The detection value of the sulfur content in engine oil is 20ppmw, which exceeds the legal limit. The construction owner has been asked to submit a statement. (6) Motor vehicle noise control and investigation of non-ionizing radiation sources During the planning period, 57 motor vehicle inspections and inspections (inspections) have been carried out. The police will conduct inspections based on the level of vehicle noise perception. A total of 488 inspections and inspections (inspections) have been carried out. All relevant records of inspection operations have been consolidated. Submit it to the Environmental Protection Agency for follow-up procedures, and unqualified vehicles will be listed as notification objects for inspection. In addition to carrying out inspections (inspections) based on the work items, regular collections are conducted based on the noisy vehicle reporting website and police security project data, to screen out suspicious noisy vehicles that have been submitted, and to assist in the administrative procedures and on-site inspections for notification of arrival During the painting period, a total of 108 motor vehicles and locomotives have been notified and inspected, 34 of which are for roadside inspections and project inspections, 50 for noise vehicle reports, and 16 for science and technology law enforcement equipment. There are 8 cars. This year (109 years), the county's non-ionizing radiation measurement operations should be carried out for more than 50 points, and 50 points have been completed so far during the planning period. (7) Control of the flow of industrial waste According to statistics, in 109, a total of 227 inspections of waste removal and treatment institutions built within the county jurisdiction were in compliance with the regulations. The first quarter of the in-depth inspection of the processing institutions was conducted on March 4, 109, and the second quarter of in-depth inspection was conducted on June 18, 109. , On September 7, 109, the third quarter in-depth inspection was carried out. GPS vehicles under the jurisdiction of the county were inspected (patrol) 30 vehicles per quarter, 36 vehicles were inspected in the first quarter, 38 vehicles were inspected in the second quarter, and 41 vehicles were inspected in the third quarter and 37 vehicles in the fourth quarter. A total of 152 vehicles were inspected in compliance with the operating regulations. The real-time monitoring system for industrial waste removal equipment of the Environmental Protection Department of the Executive Yuan was checked once a week, and a total of 53 checks were conducted in 109 years. All 431 pens met the regulations. A total of 712 cases of waste management factories (fields) and construction sites were checked. For the construction project part of the waste disposal plan, please submit the empty pollution fee counter to the list of newly declared construction sites every week. A total of 3,595 pieces of construction sites were submitted 53 times, 127 new pipes were added, and the waste disposal plan review status ( 122 pieces have been verified, 2 pieces are under review, and 2 pieces are returned), and 81 pieces have been submitted to the delisting judgment form (78 pieces have been verified and 3 pieces are under review). (8) Innovative approach-noise inspection of car mirrors After the plan was approved on February 27, 109, the innovative approach was approved and the system was purchased in March. It is currently used to assist in the inspection of the muffler plug in the exhaust pipe during the inspection of noise vehicles. A total of 8 roadside inspections were carried out. A total of 203 sub-motors and locomotives were intercepted and inspected, of which 14 locomotives were found to have no muffler plug after endoscopic inspection. A document was issued to notify the owner of the vehicle to conduct a return inspection the following month, and to assist the police in reporting improperly modified vehicles 12 times. (9) Other Human and material support: All follow the instructions in the bureau to assist in handling. Temporary tasks: All follow the instructions of the bureau to assist in handling. 9. The completion rate of the plan for the current period: 100%, and the progress control rate: 100%.
英文關鍵字 Construction engineering, air pollution, pollution prevention and control, noise control, non-ionizing radiation, construction waste flow control