

中文摘要 109年度「嘉義市水污染源稽查與水污費徵收查核暨畜牧業沼液沼渣農地肥分使用暨水污染防治許可審查與省水減污宣導計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫) ,執行期程自109年1月31日至109年12月31日止,計畫經費為新台幣445萬元。 嘉義市河川流域(八掌溪、牛稠溪)相關環境背景資料及水質監測工作,以期藉由科學性分析環境地理與水理水質數據之相對關係,進而執行轄區流域河川污染防治及科學稽查作業,並針對嘉義市河川流域(牛稠溪、八掌溪)水質改善願景規劃,提出相關策略及建議。 本次報告統計期程自109年1月31日起至109年11月30日止,各項工作內容及執行成果概要說明如下。 一、水污染源稽查與水污費徵收查核計畫: (一) 水污染列管事業稽查採樣:完成120家水污染列管事業巡查274家次,針對放流水稽查採樣53件次,其中12件次之6家事業位於水污染熱區;檢驗結果7件次未符合放流水標準,其中1件屬水污染熱區事業。 (二) 水污染列管事業費水處理設施功能評鑑作業:以稽查處分紀錄及申報資料異常等條件,篩選3家水污染列管事業進行功能評鑑,於6月完成初評作業,7月邀集專家學者辦理複評作業,10月召開協商會議,並於會議中要求事業單位根據評鑑結果提出改善計畫書,業者均已提出改善計畫書及成果報告書。 (三) 水污染列管事業深度查核作業:完成6家列管事業廢水處理設施之深度查核,提出改善建議,促使業者依許可核准條件操作,維持廢水處理效能,其中3家查核結果涉及許可變更,要求業者盡速提出申請。 (四) 水質儀器科學稽查:運用水質儀器針對6家污染潛勢較高或有繞流排放疑慮事業,於承受水體架設水質儀器監測,結果未發現有異常排放行為。將持續運用連續監測儀器協助查獲業者偷排情形,以有效減輕人力負擔,有效打擊環境犯罪。 (五) 不明管線或暗管查核及封閉移除:共查獲6支不明管線,現場皆已要求業者完成移除或封閉管線。 (六) 水污費徵收查核作業:於109年7月1日開始申報繳費,已輔導全數申報完成。另水污費查核作業已完成8家查核。 (七) 水環境巡守隊輔導推動:已辦理2場次領袖會議、3場次教育訓練及1場次淨溪活動。並於11月辦理觀摩活動及「歲末辦理獎勵和慰勞餐會活動」。 (八) 辦理水污染法規說明會:累計協助舉辦3場次法規說明會,分別以「營建工地逕流廢水」、「貯油場維護防範及緊急應變相關法令宣導申報及法規」及「廢水處理設施改善」等重要法規宣導及輔導業者改善常見廢水處理操作問題。 二、畜牧廢水管理: (一) 畜牧業實地調查與現況分析:轄內通過沼液沼渣農地肥份使用計畫之3 家畜牧場,金聰畜牧場施灌量達94.5公噸。於109年6月針對明秀畜牧場稽查採樣,督促該場採取施灌措施,以減少污染排放,嗣後該場於9月份變更施灌方式(由管線變更為槽車)通過,將再追蹤施灌情形。嘉義大學因農場施工中,暫未能進行施灌。 (二) 輔導取得廢水管理計畫:本轄共有1家秋畜牧場應於109 年 12 月 31 日前通過廢水管理計畫,該畜牧場於11月底完成設置廢水處理設施,12月2日提出申請,本計畫12月4日辦理現場勘查,目前正審查中預計核准。 三、水污染防治許可審查與省水減污宣導計畫: (一) 協助事業水污染源許可申請審查作業:協助完成審查46件次,包含排放許可審查 15 件次、逕流廢水削減計畫審查 29 件次、貯留許可1件次及 廢(污)水管理計畫審查 1 件次。案件屬重新申請2件、新申請 33件、變更 4 件、展延2件、展延及變更 5 件,每次審查平均日數為10日。 (二) 督促化糞池定期清理:督促本轄機關、學校建築物污水處理設施與化糞池污物定期清理,清查83家,總計清運1,236公噸水肥。 (三) 督促社區下水道開機操作:本轄總計25家社區下水道,已清查25家,皆已100%開機操作。
中文關鍵字 水污染、水污費、沼液沼渣


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 4450 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/31 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 陳威憲
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 劉箕恩 執行單位 技佳工程科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA系統上傳用完整版.pdf 12MB

Project Name: The project of auditing water pollution source, collecting water pollution fees, and utilizing livestock industry’s gas fluid and gas compose for Chiayi City in 2020

英文摘要 “ The audit of water pollution source, collection of water pollution fees, and farmland fertilizer utilization program of livestock industry’s gas fluid and gas compose for Chiayi City in 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the “Project”) with an objective of using civil professional manpower to actively control and counsel the wastewater treatment for factories in the jurisdiction in order to thoroughly grasp the situation of factory wastewater treatment as well as to facilitate the future tracking management of the regulated enterprises by the EPB. The Project has been implemented from January 31, 2020, and the summary of the results of the work as of December 31 2020 are as follows. 1.Monthly monitoring operation for water body & quality :The water quality of the water bodies of Niuchou River, watershed of Bazhang River (including regional drainage of all levels) and Lantan Reservoir are regularly monitored once a month, and the monitoring results are published in the Environmental Water Quality Information, and that monthly and quarterly reports are produced along with the water quality analysis are submitted to the authorities for reference. 2.Operation of auditing for water pollution regulated enterprises and water quality sampling:During the implementation period of the Project, a total of 120 enterprises and 274 businesses/times of auditing operations (including the auditing to regulated enterprises in hot area) along with 53 businesses/times of water quality sampling and testing operations (including 12 businesses/times of samplings for regulated enterprises in sub-hot area). Among them, 7 of the regulated enterprises were given disciplinary action by EPB due to their discharged water exceeded the standard limit. The qualify rate of the inspection results was 87%. 3.The depth inspection of water pollution regulated enterprises:In the year of 2020, a total of scheduled 6 times of in-depth inspection on regulated enterprises are completed during the execution of the Project, in which one of the enterprise’s license was reported after being found of failing to meet the requirement of effluent standards. 4.Automatic and continuous monitoring system for water quality: Use scientific inspection instruments to conduct evidence collection operation of water pollution source as well as pollution source tracking and inspection, and to monitor the upstream and downstream for 72 hours at a time. In 2020, it is scheduled to complete 6 businesses/times of monitoring operation and that, during the implementation of this Plan. 5. Functional evaluation operation of wastewater treatment facilities on regulated enterprises: After the list having reviewed by EPB, the functional evaluation operation of wastewater treatment facilities on regulated enterprises was carried out on three regulated companies. An improvement schedule plan was submitted after the consultation meeting held on September 24, which will be followed up continuously. 6.Inspection, seal, and removal of unknown pipeline or undercut:4 unidentified pipelines and concealed pipes are scheduled to be investigated, announced, claimed and sealed in 2020 and, during the period of the Project, 4 unknown pipelines were found and all were dismantled or sealed. 7. Regulation for the pollution source license:As of December 31, 2020, this Project has completed 212 reviews, including reviews for 148 emission permits, 49 plan of runoff wastewater reduction, 11 retention permits, and 4 cases/times of waste (sewage) water management plan. 8. Collection of water pollution control fees:A total of 88 enterprises that water pollution charges shall be declared in the first phase have been completed with the declaration rate of 100%. 9. Programs of water environment patrol counseling as well as education training and contact conference:These programs that were conducted by the Bureau are as follows: assisting the organizations of education and training meeting for the water environment patrol team on May 30, and November 27 of 2020; handling the observation and learning activities of water environment patrol team for other county and city with 73 visitors on September 27th; conducting the activity of clean rivers and advocacy of“Clean Environment – Hand in to Clean Rivers and Guard Homeland” at the Qingshui Park in Bazhang River of Chiayi City on October 7th, and holding the assessment awards and the year-end consolation banquet on December 6th. 10. Other work results: (1)Handling the briefing of water pollution prevention and control: A legal briefing session was held on May 17th, August 30th and October 16th of 2020, respectively. (2)Handling domestic sewage reduction promotion activity:The task objective of conducting a domestic sewage reduction promotion activity was completed on June 2nd and October 7th, respectively. (3)Handling the promotion group meeting of water pollution remediation planning:The relevant units, experts and scholars were invited to form a promotion group for water pollution remediation planning. The first group meeting in 2020 was held on June 4th and the second group meeting in the same year was held on November 29th.and the second group meeting in the same year was held on December 11th.
英文關鍵字 Water pollution, water pollution fee, biogas slurry