

中文摘要 本工作團隊執行「屏東縣109年度資源回收工作計畫」,本縣資源回收率至109年10月份為止,回收率為55.0%,較108年50.2%提升4.8%,數據顯示本計畫執行成效。本計畫執行至11月9日為止,計畫工作內容執行進度均符合規定,成果摘要如下列說明: 一、輔導及協助執行機關加強辦理資源回收工作 1.依據「行政院環境保護署109年度推動執行機關加強辦理資源回收工作績效考核計畫(以下簡稱環保署考核計畫)」及各鄉(鎮、市)之人口數、區域特性、資源回收率、垃圾清運量及垃圾產生量等各項因子,完成研擬本縣執行機關資源回收工作績效考核初核計畫草案,依據本團隊輔導鄉鎮市公所經驗提供環保局承辦人建議,並配合及協助環保局承辦人依據實際情況修訂環保局初核計畫至完整。 2.依據108年度回收率篩選回收率最低之5鄉鎮市,分別為新園鄉(42.6%)、林邊鄉(44.5%)、南州鄉(45.3%)、萬丹鄉(45.6%)、東港鎮(45.9%)等5個鄉鎮列為優先輔導對象,分析其資源回收率偏低之因素,並輔導其加強垃圾減量及資源回收工作,109年1-10月最低5鄉鎮之資源回收率均較108年度資源回收率有顯著之提升,分別為新園鄉(54.1%)較108年度提升11.5%、林邊鄉(58.8%) 較108年度提升14.3%、南州鄉(57.9%) 較108年度提升12.6%、萬丹鄉(56.8%) 較108年度提升11.2%、東港鎮(52.3%) 較108年度提升6.4%。 3.完成輔導全縣33鄉鎮市公所符合環保署考核計畫所列資源回收分類達21項以上,恆春鎮、長治鄉、崁頂鄉、滿州鄉及枋山鄉等5鄉鎮市公所,提出以分類資源回收物21項之照片進行佐證,潮州鎮、東港鎮、萬丹鄉、九如鄉、里港鄉、鹽埔鄉、高樹鄉、萬巒鄉、內埔鄉、竹田鄉、新埤鄉、枋寮鄉、新園鄉、林邊鄉、佳冬鄉、琉球鄉、三地門鄉、霧臺鄉、瑪家鄉、來義鄉、春日鄉、獅子鄉及牡丹鄉等23鄉鎮市公所,完成以變賣明細證明進行佐證,屏東市、麟洛鄉、南州鄉、車城鄉及泰武鄉等5鄉鎮市則物21項之照片及變賣明細證明皆有提出。 4.本年度本計畫完成執行44次流向追蹤查核,包括廢輪胎13次、寶特瓶8次、農藥廢空瓶3次、電子電器1次、廢鐵容器4次、照明光源2次、塑膠容器2次、玻璃容器(白色)4次、玻璃容器(綠色)4次、玻璃容器(褐色)3次。本計畫事先與鄉鎮市公所清潔隊聯繫,了解其資源回收物變賣時間,並執行自出場後清運至合約商、轉包、協力或下游廠商及中間處理至最終處理廠或再利用機構之完整串聯式流向追蹤。執行之44次資收物流向追蹤,查核過程均符合規定,資收物皆依規定進入最終處理廠達資源循環之成效。 5. 4/30完成辦理1場次資源回收業務交流檢討及業務人員教育訓練,會議重點包括109年度提升資源回收率相關工作說明、屏東縣109年度推動執行機關加強辦理資源回收工作績效考核初核計畫執行重點說明。 二、推動機關、學校、團體辦理資源回收工作 本計畫完成271個機關、學校及社區查核輔導,在「資源回收設施是否投入非資源回收物」項目查核中有3件不符合規定,佔總查核數的1.1%;「垃圾子車是否混有資源垃圾」項目查核中,共有6件不符合規定,佔總查核數的2.2%;「是否設置廢乾電池回收筒」查核項目中共有68家不需設置,其他203家皆符合規定;「是否設置廢日光燈管回收設施」查核項目中共有188家不需設置,其他83家皆符合規定;「是否定期回報資源回收量」項目查核中有79家由清潔隊、慈濟或清潔隊列冊個體戶回收,不需回報,14家已輔導交付列冊個體業者、18家已輔導申報,其他160家皆依規定提報;「是否有配合資源回收宣傳資料」查核項目中共有183現場輔導張貼,其他88家皆符合規定;「是否有設置廚餘桶」查核項目中共有169家不需設置,其他102家皆符合規定。 三、執行資源回收責任業者及販賣業者重點管理稽查取締 1.辦理資源回收責任業者重點管理稽查取締工作,抄錄疑似未登記業者商品或未標示回收標誌容器與乾電池商品,本年度共計執行803件次之查核工作,統計共有775件合格,合格率96.5%,另28件違規,違規比例為3.5%,以食品類有14件違規為最高、佔50.0%,其次為清潔用品有7件、佔25.0%。保養用品有4件、佔14.3%。其他3件、佔10.7%。 2.辦理應設置資源回收設施13大行業販賣業者稽查取締工作(電子電器販賣業除外),總計執行301家次,其中有96家次不符合規定,現場均完成輔導改善。 3.辦理廢四機回收制度中之販賣業者管理稽查與輔導計262家,有149家次不符合規定,現場均完成輔導改善。 四、執行應回收廢棄物回收、處理業申請登記輔導及相關巡查作業 1.應回收廢棄物回收業計執行60家212家次,查核結果中計有18家次有違規情形。包括『無環境用藥紀錄』違規有4家次、『未進行中文標示』違規有3家次、『廠區髒亂』違規有2家次、『滅火器過期』違規有2家次、『地面髒亂』違規有2家次、『未標示嚴禁煙火』2家次、『地面積水』違規有1家次『無環境用藥紀錄且未標示嚴禁煙火』違規有1家次、『資收物溢散』違規1家次。 2.應回收廢棄物處理業計執行12家44家次查核作業,查核結果中計有3家次有違規情形,『未標示嚴禁煙火』2家次、『滅火器過期』違規有1家次。 3.於9/18完成辦理回收處理業消防安全講習及消防演練。 五、推動資源回收形象改造工作 1. 本計畫完成執行5 處資源回收站形象改造施工,包括新世界社區、哈佛特區大樓、椰林學苑、達亞國際e化大樓、綠地極景大樓。 2.本計畫執行輔導東港鎮2名、恆春鎮2名、長治鄉1名、高樹鄉2名、內埔鄉5名、竹田鄉1名、林邊鄉2名、車城鄉1名及滿州鄉1名等個鄉鎮計17名個體業者進入社區服務。 六、執行廢機動車輛回收清除貯存作業及廢車回收業分級管理 完成查報汽車354輛次、機車65輛次及貨車52輛次,計471輛次,張貼所在鄉鎮以屏東市最多,其次為潮州鎮。另依道路類型而言,以鄉道查獲廢棄機動車輛數362輛次最高,其次縣道68輛次、省道41輛次。 另完成訂定屏東縣政府環境保護局廢機動車輛回收業分級管理指標及評分標準並於期限內提供環保局分級作業標準提報環保署,由本團隊聘請專家學者擔任評分委員,於5/25、28、6/4前往各廢機動車輛回收業現場進行評鑑,依據評鑑結果將18家受補貼廢機動車輛回收業分成金級、銀級、未獲獎等三級,其中有5家業者獲得金牌獎、5家業者獲得銀牌獎,另有8家業者未獲獎。 七、辦理資源回收宣導工作 1.完成840則資源回收媒體宣導工作,本計畫委託愛鄉傳播大製作股份有限公司於「屏北地區觀昇有線電視台」及「屏南地區屏南有線電視台」,以頻道跑馬燈方式,播放公告應回收項目(含有害物質)及回收管道、資源回收環保政策、「配合廢電子電器逆向回收宣(導)」及「二次電池(含行動電源)回收及鈕釦型電池拆卸回收、廢照明光源(含破損者)妥善包裝回收之宣導、廢四機回收政策宣導、廢農藥空瓶回收宣導」等為主題跑馬燈宣導內容訊息發佈,已完成本年度之量化工作目標。相關託播工作亦與業者簽約,並提供播放證明予環保局核定,以利環保署考評驗證。 2.完成辦理33場次之宣導說明會,包括「廢照明光源(含破損者)妥善包裝回收之宣導說明會」6場次、「二次電池(含行動電源)回收及鈕釦電池拆卸回收宣導說明會」7場次、「廢紙容器(包含紙餐具、鋁箔包或紙盒包等) 應以容器類或單獨一類回收及貯存,勿混入一般紙類回收、貯存宣導說明會」7場次、「廢玻璃容器分色分類回收及貯存宣導說明會」6場次、「電子電器販賣業者及回收處理業者之宣導活動或說明會」1場次、「公告應回收廢棄物責任業者法規說明會」1場次、「回收處理業者法規說明會」1場次、「『執行機關公告應回收項目』宣導活動」3場次、軍營資源回收宣導說明會1場次。 3. 結合節慶、地方特色之大型資源回收創意宣導活動方面,本計畫結合中秋節於9/30辦理故鄉月圓慶中秋暨資源回收宣導活動、於10/3辦理中秋賞伯勞幸福南國資源回收宣導活動,結合重陽節於10/23辦理重陽敬老晚會暨資源回收宣導活動、於10/24辦理做回收逗陣來資源循環宣導活動。 八、協助本縣各執行機關完成環保署年度績效考核初評及複評 完成協助環保局規劃及執行規劃環保署年度績效考核初評及複評各項工作。 九、辦理南區資源回收業務研討會 本次研討會為期兩天,於109年9月15日至109年9月16日完成辦理「109年度南區資源回收業務研討會」。
中文關鍵字 Resource Recycling


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 8480 千元
專案開始日期 2020/03/24 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 周俊利
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 葉穎緻 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 屏東縣109年度資源回收工作計畫--.pdf 0MB

Resource Recycling Work Plan of Pingtung County in 2020 Abstract

英文摘要 The task team executed the "Resource Recycling Work Plan of Pingtung County in 2020." The resource recycling rate of Pingtung County was 55.0% as of October in 2020, which was 4.8% higher than the 50.2% in 2019. As of November 9 in 2020, the implementation progress of the work items is in compliance with the regulations, and the summary of the results is as follows: 1. Coach and assist the executive agency to strengthen the handling of resource recycling. 1. According to the “Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan in 2020 to promote the implementation of the performance assessment plan for resource recycling (hereinafter referred to as the EPA assessment plan)” and the various factors such as population, regional characteristics, resource recycling rate, amount of garbage cleared and amount of garbage generated of each township (town, city). Completed the draft of the preliminary assessment plan for the performance evaluation of resource recycling work conducted by the executive agency of Pingtung County. Based on the team’s experience in guiding township and municipal offices, provide suggestions to the staff of the Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County Government (PTEPB), and cooperate and assist the staff of PTEPB to revise the preliminary assessment plan to completeness according to the actual situation. 2. According to the recycling rate in 2019, 5 townships, towns, and cities with the lowest recycling rate were selected and listed as priority coachinging objects, namely Xinyuan Township (42.6%), Linbian Township (44.5%), Nanzhou Township (45.3%), Wandan Township (45.6%), and Donggang Town (45.9%), analyze the factors of their low resource recycling rate, and guide them to strengthen garbage reduction and resource recycling work. From January to October of 2010, the resource recycling rate of the lowest five townships was significantly higher than that of 2019. The resource recycling rates in 2020 of Xinyuan Township (54.1%), Linbian Township (58.8%), Nanzhou Township (57.9%), Wandan Township (56.8%) and Donggang Town (52.3%) were 11.5%, 14.3%, 12.6%, 11.2% and 6.4% higher than those in 2019, respectively. 3. Completed the guidance of 33 townships, towns, and municipal offices in the county to meet the resource recycling sorting listed in the assessment plan of the EPA with more than 21 items. The Offices of Hengchun Town, Changzhi Township, Kanding Township, Manzhou Township and Fangshan Township proposed the photos of sorting the resource recyclables to 21 items as evidence. The Offices of Chaozhou Town, Donggang Town, Wandan Township, Jiuru Township, Ligang Township, Yanpu Township, Gaoshu Township, Wanluan Township, Neipu Township, Zhutian Township, Xinpi Township, Fangliao Township, Xinyuan Township, Linbian Township, Jiadong Township, Liuqiu Township, Sandimen Township, Wutai Township, Majia Township, Laiyi Township, Chunri Township, Shizi Township and Mudan Township have submitted the proof of the sale details as evidence. The Offices of Pingtung City, Linluo Township, Nanzhou Township, Checheng Township and Taiwu Township have provided the photos of sorting the resource recyclables to 21 items and the proof of the sale details as evidence. 4. This year, the task team has completed 44 times flow-direction tracking checks, including 13 times for waste tire, 8 times for waste PET bottle, 3 times for emptied waste pesticide bottle, 1 times or waste electronics, 4 times for waste tin container, 2 times for waste lighting source, 2 times or waste plastic container, 4 times for transparent glass container, 4 times for green glass container and 3 times for brown glass container. The task team contacted the cleaning squad of the township, town and city office in advance to grasp the time for the sale of the recyclables, and carried out the comprehensive in series flow-direction tracking on clearing and transporting from the contractor, sub-contractor or downstream collectors, intermediate processing to the final processing plant or recycling organization after the recyclables departure of the field. I. Inspection task of the resource recycling system (I) Conduct the key management inspection and banning task of resource recycling operators. A total of 810 inspections were carried out in total, and 789 were qualified, with a pass rate of 97.4%, and the other 21 violated the regulations, with a violation rate of 2.6%. (II) Inspection and banning task of the 13 major industry vendors who should be set up the resource recycling facilities (except for electronic and electrical appliance vendors). A total of 269 inspections were completed, 68 of which did not meet the requirements, and all were improved on the spot after the counseling. (III) For the waste four-machine recycling system, 76 management inspections and counseling programs were conducted, and 28 cases were not in compliance with the regulations. They all completed the improvements on the spot after counseling. (IV) A total of 70 business including 1 business’s license withdrawn in August or 254 inspections was carried out for the recycling treatment industry. Among them, there were 209 inspections of 60 recyclable waste recovery industries including 1 business’s license withdrawn in August. There were 18 violations in the inspection results including 2 violations of "fire extinguisher expired," 2 violations of "fire extinguisher sent for repair," 2 violations of "open-air storage of scrap tires (has been improved on site)," and 7 violations of "open-air storage of scrap tires." There were 1 violation of "No Environmental Medication Form" and 4 violations of "stagnant water on site." There were 45 inspections of 12 recyclable waste process industries, and the inspection results showed 2 violations of "open-air storage of scrap tires." In addition, the task team strengthened the recovery, storage, removal, and process of waste electrical and electronic equipment and IT items. There were 88 checks of 27 industries, and the check results showed 7 violations including 3 violations of "open-air storage of scrap tires," 1 violation of "fire extinguisher expired," 3 violations of "stagnant water on site." In terms of inspection of the non-subsidized scarp motor vehicle recycling industry, 10 companies were inspected 33 times and the inspection results showed 6 violations including 2 violations of "open storage of waste tires (has been improved on site)," 1 violation of "fire extinguisher sent for repair," 1 violation of "no Environmental medication form," and 2 violations of "stagnant water on site." This year, the PTEPB has not assigned any case to coach the operator in completing the online application, including changes and extensions. II. Assisting agencies, schools, and organizations in handling resource recycling tasks The plan has completed 287 agencies, schools, and community inspections and counseling. In recent years, it has been found that most units find it more troublesome to provide monthly reports, and it is more convenient to send them directly to the cleaning squadron. Therefore, the monthly reports are not required. III. Implementation of recycling, clearing and storage operations of waste motor vehicles and classification management of scrap car recycling industry Completed 470 times of check reports including 354 times of vehicles, 43 times of trucks, and 73 motorcycles. In term of townships, Pingtung City had the highest number of 210 vehicles posted as abandoned motor vehicles, followed by Chaozhou Town with 71 vehicles. In terms of road types, the number of abandoned motor vehicles seized, the rural roads had the highest number of 405 vehicles, followed by provincial roads with 53 vehicles and county roads with 12 vehicles. In addition, the classification management indexes and scoring standards for the scrap motor vehicle recycling industry of the Pingtung County Environmental Protection Bureau (PTEPB) were completed, and the PTEPB's grading operation standards were provided to the EPA within the deadline. From the evaluation results, 4 companies won the gold medal, 5 companies won the silver medal, and 9 companies did not win. IV. Improvement of resource recycling rate (I) The plan started to strengthen the implementation of counseling in Zhutian Township, Linbian Township, Xinyuan Township, Nanzhou Township, and Wandan Township. The resource recovery rates from January to October in 2019 were all higher than those in 2018, increased by 1.9%, 6.9%, 5.2%, 6.7%, and 5.7%, respectively. (II) Promotion of 81 campaigns on the recycling of pesticide waste containers, the total number of participants was 2,362, and the total recycling amount of pesticide waste containers was 5,675 kg, an increase of 621 kg over last year. (III) Completed the implementation of the construction on image transformation of 5 resource recycling stations. (IV) Complete coaching 15 individual operators in total to enter the community for resource recycling service including 2 in Donggang Town, 1 in Wandan Township, 2 in Changzhi Township, 1 in Zhutian Township, 1 in Kanding Township, 4 in Linbian Township, 1 in Jiadong Township, 2 in Manzhou Township, and 1 in Mudan Township. (V) Completed the task for the target resource recycling rate of each implementing agency in 2019. (VI) Completed 5 advocacy activities of fishing ports, implemented inspections and maintenance of the resource recovery facilities of fishing port, and learned from the maintenance unit that the resource recovery items collected by the resource recovery facilities this year was about 30% higher than last year, demonstrating the effectiveness of advocacy of this plan. (VII) Grasp the list and usage amount of the recycled materials used by the four factories in Pingtung County after being processed by the subsidy industry. The total usage amount was 16,757.43 tons. The main recycled materials used were incinerated recycled pellets. V. Handling various promotion seminars and observation activities, and implementing education and promotion activities (I) Completed counselling for township and city offices to handle incumbent education and training for cleaning squadron members, for a total of 14 sessions, with 774 participants. (II) Completed 1 session on opinion exchanges of resource recycling business and in-charge personnel education and training. (III) Completed 40 sessions of resource recycling activities and seminars. (IV) In conjunction with the Kenting Music Season held from April 4 to April 5, complete the 2019 “Kenting Music Season, so beautiful Kenting, and resource recycle coming together” resource recovery advocacy activity. (V) Completed 1125 resource recovery media promotion work, including 2 on print media, 1123 on contracted electronic and print media advertisement. (VI) Based on the principle of continuity and sustainability, two innovative promotion approaches were implemented on resource recovery in this project including “resource recovery site, the love action point” and “heavy motorcycle rider, sending warmth hundred miles.” (VII) In conjunction with the Dragon Boat Festival, handle the "Dragon Boat Dragon Boat Race in the Bluefin Tuna Culture and Tourism Season in Pingtung County - Resource Recycling Coming Together, Resource Recovery Promotion Campaign" on June 6, 2019. (VIII) Cooperate with the Taiwan Lantern Festival to complete a number of resource recovery related tasks. VI. Support the implementation of major policies of the EPA The task team handled the "Promotion of Waste Battery Recovery Competition for Primary Schools of Pingtung County in 2019". In the first round, 26 primary schools participated in the competition, with a total recovery amount of 583.80 kg. In the second round, 21 primary schools participated in the competition, and the total amount recovered was 688.65 kg. The plan announced winners list in accordance with regulations and notified the outstanding schools to receive stationery for rewards.
英文關鍵字 資源回收