

中文摘要 空氣品質統計至109年11月臺東及關山站AQI<50 「良好」日數比例分別為92.8%及94.9%,介於51~100「普通」日數比例分別為6.9%及5.1%,100以上「不良」日數比例分別為0.3%及0.0%,截至109年11月各項空氣品質指標項目皆符合空品標準,O3小時第98%值、O3八小時第93%值呈現上升趨勢。本計畫進一步分析105~109年1-11月同期各項污染物逐時濃度趨勢歷年皆相似,臺東及關山站109年PM10、PM2.5、NO2、CO濃度相較前五年均明顯改善。 依據TEDS10.1本縣105基準年TSP、PM10、PM2.5總排放量分別為10,284 、4,644、1,827公噸,均以營建/道路揚塵排放量最多,其次為工業及露天燃燒;SOx、NOx、NMHC以及CO年排放量分別為180、2,947、4,890以及6,483公噸,SOx以工業排放量最多,NOx及CO以車輛排放量最多,NMHC以商業、車輛和營建/道路揚塵偏高。以氣流逆軌跡模式,成功模擬出108年6月19、22、23日關山測站污染源小尺度逆軌跡結果,發現關山、池上因受海岸山脈跟中央山脈所包圍,污染物滯留導致擴散不良濃度變高。 109年截至11月未發生空氣品質惡化緊急應變通報事件,本計畫於8月26日應用即時通訊軟體執行卑南溪河川揚塵空氣品質預警應變模擬演練作業,跨局處單位採線上演練,環保局各計畫採實地演練,後再次於10月28日辦理第二場次卑南溪河川揚塵空氣品質預警應變模擬演練作業,採紙上談兵方式,使環保局各應變相關單位熟悉程序、通報及回報,防範未然。 臺東縣空氣污染防制計畫(109~112年)(草案)依署定時程送署審核,共研擬18項管制目標,109~112年目標削減PM10 542.47公噸、PM2.5251.37公噸、SOx 10.56公噸、NOx 86.72公噸、NMHC 44.72公噸,依本縣特性訂定空氣污染物濃度目標,PM10 、PM2.5及O3小時第98%值低於109年9月18日公告之空品標準,O3 8小時第93%值考量近五年變化趨勢,目標與空品標準相同。於9月工作檢討會議追蹤掌握污防書目標進度外,10月送署審核次月起直至依據審核意見修訂前,將每月持續追蹤,以完備污防書。 在空氣品質維護或改善計畫績效管理方面,每月針對各項考評指標項目進行進度及繳交資料品質查核,彙整各計畫提交結果,於工檢會請各子計畫提出改善方案追蹤落實,並於環保署規定期限內提交月報表、季報表、半年報表、基金運作、逸散報表及地方問題管理績效與創新作為之相關資料,完成專家教育訓練三場次提升各計畫執行能量。 推動室內空氣品質管理方面,依據環保署室內空氣品質考評相關規定,本年度針對公立中小學及幼兒園等3類型非列管場所,共計完成50家,經統計CO2平均濃度約落在400~700ppm之間,其中有4家CO2最大濃度>1000 ppm,分別為國中2家(資訊教室)、幼兒園2家,另有7家CO2最大濃度介於600~750 ppm,已篩選5家於10月執行場所類別所規定之污染物項目檢測,結果顯示均符合室內空氣品質標準,其中太麻里鄉立幼兒園曾於106年進行檢測,相較106年檢測結果,各項空氣污染物濃度更為改善。針對列管公告場所查核追蹤,環保署公告之臺東縣第一、二批公告場所計有18家,截至109年10月,臺東縣第一批9家列管場所均於期限內完成專責人員設置、第三次定期檢測及網路申報作業,第二批9家列管場所均已申請設置專責人員並取得地方主管機關核定,也均於期限內完成第二次定期檢測及環保署系統申報,相關檢測數據均建置於臺東縣室內空品資料庫。於7月9日及11月19日辦理2場次室內空氣品質講習會,及1場次室內空氣品質管理宣導活動,宣輔導室內空氣品質自主管理。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 4400 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/01 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 馮志銘 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末定稿(全).pdf 25MB 109年臺東縣地區特色影響空氣品質分析暨管制策略精進計畫期末報告

2020 The Taitung County Characteristic Air Quality Analysis And Management Strategy Improve Project

英文摘要 The data of Air Quality Index (AQI) until November 2020 in Taitung and Guanshan stations showed that days with “good” level (AQI <50) were 92.8% and 94.9% respectively, days with “normal” level (AQI 51-100) were 6.9% and 5.1%, days with AQI over 100 were 0.3% and 0.0%, all the air quality index items met the air quality standard, and the concentration trends of O3 hourly 98th-percent average and O3 8-hour 93th-percent average were increased. The further analysis showed that the hourly concentration trend of each pollutant during 2016-2020 was similar. For these two stations, the pollution of PM10, PM2.5, NO2, and CO were significantly improved compared to the previous 5 years. According to the model of TEDS10.1, total emission amount of TSP, PM10, and PM2.5 based on 2016 would be 10,284, 4,644 and 1,827 tons, mainly contributed by construction and road dust, followed by industry and open burning; the annual emission amount of SOx, NOx, NMHC and CO would be 180, 2,947, 4,890 and 6,483 tons, SOx is mostly from industry, NOx and CO are mostly contributed by vehicles emission, and NMHC is more from business, vehicles, construction or road dust. The mini-scale simulation result of back-trajectory model of Guanshan station in June 2019 showed that Guanshan and Chishang were surrounded by Coastal Mountains and Central Mountains so that pollutants retarded, and contamination concentration was increased. In 2020, the number of times of air quality deterioration warning was still 0 until November. This project executed simulation drill of Beinan River dust in August 26 and October 28. Through the online and practical drill, let concerned departments be familiar with process. The air pollution control project(2020~2023) drew up 18 control targets, including decreasing 542.47 tons of PM10, 251.37 tons of PM2.5, 10.56 tons of SOx, 86.72 tons of NOx, 44.72 tons of NMHC. According to the air pollution features of Taitung County, set the local air pollutant concentration goals and track the monthly progress. For the indoor air quality management, according to the indoor air quality performance evaluation of Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA), three types of non-announcement management places including junior high schools, elementary schools and kindergartens(total 50 places) were conducted the CO2 inspection this year, and 4 of them had the concentration over 1000ppm, 7 of them had the concentration between 600~750ppm, 5 of these 50 places had been chosen for specific items inspection base on the category of each place. For 9 announcement management places from the first batch and the other 9 from the second batch announced by EPA, all installed dedicated personnel and been certificated by the competent authority, all of them conducted the regulated inspection, and all the information had been saved in system of Taitung indoor air quality database.
英文關鍵字 air quality management