

中文摘要 長期能源替代規劃系統模型 (Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning System, LEAP) 為聯合國氣候變化綱要公約對抗氣候變遷之減緩行動評估 (Mitigation Assessments) 主要的模型工具之一。本計畫以該模型之技術資料庫建構為基礎,運用參考國內外低碳目標之策略、技術及法規發展趨勢,評估短中長期低碳模擬情境。短中期 (至2030年) 以合理之GDP、人口、戶數等外生變數推估值,我國各部門發展趨勢與減碳方案,探討各部門所提減碳方案之成本與可行性。 為強化國際因應氣候減緩行動涵蓋的面向,參與國際推動整合評估之交流合作,本計畫以國際各部門 (能源、工業、運輸、住宅等) 之長期減碳技術發展趨勢與願景研擬低碳模擬情境,評估未來達成溫室氣體減量及管理法2050年目標或淨零排放 (碳中和) 之策略組合。 同時,本計畫也將透過更有意義的全球合作,就臺灣能源轉型目標與挑戰及深度減碳技術研究與發展等面向,探討邁向永續未來所可能面臨的挑戰與契機。 據此,本計畫主要工作目標包括: 1.應用長期能源替代規劃模型 (LEAP),評估我國短中期碳排放目標減碳方案與成效; 2.研析國際長期低碳目標與策略發展趨勢,並參與國際推動整合評估之交流合作; 3.評估我國至2050年低碳經濟、社會發展趨勢之情境,檢核實現長期願景可能性。
中文關鍵字 低碳路徑、長期能源替代規劃系統模型、減碳潛力


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 8724.55 千元
專案開始日期 2020/04/24 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 胡文正
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 王俊勝;周宜妙 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 LEDS_FY109_0218.pdf 10MB

Study on Assessments and Applications of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Results and Technology

英文摘要 The Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP) is one of the major modeling tools for the mitigation assessments of the UN Climate Change Convention to combat climate change. This project is based on the model construction of the technology database, and uses strategies, technologies, and policy trends that refer to domestic and international low-carbon targets to evaluate short, medium, and long-term Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) scenarios. In the short to medium term (to 2030), the project estimates the costs and feasibility of carbon reduction schemes proposed by the six major sectors in Taiwan and develops low carbon strategies based on the estimates of reasonable exogenous variables such as GDP, population, and households. In order to strengthen international climate actions and participate in international cooperation to promote integrated assessments, this project uses the low carbon reduction technology for long-term trends and visions from various international sectors (energy, industry, transportation, buildings, etc.) to develop LEDS scenarios to achieve the goals of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act or net-zero emissions for the year of 2050. In addition, through more meaningful global cooperation, the project will explore the challenges and opportunities that may be faced towards a sustainable future regarding Taiwan’s green transition and the research and development of deep carbon reduction technologies. Accordingly, this project continues to follow long-term strategies in the UNFCCC process and develop strategies for corresponding issues. The major tasks and objectives include: 1.Applying the Long-Term Energy Alternative Planning (LEAP) model to evaluate the short- and medium-term carbon emissions reduction targets and results; 2.Studying and analyzing the international long-term low-carbon emission goals and development strategies; participating in international societies to promote integrated model assessment cooperations; 3.Evaluating the situation of Taiwan's low-carbon economic and social development trends to 2050 and examining the possibility of the long-term LEDS vision.
英文關鍵字 Low Carbon Pathway, Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning System, LEAP