中文摘要 | 台灣四面環海,擁有豐富的海岸地貌,帶來多元的海岸活動也隨潮汐、洋流、氣候變化、陸域沖刷以及人為活動等因素而積累了各式各樣的廢棄物。為解決長久以來海岸環境清潔問題,行政院於109年推動「向海致敬」政策,目標為確立及界定海岸清潔,從「清理、減量、去化、透明、教育」5 個面向著手,統籌各部會、縣市權管單位妥適分工,使全臺每一吋海岸均有人負責清潔、管理與維護。然而,確立了各權管單位對海岸帶的清潔管理權責後,環保署如何落實海岸環境清潔與督促之責,擴大稽查的效益與力度? 目前各權管單位,以及國際間相關環保團體,執行海岸/海灘環境稽查作業,仍仰賴稽查人員實地走訪,快篩調查為主要調查方式。屏除稽查的效率與即時性外,尚有稽查人員的安全疑慮。因此,本計畫著重於如何將環境稽(巡)查管理與新興科技-無人飛行載具(UAV)結合,研擬具備執行效率與即時稽管的智慧管理機制。 本計畫已在短時間內(六個月),完成共計53趟次的海岸環境空拍任務,亦完成影像正射校正、拼接與廢棄物判釋圈選工作。更配合署內海岸清潔通報機制,於任務執行期間,針對海岸環境髒亂處,進行環境空拍與通報工作。 同時,為收整作業成果,建構資訊平台,方便署內未來海岸空拍成果之彙整與資訊調閱使用。更因應多趟次的實飛經驗,擬定海岸廢棄物清理工作之空中稽查作業程序與常態性無人飛行載具(UAV)稽查作業及運營管理機制,作為未來海岸環境清潔管理空中稽巡查管理之參考依據。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 海岸廢棄物調查、空拍、無人機、正射影像 |
專案計畫編號 | 經費年度 | 109 | 計畫經費 | 5240 千元 | |
專案開始日期 | 2020/12/23 | 專案結束日期 | 2021/06/30 | 專案主持人 | 吳秉耕 |
主辦單位 | 環管處 | 承辦人 | 李嘉祥 | 執行單位 | 環輿科技股份有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 海岸環境清潔維護推廣及成效管理計畫-空中稽(巡)查工作_工作成果報告.pdf | 38MB |
Project of Promoting the Maintenance of Clean Coasts and Performance Management Through Aerial Inspection and Patrol Operation
英文摘要 | Taiwan is surrounded by the ocean and has a rich coastal landform. It brings to various coastal activities but also the accumulation of all kinds of trash brought by the tide and current, climate change, washed out from the land and other human activities. In order to resolve the cleanliness issue of coastal environment, the Executive Yuan approved the “Salute to the Ocean: Coastal Cleanup & Maintenance Program” in 2020 that focuses on five aspects: cleanup, waste reduction, clearance, transparency and education. This program cooperate the ministries and local governments to ensure cleanliness, management and protection towards every inch of the coastline. Meanwhile, as the responsibilities of the units were formulated, issue on how the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPA) enhances its inspection efficiency and strengths were emerged. Currently, the governance units and international environmental groups rely on carrying out on-site coastal investigations while utilizing screening methods. Aside from its advantage as an efficient method, the safety of the investigators was concerned. Therefore, this project aims to integrate the environmental investigation management with innovative technology, the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), to develop an intelligent management mechanism that possesses both performance efficiency and immediacy. This project completed 53 coastal environmental aerial photography missions, orthophoto corrections, aerial-photos’ auto-stitching and trash identifications within six months. During the missions, aerial photography and trash reporting were also carried out at coastal regions with abundant trash by following the EPA reporting mechanism. Moreover, an information platform was established to integrate the results obtained and for future information collection and data access for the EPA. Due to the experience gained from the frequent aerial photography sessions, operating procedures of aerial inspections for coastal trash clean-up and a management mechanism for normality UAV inspection were established, which can be references for future aerial investigation on coastal environmental cleanliness management. | ||
英文關鍵字 | coastal waste survey, Aerial photography, unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV), orthophotos |