

中文摘要   為掌握全國排放量趨勢,作為管制之參考,國家空氣污染物排放清冊之更新制度為每三年進行一次基準年總檢討計算,並在歷年間進行局部更新。本計畫之工作執行重點,以推估108年基準年之新版空氣污染物排放量(TEDS 11.0)為主軸,本計畫之主要成果摘要如下:   1.建置新版空氣污染物排放清冊:本計畫完成TEDS 11.0版108年基準年排放清冊之建置,並已於110年7月1日正式上網公布。TEDS 11.0版排放清冊推估範疇涵蓋點源(固定源列管公私場所)、線源(公路車輛)、面源(含其他固定源與非公路運輸)、氨源及生物源。TEDS 11.0版108基準年全國點源、線源及面源清冊建置成果摘要如下:   (1)點源:TEDS 11.0版點源清冊由各縣市提報認列共14,643家公私場所排放量,各污染物優先採用申報/空污費資料庫資料。總計全國108基準年點源各污染物排放量,TSP為20,562、PM10為13,440、PM2.5為10,020、SOX為51,863、NOX為112,395、THC為81,953、NMHC為67,975、CO為248,027及Pb為18公噸/年,主要排放來源包括電力業、基本金屬製造業、非金屬礦物製品製造業、電子零組件製造業等。   (2)線源:TEDS 11.0版線源清冊排放量係引用環保署移動源專案計畫成果資料。總計全國108基準年線源各污染物排放量,TSP為28,175、PM10為18,934、PM2.5為14,977、SOX為111、NOX為150,867、THC為104,536、NMHC為96,732、CO為307,967及Pb為18公噸/年,主要排放來源為柴油大貨車、汽油小客車及四行程機車等。   (3)面源:TEDS 11.0版面源清冊涵蓋工業未列管工廠之碳氫化合物逸散、商業(如餐飲油煙、一般消費用品之碳氫化合物逸散)、住宅、農業露天燃燒、垃圾場逸散、礦場與農業操作、營建與道路揚塵、裸露地風蝕、移動源非公路運輸及其他等範疇共119項污染源,總計全國108基準年面源各污染物排放量(不含船舶離岸排放),TSP為252,910、PM10為85,036、PM2.5為22,118、SOX為14,513、NOX為30,848、THC為380,847、NMHC為301,795、CO為301,107公噸/年,主要排放來源包括車行揚塵、港區內船舶、一般消費用品、農業與施工機具等。   2.排放趨勢及管制情境變化掌握: 108年相較於105年之空氣污染排放基數顯示除國內能源消費略為下降之外,人口數、機動車輛總數、工業生產指數、平均每人GDP及畜牧豬隻數等皆為上升,然而TEDS 11.0版108基準年與TEDS 10.1版105基準年排放量相較卻顯示各主要污染物(TSP、PM10、PM2.5、SOX、NOX、VOCs)全國總量均呈現下降,其中最顯著者包括點源TSP及SOX分別約減少41%及38%。各污染物減少之主要原因包括工廠防制設備改善、燃油設施汰除、老舊車輛汰除、商船燃油含硫率降低、農廢燃燒比例降低等。顯見空氣污染物之減少非因工業減產或經濟活動衰退所致,係為國家空污管制作為之成效。   3.針對空氣污染物排放清冊建置結果建立內部品質控管、檢討與比較分析:TEDS 11.0版之建置依據前期計畫常見問題加強數據自動連結更新功能、自動檢核功能、排放量連續性比較、縣市專責人員聯絡及修正歷程紀錄表等檢核措施,並依據排放量參數之不確定性進一步探討個別污染源因子對於排放量之影響程度,敏感度分析結果顯示車行揚塵、船舶、一般消費用品、工業表面塗裝、農業機械汽油燃燒、夜市油煙等為影響排放量不確定性之主要污染源。另一方面,以模式模擬與觀測資料比對,顯示本次TEDS排放量具有一定之可信度。   4.執行與規劃排放量管理計畫,舉辦空氣污染物排放量推估教育訓練:本計畫透過排放量管理計畫由縣市負責調查提報清冊部分污染源排放量推估所需資料,如餐飲及夜市油煙、民俗信仰金紙燃燒、農廢燃燒、車行揚塵、列管固定源指定活動強度等。本計畫規劃110~112年期排放量管理計畫工作內容及執行109~110年期縣市提報作業,並辦理相關說明會及清冊排放量推估教育訓練會議,協助地方環保局配合完成相關負責之工作項目。   5.建置清冊排放量制式化線上提報計算整合系統,及其他行政配合工作:本計畫開發完成排放量管理計畫系統平台,功能包括面源排放量計算模組、歷年提報資料查詢、排放量管理計畫提報功能、公告訊息查詢功能、帳密基本資料維護等,並開放部分污染源項目(如餐飲夜市油煙、農廢燃燒、金紙燃燒等)予縣市環保局進行排放量試算,亦透過舉辦系統平台說明會議了解使用者需求及改善意見,此系統預定111年正式啟用。本計畫亦執行綠色國民所得帳空氣污染排放量帳表提交、歐美國家排放資料建置方法最新消息蒐集、空氣污染排放量網頁資料更新維護及氣膠相關議題研討會協助辦理等行政配合工作。
中文關鍵字 排放清冊、排放量空間分配、品質控管


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 24850 千元
專案開始日期 2020/05/08 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 蔡志賢
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 柏雪翠 執行單位 景丰科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 TEDS109A219期末報告修正稿(全文).pdf 66MB

Building of the Taiwan emission data system

英文摘要  In order to grasp the national emission trends, as a reference for regulation, the base year emission calculation is reviewed and conducted every three years to renew the national air pollutant emission inventory, and to update it partially over the years. The focus of this project is to estimate the new version of air pollutant emissions (TEDS 11.0) in the base year of 2019, and the main achievements are summarized as follows:  1.The establishment of the new version of the air pollutant emission inventory: The TEDS 11.0 version of the 2019 base year is completed, and it was officially announced on July 1, 2021. The scope of TEDS 11.0 covers point sources (regulated places), line sources (road vehicles), area sources (other stationary sources and off-road transportation), ammonia sources and biological sources. The main results of the point, line and area source inventory are summarized as follows:   (1)Point source: It is declared by counties and cities for a total of 14,643 sources, with priority given to the use of data from the declaration/air pollution fee database. The total emissions from the point sources in 2019 are 20,562 for TSP, 13,440 for PM10, 10,020 for PM2.5, 51,863 for SOX, 112,395 for NOX, 81,953 for THC, 67,975 for NMHC, 248,027 for CO and 18 for Pb in unit of Metric tons/year, which are mainly from power industries, base metal manufacturing, non-metallic mineral products manufacturing, electronic component manufacturing, etc.   (2)Line source: It is based on the results of the EPA's mobile source project. The total emissions from the line sources in 2019 are 28,175 for TSP, 18,934 for PM10, 14,977 for PM2.5, 111 for SOX, 150,867 for NOX, 104,536 for THC, 96,732 for NMHC, 307,967 for CO and 18 for Pb in unit of Metric tons/year, where the main sources are diesel heavy-duty-trucks, gasoline cars and four-stroke motorcycles.   (3)Area source: It covers the emission of hydrocarbons from industrial unregulated factories, commercial (such as cooking fume, hydrocarbons from general consumer goods) and residential emissions, agricultural open burning, garbage dumps, mining and agriculture operation, construction and road dust, wind erosion of bare ground, non-road transportation and other sources. There are 119 pollution sources in total. The total emissions from the area sources in 2019 (excluding offshore ships) are 252,910 for TSP, 85,036 for PM10, 22,118 for PM2.5, 14,513 for SOX, 30,848 for NOX, 380,847 for THC, 301,795 for NMHC and 301,107 for CO in unit of Metric tons/year, and the main sources include road dust, ships in the port area, general consumer goods, agricultural and construction machinery, etc.  2.Changes in emission trends: It shows that in addition to a slight decline in domestic energy consumption, the population, total number of motor vehicles, industrial production index, average GDP per capita, and the number of livestock pigs have all increased in 2019 in comparison with 2016. However, the results from TEDS 11.0 show that the total TSP, PM10, PM2.5, SOX, NOX and VOCs have all declined in comparison with TEDS 10.1. Among them, the most notable ones include point source TSP and SOX reduction of approximately 41% and 38%, respectively. The main reasons for the reduction include the improvement of factory control equipment, the elimination of fuel facilities, the elimination of old vehicles, the reduction in the sulfur content of merchant ships' fuel, and the reduction in the proportion of agricultural waste combustion. Obviously, the reduction of air pollutants is not caused by industrial production reduction or economic activity decline, but is the result of the national air pollution control.  3.Internal quality control, review and comparative analysis: According to the common problems from previous experiences, the inventory building has strengthened the automatic data link & update function, automatic check function, emission continuity comparison, contact with county and city specialists, and history record of revision. Based on the uncertainty of emission parameters, we further explored the impact of individual pollution source factors on emissions. Sensitivity analysis results show that road dust, ships, general consumer goods, industrial surface coating, agricultural machinery gasoline burning, night market oil fume, etc. are the main pollution sources that affect the uncertainty of emissions. On the other hand, the comparison between model simulation and observational data shows that the TEDS 11.0 emissions have a certain degree of credibility.  4.Emissions management plan: Through the emission management plan, counties and cities are responsible for investigating and reporting certain data related to certain pollutant source emission estimates, such as cooking fumes at restaurants and night markets, burning of gold paper for folk beliefs, burning of agricultural waste, road dust, designated activity intensity of point source, etc. The works in 2021~2023 were scheduled, and the county and city reporting operations in the 2020~2021 period were implemented. The related explanatory meetings and education and training meetings on inventory emission estimation were held, in order to assist the local environmental protection bureau to complete the relevant work projects.  5.Standardized online reporting & calculation integration system; other administrative coordination tasks: An integrated system platform has been developed, where the functions include area source emission calculation modules, historical reported data query, emission management plan reporting function, announcement message query function, basic account secret data maintenance, emissions trial calculation (partially open) etc. It also organizes explanatory meetings to understand user needs and improvement opinions. This system is scheduled to be officially launched in 111 years. Other administrative coordination tasks include the submission of the Green GNP air pollution emissions account form, the collection of the latest news on the establishment of emission data in European and American countries, the update and maintenance of the air pollution emission webpage data, and the assistance in handling seminars on aerosol related topics, etc.
英文關鍵字 Emissions Inventory, Emissions Spacial Distribution, Quality Control