

中文摘要 本計畫主要係協助行政院環境保護署,執行有關前瞻河川水質環境管理計畫(中區)之委託專案,相關執行成果如下: (一) 協助追蹤及管考中區各縣市前瞻計畫工程及生態檢核,並配合機關審核補助地方政府辦理之水環境改善工作,重點作業內容包含補助計畫書檢核,確認其設計規劃內容、預算編列是否符合相關規範;而今年度已輔導雲林縣水利處申請3項前瞻基礎建設計畫及1項氨氮削減計畫,並協助針對彰化縣二林溪前瞻計畫(第四批次)進行初步檢核、提供評析建議。此外,為提升中區縣市轄內前瞻計畫之宣傳效益,本團隊已完成3部亮點工程紀錄片拍攝工作,分別為臺中市東大溪、旱溪及綠川計畫(包含10分鐘完整版、及2分鐘精華版影片),並製作環保水行俠、東大溪水環境改善計畫四格漫畫、北港礫間及新街大排水環境改善計畫四格漫畫等3則前瞻計畫宣傳懶人包,以淺顯易懂方式,使大眾快速了解前瞻水與環境計畫內容,以提升前瞻水環境計畫之宣傳曝光效益。 (二) 為提升環保署補助地方政府各項水質改善環保設施工程之施工品質、強化執行期程控管作業,已協助辦理24場次水環境改善工程督導作業,並協助彙整年度執行成果報告,其內容則包含有工程主辦機關、設計監造、及施工承商(工地現場)等常見缺失情形,以供參署內、地方機關及相關從業人員參考。 (三) 分別針對新虎尾溪、北港溪2處重點流域,進行66處次水質水量補充調查作業(含30處次重金屬檢測),並據以提出相關水質改善策略。而為強化中區計畫轄內各關鍵測站水質改善成效,工作團隊藉由每月惡化測站彙整、上游可能污染來源列管事業篩選,提供環保督察機關加強稽查管制參考;另協辦台糖虎尾畜殖場大場代小場收集處理、中港溪流域南港溪橋上游列管事業減量協談與北港溪及新虎尾溪污染整治協調會議,以期能改善重點河段水體水質。而為強化地方政府水污染防治執行措施與關鍵測站水質改善之關聯性,本團隊亦協助檢核、修訂新虎尾溪及北港溪流域相關集污區範圍劃設適切情形,並藉由北港溪水理模型的建置,彙整如河川基流量、污染通量及涵容能力等資訊,以供相關污染改善措施評估之參考所需。 (四) 為促進畜牧糞尿資源利用多元化發展,已採樣6家次畜牧原廢水及固形物,並分析其氮、磷、重金屬與等硝酸鹽氮、凱式氮等各相氨氮組成,以及6元素、3成分與有機質項目,提供南區畜牧糞尿熱化學能源轉化試驗計畫酌參;另藉由19處次親訪作業及關鍵人士研商與座/訪談會議等工作辦理,協助媒合台糖虎尾畜殖場周邊有意願配合大代小集中處理之畜牧場,以加速關鍵測站集污區內畜牧糞尿資源化之推動時效 (五) 辦理上(108)年度績效考核頒獎典禮、下(110)年度評核計畫草案研商、本(109)年度評核計畫成果審查等會議,並協助有關本(109)年度關鍵測站削減計畫初審、執行成效追蹤與評析,以及修訂下(110)年度水污染防治評核計畫(含關鍵測站計分原則),以確立縣市推動相關河川污染防治工作準繩,進而提升地方政府落實其轄內關鍵測站之實質污染削減效益。 (六) 協助追蹤與評析中區縣市轄內之苗栗縣-房裡溪、臺中市-大里溪詹厝園圳、及彰化縣-東西二、三圳及八堡一圳等總量管制計畫,並辦理1場次苗栗縣中港溪流域總量管制研商會議,彙整其列管事業稽查、水質監測數據以進行評估。另針對懸浮固體或其他水質項目惡化測站部分,則結合無人空拍機(UAV)三維查察功能,分別針對苗栗縣中港溪、臺中市烏溪、雲林縣新虎尾溪執行3日次無人機查察作業,進行立體、即時性污染查處,以維中區縣市河川水體水質良窳。 現工作團隊已順利完成上述各項工作內容,且依據執行過程中各項辦理成果、及所遭遇瓶頸問題提出相關精進作為與策略,並研提如水文資料深入蒐整、協助集污區劃定範圍檢核及畜牧糞尿補助計畫成效追蹤等建議。
中文關鍵字 前瞻基礎建設計畫、河川污染整治、水質管理成效管考


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 10290 千元
專案開始日期 2020/04/10 專案結束日期 2020/11/30 專案主持人 張鎮南
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 陳啟仁 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-109A187.PDF.pdf 23MB

Forward-looking River Water Qual i ty & Envi ronment Management Plan for 2020 (Central Region)

英文摘要 This program is commissioned by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the Executive Yuan in implementing forward-looking river water quality and environmental management in central Taiwan, with the results obtained as follows: (I) In addition to assisting in tracking and evaluating the forward-looking program’s engineering and ecological inspections in various counties and cities in central Taiwan, the team also worked with government agencies to review and subsidize local governments to improve the water environment. The team's key tasks included assisting in reviewing grant proposals, examining their design content, budget adequacy and compliance with regulations. This year, it aided the Yunlin County Water Resources Department in applying for three forward-looking infrastructure projects and one ammonia nitrogen reduction project, and assisted in reviewing the Changhua County forward-looking batch 4 Erlin River project, and provided suggestions for refinement. Moreover, to step up publicity benefits of the forward-looking projects in counties and cities across central Taiwan, the team has finished the filming of three Bright Spot Project documentaries, on the Tungta River, Han River and Green River projects in Taichung, with a 10-minute full version and a 2-minute highlight version each, and produced the “forward-looking water and environmental projects for dummies” in an easy-to-understand way for the public in the form of the three four-panel comic strips on Environmental Aquaman, the Tungta River water environment remediation project, and the water environment remediation project for Beigang’s cobble contact treatment factory and Sinjie’s large open drainage channel, while providing data on Lukang River for making booklets for dummies. (II) In order to enhance the construction quality and schedule control of various water quality improvement and environmental protection facilities funded by the EPA, the team has conducted 24 water environment improvement project supervision operations and compiled an annual implementation results report regarding common negligence on the part of government authorities in charge of projects, design supervisors and construction contractors (on site), for reference by the EPA and local authorities and relevant practitioners. (III) The team performed 66 water quality and water quantity replenishment surveys (including 30 heavy metal tests) in two key river basins, namely Hsinhuwei River and Beigang River, and proposed relevant water quality improvement strategies based on these surveys. In order to reinforce the effectiveness of water quality remediation at critical monitoring stations under the central region program, the team prepared a monthly summary of deteriorating conditions at monitoring stations and conducted screening of businesses under management for potentially polluting sources upstream for the environmental protection inspectorate's enhanced audit and control. The team also assisted with collection and treatment by large farms in small ones’ place near Taiwan Sugar Co Huwei Pig Farm, the negotiation with business entities under management on the reduction of the pollution in the Chungkang River basin upstream of the Nankang River Bridge, and the co-ordination meeting on the pollution remediation of Beigang River and Hsinhuwei River, with a view to improving the water quality in the key river sections. Furthermore, the group assisted in the delineation of the sewage collection areas affected by the critical pollution monitoring stations at Hsinhuwei and Beigang rivers and the identification of the sewage collection areas upstream of the water quality monitoring station as well as the creation of a Beigang River hydrological model, which is used to estimate the flow rates of the whole river basin and to develop a reduction plan based on the model. (IV) The team co-organized last year's (2019) performance assessment award ceremony and experience exchange seminar, this year's (2020) river pollution remediation assessment plan results review meetings, and co-hosts next year's (2021) draft assessment plan discussion; assisted in the initial review of the current year's (2020) pollution reduction plan at the critical monitoring stations, the tracking and evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation, and the revision of the scoring principles for the next year's (2021) reduction plan, in order to establish the criteria for county and municipal governments to promote the prevention and control of river pollution, and to boost the effectiveness of local governments in pushing the actual reduction at critical monitoring stations within their jurisdiction. (V) In an attempt to look into the composition of raw wastewater from existing flat and raised-bed barns in Taiwan, six samples of livestock raw wastewater have been taken and analyzed for six elements and three components for a pilot project on the thermal chemical energy conversion of livestock feces and urine in the southern region. Through on-site visits, the team assisted with matching among livestock farms in the vicinity of the Taiwan Sugar Co Huwei Pig Farm, which were willing to cooperate with the "large farms undertaking treatment in place of small ones" principle, and held discussions and meetings/interviews among key figures, in an effort to expedite the resourcezation of livestock feces and urine in the sewage collection areas at critical monitoring stations. (VI) The team assisted in tracking and evaluating the total volume control projects in Miaoli County’s Fangli River, Taichung City’s Tali River and Chantsoyuen Irrigation Canal, and Changhua County’s Tunghsi No.2 and No.3 irrigation canals and Papao 1st Irrigation Canal in counties and cities across central Taiwan, and helped to conduct a "Planning, Explanation and Consultation Meeting on Total Water Pollution Control in the Chungkang River basin, Miaoli County" to consolidate data from inspection of businesses under management and water quality for evaluation. For suspended solids and other water quality worsening items at monitoring stations, the team also combined the three-dimensional inspection function of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to conduct three-day drone inspections of Chungkang River in Miaoli County, Wu River in Taichung City, and Hsinhuwei River in Yunlin County, and performed three-dimensional and real-time pollution investigations to maintain the water quality of rivers and streams in central Taiwan. The work team has successfully completed the above-mentioned tasks, and brought forward relevant improvement actions and strategies based on the results and bottlenecks encountered in the implementation process, as well as proposals such as promoting the utilization of livestock feces and urine resources, planning a total volume control area, and carrying out in-depth collection of relevant hydrological data.
英文關鍵字 Forward-Looking Infrastructure Plan, River Remediation, Water Quality Management and Evaluation