

中文摘要 本年度計畫作業項目包含:(1)有害空氣污染物環境監測工作,(2)重金屬空氣污染物調查、環境監測工作及檢測作業,(3)戴奧辛空氣污染物調查、環境監測工作及檢測作業,(4)產業調查及資料建立作業,(5)利用科學儀器追蹤工業區污染源,(6)突發事故緊急應變措施計畫書審查作業。 本計畫合約期程為109年3月26日起至109年12月31日,各項工作量化執行成果如下表,所有工作皆已完成合約量,各項工作成果說明如下: 一、有害空氣污染物監測作業 本計畫執行HAPs環境監測,採樣地點為新市區(南科防汛中心)及新營區(臺南市政府警察局新營分局)二處,採樣時間為5月、8月、11月、12月。 分析監測結果,揮發性有機物(87項)、醛酮類化合物(16項)及多環芳香烴(17項)大部份物種測值多低於檢量線最低濃度,但高於MDL濃度,在新營區檢出物種主要為丙酮及甲苯,新市區則為丙酮丙烷、二氯甲烷及甲苯,而酸鹼氣體(10項)主要特徵物種為氨氣,在二監測點均有檢出。 二、重金屬監檢測作業 本計畫執行重金屬環境監測,採樣地點為官田區(官田工業區服務中心)一處,採樣時間為5月、8月、11月、12月。 5月份監測結果與歷年(環保署於新營測站)監測結果進行比較,發現鋁、銅、錳、鉛及六價鉻濃度偏高,其中重金屬鉛最為明顯。另配合環保局專案稽查部份,本計畫亦針對電弧爐煉鋼業及中小型焚化爐執行管道24項重金屬檢測,檢測結果均符合排放標準。 三、戴奧辛監檢測作業 本計畫執行戴奧辛環境監測,採樣地點為官田區(官田工業區服務中心)一處,採樣時間為5月、8月、11月、12月。 分析戴奧辛監測結果,與全國一般空品測站歷年空氣中戴奧辛及呋喃和多氯聯苯監測結果比較,均位於歷年監測結果範圍內,無明顯偏高情形。 在排放管道檢測部分,係針對電弧爐煉鋼業及鋁二級冶煉執行管道戴奧辛檢測,檢測結果均符合排放標準。 四、工業區科學儀器污染溯源 本年度分析各工業區之異味陳情案件及排放量後,選定南科園區及臺南科工區執行工業區執行污染溯源工作,利用科學儀器掌握工業區內之污染熱區,再逐漸將範圍縮小到熱區內的工廠,同時針對工廠進行初步巡查,比對許可資料瞭解工廠的操作及污染排放狀況,釐清可能的污染樣態,後續依巡查結果鎖定工廠進行深入稽查。 在南科園區部分,已完成OP-FTIR 1點次及CC-FITR 2根次監測作業,OP-FITR量測期間共測得13項污染物,後續並導入無人機(UAV)搭載感測器,此二項方式獲得共5處污染熱區後,並利用微型氣相層析儀(Mitap) 於污染熱區下風處,量測空氣中VOC成分,再比對固定污染源資料庫後鎖定對象深入稽查。在臺南科技工業區部分,除先解析微型感測器數據篩出常出現高值地區外,亦導入無人機(UAV)搭載感測器全面量測工業區之VOC濃度,及利用微型氣相層析儀(Mitap)於污染熱區連續30日量測工業區下風處之VOC特徵。 統計本計畫於南科園區及臺南科工區執行科學儀器查核,由大範圍查核後各篩選出3家及5家固定源入廠稽查,查核結果,南科園區及科工區共有8家違反法令,顯示使用科學儀器,的確有其效果,而此類查核做法,亦與其他固定源計畫執行方式不同,可有效補齊管制缺口。 五、產業調查及資料建立作業 工作團隊係針對本市二家凹版印刷業原物料進行產業上游供應商調查,原料供應商僅一家位於臺南,其餘在其他縣市。另外在印刷業清查擴充部分,完成15家擴充業者,並建立於固定污染源資料庫系統。 六、空氣污染突發事故緊急應變措施計畫書 因應「空氣污染突發事故緊急應變措施管理辦法」施行,掌握轄區內納管之公私場所名單,共88家已全數審查完成。
中文關鍵字 重金屬、戴奧辛、有害空氣污染物


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 9119 千元
專案開始日期 2020/03/26 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 黃玉玫
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 楊秀真 執行單位 衛宇科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年度臺南市有害空氣污染物管制暨工廠突發事故應變管理計畫(定稿本)-公開版.pdf 14MB 109年度臺南市有害空氣污染物管制暨工廠突發事故應變管理計畫(定稿本)

2020 Control and inspection of Stationary sources on Hazardous Air Pollutants and management of factory Emergency Response Plan in Tainan City

英文摘要 This plan includes work items as follows: (1) Monitoring of hazardous air pollutants; (2) Monitoring of heavy metals in the air and factory chimney detection; (3) Monitoring of dioxin in the air and factory chimney detection; (4) Industry-specific surveys (5) Using scientific instruments to trace the source of pollution; (6) Review of the plan for emergency response to air pollution. This project, started from 26th March 2020 till 31th Decenber 2020, was empowered by a contract which issued by the Bureau of Environmental Protection, Tainan city. Summaries of work items are as follows: 1. Hazardous air pollutant monitoring operations This project implements HAPs environmental monitoring, and this project conducts sampling at two locations during the four seasons. Analyzing the monitoring results, the measured values of most species of volatile organic compounds (87 items), aldehydes and ketones (16 items) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (17 items) are mostly lower than the minimum concentration of the calibration line, but higher than the MDL concentration. The main species detected in the Xinying District were acetone and toluene, while the new urban area was acetone, propane, methylene chloride and toluene. The main characteristic species of acid-base gas (10 items) was ammonia, which was detected at both monitoring points. 2.Heavy metal monitoring and inspection operations This project implements heavy metal environmental monitoring for four seasons, and the sampling location is Guantian District (Guantian Industrial Zone Service Center). Comparing the monitoring results with the previous results, it is found that the concentrations of aluminum, copper, manganese, lead and hexavalent chromium are high. Among them, the heavy metal lead is the most obvious. It may be two factories in the industrial zone. Both of them are lead battery manufacturing industries. Therefore, priority is given to implementation The pipeline heavy metal inspection results meet the emission standards. The project also implements pipeline heavy metal testing for the electric arc furnace steelmaking industry and small and medium-sized incinerators, and the test results meet the emission standards. 3.Dioxin monitoring and inspection operations This project implements dioxin environmental monitoring for four seasons, and the sampling location is Guantian District (Guantian Industrial Zone Service Center). Analyzing the monitoring results of dioxin, and comparing with the monitoring results of dioxin, furans and PCBs in the air in general air quality monitoring stations across the country, there is no obvious high situation. In addition, the project also implements pipeline dioxin testing, and the test results meet the emission standards. 4.Using scientific instruments to trace the source of pollution This plan selects two industrial zones to implement pollution source tracing, from a large scale to the factories, and at the same time conduct preliminary inspections of the factories to confirm the facts of pollution. According to the results of the inspection, 3 companies in Nanke Park violated laws and regulations, and 3 companies in Science and Technology Zone violated laws and regulations, showing that the use of scientific instruments does have its effect. 5. Industry-specific surveys This project is aimed at two upstream suppliers in the gravure printing industry, only one is located in Tainan. In addition, 15 inspections in the printing industry have been completed and established in the fixed pollution source database. 6. Review of the plan for emergency response to air pollution In response to the implementation of the "Administrative Measures for Emergency Response Measures for Air Pollution Sudden Accidents", we have mastered the list of public and private places under the jurisdiction of the jurisdiction. A total of 88 places have been reviewed.
英文關鍵字 Dioxin、Heavy metals、HAPs