

中文摘要 完善的化學物質安全管理制度與法規是先進國家發展指標之一,本計畫參照「國際化學品管理策略方針」(UN Strategic Approach to InternationalChemicals Management, SAICM)及我國「國家化學物質管理政策綱領」推動相關工作。本計畫配合「毒性及關注化學物質管理法」於109 年1 月16 日全條文施行,已提出關注化學物質建議分批列管清單,包括「社會高度關注物質」、「爆裂先驅物質」、「食安疑慮物質」、「毒品先驅物質」、「兒童安全關注物質」及「應預防事故物質」等6 大群組,共計50 項物質。其中,屬國內第1個公 告列管之關注化學物質「一氧化二氮(笑氣)」,已於109 年10 月30 日經環保署化學局正式公告列管。在涉及其他民生議題相關化學物質的群組分析內容,氟化氫(氫氟酸)因具高危害風險確認將列為第二批首要預告物質;「爆裂先驅物質」已明確掌握高爆藥、低爆藥、硝油炸藥及有機過氧化物炸藥原料之建議管制濃度,共篩選出13 項物質優先建議列管;「食安疑慮物質」已推估各物質發生食安事件較可能之供應鏈落點、樣態及誤用、濫用之用途,共篩選出7 種物質優先建議列管;「毒品先驅物質」已釐清製成甲基安非他命及其他相關毒品之主成 分、溶劑及催化劑,共篩選出7 種物質優先建議列管;「易敏族群關注物質」建議回饋於相關消費性產品販售之目的事業主管機關管制。以上相關物質均已清楚闡明其於國內之運作情形及運作通路,提供物質正式公告列管前所需 要掌握之各項情境資料。另外,為持續檢討更新我國關注化學物質篩選來源,依毒管法關注化學 物質之定義,分類篩選出300 個化學物質優先辦理資料清查,清查內容包含有物質基本特性、目的用途、危害性、毒理資料說明、國內運作狀況、國內外管制現況等,並以一物質對應一檔案之方式提交,本計畫共計提交完成313 種物質檔案,並提出50 項物質未來可作為優先評估之化學物質清單。本計畫配合化學局行政實務及關注化學物質管理方式研擬需求,已完成辦理1 場次環保署策勵營、1 場次跨部會食安工作坊、3 場次專家學者諮商 會議、2 場次地方政府或部會研商會議、3 場次業者說明會議、3 場次企業政策溝通會議及完成超過100 家次之實地訪查。此外,以民生議題中之氟化氫(氫氟酸)、爆裂先驅物質及食安疑慮物質為優先,提出公告列管關注化學物質運作管理事項草案及公告附表之研擬內容。
中文關鍵字 列管評估程序、關注化學物質、運作管理事項


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 14165.773 千元
專案開始日期 2020/03/09 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 周林森
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 邱美璇 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末定稿正式版(109A015).pdf 13MB 公開完整版

The Project of Announcement Evaluation and Management for Concerned Chemical Substances

英文摘要 Comprehensive chemical substances safety management systems and regulations are development indicators for advanced countries. Referring to UN’s Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) and our Policy Framework for National Chemicals Management, this project has pushed forward relevant tasks for Taiwan’s toxic chemical management. As the Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances Control Act (TCCSCA) has been fully implemented on January 16th 2020, this project has proposed 6 groups of concerned chemicals, including Improvised Explosive Substances (IES), Chemical Adulteration of Food (CAF), Drug Precursor Chemicals (DPC), Chemicals of High Concern to Children (CHCC), and Substances Requiring Preparation for Accidents (SRPA), totaling 50 substances. Among these substances, nitrous oxide (laughing gas), has been listed as the first regulated concerned chemical by the Toxic and Chemical Substance Bureau on Oct 30th 2020. As of other chemical groups concerning civic safety, hydrofluoric acid has been confirmed to be the most concerned chemical among the second wave of regulated chemicals. Regarding IESs, the recommended regulating concentration for high explosives, low explosives, and ammonium nitrate fuel oil have been verified, and 13 prioritized control substances have been selected. Regarding CAFs, 7 prioritized substances were selected based on states, and possibilities of misuse and abuse within the supply chain. Regarding DPCs, we have identified the main substance, solvent, and catalyst used for making N-methylamphetamine and selected 7 recommended substances for regulation. Regarding CHCCs, we suggest such consumer related products should be regulated by their competent authority. For all above mentioned substances, their operation and logistics related information within the country have been clearly described to aid scenario analysis before being regulated. In addition, 300 prioritized chemicals were selected, based on TCCSCA definitions, to further investigate their source, basic properties, usage, threat, toxicity, domestic operation statuses, and how they are being regulated abroad. Each chemical will have its own profile document with above information. To date, this project has completed 313 chemical profiles and suggested a list of 50 priority chemicals for future evaluation. In assistance of this project, we had held one training meeting, one crossdepartment workshop, 3 expert advisory meetings, 2 regional discussion meetings, 3 policy explanatory meetings for the industry, 3 policy forums for private companies, and over 100 site visits. Additionally, for substances concerning civic safety, we have prioritized hydrofluoric acid, IESs, and CAFs and drafted their management manual and appendixes for public announcement.
英文關鍵字 Announcement Evaluation Procedure, Concerned Chemical Substances, Management of Handling Items