

中文摘要 本計畫自簽約完成日起,為求 109年度計畫能順利推動,本團隊對於執行計畫內相關所需設備及相關人員等進行硬體建置及人員招募,由於亞太公司對於執行移動污染源相關計畫已有多年經驗,故對於所需設備能在時間內順利完成,唯受新冠肺炎疫情影響,宣導說明會活動上有落後情形,其餘工作項目依規畫執行中。 (一)統計109年1月至109年12月,機車定檢到檢率依車籍計算為 69.91%,已完成檢驗數70,780輛,依定檢站定檢率為65.32%,已完成檢驗數66,133輛。 (二)本計畫每月寄發當月份通知應到檢車之排氣檢驗通知(明信片)前,均會進行資料篩選,將已定檢、註銷報廢、遷移外縣市、10年以上未到檢、預計寄發二次公文平信通知及曾被退件的通知車輛剃除,截至109年12月底,已寄出 71,587 封;本計畫寄發二次定檢公文函平信通知時,乃針對無定檢站鄉鎮及綠島1-5期車及其他鄉鎮1-4期車為優先篩選寄發對象,截至109年12月底,共寄發20,319 封。 (三)對於偏遠鄉鎮檢測比率偏低情形,工作團隊除安排移動式定檢車巡迴服務,也積極推動偏遠鄉鎮認養活動,輔導檢測站申請戶外定檢業務。 (四)定檢站負荷部分,海端鄉、延平鄉、金峰鄉、達仁鄉、蘭嶼鄉為無檢驗站鄉鎮;此外,綠島鄉、東河鄉、長濱鄉及大武鄉因僅有一間定檢站,對於民眾到檢仍有所不便,移動式定檢服務,本年度共執行了執行65趟次,完成免費機車檢測服務2,685輛(扣除未依規定車輛後為2,644輛),平均每趟檢測數約為19輛,不合格226輛,不合格率8.55%。 (五)本期路邊不定期攔檢共計攔檢機車2,313輛次(扣除未依規定車輛後為2,277輛)。檢測結果方面,不合格車輛 114 輛,不合格率 5.01%。於 109 年 1 月至 109 年12 月環保署機定系統顯示本縣機車定檢不合格為 3,346輛,調修改善完成3,015輛,其中二行程機車 133 輛,四行程機車2,882輛。複驗合格車輛推估需別計算二、四行程之削減量,其中二行程機車CO 1.7公噸/年、NMHC 0.49 公噸/年,四行程機車CO 74.01公噸/年、NMHC 7.76 公噸/年 (六)永久性減量方面,主要為淘汰1-4期老舊機車,淘汰老舊機車削減量推估需別計算二、四行程之削減量,109年1-12月共計淘汰1-4期二行程機車1,468輛、四行程機車6,075輛,推估削減量為二行程機車 TSP 1.04 公噸/年,PM10 0.77 公噸/年,PM2.5 0.62 公噸/年,NOX 0.29公噸/年,CO 17.26 公噸/年,NMHC 10.90 公噸/年;四行程機車 TSP 2.00 公噸/年,PM10 1.18 公噸/年,PM 2.5 0.87 公噸/年,NO X 8.17 公噸/年,CO 92.02 公噸/年,NMHC 31.55 公噸/年。 (七)本縣目前排氣檢驗站共有 51 站(含移動站),截至 109 年 12 月底共計查核定檢站256站次,查核結果共計有109次缺失,發生頻率較高的缺失有:1. 檢驗場地是否堆放雜物或挪為他用2. 車牌影像記錄不符合規範(存檔相片格式及車牌不清晰)3. 過濾器耗材過髒4.檢驗場地標示與標線未標識清楚 (八) 109 年度應針對轄內 51 間定檢站各完成一次標準氣體單點查核,結至 9 月底共計查核 63 站次(V02、V07、V26 於3 月 26 日時各別有多執行一次氣體查核)。查核結果,查核結果共計有63次超過±2.5% (佔全部查核次數23.81%),其中有 6 次超過±4%(佔全部查核次數 9.52%),現場要求進行手動校正後即完成改善。下半年度將就上半年度查核結果較差的定檢站抽查氣體準確性,以確保定檢站檢驗品質。 (九)完成製作機車排氣定期檢驗提醒小標籤60,000份、定檢行程海報100份、派報DM40,000份、羅馬旗300組、宣導海報19張、宣導布條19面、立牌2組,並採購宣導品「清淨海-環保洗手乳」2,500份、「台酒-易洗樂洗碗精」1,500份。 (十)執行停車怠速熄火之宣導作業 本計畫選定之重點巡查宣導地點,主要為民眾常發生怠速情況的地點,包括運輸轉運站、各行政機關、大專院校、中小學校、便利商店、速食餐廳、風景區或其他公眾出入頻繁之場所。共計完成巡查宣導作業150輛次。 (十一)辦理宣導說明會 截至12月31日為止,共辦理 10場次宣導活動。分別為: 1.109年6月7日「109年世界海洋日浪漫愛情海Love Ocean主題活動設攤宣導說明會」,宣導人數115人次。 2.109年6月7日「臺東老人會桌球比賽宣導活動」,宣導人數100人次。 3.109年7月11日「109年拒絕私菸保健康~大家一起園遊趣設攤宣導說明會」,宣導人數264人次。 4.109年7月12日「109年度五一勞動節系列活動設攤宣導說明會」,宣導人數270人次。 5.109年7月15日「2020臺灣國際熱氣球嘉年華設攤宣導說明會」,宣導人數252人次。 6.109年8月8日「水保夏日親子嘉年華設攤宣導說明會」,宣導人數121人次。 7.109年8月22日「東河鄉公益園遊會設攤宣導說明會」,宣導人數100人次。 8.109年9月19日「臺東減塑新生活環境教育嘉年華宣導說明會」,宣導人數76人次。 9.109年9月27日「租稅教育活動宣導說明會」,宣導人數107人次。 10.109年11月28日「森林公園健走樂設攤宣導說明會」,宣導人數100人次。 11.109年12月1日「臺東縣老人會環保愛地球講座宣導說明會」,宣導人數100人次。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染、到檢率、機車排氣


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 9500 千元
專案開始日期 2020/02/15 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 馮啟智
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 顏佳億 執行單位 亞太環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 109年度臺東移污定稿-CH1-CH5.pdf 16MB 期末報告

109 Taitung County Mobile Pollution Source Inspection and Control Plan

英文摘要 Since the date of signing the contract, in order to smoothly advance the 109 year plan, the team has carried out hardware construction and personnel recruitment for the equipment and related personnel required for the implementation of the plan. Relevant projects have many years of experience, so the required equipment can be successfully completed within a period of time. However, due to the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, there are lags in the promotion and briefing activities, and the remaining work items are being implemented according to the plan. (1) Statistics from January 109 to December 109, the rate of regular inspections of locomotives is 69.91% based on the car registration, the number of inspections completed is 70,780, the rate of inspections is 65.32% based on the regular inspection stations, and the number of inspections completed is 66,133 Vehicles. (2) Before sending the notification of the current month to the exhaust inspection notice (postcard) of the vehicle inspection every month, the plan will carry out data screening. The scheduled inspection will replace the scrapped and relocated to other counties and cities. At the time of inspection, it is expected to send the second official document notice and the notice that the document has been returned will be shaved off. At the end of December 109, 71,587 copies have been sent; this plan is to send the notice of the official document of the second regular inspection. For towns without regular inspection stations and Ludao Phase 1-5 cars and other townships 1-4 Phases cars are selected as priority screening and dispatch objects, terminated at the end of December 109, a total of 20,319 mails were sent. (3) In the case of low inspection rates in remote towns and villages, the work team not only arranges mobile scheduled inspection vehicles for round trip services, but also actively promotes adoption activities in remote towns and towns and counsels inspection stations to apply for outdoor scheduled inspection services. (4) For the load of regular inspection stations, Haiduan Township, Yanping Township, Jinfeng Township, Daren Township, and Lanyu Township are towns without inspection stations; in addition, there is only one township in Ludao Township, Donghe Township, Changbin Township and Dawu Township. The regular inspection station still has inconvenience for the people to check. The mobile regular inspection service has been implemented 65 times this year, and the free locomotive inspection service has been completed 2,685 (2,644 after deducting the non-compliant vehicles), an average of each trip Approximately 19 vehicles were inspected, 226 vehicles were unqualified, and the unqualified rate was 8.55%. (5) In this period, there were 2,313 locomotives stopped and inspected irregularly on the roadside (2,277 after deducting the vehicles that did not comply with the regulations). In terms of test results, 114 vehicles were unqualified, and the unqualified rate was 5.01%. From January 109 to December 109, the EPA's scheduled system showed that the county's locomotives failed the regular inspection at 3,346, and 3,015 were repaired and improved, of which 133 were two-stroke locomotives and 2,882 were four-stroke locomotives. The re-inspection of qualified vehicles needs to be calculated separately for the reduction of two and four strokes. Two-stroke locomotives CO 1.7 metric tons/year, NMHC 0.49 metric tons/year, four-stroke locomotives CO 74.01 metric tons/year and NMHC 7.76 metric tons/year. (6) In terms of permanent reduction, it is mainly to eliminate old locomotives in phases 1-4. The reduction in the elimination of old locomotives is estimated to be calculated for the reduction of two and four strokes. A total of phases 1-4 will be eliminated from January to December 109 1,468 trip locomotives, 6,075 four-stroke locomotives, the estimated reduction is two-stroke locomotives TSP 1.04 ton/year, PM10 0.77 ton/year, PM2.5 0.62 ton/year, NOX 0.29 ton/year, CO 17.26 ton/year , NMHC 10.90 metric tons/year; four-stroke locomotive TSP 2.00 metric tons/year, PM10 1.18 metric tons/year, PM 2.5 0.87 metric tons/year, NO X 8.17 metric tons/year, CO 92.02 metric tons/year, NMHC 31.55 metric tons/year. (7) There are currently 51 exhaust gas inspection stations (including mobile stations) in this county. At the end of December 109, a total of 256 inspection stations were inspected. There were a total of 109 defects in the inspection results. The most frequent defects are: 1 . Check whether the site is piled up with debris or used for other purposes2. The license plate image record does not meet the specifications (the archived photo format and the license plate are not clear) 3. Filter consumables are too dirty 4. Inspection site instructions and markings are not clearly marked. (8) In 109 years, one standard gas single-point inspection should be completed for each of the 51 regular inspection stations in the jurisdiction. By the end of September, there will be a total of 63 inspections (V02, V07, and V26 will each perform one more gas inspection on March 26). Check). According to the verification results, a total of 63 times of the verification results exceeded ±2.5% (23.81% of the total number of inspections), and 6 of them exceeded ±4% (accounting for 9.52% of the total number of inspections). The improvement was completed after manual correction was required on site. In the second half of the year, the regular inspection stations with poor inspection results in the first half of the year will randomly check the gas accuracy to ensure the quality of the inspections at the regular inspection stations. (9) Completed the production of 60,000 small labels for regular inspection reminders of locomotive exhaust, 100 posters of the scheduled inspection schedule, 40,000 copies of the report, 300 sets of Roman flags, 19 propaganda posters, 19 propaganda banners, and standing signs 2 sets, and purchase 2,500 copies of the promotional product "Clean Sea-Eco-friendly Hand Wash" and 1,500 copies of "Taiwan Wine-Easy Washing Dishwashing Liquid". (10) Carrying out the publicity work of stopping idling and stalling. The key inspection and publicity locations selected by this plan are mainly locations where people often experience idling, including transportation transfer stations, administrative agencies, colleges and universities, primary and secondary schools, convenience stores, Fast-food restaurants, scenic spots or other places with frequent public access. A total of 150 vehicles were inspected and publicized. (11) Handling the promotion briefing As of December 31, a total of 10 publicity activities have been conducted. They are: 1. On June 7th, 109, "109 World Ocean Day Romantic Love Sea Love Ocean Theme Activity Booth Promotional Presentation", the number of publicity was 115 people. 2. On June 7, 109, "Taitung Senior Citizens Club Billiards Tournament Promotion Event", with 100 publicity. 3. On July 11, 109, "Rejecting illicit cigarettes to protect your health in 109~ Let's go to the park and set up a booth to promote the explanation meeting", the number of publicity was 264 people. 4. On July 12, 109, the "109 May 1st Labor Day Series Activities Stall Propaganda Seminar", the number of propaganda people was 270. 5. On July 15, 109, the "2020 Taiwan International Hot Air Balloon Carnival Booth Promotion Seminar" was announced with 252 people. 6. On August 8, 109, the "Summer and Water Conservation Summer Parent-Child Carnival Stall Promotion Conference", the number of publicity was 121. 7. On August 22, 109, "Donghe Township Public Welfare Park Exhibition Stalling Promotion Conference", the number of publicity was 100 people. 8. On September 19, 109, the "Taidong Plastic Reduction and New Living Environment Education Carnival Promotion and Presentation", the number of publicity was 76. 9. On September 27, 109, the "Explanation Meeting on Tax Education Activities", the number of publicity was 107. 10. On November 28, 109, the "Forest Park Walking Music Booth Propaganda Seminar", the number of propaganda was 100 people. 11. On December 1, 109, "Taitung County Senior Citizens' Association Environmental Protection and Love Earth Lecture Propaganda Seminar", the number of propaganda was 100 people.
英文關鍵字 Air pollution, inspection rate, locomotive exhaust