

中文摘要 本計畫執行工作項目包括「公廁提升」、「環境改善」、「垃圾強制分類及垃圾減量相關工作」、「大型廢棄物清運服務案件」、「辦理減塑及資源再使用相關宣傳工作」、「配合環保署環境清潔考核工作」,「協助機關登載Eco-life系統相關資料」及「其他配合機關各項計畫進行所需之必要(環境清潔考核、公廁提升、垃圾減量等)整理資料」等主要項目。各項工作執行成果摘要如下: 在公廁品質提升工作項目部分,目前公廁列管總數671座,累積公廁巡檢次數共計4,672次,其中包括特優2,635次、優等1,292次及普通745次。為提升轄內整體公廁等級,本計畫另每月加強巡檢本市之觀光景點公廁,累計巡檢共計1,401次。而在指定重點巡查26座公廁之巡檢頻率,調整為2週1次,累積巡檢次數為536座次。108年度已認養之公廁共計97座,共巡檢264座次;而109年度今年度已完成新認養114座公廁,包含82座提供公廁耗材(清潔劑)、32座提供公廁巡檢,今年度巡檢次數共160座次。並已輔導6處(合計16座)公廁通過公廁特優場所認證,另於10月8日辦理「公廁特優場所認證及公廁認養單位表揚會」,表揚環保志工小隊及企業團體協助認養公廁、辦理環境整潔維護工作不遺餘力,期盼透過政府與民間企業團體之力,提供市民更舒適優質的如廁環境。 今年度針對公廁硬體設備及維護檢查紀錄項目,輔導成效顯著,明年度將著重於輔導管理單位加強「清潔維護」,落實「不濕、不髒、不臭」之宗旨,因公廁之潔淨與公共衛生有關,其所有人、管理人應善盡清潔與維護之責,如經計畫人員持續輔導後仍未改善或配合度低之公廁管理單位,將依據廢棄物清理法第11條第1款規定,進行開立處分,使各公廁管理單位重視維護之責。 在環境改善工作項目部分,空地空屋列管查核,共計列管355處,已於4月10日前清查完畢,並於7月底前將待改善的102處複查完畢。而針對髒亂點監控削減作業原本列管12處,依照區域分布分為東區6處及西區6處,已有效削減8處,剩下列管4處,包含東區2處、西區2處,巡檢次數已達186次。另本計畫亦協助清潔證明現場檢查,依實際交辦案件辦理共完成190件。至於執行本市觀光景點及夜市環境整潔巡檢亦已完成102點次。 在垃圾強制分類及垃圾減量工作項目部分,首先為破袋稽查,已在109年2月4日辦理第一場研商會議,並於109年2月7日提送破袋執行規劃書經環保局同意備查;然因受新冠肺炎疫情影響,暫停辦理破袋相關會議及破袋稽查,並自4月起破袋稽查工作項目亦暫時改為廢棄口罩稽查,直至6月11日恢復破袋稽查,因此破袋第二場會議-破袋教育訓練順延於7月8日辦理,而第三場會議-破袋檢討會則於10月16日辦理,執行沿線破袋稽查共150處,破袋數1,562包,因去年度已執行過破袋稽查及垃圾分類宣導作業,民眾普遍已建立垃圾分類觀念,因此僅開立10張勸導單;而廢棄口罩棄置巡檢自4月份開始執行,累積稽查945處次,共計5,925點次。關於本市轄內茶葉渣及舊衣回收排出相關規定調查工作業已完成。在辦理轄內資源回收物變賣流向查核工作項目,已針對列管26家進行查核,共計完成37次完整串聯式流向追蹤。此外,利用本市資源回收網,宣導資源回收項目及排出方式累計完成10次。而協助大型廢棄物清運服務案件載運判定,共已協助判定337件。 在辦理減塑及資源再使用相關宣傳工作項目部分,已與市集合作辦理餐具租賃活動2場,邀請店家與民眾一同參與使用環保餐具及環保杯。此外,並搭配端午節慶(6月15日~6月30日)以及父親節(8月3日~8月18日)共辦理2場次自備環保杯贈好禮活動,總計199人次響應活動。另為強化市民「減塑生活 從你我開始」觀念,今年度特別針對本市便當店、小吃店、甜點店等餐飲業商店為主進行推廣減塑友善商店認證,並於9月2日通過執行規劃書後開始加強輔導,共有35家店家通過認證,其中有22家來自於本市文化夜市,推廣文化商圈成為減塑示範區,將該商圈打造為「環保友善夜市」,更於10月8日辦理「減塑認證表揚會」,鼓勵店家改變使用一次性餐具之經營模式及民眾的消費習慣,期盼提高民眾使用環保餐具意願。 而在二手袋回收及取用點推廣,本年度已洽談10處公寓大廈設置,並於6月17日將二手袋回收及取用櫃子全數擺放至指定之公寓大樓管理室內。在媒體宣傳活動方面,已於8月8日本市文化創意產業園區辦理,當日活動主打「租賃環保杯及鼓勵民眾自備環保杯逛市集」,並透過Line訊息推播、臉書直播、Instagram直播活動辦法及民眾使用環保杯之狀況等,加強媒體宣傳,共有2,150人次觀賞該影片並獲讚83人次。針對二手物店家,今年度已蒐集24家二手物買賣、二手玩具回收管道、捐送及回收名單,並將二手物品尋寶地圖建置於本市資源回收網及行政院環境保護署建置之「不用品再使用及維修站藏寶地圖」網頁內,讓二手物品能再度被活化使用。而關於二手物品交換活動,本計畫係以「回收二手袋」為交換主軸,分別於6月12日配合蘭潭國中校慶運動會之「愛物惜物市集」、6月19日搭配北園國小「稻香幣」換二手物活動以及7月8日與民族國小「惜物跳蚤市集」合作,進行試辦二手物品交換活動,共回收2,430個二手袋。而資源再使用說明會,則以「廚餘再利用」為主軸,分別於盧厝里及致遠里各辦理1場次。另外,二手物交換展售站業已與本市再耕園-希望小舖洽談合作,規劃改善該處交換展售空間。 在其他交辦案件上,本計畫人員協助「狗便立牌」巡檢維護工作,共設置10處狗便袋放置點,固定每兩週巡檢一次,累計巡檢220處次,主要工作為狗便袋提供及設施完整性檢查,以供民眾使用,維護環境清潔。 針對轄內廚餘養豬場及曾以廚餘養豬而目前未取得再利用檢核之畜牧場進行稽查,累計巡檢97處次。
中文關鍵字 優質公廁、環境衛生、衛生紙丟馬桶、公廁巡查、公廁評比、減塑、垃圾減量


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 3800 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/03 專案結束日期 2020/12/06 專案主持人 林健文
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 張永信 執行單位 志欣環保工程有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年嘉義市公廁提升及環境改善暨垃圾減量回收工作計畫-期末.pdf 30MB 109年公廁提升及環境改善暨垃圾減量回收工作計畫-期末報告

109 Chiayi City Public Toilet Upgrade and Environmental Improvement and Waste Reduction and Recycling Work Plan

英文摘要 The key items executed in the program include “public toilet enhancement”, “environment improvement”, “work related to compulsory garbage sorting and garbage re-duction”, “service of bulky waste disposal”, “pro-motion of plastic waste reduction and recycling”, “cooperation with Environmental Protection Admin-istration for environmental cleaning assessment”, “assisting institutions publishing information in Eco-life system”, and “other necessary data (envi-ronmental cleaning assessment, public toilet enhancement, and garbage reduction) required for carrying out different programs in the institution”. The summary of the executing performance for each item is as below: Until November 30th, 2020, the executing outcome of the program is as below. In term of the items for public toilet quality enhancement, the total number of public toilets listed for monitoring is 671 toilets at the moment. The accumulated number of public toilet inspection was 4,672 times, of which 2,635 times of them were rated as distinction, 1,292 times of them excellent, and 745 times of them ordinary. In order to enhance the overall level of public toilet within jurisdiction, the program also included the additional inspection of public toilets at the tourism attractions in our city every month. The number of the accumulated inspection was 1,401 times in total. Moreover, the inspection frequency at the 26 public toilets appointed for key inspection was adjusted to once every two weeks and the accumulated inspection time was 536 toilets/ times. The number of public toilets that have been sponsored for cleaning in 2019 was 97 toilets, and the number of inspections was 264 toilets/ times. In 2020, an additional 114 public toilets have been sponsored so far including public toilet consumables (cleaning agents) were provided to 82 toilets and public toilet inspection were provided to 32 toilets. The number of inspections this year was 160 toilets/ times plus public toilets in 6 locations (16 toilets in total) have been supervised to pass the certification of distinctive public toilets. In addition, “distinctive public toilet certification and public toilet sponsor compliment ceremony” was held on October 8th to praise environmental-protection volunteer teams as well as enterprises’ efforts in sponsoring public toilets and helping environmental cleaning maintenance. It is anticipated to provide citizens a comfortable and good-quality toilet environment through the efforts between government and private enterprises. For the equipment in restrooms as well as items for maintenance inspection and recording this year, the consulting was significant and effective. For the next year, the focus will be on the consulting unit’s improvement of “cleaning and maintaining” in order to put the philosophy of “wet-less, dirt-less, and odor-less” into practice. As the cleanness of restrooms is related to hygiene and public health, the owners and managers shall fulfill their responsibilities of cleaning and maintenance. In case of restroom managing units failing to improve or with low cooperative intention after the continuing consulting from the project personnel, the central office will initiate penalty in accordance with Article 11(1) of Waste Disposal Act to ensure that each unit can take their responsibilities of maintaining restrooms into account. In terms of the items for environmental improvement, vacant lots and houses are listed for inspection. There are 355 locations listed for monitoring, and they have all been inspected before April 10th. The 102 locations pending for improvement shall be re-inspected by the end of July. As for the original listed 12 locations for messy spot monitoring and reduction, they are 6 in the East District and 6 in the West District according to the regional distribution. Currently, 8 locations have been effec-tively eliminated and 4 locations are still under monitoring, including 2 in the East District and 2 in the West District. The number of inspections was 186 locations/ times. Additionally, the program also assists on-site inspection for cleaning certificate. There were 190 cases completed according to the actual case number. The inspection of tourism attraction and night market en-vironment in the city has been completed 102 spots/ times. In terms of items for compulsory garbage sorting and garbage reduction, the first is tearing the bag for inspection. The first research and communication con-ference has been held on February 4th, 2020, and the proposal for bag-tearing implementation has been submitted to and approved by Department of Environmental Protection on February 7th, 2020. Due to the impact of COVID-19, the relevant conferences of bag-tearing implementation and bag-tearing inspection have been suspended temporarily. From April, the items for bag-tearing inspection have been suspended and swapped to waste mask inspection. The bag-tearing inspection was resumed on June 11th. Therefore, the second conference for bag-tearing, which is bag-tearing educational training, was postponed to July 8th while the third conference – bag-tearing evaluation meeting was held on October 16th. There were 150 spots carried out bag-tearing inspection along the route of garbage truck, and 1,562 bags of garbage were torn. Due to the bag-tearing inspection and promotion of garbage sorting have been carried out last year, the public generally have the concept of garbage sorting. Therefore, only 10 warning tickets were issued. Moreover, the inspection of waste mask disposal started in April, and 945 locations/ times have been accumulated inspected with 5,925 spots/ times in total. In addition, the relevant regulation and investigation regarding to the tea leaves and second-hand clothing recycling in the city were also completed. In terms of the inspection items of the selling and destination of recycling in the city, there are 26 companies listed for inspection and 37 times of complete series tracking have been implemented. Besides, the items and discharging methods of recycling have been promoted 10 times through the recycling network in the city. As for the determination of bulky waste disposal service, 337 cases have been assisted for determination. For the items related to the promotion of plastic waste reduction and recycling, we have worked with markets for two sessions of tableware rental activities to invite the shops and the public participating in using reusable tableware and reusable mugs. Also, we held two sessions of free gift for bring your own mug to coordinate with Dragon Boat Festival (June 15th ~ June 30th) and Father’s Day (August 3rd ~ August 18th). There were 199 participants for the activities. Moreover, in order to strengthen the concept of “the life of plastic waste reduction starts from you and me” among citizens, we promoted friendly shop certification for plastic waste reduction on the catering industry, including lunch box shops, diners, and dessert shops in the city. The implementation proposal has been approved on September 2nd before starting the supervision, and there were 35 shops passed certification. 22 of them are from Wen-Hua Night Market in our city, and Wen-Hua Commercial District has been promoted to the demonstration area for plastic waste reduction to create the commercial district as “eco-friendly night market”. “Plastic waste reduction recognition ceremony” was held on October 8th to encourage shops changing the operational mode of using disposable dishware as well as the consumption habits among the public. It is anticipated that the willingness of the public using eco-friendly dishware will be enhanced. For the promotion of second-hand bag recycling and collecting spots, we have negotiated with 10 buildings to install it. The cabinets for second-hand bag recycling and collecting have been placed to the security office in the appointed buildings on June 17th. In terms of media promotion, it has been held at Cultural and Creative Industrial Park in our city on August 8th. The activity of the day focused on “reusable mug rental and encouraging the public bring their own mugs to the market”. The activity information and the situation of the public using reusable mugs were broadcasted live through Line message push notification, live stream on Facebook, and live stream on Instagram to strengthen media promotion. There were 2,150 people watching the video and 83 of them pressed like. As for the second-hand shops, we have collected the list of 24 second-hand shops, second-hand toy recycling channels, donation, and recycling this year as well as established second-hand hunting map on the recycling network in our city and on the website of “hunting map for reusing items that were not used and its maintenance station” built by Environmental Protection Admin-istration, Executive Yuan to activate and reuse the second-hand items. Regarding the second-hand exchange activity, the program focused on the exchange of “recycling second-hand bag” and held second-hand items exchange pilot activities at “market of cherishing second-hand items” held in Lan Tang Junior High School Sports Day for Anniversary Celebration on June 12th, the activity of exchanging second-hand items with “dao xiang coin” held by Bei Yuan Elementary School on June 19th, and “flea market” held in Min Zu Elementary School on July 8th. There were 2,430 second-hand bags recycled in total. In addition, resource cycling presentation focused on “kitchen waste recycling”. Individual session was held at Lucuo Village and Zhiyuan Village each. Besides, Second-hand Item Exchange and Display Station has been coordinated with Zai Geng Yuan-Hope Shop for cooperation to plan the improvement of exchange and display space at the spot. For other cases assigned, personnel for the program assisted the inspection and maintenance of “dog poo sign stand”. There are 10 spots for dog poo bags installed and they will be inspected regularly every two weeks. The accumulated time of inspection was 220 locations/ times. The main task is to provide dog poo bags as well as the complete inspection on the facility for the public to use and for the maintenance of the environment. We also carried out inspection on pig farms within jurisdiction using kitchen waste as well as stock farms that used to raise pigs with kitchen waste but not obtain reutilization inspection. There were 97 locations/ times inspected.
英文關鍵字 Premium public convenience, Environmental sanitation, Throwing toilet paper into the toilet, Public convenience inspection, Public convenience appraisal, Plastic re-duction, Waste reduction