

中文摘要 109年度雲林縣辦理資源延續愛分享計畫自109年3月31日起始執行,主要執行內容為餐具租賃推廣宣導措施、減塑宣導推廣、垃圾減量宣導推廣、資源再使用宣導推廣、垃圾分類及減量管理措施等面向。 今年度以環保局為示範單位,輔導結合斗六市32家飲料販賣業者加入循環杯租借示範計畫,截至109年11月30日止共計回收杯數為138杯,提供環保局洽公或會議使用,於飲用完畢後,投入環保局後門飲料杯回收桶,計畫於10月1日起辦理至12月31日止,並將持續統計辦理成果,做為未來擴大推動參考。 「環保餐具免費租借服務」活動目前已完成辦理結合本縣4場活動,共計借出1,600套環保餐具組。 減塑商店認證說明會,已完成辦理1場次,共計15家業者參與,後續已完成輔導30家正餐類業者通過認證加入減塑商店行列,輔導業者內用免洗餐具汰換成可重複清洗餐具,經估算30家店家餐具使用日均量以盤子最高約3,545個,其次為碗3,095個,汰換後減量免洗餐具共計6,790個,以筷子1,780雙汰換量最高,杯子1,470個次之,依序為湯匙1,280個、碗1,220個。 截至109年11月30日止,辦理垃圾源頭減量宣導活動,結合本縣活動已完成5場次,共計628人參與。 設置袋袋相傳愛惜站,已完成設置5處,以連鎖五金業者為主,回收二手袋統計約1,348個,經整理後提供民眾取用約920個。 為推廣源頭減量宣導,已完成輔導結合轄內34家飲料店業者,辦理自備環保杯購買飲料可集點兌換限量贈品活動,統計總消費達20,230杯次。 資源循環愛分享,目前已輔導結合雲林縣各鄉鎮之二手商店、二手書店、二手玩具屋、電器行、醫鞋達人、圖書館、社福團體等共計66家參與,同時製成宣導摺頁共計2000份發放至各單位及漂書站供民眾自由索取,並登錄於環保署指定網站「全國不用品藏寶地圖查詢網」。 於109年9月20日辦理愛分享『趣』尋寶.記憶Cool來挖寶~庇護工場藝起來」活動,當日回收二手玩具約120件、各式材質二手袋約1,100個、義賣展售金額更高達25,000元。 二手物網路交換展售平台已於109年08月17日正式上線了,一般民眾、機關、團體、社區及學校上網註冊帳號,即可使用二手物刊登交換、二手物修繕地圖及活動辦理餐具租借等功能。 已完成垃圾排出組成及分析10場次,本縣塑膠類含量以古坑鄉(31.55%)占最高,紙類資源物(不含其他紙類)以崙背鄉(23.29%)佔最高,金屬類以崙背鄉(4.14%)占最高,廚餘資源分類不確實比例較高,平均超過2成,以東勢鄉(33.19%)佔最高。 以影像呈現雲林縣目前垃圾處理遭遇的困難及解決方案,以空拍串聯雲林縣垃圾掩埋場及轉運站的現況,影片總長共計8分33秒,並呈現雲林縣垃圾處理現況及各界角度切入之觀點與建議,透過影片讓民眾反思。 本計畫於109年11月22日於辦理「大手拉小手 減量愛地球」成果發表會,現場設攤進行二手物展售與義賣活動,結合雲林縣古坑鄉綠色隧道景點,吸引大批民眾前來參觀,現場也提供民眾攜帶二手提袋換取DIY劵,當日回收之各式材質二手袋約143件、社福單位義賣金額達13,000元。 針對本縣垃圾清運量高、分類不確實之鄉鎮市進行垃圾強制分類破袋稽查作業,惟因新冠狀肺炎疫情延燒,依據3月26日發文字號環署廢字第1090023182號函辦理暫停破袋稽查,另依據雲林縣環境保護局中華民國109年6月17日函,考量嚴重特殊傳染病疫情趨緩,恢復垃圾強制分類破袋稽查作業,現階段已完成838包,檢出回收物件數312件,不合格包數共計227包,不合格比例為27.08%。 另配合環保局交辦業務,一次性產品源頭減量稽查工作,查核販賣業者數共計320家,稽查結果320家業者符合規定,並將於年底前持續協助限制使用對象稽查工作。
中文關鍵字 源頭減量、垃圾減量、資源回收


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 771.15 千元
專案開始日期 2020/03/31 專案結束日期 2020/11/30 專案主持人 陳佳旻
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 呂冬玫 執行單位 東科環境股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 YLEBP-109-037.pdf 12MB

2020 The Continuation and Distribution Resources Project

英文摘要 The Continuation and Distribution Resources Project was conducted by Yunlin County Government on March 31, 2020. The primary works are to promote tableware rental, plastic reduction, waste reduction, resource reuse, waste sorting and waste reduction management. Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) of Yunlin County has invited 32 beverage stores to participate the rental system of non-disposable cup. In total, 138 cups were recycled for the needs of EPB by the end of November this year. After using the cups, users just drop it into the recycle can near the backdoor of EPB. The rental system executed in the beginning of October. It will be terminated in the end of December. The result of this system will be analyzed for further application. The rent-free system of reusable tableware was applied during four promotions in Yunlin County. In all, sixteen hundreds of reusable tableware were rented. A briefing on the plastic reduction store certification was completed with 15 stores participating. the recruitment of the plastic reduction store was developed An additional 30 meal restaurants participated in the plastic reduction store by the proper guidance encouraging stores to replace disposable tableware with reusable tableware. After evaluating the results of 30 meal restaurants, the number of plate was 3,545 and the bowl was 3,095. In total, 6,790 disposable tableware was replaced, including 1,780 chopsticks, 1,470 cups, 1,280 spoons and 1,220 bowls, in descending order. Up to the end of November, five promotional source reduction activities combined with Yulin County events were completed with 628 participants. So far, five bag-to-bag stations have been established. All five stores are hardware stores. In total, 1,348 bags were recycled. After proper sorting, 920 bags were reused by consumers. In order to promote the source reduction of waste, 34 beverage stores have participated in reward points in return for using non-disposable cup. A total of consumptions were 20,230 cups. In terms of sharing environments, a total of second-hand stores, bookstores, toy store, electrical appliance shop, libraries and social welfare organizations were participated. In total, 2,000 promotional leaflets were sent to various locations for free request. The information was also found at the website of the treasure map query. For the purpose of resource recycle and extension on second hand, The Love Share, Treasure Hunt and Memory Cool Event was held on September 20, 2020. In total, 120 second-hand toy and 1,100 second-hand bags were collected. The charity sale amount was as high as NT 25,000. The internet platform for second-hand exchange was applied on October, 17, 2020. It is simple to register an account online for general public, organizations, communities and schools for application of second-hand exchange, second-hand repaired maps and the tableware rental. Ten analysis of garbage discharge composition were conducted. The highest plastic composition was observed in Goukant Township. The highest paper and metal compositions were found in Lunbae Township. The highest uncertain percentage of food waste classification was observed in Dongshiu Township. The video length of aerial shot film covered landfills and transfer station which indicated the encountered difficulties in garbage disposal in Yunlin County was 8 minutes and 33 seconds. The situation of garbage disposal and various suggestions were all presented. The result presentation of big hands and small hand all together was held at Goukant green tunnel on November 22, 2020. Second-hand charity sale was held, as well. Many people were attracted to participate. People brought a second-hand bag could exchange for DIY coupon. In total. 143 second-hand bags were collected. The charity amount were NT 13,000 by social welfare organizations. The inspection of garbage bag against areas in terms of high garbage disposal volume and inaccurate garbage sorting was carried out. Because of the epidemic of coronavirus, the inspection has been suspended in accordance with number 1090023182 of Waste Environment issued on March 26, 2020. In consideration of the epidemic relief, the inspection was revived which issued on June 17, 2020. The number of inspected bags is 838. The results showed 312 recycled materials were found with the violation rate of 27.08%. As far as the additionally assigned works are concerned, the store number of source audits of disposable products was 320. All stores inspected were qualified. The audit of the restriction on the use of plastic will be carried out by the end of this year.
英文關鍵字 Source Reduction;Waste Reduction;Recycling