
109 年花蓮縣低碳永續家園建構推動計畫

中文摘要 為呼應國際社會朝向低碳永續家園邁進的趨勢,跟進全球資源永續利用與邁向節能減碳具體成效建立之行動,同時配合行政院環境保護署推動政策,針對進行溫室氣體及低碳永續議題之相關規劃、宣導與推動,同時進行溫室氣體盤查等相關作業,以逐步邁向永續城市之都。 主要工作項目包含推動本縣低碳永續家園認證評等推廣、氣候變遷調適活動、低碳生活推廣、低碳店家認證推廣、推廣民眾參與節能減碳等工作,針對環保署各項績效評比及交辦事項,如期如實完成。 以下針對工作項目統計至109年11月30日止之各項工作成果進行摘要說明。 (一)7月30日於花蓮縣政府大簡報室辦理第一場,邀請花蓮縣政府顏秘書長新章擔任主持人,針對109年度地方環保機關推動因應氣候變遷行動績效評比內容之評比項目。10月29日於翰品酒店青嵐廳辦理第二場,藉由第一場會議說明花蓮縣盤查分析各部門溫室氣體排放量及趨勢變化,對照本縣溫室氣體管制執行方案,檢視執行方案執行成效。 今年度減碳量為111,818.6公噸、固碳量22,183.1,減碳效益134,002公噸。花蓮特有地理位置,擁有較多山坡地、農地,農業部門的固碳量22,183.1公噸,佔整體減碳量之17%。結合低碳、觀光旅遊加強溫室氣體減碳,宣導限用一次性用具與推動低碳運具,環境部門減碳量109,065.57公噸(81.5%);運輸部門減碳量915.2公噸(0.68%)。 彙整各局處辦公室節能減碳措施,住商部門770.29公噸(0.57%)。 社區施作微水力發電示範點,能源部門1,067.57公噸(0.8%)。 (二)6月23日、10月19日於花蓮縣環保局4樓會議室辦理,邀集14位東部評等審查小組委員出席,藉由計畫工作期間辦理技術諮詢與評等審查小組共同交流討論,以落實減能減碳之行動,而該會議目的為獲知技術可行性評估、財務自償性及複製推廣性之行動項目執行方向。 (三)透過彙整花蓮縣參與評等認證現況,盤點尚未參與村里,目前已全數輔導31村里報名成功;輔導5處村里取得銅級。追蹤查核107-108年低碳示範與補助單位執行節能減碳改善成效,已彙整107年、108年補助社區及項目。 (四)輔導與協助縣內獲得評等等級與已參與低碳家園評等認證之村里或社區,優先以花蓮市國興里為第一梯輔導村里於國興里社區活動中心作為綠能節電之太陽能板示範區;第二梯輔導5處村里花蓮市國福里;吉安鄉南華村、干城村;壽豐鄉豐山村;鳳林鎮北林里;第三梯次輔導瑞穗鄉富興村;輔導6處示範村里,主要以輔導較低維護成本設施,結合社區既有行動項目,共同推廣落實低碳節能設施,帶動雙倍減碳效益。輔導村里建議名單為吉安鄉吉安村、壽豐鄉志學村、鳳林鎮南平里、瑞穗鄉瑞美村及舞鶴村、富里鄉萬寧村,涵蓋了5個鄉鎮市。 (五)花蓮縣公私場所溫室氣體排放量之固定污染源主要以水泥業與發電廠,屬第一批應申報之行業。應盤查登錄排放源業者亞洲水泥股份有限公司花蓮製造廠、台灣水泥股份有限公司和平分公司和平廠、台灣水泥股份有限公司花蓮廠、和平電力股份有限公司和平火力發電廠及中華紙漿股份有限公司花蓮廠等5家業者。查核5家領有固定污染原業者之香又香餐盒食品有限公司、提拉米蘇精緻蛋糕、德久食品有限公司、松石旅館及非凡假期大飯店等,且經查核結果皆未達公告第一批各行業之全廠(場)溫室氣體排放量2.5萬公噸,無需列管。 (六)今年度輔導以玉里鎮公所為微型規模抵換示範單位,玉里鎮公所今年度受經濟部能源局補助,安裝新的高效率道路照明燈具(LED路燈),進而替代原本的高壓鈉路燈。更換成LED路燈能降低之電力使用量,因此減少了許多因電力供應所產生之溫室氣體排放量。 (七)為提升縣民氣候變遷素養,以多元宣傳模式,增進全民氣候變遷知識、強化本縣氣候變遷調適能力與能源認知,使社區及民眾掌握氣候變遷最新資訊及國際趨勢。辦理2場氣候變遷素養培訓活動,2場能源教育推廣宣導,讓社區及民眾提升更多的正確的知識與正面的能量。 (八)提升全民氣候變遷素養及強化氣候變遷調適能力,身體力行與我們身處的環境有所互動,凝聚永續發展意識,於8月22日、10月18日辦理二場次配合縣府健走活動之戶外、互動民眾宣導活動,共240人參與。 (九)目前環保局節能減碳小尖兵Facebook社群網站人數達10,165人。 (十)透過綠能觀光運輸工具來推廣社區村里間的旅遊體驗,以及改善旅遊人潮所造成之交通問題,以提升遊憩品質,促進生態旅遊的發展,於8月19日、9月18日辦理二場次花東縱谷綠色巴士講堂。 (十一)辦理三場次低碳店家培訓課程,推廣低碳商(旅)店業者,優先選購具有節能標章的節能電器,宣導業者採不主動提供一次性盥洗用品,以及針對提供外帶服務的低碳商店業者,不主動提供免費塑膠袋供民眾使用,養成綠色環保生活習慣,消費自備餐具或購物袋,減少一次性廢棄物產出,落實環保減塑。 (十二)低碳商店經查核在營業場所使用省電燈泡、落實資源回收與垃圾減量、冷氣溫度(設定於26~28度)比例最高佔91~93%,其次為優先使用當地、季食材,同時業者在不主動提供一次性餐具、購物用塑膠袋等項目佔78~80%。低碳旅店經查核在民宿營業場所使用省電燈泡、落實資源回收與垃圾減量總比例佔89~90%,其次為冷氣溫度(設定於26~28度)77%、使用熱泵加熱(或電)熱水系統及外牆有植生牆或遮陽板降低太陽照射佔77~80%。 今年度輔導名額為兩名,經委員2天現勘後,由「高山森林基地」及「德魯固股份有限公司-山月村」獲得本年度輔導業者,具備低碳節能的意識與採文化保存、原住民特色發展,獲得委員稱讚;委員查核房間與大廳,目前冷氣非節能電器,會造成耗電量大,建議業者逐步汰換具有節能標章冷氣。 (十三)辦理完成計畫人員職前教育訓練2場次;內部教育訓練3場次。 (十四)能源教育的內涵著重於在地實踐與產學合作,藉著實踐基地與產業人才培訓措施才能有效落實能源產業急需之專業人才。智能農場配置有13 kWp併聯型太陽光電系統採用自發自用的模式供給白晝時的空調與照明,同時也搭配3 kWp甲醇重組氫燃料電池系統來做為防災之緊急之備援電力。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園、節能減碳、溫室氣體、氣候變遷


專案計畫編號 EPB1081216 經費年度 109 計畫經費 5500 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/14 專案結束日期 2021/11/30 專案主持人 鍾昭儀
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 黎虹宛 執行單位 亞太環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 組合 1.pdf 0MB 109年花蓮縣低碳永續家園建構推動計畫期末成果報告

109 Hualien County Low-Carbon Sustainable Homes Construction Promotion Plan

英文摘要 In response to the trend of the international community towards a sustainable low-carbon homeland, follow-up actions to establish concrete effects on the sustainable use of global resources and towards energy conservation and carbon reduction, and at the same time cooperate with the Executive Yuan Environmental Protection Agency to promote policies to address greenhouse gas and low-carbon Sustainability issues related planning, promotion and promotion, while conducting greenhouse gas inventory and other related operations, to gradually move towards a sustainable city. The main work items include promotion of the county's low-carbon sustainable home certification and evaluation, climate change adjustment activities, low-carbon living promotion, low-carbon store certification promotion, promotion of public participation in energy conservation and carbon reduction, etc., and various performance evaluations of the Environmental Protection Agency and The tasks assigned were completed as scheduled. The following summarizes the work results from the work item statistics to November 30, 109. (1) The first session was held in the briefing room of the Hualien County Government on July 30. The Hualien County Government Secretary General Yan Xinzhang was invited to serve as the moderator to evaluate the content of the performance appraisal of the 109 local environmental protection agencies' efforts to respond to climate change. On October 29th, the second session was conducted at the Chine Garden Hall of the Chateau de Chine Hotel. The first session explained Hualien County's investigation and analysis of greenhouse gas emissions and trend changes in various departments, and compared the county's greenhouse gas control implementation plan to review the implementation effect of the implementation plan. . The carbon reduction this year was 111,818.6 metric tons, the carbon sequestration was 22,183.1, and the carbon reduction benefit was 134,002 metric tons. Hualien has a unique geographical location, with more mountain slopes and agricultural land. The carbon sequestration of the agricultural sector is 22,183.1 metric tons, accounting for 17% of the overall carbon reduction. Combining low-carbon, sightseeing and tourism to strengthen greenhouse gas carbon reduction, promoting the restriction of disposable equipment and promoting low-carbon transportation, the environmental sector reduced carbon by 109,065.57 metric tons (81.5%); the transportation sector reduced carbon by 915.2 metric tons (0.68%). Consolidation of energy-saving and carbon-reduction measures in various bureaus and offices, and 770.29 metric tons (0.57%) of the residential and commercial sector. The community is used as a demonstration site for micro-hydropower generation, with 1,067.57 metric tons (0.8%) in the energy sector. (2) On June 23 and October 19, it will be handled in the conference room on the 4th floor of the Hualien County Environmental Protection Bureau, and 14 members of the Eastern Evaluation Review Team will be invited to attend, through the technical consultation and the evaluation review team during the project work. Discuss to implement energy reduction and carbon reduction actions, and the purpose of the meeting is to know the implementation direction of the technical feasibility assessment, financial self-compensation, and replication promotion. (3) By reviewing the status of participation in the evaluation and certification of Hualien County, the villages have not yet participated in the inventory. So far, all 31 villages have been successfully registered; and 5 villages have obtained the bronze level. Tracking and checking the effectiveness of low-carbon demonstration and subsidy units implementing energy-saving and carbon-reduction improvements in 107-108 years, and subsidizing communities and projects for 107 and 108 years have been collected. (4) Counseling and assisting villages or communities in the county that have been graded and have participated in the low-carbon homes evaluation certification, priority will be given to Guoxingli, Hualien City as the first tier, and the Guoxingli Community Activity Center as a green energy saving energy Demonstration area of ​​solar panels; the second tier counseling 5 villages in Guofuli, Hualien City; Nanhua Village and Gancheng Village, Ji’an Township; Fengshan Village, Shoufeng Township; Beilinli, Fenglin Town; third tier counseling Fuxing Village, Ruisui Township; counseling 6 In the demonstration villages, the main purpose is to counsel lower maintenance cost facilities, combined with the existing action projects in the community, to jointly promote and implement low-carbon and energy-saving facilities, and drive double carbon reduction benefits. The suggested list of counseling villages is Ji'an Village in Ji'an Township, Zhixue Village in Shoufeng Township, Nanpingli in Fenglin Township, Ruimei Village and Wuhe Village in Ruisui Township, and Wanning Village in Fuli Township, covering 5 towns and cities. (5) The fixed pollution sources of greenhouse gas emissions from public and private places in Hualien County are mainly the cement industry and power plants, which are among the first batch of industries that should be reported. The registered emission source companies, Asia Cement Co., Ltd. Hualien Manufacturing Plant, Taiwan Cement Co., Ltd. Heping Branch Heping Plant, Taiwan Cement Co., Ltd. Hualien Plant, Heping Electric Power Co., Ltd. Heping Thermal Power Plant, and China Pulp Co., Ltd. Hualien 5 companies including factories. Checked 5 companies with fixed pollution sources, Xiangyouxiang Lunch Box Food Co., Ltd., Tiramisu Cake, Dejiu Food Co., Ltd., Songshi Hotel, and Extraordinary Holiday Hotel, etc., and the results of the checks were not ranked first in the announcement The greenhouse gas emissions of the whole plant (field) of various industries are approved to be 25,000 metric tons, without the need for management. (6) This year, the Yuli Town Office will be used as a micro-scale exchange demonstration unit. The Yuli Town Office has received subsidies from the Energy Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs this year to install new high-efficiency road lighting (LED street lights) to replace the original high-pressure sodium street lights. . Replacing LED street lights can reduce the amount of electricity used, thus reducing many greenhouse gas emissions caused by electricity supply. (7) In order to improve the literacy of the county's citizens on climate change, use multiple propaganda methods to enhance the nation's knowledge of climate change, strengthen the county's climate change adjustment capabilities and energy awareness, so that the community and the public can grasp the latest information on climate change and international trends. Handle 2 climate change literacy training activities, 2 energy education promotion and publicity, so that the community and the public can improve more correct knowledge and positive energy. (8) Enhance the climate change literacy of the whole people and strengthen the ability to adapt to climate change, personally interact with the environment we live in, and condense the awareness of sustainable development. We will handle two sessions on August 22 and October 18 to cooperate with the county government for walking A total of 240 people participated in the outdoor and interactive public promotion activities. (9) At present, there are 10,165 members of the EPA’s Facebook community website. (10) Promote the tourism experience between communities and villages through green energy sightseeing transportation, and improve the traffic problems caused by tourist crowds, so as to improve the quality of recreation and promote the development of eco-tourism, which will be processed on August 19 and September 18 The second session of the Huadong Rift Valley Green Bus Lecture. (11) Handle three low-carbon store training courses, promote low-carbon business (travel) stores, give priority to buying energy-saving appliances with energy-saving labels, promote the business not to actively provide disposable toiletries, and provide takeaways The low-carbon store operators that serve, do not actively provide free plastic bags for the people to use, develop a green lifestyle, consume their own tableware or shopping bags, reduce disposable waste output, and implement environmental protection and plastic reduction. (12) Low-carbon stores have verified the use of energy-saving light bulbs in business premises, implementation of resource recycling and waste reduction, and air-conditioning temperature (set at 26 to 28 degrees) accounted for the highest proportion of 91~93%, followed by the priority to use local and seasonal ingredients. At the same time, the industry does not take the initiative to provide disposable tableware, shopping plastic bags and other items accounted for 78 to 80%. Low-carbon hotels have been checked to use energy-saving light bulbs in the business premises of the hotel, to implement resource recycling and waste reduction accounted for 89~90%, followed by air-conditioning temperature (set at 26~28 degrees) 77%, using heat pump heating (or electric) heating The water system and external walls have planted walls or sunshades to reduce solar radiation accounting for 77~80%. This year there are two tutoring places. After 2 days of surveying by the committee members, the “Alpine Forest Base” and “Drug Co., Ltd.-Shanyue Village” won the tutoring industry this year. They have low-carbon and energy-saving awareness and cultural preservation. , The characteristic development of the indigenous people was praised by the committee members. The committee members checked the rooms and halls. The current air-conditioning is not energy-saving appliances, which will cause high power consumption. It is recommended that the industry gradually replace the air-conditioning with energy-saving labels. (13) 2 pre-employment education and training sessions for plan personnel; 3 internal education and training sessions. (14) The connotation of energy education focuses on local practice and industry-university cooperation. Only through practical bases and industrial talent training measures can we effectively implement the professional talents urgently needed by the energy industry. The smart farm is equipped with a 13 kWp parallel solar photovoltaic system that uses spontaneous self-use mode to provide air conditioning and lighting during the day, and is also equipped with a 3 kWp methanol recombined hydrogen fuel cell system as emergency backup power for disaster prevention.
英文關鍵字 Low-carbon sustainable home, Energy saving and carbon reduction, greenhouse gas , Climate change