

中文摘要 (一) 工業區水污染防治管理 工業區逕流廢水放流口、聯合污水處理廠放流口及其他指定地點巡查採樣 本計畫巡查採樣作業計有4次放流水未符合放流水標準,分別為經濟部工業局觀音工業區服務中心超標2次(懸浮固體28.2mg/L;化學需氧量128mg/L、84mg/L;鉛1.89mg/L)、桃園市政府龜山水資源回收中心超標1次(化學需氧量117mg/L),經濟部工業局中壢工業區超標1次(化學需氧量80.1mg/L),如表3.1-10,後續經確認皆已複查改善完成,懸浮固體總削減量計155kg/d、化學需氧量總削減量計3,563kg/d,詳P.3-1。 工業區(園區)污水下水道系統自主管理成效檢討會 本計畫已於3月26日、7月16日及10月15日分別完成辦理三次工業區(園區)污水下水道系統自主管理成效檢討會,會議針對各季工業區雨水道及放流口監測分析、各工業區討論案進行簡報討論,本年度各季檢討會議中,各有相關重大議題列管在案,如:經濟部工業局中壢工業區服務中心放流管延伸作業、桃園市政府龜山水資源回收中心區內事業納管進度、華亞園區管理顧問股份有限公司排放含氨氮之放流水致南崁溪大埔橋測站氨氮偏高,詳P.3-30。 廢(污)水處理設施功能評鑑作業 本計畫於109年6月23日及6月24日完成現勘查核及採樣作業,2處工業區針對108年評鑑意見已改善完成,並於109年7月31日辦理初評作業,109年10月13日辦理複評作業,109年11月提送功能評鑑成果報告書,本年度邀請2位專家學者作為功能評鑑委員,詳P.3-34。 輔導工業區集污管理專章作業 本年度由環保局發文至各工業區(園區)要求填寫並依限報局,本計畫接獲通知後即配合辦理檢核、彙整作業。本年度各工業區(園區)之集污專章作業屬延續性工作項目,各工業區(園區)均參酌其現況確實填寫,本計畫比對其自評報告、定檢申報後並未有重大缺失,僅有部分工業區(園區)修正錯別字、漏填填表日期…等,詳P.3-43。 (二) 推動畜牧糞尿資源化利用政策 輔導20頭至199頭畜牧場協助完成廢(污)水管理計畫 截至109年11月30日,本計畫已輔導26家畜牧業者,其中已受理19家畜牧業廢(污)水管理計畫申請,並已完成審查並核准19家,離牧7家,詳表4.2-2及圖4.2-3,受理案件已全數會同桃園市養豬協會及各畜牧場負責人完成現勘,後依據現勘結果及書面內容已將相關意見提供業者參考,目前9件次畜牧業廢水管理計畫書平均審查日數約為17天,其中審查缺失,文件資料填寫不完整3次,檢附文件資料不齊全7次,現場處理設施與文件書面流向不一致1次,現場處理設施數量與書面文件數量不一致1次,檢附附件已逾期1次,填寫資料與附件不符合1次,詳P.4-9。 輔導畜牧業沼渣沼液作為農地肥分使用 截至109年11月30日已完成申請15家畜牧業沼液沼渣申請,並已於農業局審查中,本計畫針對桃園市轄內列管之畜牧業依據過去執行經驗調查其設施符合基本要求後,依據法規規範、使用經驗、畜牧場及周邊農民意願等因子,並針對電話及現場實際訪談及勘查紀錄優先篩選符合本計畫推廣之畜牧場,詳P.4-14。 桃園市沼液沼渣集運或施灌車輛或機具補助要點 本計畫協助機關彙整全台已訂定要點施行縣市內容,並於10月14日府環水字第1090258200號函發布實施,並協助2家畜牧業完成申請核定,總申請金額新臺幣540萬元,行政院環境保護署及桃園市政府合計補助新臺幣264萬6000元,其餘金額由畜牧業自行負擔,詳P.4-20。 追蹤本市通過肥分計畫案件每月施灌量 本計畫配合109年度環保署水污染考核作業中,統計各畜牧場每月施灌量,桃園市轄內截至109年11月30日,核准施灌畜牧業計35家,目前各核准施灌畜牧場中均有部分施灌,目前各農友反應成果良好,惟受限於農作物收成周期,部分月份施灌量較少,但仍建議朝1年2收作物耕作,如:稻米等作物,本計畫每月不定時以電話、親訪、LINE等方式聯繫,並告知施灌目標,整體施灌比率達63.4%。 經機關指定會議,如觀摩會、成果發表會、完工典禮 本計畫配合轄內申請沼氣發電之弘智畜牧場完工典禮,訂於9月舉行,該廠自民國107年推動申辦以來,歷時2年時間已建設完成並試車中,為擴大宣導沼氣發電及政府推動畜牧糞尿農地肥分使用,並於109年9月14日特舉辦完工啟用典禮,詳P.4-24。 (三) 高污染潛勢事業水污染防治管理 高污染潛勢事業查核 本計畫已完成417家次查核作業,查核結果215家次無缺失(含停歇業、許可申請中、試車變更中)比例達52%,其中214家次執行放流口採樣作業,在總查核家次比例中達51%,並有56家次放流水未符合放流水標準,在總採樣數中比例達26%其他202家次現場有缺失比例達48.5%,主要分為:許可文件缺失(如:與許可(文件)登載不一致)125家次,現場操作缺失(如:操作不當、管線未標示、單元未標示...等)106家次,放流口查核缺失(如:雨污水未分流、告示牌遺失、採樣道路未檢整)47家次,操作日報表缺失(如:填寫缺漏、未填寫表格)10家次,全部缺失次數達288家次,詳P.5-1。 水污染防治費申報查核作業 本計畫109年針對水污染防治費徵收查核對象篩選原因及原則為運作日數有疑義、畜牧業頭數申報有疑義及牧場登記證超過200頭無許可以頭數申報者。本年度本計畫執行目標為30家次,今年度共查核36家次,查核事業名單已由環保署下達總計為24家,另有18家為環保局局討論後選定之查核名單,另有6家次應辦理結算及停徵作業,已轉達其他委辦計畫作業,試算查核事業應追補繳之水污費金額,總計金額為1,160,273元,相關成果均函報行政院環境保護署覆核中,詳P.5-5。 提供河川污染影像監視資訊服務本計畫執行期間發現水質異常計8件次,現場立即派員前往巡查污染來源,其中為農田水利處、水務局、營建工地工程所致居多,已立即要求停止排放,並待水質清澈後再行離場,詳P.5-15。 協助設置河面垃圾清除攔除點 本計畫今年度擇定河面垃圾清除攔除點設置地點除依委員建議於南北各擇2處,其評估河道寬度、水深、清理便利性等因子後擇定,並避開汛期於10月14日完成設置,詳P.5-19。 (四) 水體污染事件緊急應變協力處理 水體污染事件緊急應變 截至109年11月30日,本計畫實際啟動或協助督導應變場次計3場次,該3場次均為油污染應變作業,1場次由本計畫啟動應變代為清除,餘2場次污染行為人均積極配合辦理應變作業,並於事件發生後7~14日內完成應變作業,有效降低水體污染負荷,本計畫均依機關要求前往督導,詳P.6-1。 (五) 其他行政配合事項 辦理經機關指定之水污染防治法等法規宣導會或說明會 本計畫協助環保局針對全市列管事業辦理水污染防治等法規說明會或環保局指定會議等至少6場次,並於8月辦理完畢,實際辦理2場次專責人員教育訓練、1場次營建工地逕流廢水削減宣導會、1場次技師查核及廢水處理教育訓練、1場次廢水自動監測(視)設施教育訓練、1場次底泥座談會議,詳P.7-1。 辦理環保署水質感測器物聯網作業 本計畫協助監看並通報環保局異常通報計14家次,環保局出勤稽查9趟次,採樣送驗5家次,違反放流水標準2家次,其中1家次裁處金額達新台幣273,000元,另1家次陳述意見中,預計裁處金額達新台幣180,000元,3家次檢驗合格。違規比率達40%,詳P.7-3。 追查可疑污染源、不明管線或重大水污染事件 本計畫配合稽查科、水保科於3月20日、3月27日前往台○化學股份有限公司蘆竹廠進行不明管線追查作業,本計畫調用協助管中探測攝影設備,清查管線流向及管中水體或異物,詳P.7-10。 ⚫協助地面水體垃圾攔除管理系統成果填報 本計畫於每月不定期前往轄內地面水體巡查並清除河川垃圾,本計畫清理之4處垃圾攔除點均為延續108年點位,各機關(單位)攔除成果均於環保署「地面水體垃圾攔除管理系統」登錄成果,截至109年10月31日,桃園市已有1,526次之攔除作業次數,1,711次巡檢次數,躍居全國之冠,詳P.7-11。 ⚫河川水質監測站巡查、異常追蹤及稽查應變 本計畫於每月進行水質監測站巡查、異常追蹤及稽查應變,截至109年11月30日,已配合行程完成桃園市轄內5大流域、6大河川共28處監測站之巡查工作,巡查過程有發現異常者如河岸邊工地、生活污水或畜牧廢水,皆做成紀錄並通報Line群組,追蹤污染來源並作成紀錄供水質分析作為參考,詳P.7-13。
中文關鍵字 水污染防治管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 9800 千元
專案開始日期 2020/02/04 專案結束日期 2020/11/30 專案主持人 廖君庸
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 劉亭鈞 執行單位 技佳工程科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年桃園市水污染源管制(含水污費)查核及水體污染應變協力處理計畫期末報告定稿.pdf 16MB

Water Pollution Source Control And Investigation(Including Water Pollution Control Fees),and Response to Water Pollution in Taoyuan,2020

英文摘要 (一) Industrial district water pollution prevention and control management (工業區水污染防治管理) Inspection for sampling at runoff wastewater discharge points in the industrial district, discharge points in combined sewage treatment plant and other assigned places In this project, on-site inspection and samplings exceeded effluent standards for 4 times, including 2 times in Guanyin Industrial Park Service Center (SS 28.2mg/L, COD 128mg/L、84mg/L;Pb 1.89mg/L), Guishan Water Recycling Center for once (COD 117mg/L) and Jhongli Industrial Park for once (COD 80.1mg/L). Please refer to Table 3.1-10 for its details. The improvements were all confirmed in secondary evaluation. The total reduction of SS was 155kg/d, COD was 3,563kg/d, as shown the details in p.3-1. Handle the industrial district (park) self-management meeting In this project, it has organized 3 industrial district self-management meetings on March 26, July 16 and October 15 in the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) to track the implementation effectiveness of each industrial district and review the self-management issues. In each quarterly review meeting, there were relevant major issues, including drainage pipe construction in Jhongli Industrial Park Service Center, progress of enterprises connecting into sewage system of Guishan Water Recycling Center, and high NH3-N concentration of Dapu Bridge of Nankan River due to NH3-N effluents from HWA YA Technology Park, as shown details in p.3-30. 廢(污)水處理設施功能評鑑作業) In this project, the on-site inspection and sampling were finished on June 23 and 24, and the preliminary and secondary functional evaluation of 2 industrial districts have been completed on July 31 and October 13, 2020. Functional evaluation report was submitted on October 13, 2020. 2 experts and scholars were invited to put forward feasible suggestions, ask manufacturers to propose improvement measures in the self-management meeting of the industrial district, and conduct follow-up tasks. Please refer to p3-34 for details. Counsel the effluent collection management in industrial areas The work of the effluent collection management in industrial areas were continuous tasks. There were no significant defects by comparing companies’ self-assessment reports and regular inspection declarations in this project. Only few industrial parks had minor defects such as typos or filling form errors, etc. Please refer to p.3-43. (二) Promote the policy on resource utilization from livestock manure Guide livestock farms with 20-199 livestock to acquire approval for wastewater management plan As of November 30, 2020, 26 livestock farms were received guidance, of which 19 farms who have submitted wastewater management plan applications have been accepted and approved, as shown details in Table 4.2-2 and Figure 4.2-3. Personnel in Taoyuan City Swine Association has completed on-site investigation and relevant opinions from investigation results have been provided to other farms for reference. The average number of reviewing days of the livestock wastewater management plan was 17 days, and the types of defects on documents incompletion were shown in p.4-9 for details. Guide livestock farmers to use biogas residue & biogas slurry as farmland fertilizer As of November 30, 2020, it has completed the applications of 15 livestock farmers for biogas residue & biogas slurry in this project, and the applications have been reviewed by the Development of Agriculture, Taoyuan City. The selecting principles of livestock farms for the promotion of this project were based on laws and regulations, previous use experience, the willingness of using digestate as fertilizer among livestock farms and surrounding farmers. Details were shown in p.4-14. Taoyuan City guidelines and procedures regarding grants for digestate carrying or irrigation vehicle This project has assisted the EPB of Taoyuan City to consolidate and compare the contents of the guidelines from other counties and cities in Taiwan that have been set for implementation; afterwards Taoyuan City guidelines and procedures was formally implemented on October 14, 2020. It has assisted 2 livestock farmers to complete the assessment of applications. The total application amount was NT$ 5.4 million, of which NT$ 2.646 million was subsidized by the EPA and Taoyuan City, and the remaining amount was charged by the livestock farmers. Please refer to p.4-20 for details. Track monthly irrigation volume on approved livestock farmsIn compliance of water pollution assessment of EPA in 2020, the irrigation volume in each livestock farm was calculated monthly. As of November 30, 2020, 35 livestock farms have been approved for irrigation. All of them have used digestate for agriculture, and the results were good. However, due to the growth and harvest cycle of crop, the amount of irrigation in certain months were relatively low. It was recommended to cultivate crops that were harvested twice a year such as rice. Every month the livestock farmers were informed the goal of irrigation by phone, personal visit or social app LINE, etc. The total irrigation rate achieved 63.4%. Policy propaganda meeting such as observation tour, outcomes presentation, or completion ceremony This project was scheduled to be held a completion ceremony in September of the Hongzhi (弘智) Livestock Farm for biogas power generation. It took 2 year to complete the construction and now is undergoing commissioning. A special opening ceremony on September 14, 2020 was held to promote the application of biogas and digestate fertilizer, as shown in p.4-24. Water pollution prevention and management of high pollution potential enterprises Enterprise on-site inspection operations (sewage charges inspection, business with high pollution potential inspection) This project has completed inspection of 417 enterprises, showing the results that 215 enterprises were no defects (52% of the total, including suspension or operations were closed, permit application on progress, and trial run alteration). 214 enterprises have demonstrated samplings tasks (51% of the total), of which the discharge wastewater of 56 enterprises exceeded effluent standards (26% of the total). 202 enterprises were found the unconformities (48.5% of the total), including 125 enterprises with report false information, 106 enterprises with operations defects, 47 enterprises with sampling points defects, 10 enterprises with operating daily report defects, as shown details in p.5-1. Inspection of Water Pollution Control Fee declaration The selecting principles for enterprises inspection on Water Pollution Control Fee of this project was those with doubtful operating days, doubtful declaration of the number of livestock, etc. The number of inspection goal for this year was 30 farms, at the end of this year there were 36 farms. The enterprises inspection list of 24 companies has been issued by the EPA, and there were 18 companies that have been selected by the EPB of Taoyuan City after discussion. 6 farms were supposed to settle the account and halt fee collection, and it have passed to other project for the task. After calculation of the amount of Water Pollution Control fee, the farms have been assessed supplementary fees of NT$ 1,160,273 following inspection, and the relevant results were reported to the EPA for review, as shown details in p.5-5. Provide river pollution image monitoring information service During the implementation of this project, 8 times of abnormal water quality were found. The site was inspected the source of pollution immediately, most of which were caused by the Taoyuan Management Office, Irrigation Agency, Department of Water Resources, and construction site projects. The discharge was immediately required to be stopped, and personnel stayed until the water quality was normal. More details were shown in p.5-15. Assist in setting up the cleanup and removal points for river garbage This project has chosen two garbage removal points in the south and the north, respectively, according to the recommendations of the committee members. Removal points were decided after considering the width and depth of the river, and the convenience of cleaning. The setting up was completed on October 14 in avoidance of the flood period, as shown in p.5-19. Collaborative treatment in emergency response to water body pollution incidents Emergency responses for Water body pollution As of November 30, 2020, this project has assisted 3 sessions of oil pollution contingency responses. It has performed clearance and disposal for 1 incident; for the rest 2 incidents, the polluters were responsible to perform emergency responses within 7-14 days and have decreased water body pollution load effectively. It has supervised the emergency responses in person according to the requirements of authority. Please refer to p.6-1 for the details of oil pollution responses. Assist to handle other related issues Conduct propaganda meeting or explanation meeting for Water Pollution Control Act This project assisted EPB of Taoyuan City in organizing total 6 sessions. 2 training seminars of exclusive personnel, 1 construction sites runoff wastewater pollution reduction seminar, 1 professional engineer inspection and wastewater management training seminar, 1 training seminar of wastewater automatic monitoring (surveillance) facilities, and 1 sediment management symposium were all carried out and finished in August of 2020. Please refer to details in p.7-1. IoT technology on water quality sensing were monitored and noticed to EPB of Taoyuan City for 14 times, of which EPB conducted inspections for 9 times, and samplings were conducted for 5 times. There were 2 times that exceeded the effluent standard, 1 of it was punished with a fine of NT$ 273,000, the other is submitting opinion and waiting for the result, and it is estimated the amount of fine will be NT$ 180,000. For more details, please refer to p.7-3. Trace suspicious pollution sources, unidentified pipelines or major water pollution incidents In this project, it has collaborated with Inspection Section, and Soil and Water Conservation Section of Taoyuan City EPB to conduct inspection of unidentified pipelines on March 20 and 27 to 台○化學 in Luzhu District. The flow and water body of pipelines were detected by camera-based equipment in this project. Please refer to p.7-10 for the details. Assist in submitting garbage removal results on 「Surface Water Body Garbage Intercept and Removal Management System」4 cleanup and removal points for river trash in this project were the same as 2019 set up. Every month the inspection for surface water body were executed and river garbage clearance was completed. The trash removal results were reported to EPA 「Surface Water Body Garbage Intercept and Removal Management System」. As of October 31, 2020, Taoyuan City has conducted 1,526 garbage interceptions and 1,711 inspections, ranking first in the country, as shown details in p.7-11. Water quality monitoring station’s inspection, follow-up abnormal situation tracing and responses for investigation As of November 30, 2020, the inspection of 28 monitoring stations in 5 major river basins and 6 major rivers in Taoyuan City has been completed. During the inspection process, abnormal situations such as riverside construction sites, domestic sewage or livestock wastewater were recorded and reported to Line group, further to track the source of pollution and make water quality analysis, as shown details in p.7-13
英文關鍵字 water pollution