

中文摘要 臺南市政府環境保護局計畫成果報告摘要 一、計畫名稱:109年度臺南市噪音監測暨管理計畫 二、執行單位:捷思環能股份有限公司 三、計畫主持人:陳俊能 四、計畫期程:109年3月5日至110年3月4日 五、計畫經費:新臺幣2,950,000元整 六、執行成果摘要: 本計畫主要工作內容包含:執行臺南市一般地區環境音量及道路交通音量監測作業、執行民眾噪音陳情案件或經環保局指定位置監測作業、完成執行使用中機動車輛原地噪音量測作業、完成航空站查核作業及辦理航空噪音平行監測、完成協助檢討或修正本市噪音管制相關法規公告事宜及辦理相關噪音協商會(或宣導會或說明會)、定時更新網路資訊及時效性與維護臺南市噪音管制網站、配合執行行政院環境保護署環保機關績效考評中噪音管制項目工作及其他噪音管制業務(含廟會活動專案)相關交辦事項。各項工作成果摘要如下: (一)執行一般地區環境音量及道路交通音量監測作業:一般地區環境音量及道路交通音量監測,分別在12個環境噪音監測站與12個道路交通噪音監測站執行,本年度須達成192日監測,統計至110年1月底前已完成192日環境交通噪音監測,完成率100%,符合環保署考評規定,其各季監測結果及現場照片均已上傳至環保署噪音管制資訊系統網站。 (二)執行民眾噪音陳情案件或經環保局指定位置監測作業:本年度須達成8件次監測作業,已完成民眾噪音陳情案件共6件及環保局指定位置監測作業共2件,完成率100%,其監測結果均符合對應之噪音管制標準。 (三)執行使用中機動車輛原地噪音量測作業:本年度配合辦理58場次使用中機動車輛聯合欄檢勤務作業,於計畫期程中因應環保局需求增加9場次,共計67場,且攔(巡)查數至少須達1,300輛,攔檢至少須達200輛,109年度共執行68場次使用中機動車輛聯合欄檢勤務作業、攔(巡)查數共計1,393輛、攔檢數共計463輛,完成率100 %,其中攔檢告發為180輛,告發率為39 %;檢舉車輛召回數輛2,032輛,回檢數輛1,627輛,告發為39輛,改善完成率82 %。 (四)航空站查核作業及辦理航空噪音平行監測:本年度完成臺南機場及歸仁基地第1季至第4季季報告書、航空噪音監測站及監控中心查核作業,另執行場外航空站噪音監測2點次已全數監測完畢。 (五)協助檢討或修正本市噪音管制相關法規公告事宜及辦理相關噪音協商會(或宣導會或說明會):本年度的工作重點之一為噪音管制法第7條、第8條及第9條,協助辦理檢討、修正或重新劃定公告法制作業程序。其中噪音管制法第7條於110年1月13日正式公告;噪音管制法第8條於110年2月8日正式公告;噪音管制法第9條第1項第6款公告於106年3月14日正式公告,本年度蒐集本市現況並彙整各縣市公告,經檢討後維持原公告。另本年度共完成2場噪音宣導說明會,完成率100%。109年5月7日完成辦理「臺南市歸仁機場航空噪音防制區討論說明會」、109年9月30日辦理109年度「臺南市校園污染管制宣導說明會」。 (六)執行行政院環境保護署環保機關績效考評中噪音管制項目工作:每季於噪音管制資訊系統(http://ncs.epa.gov.tw/ncs/)上傳各項執行資料,並於每年度結束後彙整成冊提交環保局,審核後提報行政院環境保護署。本年度績效考評獲得總分為2.8分(滿分為3分)。 (七)其他噪音管制業務(含廟會活動專案)相關交辦事項:主要事項為協助廟會活動專案稽查,本年度共協助7場;環境中非游離輻射量測,本年度須完成極低頻或射頻非游離輻射量測數共計30件,已全數完成,完成率100%;每月定期更新網站最新消息,以及每季更新環境及交通音量監測結果,並即時更新相關活動資訊及連結。
中文關鍵字 噪音


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 2950 千元
專案開始日期 2020/03/05 專案結束日期 2021/03/04 專案主持人 陳俊能
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 劉蕙瑄 執行單位 捷思環能股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年度臺南市噪音監測暨管理計畫期末報告-定稿.pdf 42MB 109年度臺南市噪音監測暨管理計畫期末報告

Noise Monitoring and Management 2020 in Tainan City

英文摘要 Project Results Summary of Environmental Protection Bureau, Tainan City Government 1. Project Title: Noise Monitoring and Management 2020 in Tainan City 2. Executive Organiser: JS Environmental Technology and Energy Saving Co., Ltd 3. Principal Investigator: Jun-neng Chen 4. Dates: 5th March 2020 to 4th March 2021 5. Budget: NT$ 2,950,000 6. Executive Summary The major tasks of this project are to: (1) monitor and measure noise levels in general areas and noise from road traffic in Tainan City; (2) monitor and measure sites from citizens’ complaints and designated sites by the EPB; (3) measure the noise levels of the stationary noise of operating motor vehicles; (4) inspect the airport and measure the parallel noise level of aircrafts; (5) assist in reviewing and revising noise control relevant regulation announcement of Tainan City and organise noise relevant consultative meetings (or promotion, information meetings); (6) update online information regularly and maintain the noise control website of Tainan City; (7) report to the Performance Evaluation of Environmental Protection Agency by the EPA on progress of noise control; other assignments such as religious events noise control. The results are summarized below. (1) Monitor and measure noise levels in general areas and noise from road traffic in Tainan City: In this project, the monitoring and measuring are completed in 12 environmental noise measuring stations and 12 road traffic noise measuring stations. As required, the monitoring days amount to 192 days by the end of January 2021 at an achievement rate of 100%. The monitoring results accord with the evaluating regulations of the EPA. The data and photos of each season are uploaded to the Noise Control Information System of the EPA. (2) Monitor and measure noise pollution sites from citizens’ complaints and designated sites by the EPB: 8 monitoring procedures are executed at an achievement rate of 100% -- 6 for citizens’ complaints and 2 for designated sites by the EPB. The results are in accordance with relevant noise control regulations. (3) Measure noise levels of the stationary noise of operating motor vehicles: It is estimated that 67 inspecting events would be held in this project as 58 are prescribed in the task description and the extra 9 are demanded by the EPB. The task description also requires that there should be at least 1,300 motor vehicles pulled over and 200 measured. In the actual implementation, 68 inspecting events are held while 1,393 vehicles are pulled over and 463 are measured. The rate of achievement is 100%. Among them, 180 are reported to the authority at a reporting rate of 39%. As for vehicles noise complaints, 2,032 vehicles are called on and 1,627 are measured. 39 are reported. The improvement rate is 82%. (4) Inspect the airport and measure the parallel noise level of aircrafts: seasonal reports of Tainan Airport and Gui-ren airdrome are completed from season 1 to 4. Aircrafts noise measuring station and monitoring centre are inspected. Besides, noise measurement outside the airport is done in 2 sites. (5) Assist in reviewing and revising noise control relevant regulation announcement of Tainan City and organise noise pollution relevant consultative meetings (or promotion, information meetings): one of the key tasks of this project is to assist in reviewing and revising, or recreating the announcing procedure of the legal process for the Noise Control Act Articles 7, 8, and 9. Article 7 is announced on 13rd January 2021 while Article 8 on 8th February 2021 and Article 9-I and subparagraph on 14th March 2017. In this project, after researches and reviews on the current situation in Tainan City and the announcements of other cities, it is decided that the original announcement is maintained. Regarding the consultative meetings, 2 noise control promoting meetings are realized at an achievement rate of 100%. They are “Aircrafts Noise Pollution Prevention Area Information Meeting” on 7th May 2020 and “Pollution Control in Campus in Tainan City” on 30th September 2020. (6) Report to the Performance Evaluation of Environmental Protection Agency by the EPA on progress of noise control: uploading the executive information and results to the Noise Control Information System (http://ncs.epa.gov.tw/ncs/) every season, compiling an annual report to the EPB and subsequently submitting the EPB-authorized report to the EPA. The result of performance evaluation this year is 2.8 points (the full marks are 3). (7) Other assignments relating to noise pollution control: this project also assists in inspecting 7 religious events in temples. Besides, 30 non-ionizing radiation measurements in the environment are done at an achievement rate 100% including Extremely Low Frequency or Radio Frequency. The website is maintained and updated every month to provide the monitoring results of noise level in the environment and from the traffic, as well as information and links for the latest events.
英文關鍵字 noise