

中文摘要 本計畫主要係協助行政院環境保護署辦理國際環保合作交流之推動規劃與行政支援、成果彙整與成效推廣事務,計畫期間相關執行成果分述如下: (一)國際環保合作交流推動規劃與行政支援 參與10場次臺美環保合作協定第13號執行辦法下之指定活動,除了就活動內容提出後續推動建議,亦在參與視訊會議的過程中,研擬混合式視訊會議標準作業方式,確保後疫情時代的會議辦理能更臻順暢。 參與3場臺以環保合作交流活動、1場臺土環保合作視訊會議,拓展雙邊夥伴關係;蒐整國際組織、協定等國際環保資訊,提出我國環保署未來可行的合作建議。 另外,於2020年11月4日假南港老爺行旅辦理1場國際環保事務工作坊,計有負責國際環保業務之環保署及其他部會同仁共39人參與。 (二)國際環保合作交流成果彙整與成效推廣 參與包含臺以環保合作視訊會議、駐臺北以色列經濟文化辦事處代表拜會等國際交流會議,提供所需口譯協助、茶點、禮品及談參資料。另外,為推廣環保署國際合作成果與強化夥伴國家的連結,設計5組包含「污染無國界」及「歲末賀卡」在內之圖卡;依據年度活動實際辦理情形更新國際環境夥伴計畫網站之新聞、歷年活動及夥伴資料庫,統計2020年共辦理9場臺美環保合作及國際環境夥伴交流活動、30個夥伴國家、約140人參與。
中文關鍵字 國際環保事務、臺美合作、國際環保事務


專案計畫編號 EPA084109004 經費年度 109 計畫經費 3787.981 千元
專案開始日期 2020/04/29 專案結束日期 2021/04/28 專案主持人 馬小康
主辦單位 永續發展室(停用) 承辦人 吳嘉琳 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 推動國際環保合作深化夥伴交流計畫(定稿).pdf 33MB 推動國際環保合作深化夥伴交流計畫(定稿)

International Environmental Protection Cooperation Promotion Partnership Project

英文摘要 The purpose of this project is to assist the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the Executive Yuan organize activities related to the International Environmental Partnership and international cooperation. The results of the project are as follows: A.Organized international environmental cooperation and promotion events and provided administrative assistance Took part in 10 events designated by IA13. In addition to proposing advice for future promotion, the team drafted hybrid meeting SOP to ensure smooth execution of future conferences in the post-epidemic era. Took part in three environmental cooperation events between Taiwan and Israel, one environmental protection cooperation hybrid conference between Taiwan and Turkey that aimed to extend partnership. Gathered environmental information on international organizations and agreements to provide the Taiwan EPA with possible future cooperation advice. Furthermore, an International Environmental Affairs Workshop was held on Nov. 4, 2020 at The Place Taipei. Thirty-nine staff members from the Taiwan EPA and other agencies took part. B.International environmental protection cooperation result consolidation and effectiveness promotion Took part in various bilateral events, including an environmental video conference between Taiwan and Israel and an official call to the Israel Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei; supplied necessary pantries, gifts, necessary documents and arranged interpreting assistance. Furthermore, to promote the international cooperation results of the Taiwan EPA and strengthen the connection with international partners, five sets of graphs targeting ‘pollution without boundaries’ and ‘new year’ were designed. The IEP website, past events and partner database were updated based on actual execution of events. With 30 partner countries and 140 people attending, a total of nine events under Taiwan-US environmental protection cooperation and the IEP were held in 2020.
英文關鍵字 International Environmental Partnership, Taiwan-US Collaboration, International Environmental Protection Affairs