

中文摘要 近年臺灣環保意識興起,行政院環保署並自中華民國110年1月1日起,針對國內水污染防治法之管制對象,進行管制項目之增修或特定對象(例如氨氮、重金屬、真色色度等有害物質)限值之加嚴。為協助解決受影響產業現行廢水處理技術之瓶頸,本計畫提出具發展潛力之三項廢污水新興處理技術:「綠色分離—電容去離子技術」、「循環回收—氨氮氣提循環回收與結晶氯化銨技術」以及「高效去除—非熱電漿技術」,以推動國內處理技術朝低污染、低能耗、低成本、低空間使用與循環經濟(4L+C)轉型。針對水中帶電污染物,電容去離子技術研究團隊首先完成選擇性分離水中氨氮與硝酸鹽氮之技術開發,並進行實場含重金屬廢水處理之成效驗證,提出電容去離子技術作為一技術成熟、低能源消耗、可調控且環境友善之含重金屬廢水處理方案;而針對高濃度氨氮廢水之處理,循環回收技術研究團隊已完成氨氮氣提單元、回收單元與結晶氯化銨單元之設計與操作參數最佳化,並已媒合國內事業進行實場驗證示範,期待藉由提升此資源循環技術於電鍍等事業別之應用,協助降低產業廢水處理之成本;而針對水中難處理之有機物分子、染料、氨氮、抗生素等目標污染物,非熱電漿技術團隊以最適化設計模組進行模擬廢水處理試驗,並進一步採集實場醫療廢水進行處理效能驗證,其驗證結果顯示此技術足具進一步開發潛力,後續尤將著重於染料與抗生素廢水處理之開發。同時,為更深入瞭解事業廢水處理現況,本計畫亦擇定6家事業進行現地採樣與訪談,並依據實場廢水水質分析結果,提出源頭減量、分流處理的改善建議。於執行期間,本計畫亦辦理1場專家諮商會議與2場產業技術諮詢會議,聽取產官學界建議,提出改善特定產業廢污水處理設施之建議方案。而於推廣部分,同時以技術成果發表會、紀實影片、國內外研討會與論文期刊發表等方式,增加技術之曝光度。整體而言,本計畫透過實驗室試驗與模廠與實場驗證,發展本土化友善環境之新興廢污水處理技術,並以技術媒合及技術輔導,加速國內產業廢水處理技術之轉型。
中文關鍵字 新興廢水處理技術、水質淨化、資源化回收再利用


專案計畫編號 EPA034109041 經費年度 109 計畫經費 6738.956 千元
專案開始日期 2020/11/30 專案結束日期 2021/08/31 專案主持人 侯嘉洪
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 yklee 執行單位 國立臺灣大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA034109041廢污水新興處理技術示範驗證計畫-期末報告定稿.pdf 23MB EPA034109041 廢污水新興處理技術示範驗證計畫-期末報告定稿

Demonstration and Verification of Emerging Wastewater Treatment Technologies

英文摘要 Over the past few years, environmental awareness in Taiwan has risen significantly. The Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan, R.O.C Taiwan has established more stringent regulations in controlling water pollution concerning specific discharge criteria and monitoring requirements, such as ammonia-nitrogen, heavy metals, color, and other harmful substances, which were in effect on 1st January 2021. As a result, industrial facilities and municipalities have to improve their wastewater and sewage treatment systems such as separation technologies, reduction, recycle and reuse technologies in achieving both the enforced standards and effectiveness of reducing and preventing water pollution. To assist in the improvement and transformation of industrial wastewater treatment technologies, this project here proposes emerging wastewater treatment technologies implementing the qualities of 4L+C, which are low pollution, low energy consumption, low cost, low space, and circular economy. The proposed wastewater treatment technologies include capacitive deionization technology, integration of separation and crystallization technology in recycling ammonia, and non-thermal plasma technology. Capacitive deionization, as an energy-efficient invention for ion separation, has undergone investigations for selective removals of ammonium and nitrate and will be followed with efficiency validation aiming at heavy metal removal into the pilot scale. As for the recycling ammonia-nitrogen technology, apart from real-field wastewater validation to improve their readiness and maturity, the research and development team also collaborated with industrial facilities to carry out on-site experimentation and will continue to establish the demonstration of validated technology. While non-thermal plasma technology has completed preliminary parameters studies, it shows a promising potential for further development in dye and antibiotics removal. Apart from the research and development of these emerging technologies, the teams have also conducted on-site consultations and industrial wastewater sampling at 6 different industrial plantations to comprehend ongoing wastewater treatment difficulties. Meanwhile, by gathering the opinions from the industry experts and academic professionals through 1 symposiums event, 1 academic and 2 industrial forums, this project has proposed improvements and solutions of wastewater and sewage treatment systems concerning the specific industries. At last, the publicity of these emerging domestic wastewater treatment technologies is boosted through the channel of a press conference, documentary films, both local and international seminars, and journal publications. Overall, with all the accomplishments and efforts, this project helps to stimulate the growth and the transformation of industrial wastewater management in Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 Emerging Wastewater Treatment Technologies, Water Purification, Resources Recovery and Reuse