

中文摘要 本計畫於109年10月18日至110年05月17日止,執行濁水溪揚塵抑制工法包含三仙膠噴灑207.54公頃、草籽噴灑5.63公頃、綠覆植生3.32公頃與文蛤殼鋪設10.37公頃/701.72公噸。成效評估方面,以水平沙塵通量監測進行揚塵抑制效率評估 ,結果顯示三仙膠噴灑、草籽噴灑、綠覆植生與文蛤殼鋪設抑制效率依序為80.1%、97.1%、99.4%與89.1%,以草籽噴灑與綠覆植生揚塵抑制效果最好,文蛤殼鋪設次之,而三仙膠噴灑效果較差,但整體抑制效果皆可達80%以上。 綜觀現地觀察及監測結果顯示,三仙膠噴灑效果短暫,但揚塵抑制效果佳、具機動及快速施做優勢,為揚塵事件日緊急應變首選;草籽噴灑具明顯揚塵抑制效益,可存在約1年時間,適合在揚塵期來臨前於中、低灘地進行噴灑作業;綠覆植生為長效型工法,但生長期長,建議於春、夏季豐水期間進行種植,輔以地表綠覆蓋進行,以最大化揚塵抑制效果;文蛤殼除具長期揚塵抑制效果外,亦有促進植物生長特性,適合在揚塵期來臨前於中、低灘地搭配植生工法進行鋪設。 進一步以空品測站數據進行各單位整治成效評估,結果顯示109年度麥寮、義賢與旭光測站相較前兩年度揚塵抑制效率皆可達34.1%以上;具揚塵潛勢日數相較前兩年度亦減少67.1%以上,表示各單位對於濁水溪揚塵抑制確有明顯成效。 另以AERMOD模式進行行動方案前後揚塵濃度擴散趨勢分析,結果顯示106與109年度揚塵影響程度皆由濁水溪裸露區域往西南遞減,其中109年度受PM10影響程度明顯降低,相較106年度整體減量以西螺地區最明顯,減量達90%以上;麥寮與崙背區域減量效果其次,約有70-90%。
中文關鍵字 河川揚塵、揚塵抑制工法、揚塵抑制成效


專案計畫編號 YLEPB-109-068 經費年度 109 計畫經費 7960 千元
專案開始日期 2020/10/18 專案結束日期 2021/05/17 專案主持人 張育誠
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 陳欣地 執行單位 翌暘工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年度雲林縣濁水溪南岸緊急應變防制計畫期末報告.pdf 57MB

Contingency Plan of Zhuoshui River Aeolian Dust in Yunlin County, 2020

英文摘要 Starting from 18 October 2020 to 17 May 2021, four aeolian dust control measures including the xanthan gum spraying (207.54 hectares), grass planting (5.63 hectares), tree planting (3.32 hectares), and clam shells coverage (10.37 hectares/701.72 tons) were taken to mitigate the possible effects of aeolian dust on local air quality. To quantify the effects of these control measures on aeolian dust, horizontal sand/saltation flux monitoring were applied. Results showed that aeolian dust suppression efficiency for xanthan gum spraying, grass planting, tree planting, and clam shells coverage were 80.1%, 97.1%, 99.4%, and 89.1%, respectively. Grass and tree planting had the best performance on the suppression of aeolian dust, following by clam shells coverage. Xanthan gum spraying had lower effects on the suppression of aeolian dust. Overall, the suppression efficiency of four aeolian dust control measures was higher than 80%. It was observed that xanthan gum spraying could reduce aeolian dust immediately but would not be able to last long. The advantages of flexibility and quick implementation has made it the best emergency response measure. Grass planting showed the great ability to suppress aeolian dust and could last more than one year. The measure is suitable to be applied before the northeast monsoon season. Tree planting is a long-term measure, which requires longer time to grow. It is suggested to grow the trees during spring or summer with high water level. Clam shells coverage could reduce the production of aeolian dust for months and helped promote the growth of plants, which is suitable to be applied before the northeast monsoon season. The historical data of air quality monitoring stations were further analyzed to evaluate the comprehensive effectiveness of overall control measures taken during this year. Results of Mailiao, Shiuguang, and Yishian Station showed that the aeolian dust suppression efficiencies under high wind velocity (potential to cause aeolian dust cases) were all higher than 34.1%, and the aeolian dust cases were 67.1% lower than predicted cases based on the condition in 2018 and 2019. Therefore, the control measures indeed showed the ability to suppress the emission of aeolian dust in Zhuoshui River. To realize the influence on level of aeolian dust to different leeward areas before and after “Zhuoshui River’s Action Plan for Aeolian Dust Control and Improvement”, AERMOD Modeling System (Air Quality Dispersion Modeling) were applied. Results showed that the influence on level of aeolian dust decreased progressively from the bare lands of Zhuoshui River toward southwest side. After the Action Plan, the reduction of PM10 in Xiluo Area was higher than 90% and the reduction of PM10 in Mailiao and Lunbei was 70-90%.
英文關鍵字 River Aeolian Dust, Aeolian Dust Control Measures, Aeolian Dust Suppression Performance